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Field of Study

Oncology Nursing
Adult and Gerontological Nursing

Subject of Study

Development of the program for self-care promotion to the cancer patients (oncology patient, self-care, Providing information)
Palliative care for receiving serious treatment, Decision making and QOL in older people
(がんリハビリテーション, 就労)

Book / Paper


1. Misako Kojima, Reiko Sato, 樺澤 三奈子, 三木 幸代 and Chiemi Onishi :
危機状況にある患者・家族の危機の分析と看護介入 事例集 第2版,
KINPODO, INC., Kyoto, Jul. 2017.
2. Chiemi Onishi, 典子 秋元, 明石 恵子, 阿部 恭子, 井上 智子 and 他 :
周手術期看護論 第3版,
ヌーヴェルヒロカワ, Tokyo, Apr. 2014.
3. 小松 浩子, 井上 智子, 麻原 きよみ, 内布 敦子, Chiemi Onishi, 安酸 史子 and 吉田 千文 :
系統看護学講座専門分野Ⅱ成人看護学概論 第14版,
IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, Jan. 2014.
4. 江川 幸二, 山勢 博彰, 明石 恵子, 阿部 美佐子, 伊藤 聡子, 伊藤 伸子, 井上 和代, 井上 昌子, 宇都宮 明美, 大江 理英, Chiemi Onishi and その他 :
看護のためのクリティカルケア場面の問題解決ガイド 基礎からわかる臨床に生かす倫理調整,
三輪書店, Tokyo, Oct. 2013.
5. 井上 智子, 典子 秋元, 岡田 忍, Chiemi Onishi, 佐伯 由香, 武田 祐子, 田中 美恵子 and 山内 典子 :
Abasic of nursing science about the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential health problems,
ライフサポート社, Yokohama, Jun. 2013.
6. Chiemi Onishi and 玉村 尚子 :
Feb. 2013.
7. 小松 浩子, 中根 実, 神田 清子, 嘉和知 靖之, 星 章彦, Chiemi Onishi and 他 :
系統看護学講座 別巻 がん看護学,
IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, Feb. 2013.
8. Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Takae Bando :
Dec. 2012.
9. Chiemi Onishi :
日総研, Sep. 2011.
10. Chiemi Onishi :
Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, Jun. 2011.
11. 小松 浩子, 井上 智子, 浅原 きよみ, 内布 敦子, Chiemi Onishi, 安酸 史子 and 吉田 千文 :
成人看護学総論 成人看護学①第13版改訂,
IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, Jan. 2010.
12. 大西 和子, 岡部 聡子, 明石 恵子, 池田 久乃, 池松 裕子, 石川 ふみ子, 大川 明子, Chiemi Onishi and 他 :
成人看護学 成人看護学概論 大2版,
ヌーヴェルヒロカワ, Tokyo, Feb. 2009.
13. Chiemi Onishi :

Japan Medkal Journal, Feb. 2009.
14. Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
15. Hiroko Komatsu, Tomoko Inoue, Kiyomi Asahara, Shoko Arakawa, Noriko Iba, Chiemi Onishi, Humiko Yasukata and Chihumi Yoshida :
系統看護学講座 専門5,成人看護学1,成人看護学総論 第12版,
IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, Feb. 2005.
16. Chiemi Onishi, 秋元 典子, 明石 恵子, 井上 智子, 江川 幸二, 江本 厚子, 木村 紀美, 久保 五月, 小原 泉, 佐藤 正美, 谷口 陽子, 西田 文子, 花田 正美, 眞嶋 朋子, 水野 道代, 森 恵子, 森本 美智子, 吉田 千文, Sumiko Yoshinaga, 渡邊 朱美 and 渡邉 眞理 :
成人看護学 周手術期看護論,
ヌーヴェルヒロカワ, Tokyo, Jan. 2005.
17. 大西 和子, 岡部 聡子, 明石 恵子, 池松 裕子, 石川 ふみよ, 井村 香積, 内布 敦子, 大石 ふみ子, 大川 明子, Chiemi Onishi, 黒江 ゆり子, 櫻井 しのぶ, 佐藤 美佐子, 鈴木 志津恵, 田中 久美子, 田村 正枝, 中川 雅子, 中西 純子, 藤田 佐和, 藤野 彰子, 普照 早苗, 森田 夏実 and 矢田 眞美子 :
成人看護学 成人看護学概論,
ヌーヴェルヒロカワ, Tokyo, Jan. 2005.
18. Hiroko Komatsu, Tomoko Inoue, Kiyomi Asahara, Shoko Arakawa, Noriko Iba, Chiemi Onishi, Humiko Yasukata and Chihumi Yoshida :
系統看護学講座 専門5,成人看護学1,成人看護学総論 第11版,
IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, Feb. 2002.
19. Tomoko Inoue, Chiemi Onishi, Yayoi Saito, Kyouko Abe, Shiho Amano, Kouji Egawa, Kumiko Ogata, Chiemi Kawanishi, Michiyo Mizuno, Masami Sato, Mitsuko Obata and 他 :
KENPAKUSHA, Tokyo, Jun. 2000.
20. Chiemi Onishi :
Medical Friend Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Aug. 1997.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. 松岡 由江, Yoshie Imai and Chiemi Onishi :
Characterization of Empathic Attitudes of Nurses from the Perspective of End-stage Cancer Patients with Fatigue,
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.21, No.1, 22-29, 2023.
(CiNii: 1390297891918515072)
2. Kimiko Nakano, Shiroh Fujii, Reiko Yamahana and Chiemi Onishi :
Motivation for physical activity before and after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.,
Blood Cell Therapy, Vol.6, No.1, 11-17, 2023.
(DOI: 10.31547/bct-2022-016,   PubMed: 37324566)
3. Tomoko Sasai, 芝橋 秀宏, Hiroyo Shikone, 河原 良美, 三木 幸代, Akiyo Kanazawa, 東條 幸美, Chikako Kane, Naomi Hase, Akemi Nakano, 高開 登茂子, Yukie Iwasa and Chiemi Onishi :
Desires of patients receiving acute care in the community-based integrated care system,
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.20, No.1, 14-24, 2022.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010605,   DOI: 10.32273/jni.002,   CiNii: 1390294045393214592)
4. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Aki Takahashi and Kazuya Kondo :
Effect of Observing Surgery during Clinical Adult Nursing Practicum on Postoperative Nursing from the Perspective of Students,
Shikoku Acta Medica, Vol.77, No.5,6, 221-227, 2021.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009977,   CiNii: 1050302547376825984)
5. Takae Bando, Kazuya Kondo, Chiemi Onishi, Hiromitsu Takizawa, Yoshie Imai and 山田 和代 :
The Development of the Arm Fixation Method to Prevent Ipsilateral Shoulder Pain in Patients Undergoing Lung Resection,
Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 1-7, 2021.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jopan.2020.11.003,   PubMed: 34219013)
6. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
Hope-related experiences of lung cancer patients during postoperative recovery,
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, Vol.34, 41-49, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008114,   DOI: 10.18906/jjscn.34_bando_20200603,   CiNii: 1390285300162058496)
7. 上田 伊佐子, 太田 浩子, 小野 美穂, 浅野 早苗, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Akiko Abe :
Exploring the Psychological Adjustment of Female Cancer Survivors in Terms of Femininity,
Shikoku Acta Medica, Vol.76, No.1-2, 73-82, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007791,   CiNii: 1050583647829217408)
8. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
Relationship between Older persons with cancer' Coping Attitudes and Mental Adjustment,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.67, No.1,2, 44-50, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007684,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.67.44,   PubMed: 32378617,   Elsevier: Scopus)
9. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
Experience of the Nursing Students Who Took Charge of End-of-life Cancer Patients in Clinical Practice of Gerontological Nursing,
Palliative Care Research, Vol.15, No.1, 1-8, 2020.
(DOI: 10.2512/jspm.15.1,   CiNii: 1390846609800033536)
10. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
Treatment associated symptoms and coping of postoperative patients with lung cancer in Japan: Development of a model of factors influencing hope,
Japan Journal of Nursing Science : JJNS, Vol.20, No.3, 1-12, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2004801,   DOI: 10.1111/jjns.12193,   PubMed: 29152856)
11. Takae Bando, Kazuya Kondo, Chiemi Onishi, Koichiro Kajiura, Hiromitsu Takizawa, Yamada Kazuyo, Sato Hiromi and Yoshie Imai :
Ipsilateral shoulder pain in patients following lung resection in the decubitus position,
Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol.27, No.5-6, 1192-1197, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008113,   DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14163,   PubMed: 29148250,   Elsevier: Scopus)
12. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
Students' Care-related Attitudes during Geriatric Nursing Training,
International Journal for Human Caring, Vol.21, No.4, 176-184, 2017.
(DOI: 10.20467/1091-5710.21.4.176)
13. Tomoko Sasai and Chiemi Onishi :
Relationship between uncertainty and emotions in advanced lung cancer patients after initial therapy,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.64, No.1.2, 96-100, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2004282,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.64.96,   PubMed: 28373636,   Elsevier: Scopus)
14. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
日本看護研究学会誌, Vol.39, No.2, 73-85, 2016.
(DOI: 10.15065/jjsnr.20151214008,   CiNii: 1390282680718386816)
15. Tomoko Sasai and Chiemi Onishi :
Management of Uncertainty by Patients with Lung Cancer between Diagnosis and Treatment,
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, Vol.30, No.1, 73-81, 2016.
(DOI: 10.18906/jjscn.18,   CiNii: 1390001204480053504)
16. Isako Ueta and Chiemi Onishi :
Journal of Japanese Society of Nursing Research, Vol.39, No.1, 9-17, 2016.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002897,   DOI: 10.15065/jjsnr.20150930002)
17. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
Postopearative Discomfort and Its Influence on daily Life in Patients with Lung cancer: A study Concerning the Period from Hospital Discharge to 6 Months After Surgery,
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, Vol.29, No.3, 18-28, 2016.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008112,   DOI: 10.18906/jjscn.2)
18. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
Elements of How Older Patients with Metastatic Cancer Come to "Nattoku" with Treatment,
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, Vol.30, No.3, 19-28, 2016.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003269,   DOI: 10.18906/jjscn.24,   CiNii: 1390282679458719872)
19. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori and Takae Bando :
Students' assessments of their patients' self-care agency during gerontological nursing practicum,
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.13, No.1 2, 12-19, 2015.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006330,   CiNii: 1050583647829806720)
20. 三木 幸代 and Chiemi Onishi :
Experiences of advanced and recurrent colorectal cancer patients with oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy,
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, Vol.28, No.1, 21-29, 2014.
(DOI: 10.18906/jjscn.2014-28-1-21,   CiNii: 1390001204480611200)
21. Yoshie Imai, Misako Nakagawa, Chiemi Onishi, Takae Bando, Kazuya Kondo, 森 恵子 and Akira Tangoku :
Actual condition of lymphedema prevention behavior of postoperative breast cancer patients without lymphedema,
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.12, No.1, 12-23, 2013.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006321,   CiNii: 1050020697876388096)
22. Tetsuya Tanioka, Shin-ichi Chiba, Chiemi Onishi, Mika Kataoka, Ai Kawamura, Masahito Tomotake, Christine L. Williams, Yuko Yasuhara and Kazushi Mifune :
Factors associated with discharge of long-term inpatients with schizophrenia in Japan: a retrospective study,
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Vol.34, No.4, 256-264, 2013.
(DOI: 10.3109/01612840.2012.742602,   PubMed: 23566188,   Elsevier: Scopus)
23. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Takae Bando, Keiko Mori, Toshiko Tada and Hiroko Ohta :
An actual condition survey on "career development regarding cancer nursing",
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.11, No.1,2, 41-51, 2013.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006318,   CiNii: 1050302172853100160)
24. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, 山田 和代, Keiko Mori, Takako Ichihara and Kazuya Kondo :
Effects of students introduced "Operating Room Visits Observation item List" in a Nursing Practicum,
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.11, No.1,2, 51-58, 2013.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006319,   CiNii: 1050583647829810432)
25. Keiko Mori, 三原 典子, 宮下 茉記, 寺岡 知里, 梅村 知佳, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Takae Bando and 三木 幸代 :
The effects of chemotherapy-induced alopecic experience on daily living,
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.11, No.1,2, 14-23, 2013.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006315,   CiNii: 1050583647829812224)
26. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Keiko Mori and Takako Ichihara :
Leaning Experiences of Students during Operating Room Visits in a Nursing Practicum Forcusing on Adult surgical Patients,
Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Education, Vol.22, No.2, 13-25, 2012.
(CiNii: 1520009408628075392)
27. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
Coping strategies and psychological adjustment among breast cancer patients with recurrence/metastasis,
Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, Vol.31, No.2, 42-51, 2011.
(DOI: 10.5630/jans.31.2_42)
28. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, Vol.25, No.1, 14-24, 2011.
(CiNii: 1390001204479988992)
29. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Yukiko Ushigoe and Hiroko Ohta :
Students' Learning and Embarrassment for the Nursing Process Based on Orem's Nursing Theory in the Gerontological Nursing Practicum,
Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Education, Vol.19, No.3, 37-46, 2010.
(CiNii: 1390010292836548736)
30. Takuro Nakano, Masako Sei, ASHRAF ABDEL AZIM EWIS, Hokumaq Munakata, Chiemi Onishi and Yutaka Nakahori :
Weight and height growth velocities of Japanese boys and girls between age 7 and 14 years: a critical window for early adolescent overweight risk,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.57, No.1 2, 124-132, 2010.
(DOI: 10.2152/jmi.57.124,   PubMed: 20299751)
31. Hokuma Munakata, Masako Sei, ASHRAF ABDEL AZIM EWIS, Mayumi Umeno, Youichi Sato, Takuro Nakano, Kozue Sakamoto, Yukiko Yoshida, Chiemi Onishi and Yutaka Nakahori :
Prediction of Japanese children at risk for complications of childhood obesity: gender differences for intervention approaches.,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.57, No.1-2, 62-68, 2010.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001178,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.57.62,   PubMed: 20299744)
32. Chiemi Onishi, Kyoko Yuasa, Masako Sei, ASHRAF ABDEL AZIM EWIS, Takuro Nakano, Hokuma Munakata and Yutaka Nakahori :
Determinants of life satisfaction among Japanese elderly women attending health care and welfare service facilities.,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.57, No.1-2, 69-80, 2010.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001177,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.57.69,   PubMed: 20299745)
33. Takuro Nakano, Masako Sei, ASHRAF ABDEL AZIM EWIS, Hokuma Munakata, Chiemi Onishi and Yutaka Nakahori :
Tracking overweight and obesity in Japanese children; a six years longitudinal study.,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.57, No.1-2, 114-123, 2010.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001176,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.57.114,   PubMed: 20299750,   CiNii: 1390001204243432832)
34. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Takako Ichihara :
Journal of Japan Operative Nursing Academy, Vol.5, No.1, 39-42, 2009.
(CiNii: 1521699231070249856)
35. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Toshiko Tada and Sumiko Yoshinaga :
Learning effect and problem by a base of Orem nursing theory in undergraduate students in gerontological nursing course,
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.7, No.1, 52-57, 2009.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006288,   CiNii: 1050302172853111552)
36. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本看護科学学会誌, Vol.31, No.2, 42-51, 2009.
37. Kyoko Yuasa, Masako Sei, Eiji Takeda, ASHRAF ABDEL AZIM EWIS, Hokuma Munakata, Chiemi Onishi and Yutaka Nakahori :
Effects of lifestyle habits and eating meals together with the family on the prevalence of obesity among school children in Tokushima, Japan: a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey.,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.55, No.1-2, 71-77, 2008.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2004038,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.55.71,   PubMed: 18319548,   Elsevier: Scopus)
38. Toshiko Tada, Yasuko Matsushita, Tetsuya Tanioka, 山本 澄子, 岡本 佐智子, 原 祥子, Chiemi Onishi, Chiemi Kawanishi, Shu-ichi Ueno and 小林 春雄 :
Functions required for walking supporting devices to improve the level of elderly people's quality of life in Japan,
Information : an International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol.10, No.5, 709-717, 2007.
39. Toshiko Tada, Tetsuya Tanioka, Fumiko Hashimoto, Yasuko Matsushita, Ruriko Yamashita, Chiemi Kawanishi and Chiemi Onishi :
Clarification of Caring Behaviors by the Family of Elderly Relations Living in Rural Japan,
International Journal for Human Caring, Vol.11, No.11, 25-29, 2007.
40. Michiyo Mizuno, Chiemi Onishi and Fumiko Ouishi :
Truth Disclosure of Cancer Diagnoses and Its Influence on Bereaved Japanese Families.,
Cancer nursing, Vol.25, No.5, 396-403, 2002.
(DOI: 10.1097/00002820-200210000-00011,   PubMed: 12394567)

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
A literature review on factors affecting psychological adjustment and coping among breast cancer survivors,
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, Vol.25, No.1, 46-53, 2011.
(CiNii: 1390282679456781056)
2. 高橋 奈津子, 佐藤 幹代, 長瀬 雅子, 小島 善和, 藤村 龍子 and Chiemi Onishi :
Tokai University, School of Health Sciences bulletin, Vol.9, 75-79, 2004.
(CiNii: 1050580936885672192)
3. Chiemi Onishi and 大石 ふみ子 :
Tokai University, School of Health Sciences bulletin, Vol.8, 59-63, 2003.
4. 佐藤 幹代, 高橋 奈津子, 大石 ふみ子, 藤村 龍子, Chiemi Onishi, 江川 幸二 and 小島 善和 :
Tokai University, School of Health Sciences bulletin, Vol.7, 17-25, 2002.
5. 江川 幸二, Chiemi Onishi, 小島 善和, 大石 ふみ子, 佐藤 幹代, 高橋 奈津子 and 藤村 龍子 :
Tokai University, School of Health Sciences bulletin, Vol.7, 1-8, 2002.
6. Chiemi Onishi and 大石 ふみ子 :
Tokai University, School of Health Sciences bulletin, Vol.7, 97-102, 2002.

Review, Commentary:

1. Chiemi Onishi and 玉村 尚子 :
Japanese Journal of Cancer Care, Vol.18, No.2, 172-175, Feb. 2013.
2. Chiemi Onishi :
看護教育, Vol.48, No.3, 190-197, Mar. 2007.
(DOI: 10.11477/mf.1663100629,   CiNii: 1390846634947474304)

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Michiyo Mizuno, Yoshie Imai, Kaori Yagasaki, Isako Ueta, Takae Bando, Aki Takahashi, Hiroko Komatsu, Chiemi Onishi, L. Sarna and S Bialous :
Development of an Online Webcast to Build Tobacco Control Capacity of Nurses in Japanese Clinical Cancer Centers,
Tobacco Induced Diseases, ムンバイ, Nov. 2019.
(DOI: 10.18332/tid/112073)
2. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
Acceptance of Living with Cancer by Elderly Patients Undergoing Treatment,
International conference on cancer nursing, Auckland, Sep. 2018.
3. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
Hope and coping behaviors in lung cancer patients with post-operative adjuvant therapy,
International conference on cancer nursing, 43, Hong Kong, Sep. 2016.
4. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
The level of hope in lung cancer patients after surgery and factors influencing the same,
19th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, 56, Chiba, Mar. 2016.
5. Isako Ueta and Chiemi Onishi :
Factors affecting coping strategies and psychological adjustment among cancer survivors,
19th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, Mar. 2016.
6. Yoshie Imai, Misako Nakagawa, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori, Takae Bando, Kazuya Kondo and Akira Tangoku :
Symptoms and knowledge of lymphedema among postoperative breast cancer patients without lymphedema,
Prague, Sep. 2012.
7. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, 山田 和代, Kazuya Kondo, Yoshie Imai, Keiko Mori, Shoji Sakiyama and Hiromitsu Takizawa :
Acute sholder symptoms and related factors in patients undergoing lung cancer surgery,
Prague, Sep. 2012.
8. Chiemi Onishi, Masami Satou, Natuko Takahashi, Tatuko Hujimura, Chiemi Kawanishi, Yoshie Imai, Hiroko Ohta and Takae Bando :
Development of a self-care support program centering on providing information for breast cancer patients,
Singapore, Aug. 2008.
9. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Hiroko Ohta and Takae Bando :
SINGAPORE, Aug. 2008.
10. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Toshiko Tada and Sumiko Yoshinaga :
A trial of teaching Orems Nursing Theory to undergraduate students in a gerontological nursing course,
Yokohama, May 2007.
11. Toshiko Tada, Tetsuya Tanioka, Fumiko Hashimoto, Chiemi Kawanishi, Chiemi Onishi, Yasuko Matsushita and Ruriko Yamashita :
Clarification of Caring Behavior By the Family of Elderly Relations Living in Rural Japan,
Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Association for Human Caring, Vol.10, No.2, 60, Fremantle, May 2006.
12. Chiemi Onishi, Tatsuko Fujimura and Natsuko Takahashi :
Information needs & Information seeking behaviors of recurrent breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy,
13th International Conference of Cancer Nursing, Sydney, Aug. 2004.
13. Yoko Matsuzawa and Chiemi Onishi :
Information needs during the process of accepting operations in patients with head and neck cancer,
12th International Conferenceon Cancer Nursing, London, Aug. 2002.
14. Tatsuko Fujimura and Chiemi Onishi :
Evaluation of criticalpathway for mastectomized women,
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, Osaka, Feb. 2002.
15. Michiyo Mizuno, Fumiko Ohishi and Chiemi Onishi :
Influence of the decision to inform the results of cancer diagnoses on bereaved Japanese families,
11th International Congress on Cancer Nursing, Oslo, Aug. 2000.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Takako Ichihara, Yoshie Imai and Hiroko Ohta :
日本看護学教育学会 第18回学術集会講演集, Vol.1, No.167,
2. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, 荒堀 広美, 川端 泰枝, 町田 美佳, 徳永 亜希子, 榎本 葵, 森 美樹, 上田 伊佐子, Takae Bando, Aki Takahashi and Akiko Abe :
第35回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.35, Jun. 2020.
3. 木村 有里, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Takae Bando and Aki Takahashi :
第34回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Feb. 2020.
4. 森本 樹里, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, 高開 登茂子, Takae Bando and Aki Takahashi :
第34回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Feb. 2020.
5. 川端 康枝, 坂本 充司, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Takae Bando and Aki Takahashi :
EGFR阻害薬治療を受ける高齢肺がん患者の皮膚障害に対する セルフケア行動の実態,
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.33, Feb. 2019.
6. Takae Bando, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Aki Takahashi :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.33, 193, Feb. 2019.
7. 川端 泰枝, Chiemi Onishi, 坂本 充司, Yoshie Imai, Takae Bando and Aki Takahashi :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.33, 257, Feb. 2018.
8. 松本 充鈴, 田岡 志津佳, Takae Bando, Kazuya Kondo, Koichiro Kajiura, Hiromitsu Takizawa, Yoshie Imai, Aki Takahashi and Chiemi Onishi :
第58回日本肺癌学会学術集会, Vol.57, No.5, 437, Oct. 2017.
9. 一宮 由貴, Chiemi Onishi and Akira Tangoku :
第14回日本乳癌学会中国四国地方会, Sep. 2017.
10. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.31, 262, Feb. 2017.
11. 藤村 由紀子, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Takae Bando :
第31回日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.31, 264, Feb. 2017.
12. Yoshie Matsuoka and Chiemi Onishi :
第31回日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.31, 223, Feb. 2017.
13. 岸浜 祐香, 喜多 彩織, Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.30, 268, Feb. 2016.
14. Isako Ueta and Chiemi Onishi :
Journal of Japanese Society of Nursing Research, Vol.30, Feb. 2016.
15. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Yoshie Imai :
第35回日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集, Vol.35, No.1, 300, Dec. 2015.
16. 貝出 直文, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
第29回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.29, 250, Mar. 2015.
17. Isako Ueta and Chiemi Onishi :
第29回日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Mar. 2015.
18. 尾形 美子, Chiemi Onishi and 安部 正博 :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.29, Feb. 2015.
19. 玉村 尚子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.29, Feb. 2015.
20. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.29, Feb. 2015.
21. Takae Bando, Kazuya Kondo, 劉 環, Yoshie Imai, Koichiro Kajiura, Yukikiyo Kawakami, Yasushi Nakagawa, Mitsuteru Yoshida, Hiromitsu Takizawa, Shoji Sakiyama, Hiroaki Toba, Chiemi Onishi and Akira Tangoku :
手術療法施行した肺がん患者のpatient reported quality of life(PRQOL)及び心理状態のの評価(第2報),
第55回日本肺癌学会学術集会, Nov. 2014.
22. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Takako Ichihara :
日本看護学教育学会第24回学術集会講演集, Vol.24, 195, Aug. 2014.
23. 富田 優子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.28, 270, Feb. 2014.
24. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集, Vol.34, 516, Feb. 2014.
25. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.28, 342, Feb. 2014.
26. 北川 聡美, 尼子 裕弓, 遠藤 世界, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Takae Bando and Kazuya Kondo :
第33回日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集, Vol.1, No.1, 393, Dec. 2013.
27. 江口 理沙, 河口 由美, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Takae Bando and Kazuya Kondo :
第33回日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集, 398, Dec. 2013.
28. Yoshie Imai, Keiko Mori, Chiemi Onishi and Takae Bando :
第39回日本看護研究学会学術集会, Aug. 2013.
29. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Takako Ichihara :
日本看護学教育学会第23回 学術集会, Vol.23, 174, Aug. 2013.
30. 笠原 優奈, Yoshie Imai and Chiemi Onishi :
第27回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.27, 398, Feb. 2013.
31. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Keiko Mori :
第27回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.27, 333, Feb. 2013.
32. 村田 直子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第27回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.27, 389, Feb. 2013.
33. Chiemi Onishi, 藤田 佐和 and 秋元 典子 :
第27回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.27, 390, Feb. 2013.
34. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Takae Bando and Keiko Mori :
第27回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.27, 399, Feb. 2013.
35. 町田 美佳 and Chiemi Onishi :
第27回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.27, 143, Feb. 2013.
36. 三木 幸代 and Chiemi Onishi :
第27回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.27, 162, Feb. 2013.
37. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.27, 242, Feb. 2013.
38. 村田 直子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.27, 389, Feb. 2013.
39. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Keiko Mori :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.26, 390, Feb. 2013.
40. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Takako Ichihara and Kazuya Kondo :
第33回日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集, Vol.1, No.1, 461, Dec. 2012.
41. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Keiko Mori :
第32回日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集, Vol.1, No.1, 422-422, Dec. 2012.
42. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori and Takae Bando :
日本看護学教育学会第22回学術集会, Vol.22, 271, Aug. 2012.
43. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Keiko Mori and Takako Ichihara :
日本看護学教育学会 第22回学術集会講演集, Vol.1, No.272, Aug. 2012.
44. 師橋 沙知, Yoshie Imai and Chiemi Onishi :
第17回日本緩和医療学会学術大会講演抄録集, 313, Jun. 2012.
45. 谷口 啓子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第26回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.26, 297, Feb. 2012.
46. 舘 美加 and Chiemi Onishi :
第26回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.26, 113, Feb. 2012.
47. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Keiko Mori :
第26回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.26, 258, Feb. 2012.
48. 藤田 佐和, 秋元 典子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第26回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.26, 173, Feb. 2012.
49. 秋元 典子, 藤田 佐和 and Chiemi Onishi :
第26回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.26, 159, Feb. 2012.
50. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori and Takae Bando :
第26回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.26, 155, Feb. 2012.
51. Takae Bando and Chiemi Onishi :
第25回日本手術看護学会年次大会 抄録集, Vol.7, No.2, 250, Nov. 2011.
52. Yoshie Imai, Misako Nakagawa, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori, Kazuya Kondo and Akira Tangoku :
第19回日本乳癌学会学術総会, 439, Sep. 2011.
53. Yoshie Imai, Misako Nakagawa, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori, Kazuya Kondo and Akira Tangoku :
439, Sep. 2011.
54. Keiko Mori, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Takae Bando :
日本看護学教育学会第21回学術集会, Vol.21, 189, Aug. 2011.
55. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Keiko Mori and Takako Ichihara :
日本看護学教育学会第21回学術集会講演集, Vol.21, 199, Aug. 2011.
56. 新幡 智子, 射場 典子, 和田 恵美子, Chiemi Onishi, 菊池 美香, 国府 浩子, 小原 泉, 酒井 禎子, 佐藤 冨美子, 渋谷 優子, 竹内 登美子, 藤田 佐和, 本田 芳香, 水野 道代 and 吉川 孝子 :
第25回日本がん看護学会学術集会, 245, Feb. 2011.
57. 上田 伊沙子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第25回日本がん看護学会学術集会, 351, Feb. 2011.
58. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori and Takae Bando :
第25回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.25, 335, Feb. 2011.
59. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Keiko Mori :
第25回日本がん看護学会学術集会, Vol.25, 192, Feb. 2011.
60. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori and Takae Bando :
日本看護学教育学会誌, Vol.20, 264, Jul. 2010.
61. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai and Keiko Mori :
日本がん看護学会学術集会講演集, Vol.24, 253, Feb. 2010.
62. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Keiko Mori and Takako Ichihara :
日本看護学教育学会第19回学術集会講演集, 137, Sep. 2009.
63. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori and Takae Bando :
日本看護学会抄録集 看護教育, Vol.40, 221, Aug. 2009.
64. Takae Bando and Chiemi Onishi :
日本クリティカルケア看護学会誌, 143, Jul. 2009.
65. Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Takae Bando and 太田 浩子 :
第23回日本がん看護学会学術集会, 257, Feb. 2009.
66. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第25回日本がん看護学会学術集会, 315, Feb. 2009.
67. 上田 伊佐子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第23回日本がん看護学会学術集会, 121, Feb. 2009.
68. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, 太田 浩子, Takae Bando and 谷口 啓子 :
第23回日本がん看護学会学術集会, 121, Feb. 2009.
69. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Hiroko Ohta, Takae Bando and Toshiko Tada :
第28回日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集, 555, Dec. 2008.
70. Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Takako Ichihara :
Journal of Japan Operative Nursing Academy, Vol.4, No.2, 146, Oct. 2008.
71. Hiroko Ohta, Yoshie Imai, Takae Bando and Chiemi Onishi :
Aug. 2008.
72. Chiemi Onishi, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Kawanishi, Hiroko Ohta, Masami Satou, Natuko Takahashi and Tatuko Hujimura :
Feb. 2008.
73. Hiroko Ohta, Yoshie Imai and Chiemi Onishi :
Feb. 2008.
74. Yoshie Imai, Hiroko Ohta and Chiemi Onishi :
Feb. 2008.
75. Masako Sei, 中津 忠則, 津田 芳見, 横田 一郎, 中野 卓郎, 棟方 百熊, Chiemi Onishi and Yutaka Nakahori :
Japanese Journal of Public Health, 470, 2008.
76. Yoshie Imai, Yukiko Ushigoe, Chiemi Onishi and Hiroko Ohta :
Aug. 2007.
77. Chiemi Onishi, 湯浅 京子, Isoko Nomura, 吉田 友紀子, 坂本 梢, 中野 卓郎, Masako Sei and Yutaka Nakahori :
Japanese Journal of Public Health, 767, 2006.
78. Masako Sei, 棟方 百熊, 田中 久子, Mayumi Umeno, Isoko Nomura, 中野 卓郎, Youichi Sato, 吉田 友紀子, 坂本 梢, BinhTran Quang, 元木 良江, 湯浅 京子, Chiemi Onishi, Toshikatsu Shinka and Yutaka Nakahori :
Journal of Shikoku Public Health Society, Vol.51, No.1, 29-30, 2006.
79. Chiemi Onishi, 茶園 美香, 佐藤 正美, 川口 孝泰, 今泉 郷子, 芳賀 佐和子, 田島 桂子 and 石井 トク :
第15回 日本看護学教育学会学術集会, Jul. 2005.
80. 川口 孝泰, 田島 桂子, 石井 トク, Chiemi Onishi, 今泉 郷子, 佐藤 正美, 茶園 美香 and 芳賀 佐和子 :
第15回 日本看護学教育学会学術集会, Jul. 2005.
81. Chiemi Onishi, 住友 いく子, 藤村 龍子 and 高橋 奈津子 :
第19回 日本がん看護学会学術集会, Feb. 2005.
82. Chiemi Onishi, 渡辺 眞理 and 藤村 龍子 :
第18回 日本がん看護学会学術集会, Aug. 2004.
83. 長瀬 雅子, 藤村 龍子, 江川 幸二, 有田 清子, Chiemi Onishi and 村中 陽子 :
日本看護学教育学会学術集会, Aug. 2004.
84. 高橋 奈津子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第18回 日本がん看護学会学術集会, Feb. 2004.
85. Yumi Kuwamura, Ayako Tamura, Takako Minagawa, Takako Ichihara, Hiroko Kondo and Chiemi Onishi :
日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集, No.23, 499, Dec. 2003.
86. 有田 清子, 藤村 龍子, Chiemi Onishi, 村中 陽子, 江川 幸二 and 長瀬 雅子 :
看護学教育学会学術集会, Aug. 2003.
87. 高橋 奈津子, 佐藤 幹代, 長瀬 雅子, 小島 善和, 藤村 龍子 and Chiemi Onishi :
日本看護学教育学会学術集会, Aug. 2003.
88. 江川 幸二, 藤村 龍子, 村中 陽子, Chiemi Onishi, 有田 清子 and 長瀬 雅子 :
日本看護学教育学会学術集会, Aug. 2002.
89. 長瀬 雅子, Chiemi Onishi and 藤村 龍子 :
日本看護学教育学会学術集会, Aug. 2002.
90. 松澤 洋子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第16回 日本がん看護学会学術集会, Feb. 2002.
91. 小倉 里美, 八木澤 淳子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第15回 日本がん看護学会学術集会, Feb. 2001.
92. 大石 ふみ子 and Chiemi Onishi :
第15回 日本がん看護学会学術集会, Feb. 2001.
93. Chiemi Onishi and 大石 ふみ子 :
第15回 日本がん看護学会学術集会, Feb. 2001.
94. Chiemi Onishi :
第5回 日本緩和医療学会総会, Jun. 2000.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Yoshie Imai, Misako Nakagawa, 滝本 理沙, Kazuya Kondo, 坂東 孝枝, Chiemi Onishi, 笹 三徳, Yukiko Tadokoro, Akira Tangoku, Keiko Mori, Masahito Tomotake, Shoichiro Takao, Junji Ueno, 高橋 雅子, 廣瀬 千恵子 and 久岡 園花 :
第69回徳島乳腺研究会, Apr. 2014.
2. 竹治 友紀, 加古 磨里子, 山室 亜莉沙, Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi and Kazuya Kondo :
第66回徳島乳腺研究会, May 2013.
3. Takae Bando, 谷崎 圭, 近間 奈津美, Chiemi Onishi and Kazuya Kondo :
徳島乳腺研究会抄録集, Apr. 2012.
4. 多田 亜沙香, 小西 菜美, Takae Bando, Chiemi Onishi and Kazuya Kondo :
徳島乳腺研究会抄録集, Apr. 2011.
5. Yoshie Imai, Misako Nakagawa, Chiemi Onishi, Keiko Mori, Takae Bando, Kazuya Kondo and Akira Tangoku :
第60回徳島乳腺研究会, Apr. 2011.
6. Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Chiemi Kawanishi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Tatuko Hujimura, Masami Satou and Natuko Takahashi :
徳島乳腺研究会, Apr. 2007.
7. Chiemi Onishi, 岩永 秀子, 石井 美里, 児玉 千代子, 岡部 明子, 佐々木 哲二, 佐藤 節子, 式守 晴子 and 野田 節子 :
東海大学健康科学部紀要, Vol.8, 59-63, Mar. 2003.
8. Chiemi Onishi, 岩永 秀子 and 藤村 龍子 :
看護教育, Vol.43, No.4, 261-264, Apr. 2002.


1. 飯野 京子, 射場 典子, 大石 ふみ子, 小澤 桂子, Chiemi Onishi, 田中 京子, 長場 直子, 森本 悦子 and 渡邉 眞理 :
日本がん看護学会·教育研究活動委員会報告書, Sep. 2001.
2. 南洋 汎美, Chiemi Onishi, 数間 恵子, 小玉 香津子, 斉藤 やよい, 酒井 美絵子 and 深山 智代 :
臨床看護研究実践上の困難と克服課題 第2次調査,
日本看護科学学会会誌, Vol.20, No.1, 28-35, Mar. 2000.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • ピラティスを基盤とした肺がんリハビリテーションHope促進看護プログラムの開発 (Project/Area Number: 23K09931 )
  • 「女性がんサバイバー心理的適応アシスト・アプリ」を活用した看護介入プログラム開発 (Project/Area Number: 22K10806 )
  • 在宅移行期における高齢進行がん患者の納得を支援する看護ケアモデルの構築 (Project/Area Number: 20K10785 )
  • Construction of a lung cancer rehabilitation nursing care model undergoing Hope-enhanced surgery (Project/Area Number: 18K10348 )
  • Development of a web application that assists female cancer survivors with psychological adjustment (Project/Area Number: 18K10334 )
  • The construction of daily life support nursing model to postoperative long-term survivor of thoracic esophagus cancer (Project/Area Number: 18H03081 )
  • Development of the Scale on Psychological Adjustment of Women's Cancer Survivors -Study of its reliability and validity- (Project/Area Number: 15K11651 )
  • Development of a nursing intervention program to support the nattoku of elderly cancer patients in the process of treatment (Project/Area Number: 15K11624 )
  • Construction of the nursing practice model for accepting combined modality therapy for esophageal cancer to get the feeling of "Expectation for the recovery". (Project/Area Number: 26463339 )
  • Postoperative life reconstruction process of patients who received adjuvant therapy during recovery from esophagectomy. (Project/Area Number: 22592444 )
  • 「重症患者の全人的回復スケール」考案と看護ケアに関する研究 (Project/Area Number: 16659606 )
  • Development of a self-care support program centering on providing information for breast cancer (Project/Area Number: 16390639 )
  • Providing Information for surgical cancer patients to facilitate self-care behaviors (Project/Area Number: 13672536 )
  • The Development and Testing of Digital teaching materials to Cultivate Students' Abilities in Clinical Judgment. (Project/Area Number: 13557232 )
  • 看護成果からみた乳房切除術のクリニカル・パスの評価に関する基礎研究 (Project/Area Number: 12877412 )
  • A study of self-care in patients undergoing lung cancer treatment (Project/Area Number: 09672425 )
  • Research on the Stress Reduction of the Cancer Patients with Surgery : Measuring the Patients Stress Levels. (Project/Area Number: 03671121 )
  • Study of An Individual Respiratory Exercise Program Model for Prevention of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Aged Patients (Project/Area Number: 01480507 )
  • The guideline for Nursing Program of Individual Respiratory Exercises to Prevent Postoperative Pulmonary Complications (Project/Area Number: 60480482 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (00134354)