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Field of Study

Developmental Biology

Subject of Study

Cell fate decision in early embryogenesis

Book / Paper


1. Tatsuya Takemoto :
Mar. 2016.
2. Tatsuya Takemoto :
Regulation of Axial Stem Cells Deriving Neural and Mesodermal Tissues During Posterior Axial Elongation,
Springer, Mar. 2014.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Seiji Saito, Utsugi Kanazawa, Ayana Tatsumi, Atsuo Iida, Tatsuya Takemoto and Takayuki Suzuki :
Functional analysis of a first hindlimb positioning enhancer via Gdf11 expression,
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol.12, 1302141, 2024.
(DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2024.1302141,   PubMed: 38559809,   Elsevier: Scopus)
2. Kazuki Horikawa and Tatsuya Takemoto :
Analysis of the singularity cells controlling the pattern formation in multi-cellular systems,
Biophysics and Physicobiology, Vol.21, e211001, 2024.
(DOI: 10.2142/biophysico.bppb-v21.s001,   PubMed: 39175868,   CiNii: 1390581777086273664,   Elsevier: Scopus)
3. Yi-Chen Chen, Daisuke Saito, Takayuki Suzuki and Tatsuya Takemoto :
An inducible germ cell ablation chicken model for high-grade germline chimeras,
Development, Vol.150, No.18, dev202079, 2023.
(DOI: 10.1242/dev.202079,   PubMed: 37665168)
4. Yudai Joko, Yoko Yamamoto, Tatsuya Takemoto, Masahiro Abe, Toshio Matsumoto, Seiji Fukumoto and Shun Sawatsubashi :
VDR is an essential regulator of hair follicle regression through the progression of cell death,
Life Science Alliance, Vol.6, No.11, e202302014, 2023.
(DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202302014,   PubMed: 37673445)
5. Yudai Hatakeyama, Nen Saito, Yusuke Mii, Ritsuko Takada, Takuma Shinozuka, Tatsuya Takemoto, Honda Naoki and Shinji Takada :
Intercellular exchange of Wnt ligands reduces cell population heterogeneity during embryogenesis,
Nature Communications, Vol.14, No.1, 1924, 2023.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2011662,   DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37350-x,   PubMed: 37024462,   Elsevier: Scopus)
6. Takumi Maruhashi, Daisuke Sugiura, Il-mi Okazaki, Kenji Shimizu, K Takeo Maeda, Jun Ikubo, Harunori Yoshikawa, Katsumi Maenaka, Naozumi Ishimaru, Hidetaka Kosako, Tatsuya Takemoto and Taku Okazaki :
Binding of LAG-3 to stable peptide-MHC class II limits T cell function and suppresses autoimmunity and anti-cancer immunity.,
Immunity, Vol.55, No.5, 912-924.e8, 2022.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.03.013,   PubMed: 35413245)
7. Shimizu Kenji, Daisuke Sugiura, Il-mi Okazaki, Takumi Maruhashi, Tatsuya Takemoto and Taku Okazaki :
PD-1 preferentially inhibits the activation of low-affinity T cells,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.118, No.35, e2107141118, 2021.
(DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2107141118,   PubMed: 34433672)
8. Shinichi Hayashi, Hitomi Suzuki and Tatsuya Takemoto :
The nephric mesenchyme lineage of intermediate mesoderm is derived from Tbx6-expressing derivatives of neuro-mesodermal progenitors via BMP-dependent Osr1 function,
Developmental Biology, Vol.478, 155-162, 2021.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2021.07.006,   PubMed: 34256037)
9. Taichi Nakatani, Mitsuhiro Iwasaki, Atsuhiro Yamamichi, Yuta Yoshioka, Toshihiro Uesaka, Yuko Bitoh, Kosaku Maeda, Takumi Fukumoto, Tatsuya Takemoto and Hideki Enomoto :
Point mutagenesis in mouse reveals contrasting pathogenetic effects between MEN2B- and Hirschsprung disease-associated missense mutations of the RET gene,
Development Growth & Differentiation, Vol.4, No.62, 214-222, 2020.
(DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12664,   PubMed: 32275061)
10. Shiori Yamamoto, Yuji Uchida, Tomomi Ohtani, Erina Nozaki, Chunyang Yin, Yoshihiro Gotoh, Nayuta YakushijiKaminatsui, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Takamasa Suzuki, Tatsuya Takemoto, Shiraishi Yo-Ichi and Kuroiwa Atsushi :
Hoxa13 regulates expression of common Hox target genes involved in cartilage development to coordinate the expansion of the autopodal anlage.,
Development Growth & Differentiation, Vol.61, No.3, 228-251, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008025,   DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12601,   PubMed: 30895612,   Elsevier: Scopus)
11. Machiko Teramoto, Ryo Sugawara, Katsura Minegishi, Masanori Uchikawa, Tatsuya Takemoto, Atsushi Kuroiwa, Yasuo Ishii and Hisato Kondoh :
The absence of SOX2 in the anterior foregut alters the esophagus into trachea and bronchi in both epithelial and mesenchymal components.,
Biology Open, Vol.9, No.2, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007673,   DOI: 10.1242/bio.048728,   Elsevier: Scopus)
12. Hideaki Iida, Yoko Furukawa, Machiko; Teramoto, Hitomi Suzuki, Tatsuya Takemoto, Masanori Uchikawa and Hisato Kondoh :
Sox2 gene regulation via the D1 enhancer in embryonic neural tube and neural crest by the combined action of SOX2 and ZIC2.,
Genes to Cells, 2020.
(DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12753,   PubMed: 31997540,   Elsevier: Scopus)
13. Tatsuya Takemoto :
Zygote Electroporation for CRISPR/Cas9 Delivery to Generate Genetically Modified Mice,
Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol.2050, 121-126, 2020.
(DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9740-4_13,   PubMed: 31468486)
14. Daisuke Sugiura, Takumi Maruhashi, Il-mi Okazaki, Kenji Shimizu, Takeo K. Maeda, Tatsuya Takemoto and Taku Okazaki :
Restriction of PD-1 function by -PD-L1/CD80 interactions is required for optimal T cell responses.,
Science, Vol.364, No.6440, 558-566, 2019.
(DOI: 10.1126/science.aav7062,   PubMed: 31000591,   Elsevier: Scopus)
15. Fuminori Tanihara, Maki Hirata, Nhien T. Nguyen, Quynh A. Le, Takayuki Hirano, Tatsuya Takemoto, Michiko Nakai, Dai-Ichiro Fuchimoto and Takeshige Otoi :
Generation of PDX-1 mutant porcine blastocysts by introducing CRISPR/Cas9-system into porcine zygotes via electroporation.,
Animal Science Journal, Vol.90, No.1, 55-61, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1111/asj.13129,   PubMed: 30368976)
16. Fuminori Tanihara, Maki Hirata, Nhien Thi Nguyen, Quynh Anh Le, Takayuki Hirano, Tatsuya Takemoto, Michiko Nakai, Dai-Ichiro Fuchimoto and Takeshige Otoi :
Generation of a TP53-modified porcine cancer model by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene modification in porcine zygotes via electroporation.,
PLoS ONE, Vol.13, No.10, e0206360, 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006063,   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0206360,   PubMed: 30352075)
17. Akihito Harada, Kazumitsu Maehara, Yusuke Ono, Hiroyuki Taguchi, Kiyoshi Yoshioka, Yasuo Kitajima, Yan Xie, Yuko Sato, Takeshi Iwasaki, Jumpei Nogami, Seiji Okada, Tetsuro Komatsu, Yuichiro Semba, Tatsuya Takemoto, Hiroshi Kimura, Hitoshi Kurumizaka and Yasuyuki Ohkawa :
Histone H3.3 sub-variant H3mm7 is required for normal skeletal muscle regeneration.,
Nature Communications, Vol.9, No.1, 1400, 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007716,   DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03845-1,   PubMed: 29643389,   Elsevier: Scopus)
18. Katsutoshi Nishio, Fuminori Tanihara, T-V Nguyen, Toshiki Kunihara, M Nii, Maki Hirata, Tatsuya Takemoto and Takeshige Otoi :
Effects of voltage strength during electroporation on the development and quality of in vitro-produced porcine embryos.,
Reproduction in Domestic Animals = Zuchthygiene, Vol.53, No.2, 313-318, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009011,   DOI: 10.1111/rda.13106,   PubMed: 29135047)
19. Katsutoshi Nishio, Mado Yamazaki, Masayasu Taniguchi, Kazuhiko Besshi, Fumio Morita, Toshiki Kunihara, Fuminori Tanihara, Tatsuya Takemoto and Takeshige Otoi :
Sensitivity of the meiotic stage to hyperthermia during in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes.,
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, Vol.65, No.1, 115-123, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009014,   DOI: 10.1556/004.2017.012,   PubMed: 28244334)
20. Uddin Myn Muhammad, Izumi Ohigashi, Ryo Motosugi, Tomomi Nakayama, Mie Sakata, Jun Hamazaki, Yasumasa Nishito, Immanuel Rode, Keiji Tanaka, Tatsuya Takemoto, Shigeo Murata and Yousuke Takahama :
Foxn1-5t transcriptional axis controls CD8+ T-cell production in the thymus.,
Nature Communications, Vol.8, 14419, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2004114,   DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14419,   PubMed: 28176764,   Elsevier: Scopus)
21. Fuminori Tanihara, Tatsuya Takemoto, Eri Kitagawa, Shengbin Rao, Kim Lanh Thi Do, Akira Onishi, Yukiko Yamashita, Chisato Kosugi, Hitomi Suzuki, Shoichiro Sembon, Shunichi Suzuki, Michiko Nakai, Masakazu Hashimoto, Akihiro Yasue, Munehide Matsuhisa, Sumihare Noji, Tatsuya Fujimura, Dai-Ichiro Fuchimoto and Takeshige Otoi :
Somatic cell reprogramming-free generation of genetically modified pigs.,
Science Advances, Vol.2, No.9, 2016.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003355,   DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600803,   PubMed: 27652340)
22. L Do, M Wittayarat, T Terazono, Y Sato, M Taniguchi, Fuminori Tanihara, Tatsuya Takemoto, Y Kazuki, K Kazuki, M Oshimura and Takeshige Otoi :
Effects of duration of electric pulse on in vitro development of cloned cat embryos with human artificial chromosome vector.,
Reproduction in Domestic Animals = Zuchthygiene, Vol.51, No.6, 1039-1043, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1111/rda.12766)
23. N Kurniani Karja Wayan, M Fahrudin, MA Setiadi, LI Tumbelaka, R Sudarwati, YT Hastuti, BH Mulia, A Widianti, K Sultan, T Terazono, Z Namula, M Taniguchi, Fuminori Tanihara, Tatsuya Takemoto, K Kikuchi, Y Sato and Takeshige Otoi :
Characteristics and fertility of sumatran tiger spermatozoa cryopreserved with different sugars.,
Cryo Letters, Vol.37, No.4, 264-271, 2016.
(PubMed: 27925009,   Elsevier: Scopus)
24. M Hashimoto, Y Yamashita and Tatsuya Takemoto :
Electroporation of Cas9 protein/sgRNA into early pronuclear zygotes generates non-mosaic mutants in the mouse.,
Developmental Biology, Vol.418, No.1, 1-9, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2016.07.017,   PubMed: 27474397)
25. H Kondoh, S Takada and Tatsuya Takemoto :
Axial level-dependent molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the genesis of the embryonic neural plate.,
Development Growth & Differentiation, Vol.58, No.5, 427-436, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12295,   PubMed: 27279156)
26. Tatsuya Takemoto, Abe Takaya, Kiyonari Hiroshi, Nakao Kazuki, Furuta Yasuhide, Suzuki Hitomi, Takada Shinji, Fujimori Toshihiko and Kondoh Hisato :
R26-WntVis reporter mice showing graded response to Wnt signal levels,
Genes to Cells, 2016.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003353,   DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12364,   PubMed: 27030109,   Elsevier: Scopus)
27. Morita Yasuhiro, Taniguchi Masayasu, Fuminori Tanihara, Ito Aya, Namula Zhao, DO Thi Kim Lanh, Takagi Mitsuhiro, Tatsuya Takemoto and Takeshige Otoi :
The optimal period of Ca-EDTA treatment for parthenogenetic activation of porcine oocytes during maturation culture,
The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 2016.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008500,   DOI: 10.1292/jvms.15-0658,   PubMed: 26947170)
28. Masakazu Hashimoto and Tatsuya Takemoto :
Electroporation enables the efficient mRNA delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing,
Scientific Reports, Vol.5, 11315, 2015.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007904,   DOI: 10.1038/srep11315,   PubMed: 26066060)
29. Megumi Yoshida, Masanori Uchikawa, Karine Rizzoti, Robin Lovell-Badge, Tatsuya Takemoto and Hisato Kondoh :
Regulation of mesodermal precursor production by low-level expression of B1 Sox genes in the caudal lateral epiblast.,
Mechanisms of Development, Vol.132, 59-68, 2014.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.mod.2014.01.003,   PubMed: 24508530,   Elsevier: Scopus)
30. Tatsuya Takemoto :
Mechanism of cell fate choice between neural and mesodermal development during early embryogenesis.,
Congenital Anomalies, Vol.53, No.2, 61-66, 2013.
(DOI: 10.1111/cga.12017,   PubMed: 23751038)
31. Hisato Kondoh and Tatsuya Takemoto :
Axial stem cells deriving both posterior neural and mesodermal tissues during gastrulation.,
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, Vol.22, No.4, 374-380, 2012.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2012.03.006,   PubMed: 22575683)
32. Masanori Uchikawa, Megumi Yoshida, Makiko Iwafuchi-Doi, Kazunari Matsuda, Yoshiko Ishida, Tatsuya Takemoto and Hisato Kondoh :
B1 and B2 Sox gene expression during neural plate development in chicken and mouse embryos: universal versus species-dependent features.,
Development Growth & Differentiation, Vol.53, No.6, 761-771, 2011.
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.2011.01286.x,   PubMed: 21762129)
33. Tatsuya Takemoto, Masanori Uchikawa, Megumi Yoshida, M Donald Bell, Robin Lovell-Badge, E Virginia Papaioannou and Hisato Kondoh :
Tbx6-dependent Sox2 regulation determines neural or mesodermal fate in axial stem cells.,
Nature, Vol.470, No.7334, 394-398, 2011.
(DOI: 10.1038/nature09729,   PubMed: 21331042)
34. Makiko Iwafuchi-Doi, Yuzo Yoshida, Daria Onichtchouk, Manuel Leichsenring, Wolfgang Driever, Tatsuya Takemoto, Masanori Uchikawa, Yusuke Kamachi and Hisato Kondoh :
The Pou5f1/Pou3f-dependent but SoxB-independent regulation of conserved enhancer N2 initiates Sox2 expression during epiblast to neural plate stages in vertebrates.,
Developmental Biology, Vol.352, No.2, 354-366, 2010.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2010.12.027,   PubMed: 21185279)
35. Yusuke Kamachi, Makiko Iwafuchi, Yuichi Okuda, Tatsuya Takemoto, Masanori Uchikawa and Hisato Kondoh :
Evolution of non-coding regulatory sequences involved in the developmental process: reflection of differential employment of paralogous genes as highlighted by Sox2 and group B1 Sox genes.,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences, Vol.85, No.2, 55-68, 2009.
(DOI: 10.2183/pjab.85.55,   PubMed: 19212098)
36. Kazunobu Moriguchi, Tatsuya Takemoto, Takafumi Aoki, Shin-ichi Nakakita, Shunji Natsuka and Sumihiro Hase :
Free oligosaccharides with Lewis x structure expressed in the segmentation period of zebrafish embryo.,
The Journal of Biochemistry, Vol.142, No.2, 213-227, 2007.
(DOI: 10.1093/jb/mvm128,   PubMed: 17875554)
37. Tatsuya Takemoto, Masanori Uchikawa, Yusuke Kamachi and Hisato Kondoh :
Convergence of Wnt and FGF signals in the genesis of posterior neural plate through activation of the Sox2 enhancer N-1.,
Development, Vol.133, No.2, 297-306, 2005.
(DOI: 10.1242/dev.02196,   PubMed: 16354715)
38. Tatsuya Takemoto, Shunji Natsuka, Shin-Ichi Nakakita and Sumihiro Hase :
Expression of complex-type N-glycans in developmental periods of zebrafish embryo.,
Glycoconjugate Journal, Vol.22, No.1-2, 21-26, 2005.
(DOI: 10.1007/s10719-005-0189-5,   PubMed: 15864431)
39. Masanori Uchikawa, Tatsuya Takemoto, Yusuke Kamachi and Hisato Kondoh :
Efficient identification of regulatory sequences in the chicken genome by a powerful combination of embryo electroporation and genome comparison.,
Mechanisms of Development, Vol.121, No.9, 1145-1158, 2004.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.mod.2004.05.009,   PubMed: 15296978)
40. Masanori Uchikawa, Yoshiko Ishida, Tatsuya Takemoto, Yusuke Kamachi and Hisato Kondoh :
Functional analysis of chicken Sox2 enhancers highlights an array of diverse regulatory elements that are conserved in mammals.,
Developmental Cell, Vol.4, No.4, 509-519, 2003.
(PubMed: 12689590)

Review, Commentary:

1. Tatsuya Takemoto :
領域融合レビュー, Vol.3, e007, Jul. 2014.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Fuminori Tanihara, LTK Do, TV Nguyen, Toshiki Kunihara, Katsutoshi Nishio, Tatsuya Takemoto and Takeshige Otoi :
Generation of TP53-modified pigs by GEEP method: CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene modification introduced into porcine zygotes by electroporation.,
Transgenic Research, Vol.26, No.1, 38, Utah, USA, Oct. 2017.
2. Sayumi Fujimori, Izumi Ohigashi, Tatsuya Takemoto, Yousuke Takahama and Takada Shinji :
Activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in thymic epithelial progenitors,
7th International Workshop of Kyoto T Cell Conference, Kyoto, Mar. 2017.
3. Izumi Ohigashi, Uddin Myn, Tatsuya Takemoto and Yousuke Takahama :
Foxn1-binding cis-regulatory element required for optimal CD8+ T cell production in the thymus,
11th International Symposium of The Institute Network Frontiers in Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2017.
4. Tatsuya Takemoto :
High-throughput production of mutant mice by electroporation of CRISPR/Cas9 system,
Mouse Molecular Genetics 2015, Sep. 2015.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. 浜崎 祥生, Tatsuya Takemoto and Katsuyoshi Takaoka :
第44回日本分子生物学会年会, Dec. 2021.
2. Eisuke Shimokita, Hitomi Suzuki, Yoshihiro Tsuruo and Tatsuya Takemoto :
ニワトリ胚におけるneuro-mesodermal progenitors (NMP) の検証,
第125回 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会, Mar. 2020.
3. Eisuke Shimokita, Hitomi Suzuki, Yoshihiro Tsuruo and Tatsuya Takemoto :
ニワトリ胚におけるneuro-mesodermal progenitors (NMP) の検証,
日本解剖学会 第74回中国・四国支部学術集会, Oct. 2019.
4. Eisuke Shimokita, Hitomi Suzuki, Yoshihiro Tsuruo and Tatsuya Takemoto :
Mesodermal cell migration does NOT depend on mesoderm-inducible transcriptional factor cTbx6L,
第52回日本発生生物学会, May 2019.
5. Sayumi Fujimori, Izumi Ohigashi, Tatsuya Takemoto, 高田 慎治 and Yousuke Takahama :
第40回日本分子生物学会年会, Dec. 2017.
6. Izumi Ohigashi, Tatsuya Takemoto and Yousuke Takahama :
胸腺におけるCD8+ T細胞生成を制御するFoxn1結合シス制御領域の同定,
第39回日本分子生物学会年会, Dec. 2016.
7. Sayumi Fujimori, Izumi Ohigashi, Tatsuya Takemoto, Yousuke Takahama and 高田 慎治 :
第39回日本分子生物学会年会, Dec. 2016.
8. Tatsuya Takemoto, Yukiko Yamashita and 橋本 昌和 :
第39回日本分子生物学会, Nov. 2016.
9. Tatsuya Takemoto :
受精卵エレクトロポレーション法によるゲノム編集マウス作製法, Mar. 2016.
10. Kou Motani, Tatsuya Takemoto, 梶本 真弓美 and Hidetaka Kosako :
BMB2015, Dec. 2015.
11. Tatsuya Takemoto :
第158回日本獣医学会学術集会, Sep. 2015.
12. Tatsuya Takemoto :
第6回生命科学阿波おどりシンポジウム, Aug. 2015.
13. Tatsuya Takemoto :
ADRESセミナー, Jun. 2015.
14. Tatsuya Takemoto :
High-throughput production of mutant mice by electroporation of CRISPR/Cas9 system,
48th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society Biologists, Jun. 2015.
15. Tatsuya Takemoto :
筑波大学国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構セミナー, Jun. 2015.
16. Tatsuya Takemoto :
再生増殖制御学セミナー, Mar. 2015.
17. Tatsuya Takemoto :
第2回 初期発生学セミナー, Mar. 2015.
18. Tatsuya Takemoto :
Regulation of neuro-mesodermal precursors,axial stem cells.,
246ht IMEG Seminar, Feb. 2015.
19. Tatsuya Takemoto :
Frontiers in Developmental Biology by Unique Approaches,
47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists, May 2014.
20. Tatsuya Takemoto and Kondoh Hisato :
The role of Tbx6 in the derivation of mesodermal tissue from the axial stem cells,
47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists, May 2014.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Fuminori Tanihara, Maki Hirata, Nguyen Thi Nhien, Le Anh Quynh, Takayuki Hirano, Tatsuya Takemoto, 中井 美智子, 淵本 大一郎 and Takeshige Otoi :
第6回日本先進医工学ブタ研究会, Oct. 2018.
2. Fuminori Tanihara, Tatsuya Takemoto, Maki Hirata, N Nguyen Thi, Toshiki Kunihara, R Nishinakamura and Takeshige Otoi :
Modification of SALL1 gene via CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing introduced into porcine zygotes by electroporation,
KEY Forum: The 3rd International symposium on Stem Cell Traits and Developmental Systems, Jan. 2018.
3. Fuminori Tanihara, Tatsuya Takemoto, Michiko Nakai, Eri Kitagawa, Do Thi Kim Lanh, Akira Onishi, Shunichi Suzuki, Syoichiro Senbon, Daiichiro Fuchimoto and Takeshige Otoi :
第4回 日本先進医工学ブタ研究会 要旨集, 21, Oct. 2016.


1. Tatsuya Takemoto, 橋本 昌和, Takeshige Otoi and Fuminori Tanihara : 2016-074645 (Apr. 2016), 2016-074645 (Apr. 2016).
2. Masakazu Hashimoto and Tatsuya Takemoto : Method for Transferring Cas9 mRNA Into Mammalian Fertilized Egg by Electroporation, (Feb. 2016), PCT/JP2016/054735 (Feb. 2016).

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • Unveiling the mechanisms determining the stemness in chicken primordial germ cells. (Project/Area Number: 24K21919 )
  • 原腸陥入に伴う多彩な体細胞運命の絞り込みを実現する転写因子の作用機序 (Project/Area Number: 24K01939 )
  • Deciphering the epicode that governs aging in skeletal muscle (Project/Area Number: 24H02323 )
  • Mutant p53 - Cancer Immunology Research from the DDX31 axis (Project/Area Number: 23K08758 )
  • ゲノム多型に起因する疾患の発症プロセスの解明 (Project/Area Number: 23K24081 )
  • Functional analysis of the cell initiating gastrulation process. (Project/Area Number: 21K19270 )
  • Identification and functional analysis of noncoding SNPs causative for genetic disorders (Project/Area Number: 18KT0024 )
  • Analysis of the singularity cells controlling the pattern formation of multicellular system (Project/Area Number: 18H05415 )
  • Production of pigs for safe xenotransplantation by controlling infectious porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV) (Project/Area Number: 17K19325 )
  • Production of genetically modified pigs by combined techniques of chromosome engineering and genome editing (Project/Area Number: 17H03938 )
  • Regularion of axial stem cells producing various types of somatic cells (Project/Area Number: 17H03607 )
  • Innovation of novel therapeutics against diabetic nephropathy targeting ChREBP (Project/Area Number: 16K15492 )
  • Generation of reporter mice by electroporating genome editing system into mouse zygotes (Project/Area Number: 16K14738 )
  • Cell lineage analysis of mouse embryos (Project/Area Number: 26670092 )
  • Gene regulatory network underlying epiblast cell determination and their derivation into various somatic cell lineages (Project/Area Number: 26251024 )
  • 細胞の移動・再配置による体軸伸長のメカニズム (Project/Area Number: 24116707 )
  • Regulation of axial stem cells deriving neural plate cells and mesoderm cells (Project/Area Number: 24687029 )
  • Gene regulatory network governing the neural plate development from the epiblast (Project/Area Number: 22247035 )
  • Stem zoneへのシグナルの量的制御による、体軸伸長の分子基盤 (Project/Area Number: 22116507 )
  • Wnt-dependent regulation of neuro-mesodermal precursor cells (Project/Area Number: 22770214 )
  • Regulation and interaction of SOX family transcription factors as the basis of neural primordial development (Project/Area Number: 17107005 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (30443899)