Tokushima UniversityUniversity HospitalClinical DivisionDepartment of General DentistryConservative Dentistry
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of DentistryCourse in DentistryClinical Dentistry for Oral Health and FunctionConservative Dentistry
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Conservative Dentistry

Subject of Study

象牙質知覚過敏症に関する研究, アパタイト析出法を利用した象牙質知覚過敏症の治療法の開発に関する研究 (アパタイト, リン酸カルシウム, 象牙質知覚過敏症)

Book / Paper

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. 高原 由実子, Hirokazu Miki, Shingen Nakamura, 林 成樹, Ryohei Sumitani, Masahiro Oura, Kimiko Sogabe, 髙橋 真美子, 丸橋 朋子, 富永 誠記, 岡本 秀樹, Naoto Okada, 矢野 由美子, 高橋 真理, 大坂 朱美, Takeshi Harada, Shiroh Fujii, Toshiyuki Suge, Keiko Aota, Shuji Ozaki and Masahiro Abe :
Shikoku Acta Medica, Vol.78, No.5-6, 193-198, 2022.
(CiNii: 1050021072399678336)
2. 西條 早希, Shingen Nakamura, Hirokazu Miki, 谷口 早紀, 岡本 秀樹, 富永 誠記, Naoto Okada, 矢野 由美子, 髙橋 真理, Keiko Aota, Toshiyuki Suge, Hiroyoshi Watanabe, 大坂 朱美 and Masahiro Abe :
Shikoku Acta Medica, Vol.77, No.5-6, 261-268, 2021.
(CiNii: 1050021072400112256)
3. Toshiyuki Suge, Ishikawa Kunio and Takashi Matsuo :
Changes in the crystallinity of hydroxyapatite powder and structure of enamel treated with several concentrations of ammonium hexafluorosilicate,
American Journal of Dentistry, Vol.25, No.5, 299-302, 2012.
(PubMed: 23243979)
4. Shibata Shingo, Toshiyuki Suge, Tomoko Kimura, Ishikawa Kunio and Takashi Matsuo :
Antibacterial activity of ammonium hexafluorosilicate solution with antimicrobial agents for the prevention of dentin caries,
American Journal of Dentistry, Vol.25, No.1, 31-34, 2012.
(PubMed: 22558689)
5. Shinya Horiuchi, Shingo Kuroda, Masahiro Hiasa, Toshiyuki Suge, Seitaro Saku, Kenichi Hamada, Takashi Matsuo, Kenzo Asaoka and Eiji Tanaka :
Reinforcement of bond strength of self-etching orthodontic adhesive.,
The Angle Orthodontist, Vol.82, No.1, 30-35, 2011.
(DOI: 10.2319/012011-39.1,   PubMed: 21751834)
6. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Ishikawa Kunio, Takashi Matsuo and Ebisu Shigeyuki :
Effects of ammonium hexafluorosilicate concentration on dentin tubule occlusion and composition of the precipitate,
Dental Materials, Vol.26, No.1, 29-34, 2010.
(DOI: 10.1016/,   PubMed: 19748664)
7. Toshiyuki Suge, 石川 邦夫, Takashi Matsuo and 恵比須 繁之 :
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.50, No.3, 313-320, 2007.
(CiNii: 1390001205520321280)
8. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Ammonium hexafluorosilicate elicits calcium phosphate precipitation and shows continuous dentin tubule occlusion,
Dental Materials, Vol.24, No.2, 192-198, 2007.
(DOI: 10.1016/,   PubMed: 17544103,   Elsevier: Scopus)
9. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Effect of ammonium hexafluorosilicate on dentin tubule occlusion for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity,
American Journal of Dentistry, Vol.19, No.4, 248-252, 2006.
(PubMed: 16939033)
10. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Effects of plaque control on the patency of dentinal tubules-an in vivo study in beagle dogs,
Journal of Periodontology, Vol.77, No.3, 454-459, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1902/jop.2006.050159,   PubMed: 16512760,   Elsevier: Scopus)
11. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Takashi Matsuo and SHigeyuki Ebisu :
Comparison of the occluding ability of dentinal tubules with different morphology between calcium phosphate precipitation method and potassium oxalate treatment,
Dental Materials Journal, Vol.24, No.4, 522-529, 2005.
(DOI: 10.4012/dmj.24.522,   PubMed: 16445013)
12. Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Kazumi Ozaki, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Ammonium hexafluorosilicate increase acid resistance of bovine enamel and dentine,
Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Medicine, Vol.16, No.5, 461-466, 2005.
(DOI: 10.1007/s10856-005-6987-2,   PubMed: 15875257)
13. Toshiyuki Suge, Ishikawa Kunio, Akiko Kawasaki, Takashi Matsuo and EBISU Shigeyuki :
Effects of pre- or post- application with calcium chloride on occluding ability of potassium oxalate for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity,
American Journal of Dentistry, Vol.18, No.2, 121-125, 2005.
(PubMed: 15973832)
14. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio ISHIKAWA, Akiko Kawasaki, Kazuomi SUZUKI, Takashi Matsuo, Yuichiro NOIRI, Satoshi IMAZATO and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Calcium phosphate precipitation method for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity,
American Journal of Dentistry, Vol.15, No.4, 220-226, 2002.
(PubMed: 12572638,   Elsevier: Scopus)
15. Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio ISHIKAWA, Toshiyuki Suge, Hirotoshi SHIMIZU, Kazuomi SUZUKI, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Effects of plaque control on the patency and occlusion of dentine tubules in situ.,
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol.28, No.5, 439-449, 2001.
(PubMed: 11380784)
16. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio ISHIKAWA, Akiko Kawasaki, Kazuomi SUZUKI, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Evaluation of post-treatment solutions for clinical use with the calsium phosphate precipitation method,
Journal of Dentistry, Vol.27, No.7, 487-496, 1999.
(DOI: 10.1016/S0300-5712(99)00033-0,   PubMed: 10507204,   Elsevier: Scopus)
17. Masahiro YOSHIYAMA, Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Morphological characterization of tube-like structures in hypersensitive human radicular dentine,
Journal of Dentistry, Vol.24, No.1-2, 57-63, 1996.
(DOI: 10.1016/0300-5712(95)00016-X,   PubMed: 8636493,   Elsevier: Scopus)
18. Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Suge, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Kenzo Asaoka and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Effects of hexafluorosilicate on the precipitate composition and dentine tubule occlusion by calcium phosphate,
Journal of Dentistry, Vol.24, No.6, 429-434, 1996.
(DOI: 10.1016/0300-5712(95)00101-8,   PubMed: 8990689,   Elsevier: Scopus)
19. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Akiko Kawasaki, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Kenzo Asaoka and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Effects of fluoride on the calcium phosphate pricipitation method for dentinal tubules occlusion,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.74, No.4, 1079-1085, 1995.
20. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Akiko Kawasaki, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Kenzo Asaoka and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Duration of dentinal tubule occlusion formed by calcium phosphate precipitation method: in vitro evaluation using synthetic saliva,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.74, No.10, 1079-1714, 1995.
21. Kunio Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Suge, Masahiro Yshiyama, Akiko Kawasaki, Kenzo Asaoka and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Occlusion of dentinal tubules with calcium phosphate using acidic calcium phosphate solution followed by neutralization.,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.73, No.6, 1197-1204, 1994.
22. Masahiro YOSHIYAMA, Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Microstructural changes of cervical abrasive dentin by application of primers,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.37, No.2, 404-410, 1994.
23. Masahiro YOSHIYAMA, Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Reiko OGIMOTO and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Mechanisums of dentin hypersensitivity, --- ultrastructural characterization of both success and failure cases after topical aplication of aresin liner ---,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.36, No.1, 200-205, 1993.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Toshiyuki Suge :
Etiology and treatment method for dentin hypersensitivity,
Shikoku Dental Research, Vol.26, No.2, 55-60, 2014.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003076)
2. Toshiyuki Suge and Takashi Matsuo :
Effects of ammonium hexafluorosilicate concentration on crystallinity of hydroxyapatite powder and enamel,
Key Engineering Materials, Vol.529-530, 526-530, 2013.
(DOI: 10.4028/,   Elsevier: Scopus)
3. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
A new treatment method for dentin hypersensitivity: application of ammonium hexafluorosilicate solution,
Dental tribune, Asia Pacific edition, Vol.4, No.12, 10-12, 2006.
4. Masahiro YOSHIYAMA, Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Process-like structures in the tubules of hypersensitive human dentine.,
Archives of Oral Biology, Vol.39, No.Suppl, 153, 1994.

Review, Commentary:

1. Daisuke Takegawa, Kazuhide Yonekura, Hitomi Kuramoto, Yumika Ida, Yuki Hosokawa, Ikuko Hosokawa, Yoshitaka Hosokawa, Toshiyuki Suge, Tadashi Nakanishi and Keiichi Hosaka :
Clinical Key Points of Class II Direct Composite Restoration,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.36, No.1, 8-12, Sep. 2023.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2011365,   DOI: 10.20738/johb.36.1_8,   CiNii: 1390016062665364224)

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio ISHIKAWA and Takashi Matsuo :
Effect of ammonium hexafluorosilicate on acid resistance of enamel and dentin,
Sydney, May 2004.
2. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa and Takashi Matsuo :
Occlusion of dentinal tubules with ammonium hexafluorosilicate for treatment of dentin hypersensitivity,
7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
3. Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Kazumi Ozaki, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Ammonium hexafluorosilicate increase acid resistance of bovine enamel and dentin,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.82, No.Special Issue B, B-71, Goteborg, Jun. 2003.
4. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Akiko Kawasaki, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Duraiton of ammonium hexafluorosilicate for dentinal tubules occlusion,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.82, No.Special Issue B, B-47, Goteborg, Jun. 2003.
5. Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio ISHIKAWA, Kazumi Ozaki and Takashi Matsuo :
Ammonium hexafluorosilicate increased acid resistance of bovine enamel and dentin,
Transactions of the fourth international congress on dental materials, Vol.16, 195, Honolulu, Jan. 2002.
6. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio ISHIKAWA, Akiko Kawasaki, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Effects of ammonium hexafluorosilicate on dental tubules' occlusion,
Transactions of the fourth international congress on dental materials, Vol.16, 253, Honolulu, Jan. 2002.
7. Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio ISHIKAWA, Kazuomi SUZUKI, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Effects of ammonium hexafluorosilicate on occluion of dentinal tubules,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.80, No.Special Issue, 750, Makuhari, Jun. 2001.
8. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio ISHIKAWA, Akiko Kawasaki, Kazuomi SUZUKI, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki EBISU :
CaCl2 increase dentinal tubules occlusion ablity of potassium oxalate treatment,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.80, No.Special Issue, 750, Makuhari, Jun. 2001.
9. Akiko Kawasaki, ISHIKAWA Kunio, Toshiyuki Suge, SUZUKI Kazuomi, Takashi Matsuo and EBISU Shigeyuki :
In vivo evaluation of plaque control on dentin hypersensitivity,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.77, No.Special Issue, 571, Nice, Jun. 1998.
10. Toshiyuki Suge, ISHIKAWA Kunio, Akiko Kawasaki, SUZUKI Kazuomi, Takashi Matsuo and EBISU Shigeyuki :
Comparison of dentinal tubules occlusion-CPP, Resin and Potassium Oxalate,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.77, No.Special Issue, 651, Nice, Jun. 1998.
11. Shigeyuki Ebisu, T Yasunaga, Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Kenzo Asaoka and Takashi Matsuo :
Acid resistance of bovine enamel after calcium phosphate precipitation method using dogs,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.76, No.Special Issue, 180, Orlando, Mar. 1997.
12. Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Suge, Kenzo Asaoka, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Effects of plaque control on the occlusion of dentin tubules,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.76, No.Special Issue, 180, Orlando, Mar. 1997.
13. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Akiko Kawasaki, Kenzo Asaoka, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Acid resistance of bovine enamel after calcium phosphate precipitation method,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.76, No.Special Issue, 97, Orlando, Mar. 1997.
14. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Akiko Kawasaki, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Kenzo Asaoka and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Calcium phosphate precipitation method using buffer for post-treatment solution,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.75, No.Special Issue, 279, San Francisco, Mar. 1996.
15. Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Suge, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Kenzo Asaoka and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Effects of calcium phosophate precipitation method on crystalinity of apatite,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.75, No.Special Issue, 279, San Francisco, Mar. 1996.
16. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Akiko Kawasaki, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Kenzo Asaoka and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Duration of calcium phosphate precipitation method for dentinal tubules occlusion,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.74, No.Special Issue, 423, Singapore, Jun. 1995.
17. Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Suge, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Kenzo Asaoka and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Effecs of fluoride on CPP method for dentin hypersensitivity treatment,
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.74, No.Special Issue, 423, Singapore, Jun. 1995.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Toshiyuki Suge, Naoto Noguchi, Takashi Matsuo, Katsuhiko Yoshimoto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
第42回四国歯学会例会, Mar. 2013.
2. Hisahiro Takeuchi, Toshiyuki Suge, Yukihiro Momota, Kazumi Ozaki, Atsuko Nakamichi, Yoichiro Miyake, Katsuhiko Yoshimoto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
第38回四国歯学会例会, Mar. 2011.
3. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Takashi Matsuo, Kunio ISHIKAWA and Shigeyuki EBISU :
Duration of ammonium hexafluorosilicate for dentinal tubules occlusion,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.47, 100, Nov. 2004.
4. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Kazumi Ozaki, Takashi Matsuo, 石川 邦夫 and 恵比須 繁之 :
Effects of ammonium hexafluorosilicate on acid resistance of bovine teeth,
第118回 日本歯科保存学会春季学会, Jun. 2003.
5. 末延 慎司, Kazumi Ozaki, 位田 夏子, Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge and Takashi Matsuo :
第115回 秋季日本歯科保存学会, Nov. 2001.
6. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Takashi Matsuo, 石川 邦夫, 鈴木 一臣 and 恵比須 繁之 :
Effects of ammonium hexafluorosilicate on occlusion of dentinal tubules for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.44, 114, Jun. 2001.
7. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, Takashi Matsuo, 石川 邦夫, 鈴木 一臣 and 恵比須 繁之 :
Effects of calcium chloride on potassium oxalate treatment for dentin hypersensitivity,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.43, 102, Apr. 2000.
8. Keiko Fujinaka, 吉田 佳子, 松岡 希実, Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge and Takashi Matsuo :
Localization and identification of bacteria in the apices of roots with refractory apical periodontitis,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.42, 57, Nov. 1999.
9. Toshiyuki Suge, 石川 邦夫, Akiko Kawasaki, 鈴木 一臣, Takashi Matsuo and 恵比須 繁之 :
Shikoku Dental Research, Jun. 1998.
10. 松岡 希実, 吉田 佳子, Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, 野杁 由一郎 and Takashi Matsuo :
An immunolhistological study on the localization of selected bacteria in the apexies of infected root canal systems,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.41, 71, Jun. 1998.
11. Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, Takashi Matsuo, 石川 邦夫 and 恵比須 繁之 :
Effects of Calcium Phosphate Precipitation Method on the Crystallinity and Acid Resistance of Enamel,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.39, 118, Jun. 1997.
12. Akiko Kawasaki, Kunio Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Suge, Kenzo Asaoka, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Effect of apatite forming method on the crystallinity of hydroxyapatite powder,
Transaction of the 12 th Symposium on apatite, 6-7, Dec. 1996.
13. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Akiko Kawasaki, Kenzo Asaoka, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
Apatite forming method -duration of dentinal tubules occlusion-,
Transactions of the 12th Symposium on apatite, 4-5, Dec. 1996.
14. Toshiyuki Suge, Kunio Ishikawa, Akiko Kawasaki, Kenzo Asaoka, Takashi Matsuo and Shigeyuki Ebisu :
A new treatment method for dentin hypersensitivity -apatite forming method-,
Transactions of the 12th Symposium on apatite, 2-3, Dec. 1996.
15. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, 野杁 由一郎, 石川 邦夫 and 恵比須 繁之 :
Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity by calcium phosphate precipitation method, --- occludion ability of CPP method in vivo ---,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.39, 118, Mar. 1996.
16. Toshiyuki Suge, 吉山 昌宏, Akiko Kawasaki and 恵比須 繁之 :
Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity by calcium phosphate precipitation method, --- reevaluation of post-treatment solutions for clinical use ---,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.38, 160, Oct. 1995.
17. Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, 清水 洋利, 吉山 昌宏 and 恵比須 繁之 :
Effects of plaque control on the root hypersensitivity,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.38, 17, Jun. 1995.
18. Akiko Kawasaki, 石川 邦夫, Toshiyuki Suge, 吉山 昌宏 and 恵比須 繁之 :
Effects of calcium fluorosilicate on the occlusion of dentinal tubules with calcium-phosphate precipitation method,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.37, 69, Nov. 1994.
19. Toshiyuki Suge, 石川 邦夫, Akiko Kawasaki, 吉山 昌宏 and 恵比須 繁之 :
Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity by apatite forming method, --- duration of dentinal tubule occlusion ---,
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.37, 67, May 1994.
20. 吉山 昌宏, Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki and 恵比須 繁之 :
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.36, 131, Nov. 1993.
21. Akiko Kawasaki, Toshiyuki Suge, 吉山 昌宏 and 恵比須 繁之 :
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.36, 168, Nov. 1993.
22. Toshiyuki Suge, 大木元 玲子, Akiko Kawasaki, 吉山 昌宏 and 恵比須 繁之 :
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.36, 23, Nov. 1993.
23. Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki, 吉山 昌宏, 恵比須 繁之 and 石川 邦夫 :
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.36, 44, Jun. 1993.
24. 吉山 昌宏, Toshiyuki Suge, Akiko Kawasaki and 恵比須 繁之 :
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.35, 16, Nov. 1992.
25. 吉山 昌宏, Toshiyuki Suge and 恵比須 繁之 :
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Vol.35, 27, Jun. 1992.
26. 吉山 昌宏, Toshiyuki Suge, 白神 俊之, Kazumi Ozaki and 恵比須 繁之 :
硬組織研究技術談話会, Mar. 1992.
27. 吉山 昌宏, Toshiyuki Suge, Kazumi Ozaki and 恵比須 繁之 :
第95回 日本歯科保存学会秋季学会, Nov. 1991.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Hisahiro Takeuchi, Toshiyuki Suge, Yukihiro Momota, Kazumi Ozaki, Atsuko Nakamichi, Yoichiro Miyake, Katsuhiko Yoshimoto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Shikoku Dental Research, Vol.24, No.2, 85-94, Jan. 2012.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003052)


1. Toshiyuki Suge, Naoto Noguchi, Takashi Matsuo, Katsuhiko Yoshimoto and Tetsuo Ichikawa :
Shikoku Dental Research, Vol.26, No.2, 81-89, Tokushima, Feb. 2014.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003079)

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • Development of a new approach to the treatments in conservative dentistry based on a concept for home or visit care. (Project/Area Number: 17K11708 )
  • Development of the method for prevention of root caries with antibacterial ammonium hexafluorosilicate (Project/Area Number: 16K11553 )
  • Development of the method for prevention of dental caries with antibacterial ammonium hexafluorosilicate (Project/Area Number: 25462961 )
  • Development of a new comprehensive treatment for dental caries based on minimum intervention dentistry (Project/Area Number: 23390435 )
  • Development of the method for prevention of dental caries with antibacterial ammonium hexafluorosilicate (Project/Area Number: 22592121 )
  • Development of the diagnosis and treatment of root caries on its pathosis and pathogenesis (Project/Area Number: 20592229 )
  • Study of quorum-sensing system of invading bacteria in dentinal caries (Project/Area Number: 19592204 )
  • Development of treatment method for the prevention of dental caries and dentin hypersensitivity with ammonium hexafluorosilicate (Project/Area Number: 19592203 )
  • Analysis of the mechanisms that claudins expressed in periodontal diseased epithelium regulate the permeability of gingival epithelium (Project/Area Number: 18592264 )
  • Development of treatment method for prevention of dental caries and dentin hypersensitivity with silica-fluoride compound (Project/Area Number: 16591916 )
  • Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity and dental caries by ammonium hexafluorosilicate (Project/Area Number: 13672002 )
  • Study on the role of chemokines in the infiltration of inflammatory cells in dental pulp tissue destruction (Project/Area Number: 13672001 )
  • Analysis of the relationship between the invasion of dental caries-associated bacteria and the host response of dental pulp in human carious teeth with pulp exposure (Project/Area Number: 11671897 )
  • アパタイト析出法による歯質強化機構の解明 (Project/Area Number: 09771622 )
  • Effects of pathobiology of dentin/pulp complex to adhesive restorative techniques (Project/Area Number: 09671956 )
  • Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity by calcium phosphate precipitation method. (Project/Area Number: 09557152 )
  • 象牙質病態のレジン接着に及ぼす影響 (Project/Area Number: 08672195 )
  • アパタイト析出法による象牙細管封鎖効果の持続性 (Project/Area Number: 07771762 )
  • Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity by calcium phosphate precipitation method. (Project/Area Number: 07557271 )
  • アパタイト析出法を利用した象牙質知覚過敏症の治療法に関する研究 (Project/Area Number: 06771718 )
  • 歯根面知覚過敏症における自然治癒機構の解析 (Project/Area Number: 06671917 )
  • 露出象牙質の微細形態を考慮した歯頚部磨耗症の治療法に関する研究 (Project/Area Number: 05857216 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (60243713)