Kudo, Yasusei (4.8%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
PhD. |
Field of Study: |
Oral Pathology, Biochemistry, Molecular Pharmacology |
Lecture: |
基礎生物学DⅠ, 基礎生物学DⅡ, SIH道場~アクティブ・ラーニング入門~(歯学部), 一般生化学, 分子生化学, 歯科薬理学, 生理学・生化学・病理学・薬理学, 薬理学各論1, 薬理学各論2, 薬理学総論, 生化学・薬理学実習1, ゲノム創薬特論, プロテオミクス概論 |
Subject of Study: |
(Oral Cancer, Head and neck cancer, cell cycle, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, invasion and metastasis), 口腔癌の増殖・浸潤メカニズムの解明 (口腔癌), 口腔癌の増殖・浸潤メカニズムの解明 (口腔癌) |
Torii, Kohei (1.0%) / Designated Assistant Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Ph.D. |
Field of Study: |
Artificial Intelligence |
Lecture: |
Comprehensive Exercises for Artificial Intelligence (Common Curriculum) |
Subject of Study: |
医用画像AI開発支援ソフトウェアの開発,ニューラルネットワークの教師なし学習によって得られる潜在表現の解析とその応用,脳の実構造に基づくニューラルネットワークの構築 (artificial intelligence, medical image, neural network, software, computer vision) |
Fujiwara, Natsumi (1.0%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
a doctor of dentistry |
Field of Study: |
Periodontology, Oral Microbiology |
Lecture: |
SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Team Approach for Dental Treatment in health and welfare (Bachelor Course), Medical Ethics (Bachelor Course), Safety Management in Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Graduation Thesis (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究(4年生) (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健医療管理学 (Graduate School), 口腔保健医療管理学演習 (Graduate School), 口腔保健医療管理学特別演習 (Graduate School), 口腔保健医療管理学特別研究 (Graduate School), Introduction to Oral Health Promotion Studies (Graduate School), Training of Oral Health Education and Research (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture for Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Oral health promotion, nutrition guidance and social service for the elderly (Graduate School), Clinical training for dental hygienists (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健衛生学臨床実習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Fundamental Nursing (Bachelor Course), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Dental Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Dental Assisting Program (Bachelor Course), Dental Anesthesiology (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
新規化合物の口腔細菌に与える影響, 口腔細菌と緑膿菌がもたらす誤嚥性肺炎の重篤化機構の解明, 口腔保健学科生における歯科衛生士臨床実習効果 |
Takamaru, Natsumi (1.0%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(歯学) |
Field of Study: |
Dentistry |
Lecture: |
Oral Surgery (Graduate School), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Oral Surgery Seminar (Graduate School), Oral Surgery (General theory) (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Experiment and practical exercise in intractable therapeufic regulation for oral tumors (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
Mouri, Yasuhiro (1.0%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
医学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Immunology |
Lecture: |
Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Molecular Biology (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Oral Health Science (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry and Molecular Dentistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry and Molecular Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Basic Biology (Common Curriculum), Dental Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry and Pharmacology Experimental Practice 2 (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology・Dental Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology 2 (Bachelor Course), General Pharmacology (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
自己免疫疾患発症のメカニズムに関する研究 (autoimmunity, thymus) |
Yoshida, Kaya (1.0%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(歯学) |
Field of Study: |
Oral Anatomy, Oral Histology, Cell Biology, 骨代謝学 |
Lecture: |
Graduation Thesis (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究(4年生) (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健医療管理学 (Graduate School), 口腔保健医療管理学特別演習 (Graduate School), 口腔保健医療管理学特別研究 (Graduate School), Training of Oral Health Education and Research (Graduate School), The Clinical Associated Practice of Oral Health Sciences (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Special Practice for Oral Health Care Promotion (Graduate School), Special Research for Oral Health Care Promotion (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Oral Health Science (Bachelor Course), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Dental Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Dental Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Lecture for Oral Functional Management for the Disabled or the Elderly (Graduate School), Practice for Oral Functional Management for the Disabled or the Elderly (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
骨芽細胞の分化機構, 歯周病と全身疾患の関連性, 歯周病における細胞外小胞の役割, |
(Ishimaru, Naozumi) (1.0%) / (Retired) [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Ph.D. |
Field of Study: |
Pathology, Immunology |
Subject of Study: |
Molecular mechanism of autoimmune diseases (autoimmune, T cell activation, NF-kB, sex hormone, Sjögren's syndrome) |
Ozaki, Kazumi (1.0%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Ph.D. |
Field of Study: |
Operative Dentistry, Periodontology |
Lecture: |
Team Approach for Dental Treatment in health and welfare (Bachelor Course), チーム歯科医療学(3年生Manaba用) (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), 保存系歯科学(3年生Manaba用) (Bachelor Course), Graduation Thesis (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究(4年生) (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture for Oral Health Science (Graduate School), The Clinical Associated Practice of Oral Health Sciences (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Special Practice for Oral Health Care Promotion (Graduate School), Special Research for Oral Health Care Promotion (Graduate School), Oral health promotion, nutrition guidance and social service for the elderly (Graduate School), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Oral Physiology (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Dental Assisting Program (Bachelor Course), 歯科診療補助論(3年生Manaba用) (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Lecture for Oral Functional Management for the Disabled or the Elderly (Graduate School), Practice for Oral Functional Management for the Disabled or the Elderly (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
象牙質齲蝕の発症機構に関する研究 (Streptococcus mutans, 齲蝕原性, 菌体内多糖) |
(Miyamoto, Youji) (1.0%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
歯学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Dentistry |
Subject of Study: |
Momota, Yukihiro (1.0%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(歯学) |
Field of Study: |
Biomaterials |
Lecture: |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery(Oral Medicine) (Bachelor Course), Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral Medicine (Bachelor Course), Oral Medicine (Bachelor Course), Exercises in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery(Oral Medicine) (Bachelor Course), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
骨止血剤に関する研究 |
Miyoshi, Keiko (1.0%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
D.D.S, Ph.D. |
Field of Study: |
Molecular Biology, Cell Biology |
Lecture: |
(基礎系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), Biomaterials and Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Molecular Biology (Bachelor Course), 動物実験教育講習会(歯学部) (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Oral Health Science (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry and Molecular Dentistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry and Molecular Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Basic Biology (Common Curriculum), Dental Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Biomedical Engineering (Graduate School), Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry and Pharmacology Experimental Practice 1 (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry and Pharmacology Experimental Practice 2 (Bachelor Course), Basic methods in life sciences (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 1 (Bachelor Course), 臨床予備実習(掲示板) (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology・Dental Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology 1 (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology 2 (Bachelor Course), General Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Experimental Training in Dentofacial Developmental Science and Social Dentistry (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
amelogenesisのメカニズムの解明, 組織特異性を司る遺伝子の同定 (Amelogenesis, cytokine, Amelogenin, epithelial-mesenchymal interaction) |
Terada, Kenji (1.0%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Doctor of Engineering |
Field of Study: |
Computer Vision |
Lecture: |
Introduction to STEM (Bachelor Course), STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Practice on Computer Application Development (Graduate School), Computer Application Exercise (Bachelor Course), Entrepreneur Exercise (Bachelor Course), Internship(M) (Graduate School), Design Thinking (Graduate School), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Project Management Fundamentals (Bachelor Course), Internship (Graduate School), Internship (D) (Graduate School), Signal Processing (Bachelor Course), Management of Technology (Graduate School), Image Processing (Bachelor Course), Image Engineering (Bachelor Course), Applied Image Processing (Graduate School), Introduction to Computer Science (Bachelor Course), Research Approaches in Science and Technology C (Graduate School), Visual pattern processing (Graduate School), Venture Business (D) (Graduate School), Long-term Internship (M) (Graduate School), Long-term Internship (Graduate School), Long-term Internship (D) (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
人のセンシング, 3次元計測, 動画像処理, カラー画像処理 (個人識別, Three-dimensional measurement, パターン認識, image processing) |