Tamai, Nobutake (59.8%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Doctor of Agricultural Science |
Field of Study: |
Biophysical Chemistry |
Lecture: |
Working experience in Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Basic Chemistry Experiments (Bachelor Course), Basic Physical Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Training of Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Experiments of Physical Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Biofunctional Engineering (Graduate School), Biological Macromolecules (Bachelor Course), Advanced Biophysical Chemistry (Graduate School), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry A (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Working experience in Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Practices for Fermentation Physiology (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
脂質膜の構造特性に関する物理化学的研究 (生物物理化学, 分散系のレオロジー, コロイドおよび界面化学) |
GOTO, Masaki (56.1%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(工学) |
Field of Study: |
Biophysical Chemistry |
Lecture: |
Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Training of Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Exercise of Applied Biological Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Experiments of Physical Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Advanced Biochemical Engineering (Graduate School), Biophysical Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry A (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Practices for Fermentation Physiology (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
脂質ナノ粒子(LNP)の高圧物性と産業的応用 (脂質二重膜, 界面活性剤, 高圧, 相転移, 蛍光イメージング, 放射光, 麻酔, 膜融合) |
(Kaneshina, Shoji) (35.9%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
理学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Biophysical Chemistry, Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Molecular Theory of Anesthesia, High Pressure Science |
Subject of Study: |
High Pressure Adaptation of Living Organisms, Solution and Surface Properties of Amphiphilic Drugs, Local Anesthetic Sensor, Pressure Denaturation of Proteins (Phospholipids, Local Anesthetics, Surfactants, High Pressure, Bilayer Membranes) |
Yasuzawa, Mikito (5.4%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(工学) |
Field of Study: |
Electrochemistry, Biomaterials |
Lecture: |
Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), International Advanced Technology and Science 1 (Graduate School), International Advanced Technology and Science 2 (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
Preparation of Minimally Invasive Biosensor for Real-Tme Glucose Monitoring, Development of Antibody Sensors, Organic Syntheses using Modified SPE Electrode, Development of Biocompatible Materials, Development of Eco-Friendly Polymer Flocculant for Water Purification (Biosensor, Electrosynthesis, in vivo measurement, Biocompatible materials, SPE electrolysis, Water purification) |
Kurashina, Masashi (4.5%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(理学) |
Field of Study: |
Inorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry |
Lecture: |
STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Project Management Fundamentals (Bachelor Course), Advanced Environmental Technology on Chemistry (Graduate School), Basic Chemistry Laboratory (Bachelor Course), Basic Inorganic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Applied Chemistry Laboratory 1 (Bachelor Course), Exercises in Physical Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Advanced Physical Chemistry (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
金属イオンを配列制御した材料の電子・磁気物性 (遷移金属イオン, 電子的相互作用, 磁性, 層状化合物) |
(Nagamune, Hideaki) (1.6%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
医学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Microbiology, Immunology |
Subject of Study: |
QSAR and virulence analyses of streptococcal toxins, Application of bacterial toxins to the immunotherapy agaist cancer and the development of cellular medicines, Study on the substances stimulating the immune system by their action to biological membranes (bacterial toxins, Streptococci, immunotherapy, immunostimulater) |
Shirai, Akihiro (0.9%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(工学) |
Field of Study: |
Organic Chemistry, Microbiology |
Lecture: |
Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Space Nutrition/Medicine (Graduate School), Space Medical Science (Graduate School), Molecular Microbiology (Graduate School), Microbiology (Bachelor Course), Experiments of Microbiology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Microbiological Engineering (Graduate School), Training of Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry A (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Practices for Fermentation Physiology (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
環境調和型微生物制御剤の開発に関する研究 |
(Tamura, Katsuhiro) (0.9%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
工学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Biophysical Chemistry, High-Pressure Chemistry |
Subject of Study: |
分子集合体(ミセル,生体モデル膜など)の高圧力下における物性, 微生物のストレス応答, 微生物活性の熱測定と環境モニタリングへの応用, ガス加圧法による果汁の殺菌と酸化防止, 酵母DNAマイクロアレイを用いた環境汚染物質の毒性評価 (high pressure, microorganism, ストレス応答, 熱測定, bioassay, 加圧食品) |
Tabata, Atsushi (0.5%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(工学) |
Field of Study: |
Microbiology |
Lecture: |
Career Paths (Bachelor Course), Immunoengineering (Bachelor Course), Molecular Pathogenic Microbiology (Graduate School), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Advanced Microbiological inspection Science (Graduate School), Microbiological inspection science (Bachelor Course), Training of Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Exercise of Applied Biological Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry A (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Basic bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Practices for Fermentation Physiology (Bachelor Course), Experiments of Cell Science and Technology (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
Microbial infection and host response mechanism (Bacterial protein toxin, Infection mechanisms, Host response) |
(Ito, Hiro-O) (0.4%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
DDS, PhD |
Field of Study: |
Preventive Dentistry |
Subject of Study: |
Systemic Infections Caused by Oral Indigenous Bacteria; Pathogenesis and Prevention, Search for Molecular Mimics That Inhibit Bacterial Adherence, Clinical Epidemiological Studies for Prevention and Treatment of Dental Diseases., Immune Network/Immunological Memory and Maternal Immunity/Mucosal Immunity |
(Tsuji, Akihiko) (0.4%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Ph.D. |
Field of Study: |
Biochemistry, Enzyme Chemistry |
Subject of Study: |
Molecular basis of regulatory mechanism for cell growth and differentiation by proprotein convertases, Structure and function of plant proteases, Development of animal cellulases by protein engineering (protease, プロセシング, 翻訳後修飾, 血清タンパク, 酵素補充療法) |
(Kourai, Hiroki) (0.4%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
工学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Microbiology, Bioorganic Chemistry, Environmental Bioengineering |
Subject of Study: |
高機能性第四アンモニウム塩系殺菌剤の分子設計, 第四アンモニウム塩系殺菌剤に対する微生物応答, 高機能性環境調和型殺菌剤の開発, 殺菌剤の微生物分解, 殺菌剤の細胞毒性, 光化学反応による活性酸素の生成機構とその生理活性, 大腸菌O-157の制御と免疫学的研究 (Microbial control, sterilization, Disinfectant, Drug-resistant bacteria, Biodegradation, Toxicology, Immunology, genetics) |
Yamada, Ken-ichi (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(薬学) |
Field of Study: |
Synthetic Organic Chemistry |
Lecture: |
Adavanced Medicinal Chemistry (Graduate School), Applied Research of Pharmaceutical Science (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Introduction to (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Organic Chemistry 4 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Advanced Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
高反応性活性種の制御に基づく新規分子変換反応の開拓, 活性種の特性を活かした官能基選択的変換反応の開拓, 不斉触媒の分子設計と触媒的不斉合成方の開拓, 生物活性評価を指向した非天然有機化合物の化学合成 |
Furube, Akihiro (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(工学) |
Field of Study: |
Nanotechnology/Materials [Nanomaterials] |
Lecture: |
オリエンテーション1年 (Bachelor Course), Nano-Optical Measument Engineering (Graduate School), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Computer Programming 1 (Bachelor Course), laser measurement (Bachelor Course), Basic Algebra 1 (Bachelor Course), Basic Algebra 2 (Bachelor Course), Algebra 1 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Photoenergy Nano-Engineering (Graduate School), Graduate Research on Optical Science (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Optical Science (Graduate School), Optical Science and Technology Laboratory 1 (Bachelor Course), Lecture in Optical Materials and Devices, Part 2 (Graduate School), Optoelectronic Instruments Design and Exercise (Bachelor Course), Molecular Spectroscopy (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Basics on Semiconductor Nanotechnology (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Petrology and Tectonics of Crustal Rocks (Bachelor Course), Historical Geology (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Basic Photochemistry (Bachelor Course), Geometry 1 (Bachelor Course), Geometry 2 (Bachelor Course), Applied Photochemistry (Bachelor Course), Applied Geomorphology (Bachelor Course), Radiation Science (Bachelor Course), General Mathematics (Bachelor Course), Structural Geology 1 (Bachelor Course), Fundamentals of Wave Motion (Bachelor Course), Inorganic Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Physics of Condensed Matter 1 (Bachelor Course), Physics of Condensed Matter 2 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Physical Science (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Introduction to Bioscience (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Probability and Statistics 2 (Bachelor Course), Analytical Mechanics (Bachelor Course), Analysis 1 (Bachelor Course), Analysis 2 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Computers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Polymer Chemistry (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
Ueno, Yoshihiko (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
修士(大学アドミニストレーション) |
Field of Study: |
大学入試研究, Higher Education |
Subject of Study: |
多面的・総合的評価に繋がる入学者選抜と評価方法の構築 (enrollment selection, アドミッション・ポリシー, 入試制度設計, 筆記試験で測ることのできない能力の評価, 入試広報) |
Kamioka, Maiko (0.2%) / Technician [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
修士(学校教育学) |
Field of Study: |
大学入学者選抜, 高等教育 |
Subject of Study: |
Arakawa, Yukihiro (0.2%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Doctor of Engineering |
Field of Study: |
Synthetic Organic Chemistry |
Lecture: |
STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Advanced Environmental Technology on Chemistry (Graduate School), Basic Chemistry Laboratory (Bachelor Course), Applied Chemistry Laboratory 1 (Bachelor Course), Applied Chemistry Laboratory 2 (Bachelor Course), Special Lecture on Applied Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Organic Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Organic Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Organic Chemistry 3 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Exercises in Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Advanced Organic Chemistry (Graduate School), Advenced Synthetic Organic Chemistry (Graduate School), Advanced Stereochemistry (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
Biomimetic Organocatalysis, Polymeric Catalyst, Asymmetric Catalyst (organocatalysts, flavin, functional polymer, asymmetric synthesis) |
Furuya, Ray S. (0.2%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
PhD |
Field of Study: |
Astronomy |
Lecture: |
Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Common Curriculum), Mathematics and Physics Class to Avoid Losing Physics Credits (Common Curriculum), The Universe as a Laboratory of Physics: Learning Modern Astronomy (Common Curriculum), An Introduction to Modern Astronomy (Common Curriculum) |
Subject of Study: |
(電波天文学, 赤外線天文学, 星形成過程, 星間物質, 銀河の進化, 分子や原子輝線の励起機構, 偏波観測, データ処理アルゴリズム, 星間ダスト, 次世代直線偏波撮像装置SCUBA-3の開発, 大型サブミリ波望遠鏡LSTの建設) |
(Imada, Yasushi) (0.2%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(工学) |
Field of Study: |
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry |
Subject of Study: |
Organocatalytic Oxidations (Organocatalysis, oxidation, Environmentally Friendly Molecular Transformation, catalytic molecular transformation), Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Efficient Molecular Transformation (Transition Metal Catalyst, Stereoselective Reaction) |
Nakagaito, Antonio Norio (0.2%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Doctor of Agriculture |
Field of Study: |
材料科学 |
Lecture: |
オリエンテーション3年 (Bachelor Course), Global Communication B (Graduate School), International Advanced Technology and Science A (Graduate School), International Advanced Technology and Science B (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Strength of Materials 1 (Bachelor Course), Materials Science and Engineering (Graduate School), Material Applications (Graduate School), Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 3 (Bachelor Course), Research Approaches in Science and Technology E (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
セルロースナノファイバーに基づく複合材料の開発 (セルロース, ナノファイバー, ナノコンポジット, バイオポリマー) |
Shirayama, Yasuhiko (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Medical Welfare Ph.D |
Field of Study: |
Social Welfare, Medical Welfare, 老年医療 |
Lecture: |
The principle of social work and social work-related profession (Bachelor Course), social work foundation and profession (specialty) (Bachelor Course), ソーシャルワーク実習 (Bachelor Course), Social work training guidance (Bachelor Course), Social work exercises (Bachelor Course), Social work exercise (specialty) (Bachelor Course), health care and welfare (Bachelor Course), child and family welfare (Bachelor Course), criminal justice and welfare (Bachelor Course), Medical and Welfare (Graduate School), 卒業研究 (Bachelor Course), Training of Oral Health Education and Research (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture for Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Oral health promotion, nutrition guidance and social service for the elderly (Graduate School), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), community medical and welfare special exercises (Graduate School), Community Medical and Welfare Special Research (Graduate School), Community welfare and comprehensive support system (Bachelor Course), psychology (Bachelor Course), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Laws that support advocacy (Bachelor Course), social security (Bachelor Course), sociology (Bachelor Course), social welfare principles and policies (Bachelor Course), social survey (Bachelor Course), welfare service organization and management (Bachelor Course), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Overview in Medicine (Bachelor Course), Support plan to poverty (Bachelor Course), disability welfare (Bachelor Course), Welfare for the elderly (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
higer brain dysfunction, Burnout, Community-based Integrated Care System |
Kataoka, Kosuke (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
DDS, PhD |
Field of Study: |
Preventive Dentistry, Oral Health, 粘膜免疫, 粘膜免疫 |
Lecture: |
(基礎系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), The principle of social work and social work-related profession (Bachelor Course), social work foundation and profession (specialty) (Bachelor Course), The theory and practice for social work (Bachelor Course), The theory and advanced practice for social work (Bachelor Course), ソーシャルワーク実習 (Bachelor Course), Social work training guidance (Bachelor Course), Social work exercises (Bachelor Course), Social work exercise (specialty) (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Graduate School), Preventive Dentistry Seminar (Graduate School), Preventive Dentistry (Sociodental Science) (Bachelor Course), Oral Hygiene and Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), health care and welfare (Bachelor Course), child and family welfare (Bachelor Course), criminal justice and welfare (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Oral Health Promotion Studies (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture for Oral Health Science (Graduate School), The Clinical Associated Practice of Oral Health Sciences (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Oral health promotion, nutrition guidance and social service for the elderly (Graduate School), Special Practice for Oral Health Science and Social Welfare (Graduate School), Special Research for Oral Health Science and Social Welfare (Graduate School), 口腔保健衛生学臨地実習 (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健衛生学臨床実習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Oral Infectious Disease (Graduate School), International Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Community welfare and comprehensive support system (Bachelor Course), Fundamental Nursing (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), psychology (Bachelor Course), Laws that support advocacy (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Social Dentistry (Bachelor Course), social security (Bachelor Course), sociology (Bachelor Course), Outline of Social Welfare (Bachelor Course), social survey (Bachelor Course), welfare service organization and management (Bachelor Course), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Overview in Medicine (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 5 (Bachelor Course), Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course), Support plan to poverty (Bachelor Course), disability welfare (Bachelor Course), Experimental Training in Dentofacial Developmental Science and Social Dentistry (Graduate School), Lecture for Oral Functional Management for the Disabled or the Elderly (Graduate School), Welfare for the elderly (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
The development of novel mucosal adjuvants, The elucidation of oral bacteria colonization mechanism (Nasal vaccine, Dendritic cells, Salivary Secretory-IgA, Periodontal-pathogenic bacteria, Inhibition of colonization), (新規粘膜アジュバントの開発と機能解明), (新規粘膜アジュバントの開発と機能解明) |
Nomaguchi, Masako (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(医学) |
Field of Study: |
Virology |
Lecture: |
ウイルス学 (Bachelor Course), Virology (Bachelor Course), ウイルス学実習 (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション(1年) (Bachelor Course), Human Science (Pathology) (Graduate School), プレ配属演習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), General introduction to medicine (Common Curriculum), Research Training Program (Bachelor Course), Research Training Program (Bachelor Course), Basic Medical Science (Bachelor Course), Basic Biology & Chemistry Experiment (Common Curriculum), Microbiology & Immunology Experiment (Graduate School), Microbiology - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Microbiology (Graduate School), Practice for Microbiology (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
HIV-1/SIVの複製と進化・適応に関する研究 (HIV-1, SIV, アクセサリー蛋白質, キャプシド, 宿主因子) |
Sato, Kenji (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Ph.D. |
Field of Study: |
Psychology |
Lecture: |
Course Introduction (Bachelor Course), Structure, Function, and Diseases of the Human Body (Bachelor Course), Health and Medical Psychology (Bachelor Course), Health Psychology (Bachelor Course), Professionalism of Certified Public Psychologist (Bachelor Course), Medical psychology (Common Curriculum), Senior Thesis Studies (Bachelor Course), elementary psychology (Common Curriculum), Psychological Experiments A (Bachelor Course), Survey of Psychology (Common Curriculum), Practical Training in Psychology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology I (Graduate School), 心理実践実習Ⅰ事前学習 (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology III (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology IV (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology V (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology VI (Graduate School), Psychology Practice (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Psychotherapy (Graduate School), 心身健康コースガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Introduction to the Health Sciences of Mind and Body Course (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース研究室配属ガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar I (Physical and Mental Health) (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar II (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on criminal psychology(Support Theory and Applications in Forensics and Criminology Area) (Graduate School), Studies in Social, Group, and Family Psychology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Social Psychology (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Psychiatry(Support Theory and Applications in Medical and Health Area) (Graduate School), Foundations of Integrated Science E (Fundamentals of Psychology) (Bachelor Course), Cross field Seminar on clinical psychology (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Clinical Psychology A (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Clinical Psychology B (Graduate School), Clinical Psychology (Graduate School), 臨床心理学専攻オリエンテーション (Graduate School), Clinical Psychology (S) (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Clinical Psychology A (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Clinical Psychology B (Graduate School), Practice of Clinical Psychology A(Advanced Practical Training in Psychology II) (Graduate School), Advanced Exercise on Psychological Assessment A(Theory and Practice of Psychological Assessment) (Graduate School), Discovery Seminar for Freshman (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
Fukui, Makoto (0.2%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(歯学) |
Field of Study: |
Preventive Dentistry |
Lecture: |
Oral Health Promotion (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Sociodental Science) (Bachelor Course), Oral Hygiene and Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), health care and welfare (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Preventive Oral Science (Graduate School), Oral Function Management (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Oral Health Promotion Studies (Graduate School), Training of Oral Health Education and Research (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Special Practice for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Special Research for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), 口腔保健衛生学臨地実習 (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健衛生学臨床実習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Statistics for Oral Health (Bachelor Course), social survey (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 5 (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course), Public Health Administration (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
歯周病原性細菌の病原因子および歯周病患者由来唾液中分泌型IgAに関する研究 (歯周病原性, 病原因子, 唾液分泌型IgA) |
Hamada, Kenichi (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(工学) |
Field of Study: |
Metallic Materials, Metallic Materials, Biomaterials, Biomaterials |
Lecture: |
(基礎系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Biomaterials and Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Immunology,Pulmonology (Bachelor Course), Medical Law (Bachelor Course), Medical Jurisprudence and Legal Medicine (Bachelor Course), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Surgery 1 (Bachelor Course), Surgery 2 (Bachelor Course), Leading seminar on practical oral science (Graduate School), Pediatrics (Bachelor Course), Pediatrics (Bachelor Course), Orthopedic Surgery (Bachelor Course), Orthopedics (Bachelor Course), Dental Material Science (Bachelor Course), Dental Engineering (Bachelor Course), Dental Engineering (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Urology (Bachelor Course), Urology (Bachelor Course), Gastroenterology,Cardiology (Bachelor Course), Biomedical Engineering (Graduate School), Biomaterials Science and Engineering (Graduate School), Biomaterials Science and Engineering Seminar (Graduate School), Obstetrics and Gynecology (Bachelor Course), Obstetrics and Gynecology (Bachelor Course), Dermatology (Bachelor Course), Dermatology (Bachelor Course), Ophthalmology (Bachelor Course), Ophthalmology (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Bioengineering for Hard Tissue (Graduate School), Neuropsychiatry (Bachelor Course), Neuropsychiatry (Bachelor Course), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Integrated Clinical Lectures (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 3 (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Otolaryngology (Bachelor Course), Otorhinolaryngology (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Medicine (Bachelor Course), Hematology,Endocrinology,Neurology (Bachelor Course), Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
スマート床義歯に関する研究 (スマート複合材料), 生体用新形状記憶合金の開発 (ニッケルフリー), 生体用チタン合金の生体親和性向上に関する研究 (表面改質), MRI対応の非磁性生体用合金の開発 (MRIアーチファクト) |
Ikushima, Hitoshi (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
PhD |
Field of Study: |
Medicine, Radiation Oncology |
Lecture: |
Introduction to interdisciplinary team care (Bachelor Course), Specialized research in medical information science (Graduate School), Laboratory in Basic Medical Science (Bachelor Course), Medical Safety Management (Bachelor Course), Practice in Medical Safety Management (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Radiation Medicine (Common Curriculum), Special lecture of quality assurance and quality control in radiation therapy (Graduate School), Clinical practice of radiation therapy technology (Bachelor Course), Radiation Oncology (Bachelor Course), Radiation Oncology Physics & Radiation Oncology (Graduate School), seminar ob Radiation Oncology Physics & Radiation Oncology (Graduate School), 放射臨床実習(出席情報確認用) (Bachelor Course), 放射臨床実習(補講出席状況確認用) (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Medical Imaging and Analysis (Graduate School), Advanced Seminar on Medical Imaging and Analysis (Graduate School), Clinical Oncology (Graduate School), Hygiene (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology I (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
Imaging biomarkers for radiotherapy (radiotherapy, cancer, imaging biomarker) |
Nikawa, Takeshi (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
MD and PhD |
Field of Study: |
Health Studies |
Lecture: |
オリエンテーション(4年生) (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Exercise in Anatomy and Physiology (Bachelor Course), Human Nutrition (Graduate School), Public health exercise (Bachelor Course), International Nutrition (Graduate School), International Nutrition (Graduate School), Space Nutrition/Medicine (Graduate School), Space rehabilitation medicine (Graduate School), Seminar of Space Medical Science (Graduate School), Experiment of Space Medical Science (Graduate School), Space Medical Science (Graduate School), Seminar of Space Nutrition (Graduate School), Experiment of Space Nutrition (Graduate School), 宇宙栄養学演習 (Graduate School), 宇宙栄養学特別実験 (Graduate School), Space Nutrition (Graduate School), Space Kinesiology (Graduate School), Applied Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Nutritional Public Health (Bachelor Course), Nutritional Physiology (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Exercise in Nutritional Physiology (Bachelor Course), Nutrition English (Bachelor Course), Disaster Nutrition (Graduate School), Special Environmental Nutrition (Graduate School), Seminar on Nutritional Physiology (Graduate School), Experiment on Nutritional Physiology (Graduate School), Seminar on Nutritional Physiology (Graduate School), Experiment on Nutritional Physiology (Graduate School), Basic methods in life sciences (Graduate School), Seminar on Psycho-Neuronutritional Science (Graduate School), Special Experiment in Psycho-Neuronutritional Science (Graduate School), Introduction to How to Write Up Scientific Manuscript in English (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
Minagawa, Keiji (0.2%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(理学) |
Field of Study: |
Organic Materials Chemistry |
Lecture: |
STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Bio-inspired Technology (Common Curriculum), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Introduction for Academic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Industrial Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 1 (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Organic Materials (Graduate School), Functional Materials (Graduate School), Basis for Consumer-centered Society (Common Curriculum), Biological phenomena, biomaterials and biomimetics (Common Curriculum), Science and Technology Communication (Graduate School), Science and technology of common polymers (Common Curriculum) |
Subject of Study: |
Synthesis of electrorheological fluid materials, Analyses of structure change and molecular motion of polymers in solution, Polymerization induced by ultrasonic irradiation (polymer materials, ER fluid, electrorheology, sonochemistry) |