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Associate Professor : Fukui, Makoto |
○ | Preventive Dentistry |
○ | Japanese Society for Dental Health (代議員 [Apr. 2017--Mar. 2018]) | |
○ | Shikoku Society of Dental Research | |
○ | International Association for Dental Research |
○ | Feb. 2010, 高田充歯科基礎医学学術奨励賞 (Faculty of Dentistry) | |
○ | Mar. 2011, 徳島大学歯学部 ベストメンター賞 (Faculty of Dentistry) | |
○ | Oct. 2013, 最優秀ポスター賞 (近畿・中国・四国口腔衛生学会) | |
○ | Nov. 2024, Presentation Award (Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry-Society of Preventive Dentistry Hongkong) |