Akita, Kazuya / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Oral Surgery (Graduate School), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Oral Surgery Seminar (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Experiment and practical exercise in intractable therapeufic regulation for oral tumors (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Fukuda, Naoyuki / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Surgical dentistry]
Lecture: Biomaterials and Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Oral Implantology (Bachelor Course), Oral Surgery (Graduate School), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Oral Surgery Seminar (Graduate School), Oral Surgery (General theory) (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Biomedical Engineering (Graduate School), Experiment and practical exercise in intractable therapeufic regulation for oral tumors (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Kudoh, Takaharu / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Dentistry
Lecture: チュートリアル(臨床予備実習) (Bachelor Course), Oral Surgery (Graduate School), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Oral Surgery Seminar (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), Experiment and practical exercise in intractable therapeufic regulation for oral tumors (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: radiotherapy of oral cancer (radiation therapy, oral cancer)
Uesugi, Atsushi / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士
Field of Study: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Molecular Cell Biology
Lecture: Oral Surgery (Graduate School), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Oral Surgery Seminar (Graduate School), Oral Surgery (General theory) (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Experiment and practical exercise in intractable therapeufic regulation for oral tumors (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Development of oral cancer treatment with novel microRNAs independently selected from functional screening (cancer, gene, cell, genome), がん抑制型microRNAの経皮投与による新規治療法の開発 (gene, cancer)