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Fuketa, Masao (49.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Natural Language Analysis
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor Course), Exercise in Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Introduction to Programming and its Exercises (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Applied Knowledge Systems (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Graduate Research on Computer Science (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Computer Science (Graduate School), Introduction to Computer Science (Bachelor Course), Natural Language Understanding (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Information Retrieval System, Document Processing, Man-Machine Interface (Natural Language Analysis, Dictionary Retrieval)
Morita, Kazuhiro (47.3%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D. in engineering
Field of Study: Affective Computing, Natural Language Processing
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Exercise in Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Computer and its Exercises (Bachelor Course), Software Design and Experiment (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Applied Knowledge Systems (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Computer Science (Graduate School), Introduction to Computer Science (Bachelor Course), Natural Language Understanding (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Information Retrieval System, Text Processing, Man-Machine Interface (natural language processing, dictionary retrieval, 知識獲得)
Shishibori, Masami (18.0%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Information Retrieval, 深層学習を用いた画像認識システム, 深層学習を用いた映像認識システム, 深層学習を用いた音楽処理システム
Lecture: Database (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Multimedia Engineering (Graduate School), Machine Learning (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Computer Science (Bachelor Course), Research Approaches in Science and Technology C (Graduate School), Natural Language Processing (Bachelor Course), Logical Circuit Design (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Computer Science (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 知的画像検索技術に関する研究, 知的映像検索技術に関する研究, 知的音楽検索技術に関する研究, 高速近傍検索アルゴリズムに関する研究 (information retrieval system, multimedia, 映像検索, 音楽検索, artificial intelligence)
(Yano, Yoneo) (12.1%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D
Field of Study: Educational Computing
Subject of Study: Educational and Learning System, Collaborative learning, Human Interface, Ubiquitous learning (educational technology, CAI, CSCL, user interface, artificial intelligence)
Oono, Masaki (5.9%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Intelligent Informatics
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), System Design and Experiment (Bachelor Course), Programming Methodology (Bachelor Course), Multimedia Engineering (Graduate School), Machine Learning (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Computer Science (Graduate School), Introduction to Computer Science (Bachelor Course), Natural Language Processing (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Music Informaion Retrieval
Kakei, Hidekazu (0.2%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Field of Study: Space Design
Lecture: C Programming (Including Practical Training) (Bachelor Course), Course Introduction (Bachelor Course), Network Applications (Bachelor Course), Media Information Practical Training I (3DCG Simulation) (Bachelor Course), Media Information Practical Training I (Virtual Reality) (Bachelor Course), Media Information Practical Training II (System Evaluation) (Bachelor Course), Media Information Practical Training II (Application to Spatial Design) (Bachelor Course), Media and ICT (Bachelor Course), Senior Thesis Studies (Bachelor Course), 卒業論文・卒業制作発表会 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to the Regional Design Course (Bachelor Course), 地域創成専攻修士論文発表会 (Graduate School), Advanced Exercise on Regional Development (Graduate School), 地域創生コースガイダンス (Bachelor Course), 地域創生コース卒業研究提出窓口 (Bachelor Course), Information and Web Technologies Project (Including Practical Training) (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Information Science (Common Curriculum), Advanced Lecture on Space Design (Graduate School), 総合科学実践プロジェクトA-H合同報告会 (Bachelor Course), Integrated Arts and Sciences Project F (Policy Implementation) (Bachelor Course), Integrated Arts and Sciences Practical Course D (Perspectives on Media Art) (Bachelor Course), Discovery Seminar for Freshman (Bachelor Course), Cross Disciplinary Seminar (Graduate School), 領域横断セミナー発表会 (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Media Environment (media environment, virtual reality)
Mito, Taro (0.2%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(理学)
Field of Study: Developmental Bioengineering, Molecular Biology
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Career Paths (Bachelor Course), Exercise in computor programming (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Molecular Biology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Studies in Molecular Developmental Biology (Graduate School), Undergraduate Work (Bachelor Course), Applied Entomology (Bachelor Course), Ethics for Biotechnology (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience B (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience C (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience I (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience II (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Agroscience (Bachelor Course), Field Practice for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bio-production Science (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Agrobioscience (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Agrobioscience (Graduate School), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry C (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Basic bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Special lecture on bioscience and bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Field Science for Production (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Basic Agroscience I (Bachelor Course), Engineering of Genetic Information (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 昆虫の発生·再生と進化のメカニズム (development, regeneration, evolution, insect)