Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences薬学域Pharmaceutical SciencePharmaceutical SciencesDepartment of Pharmaceutical Health Chemistry
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Pharmaceutical SciencesSchool of Pharmaceutical Technosciences創薬学講座Pharmaceutical Health Chemistry
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Pharmaceutical SciencesPharmaceutical Sciences
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Shinohara, Yasuo (58.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Lecture: Common Seminar on Chemical Biology (Graduate School), protein science (Bachelor Course), immunology and related disease (Bachelor Course), Applied Research of Pharmaceutical Science (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Genomics and Drug Development (Graduate School), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Practice of Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: エネルギー代謝の調節機構に関する研究 (energy metabolism, mitochondria, brown adipose tissue, oxidative phosphorylation, porin), エネルギー代謝 (energy metabolism, mitochondria, brown adipose tissue, oxidative phosphorylation, porin)
(Takiguchi, Yoshiharu) (25.2%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D
Field of Study: Clinical Pharmacology
Subject of Study: 血栓症の病態生理機能解析と薬物療法に関する研究, 薬物間相互作用の機序解明と予測法に関する研究, 薬効·安全性評価システムに関する研究, 薬物動態モニタリングシステムに関する研究 (Thrombotic disease, Pharmacotherapy, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Drug evaluation)
Minakawa, Noriaki (13.9%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬学)
Field of Study: Pharmacy
Lecture: Applied Research of Pharmaceutical Science (Graduate School), Medicinal Science (Bachelor Course), Doctoral Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Natural Product Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry (Graduate School), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Organic Chemistry 3 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Common Seminar on Functional molecule (Graduate School), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 有機化合物や化学的手法を用いた生体機能の理解と制御 (核酸化学, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology)
(Itou, Kouji) (9.2%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D
Field of Study: Molecular Biology, Molecular Pathology, Molecular Therapy, Glycobiology
Subject of Study: Analysis of pathogenesis of genetic diseases and development of their therapy, Development of medicinal resources based on glycotechnology and stem cell technology (Lysosomal glycosidase deficiencies, Enzyme replacement therapy, stem cell technoloty, Glycotechnology, Proteomics for stomach and colon cancer)
(Tokumura, Akira) (6.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D
Field of Study: Lipid Biochemistry
Subject of Study: Study on physiologicaqlly active phospholipids, Pathophysiological role of oxidized phospholipids (lysophospholipid, lysophosphatidic acid, atherosclerosis, platelet-activating factor, oxidized lipid)
Ishida, Tatsuhiro (6.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Biopharmaceutics
Lecture: Core DDS lecture (Bachelor Course), Advanced Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Intellectual Property in the Medical Field (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Safety Studies (Graduate School), Graduation Study (Bachelor Course), Graduation Study 1 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Study 2 (Bachelor Course), Basic Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Applied Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 1 (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 2 (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 3 (Bachelor Course), Seminar of Drug Development (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Clinical Pharmacokinetics (Graduate School), Pharmaceutics (Bachelor Course), Pharmacokinetics (Bachelor Course), Practice of Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmaceutical Science Ⅰ (Graduate School), English for Pharmaceutical Sciences 2 (Bachelor Course), Doctoral Thesis Research in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Physical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Development of drug delivery system with liposomes (liposomes, drug delivery system, cancer therapy, ischemia, pharmacokinetics)
Kogure, Kentaro (5.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D.
Field of Study: Biophysical Chemistry, 薬物送達学, 衛生薬学
Lecture: Core DDS lecture (Bachelor Course), Health Chemistry and Life Science (Graduate School), Advanced Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Applied Research of Pharmaceutical Science (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Basic Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), How to create academic papers (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Environmental Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Research experience exercise (Bachelor Course), 研究倫理WS (Bachelor Course), Introduction to social medicine, epidemiology and biostatistics (Graduate School), Social Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), English Presentation Practice (Bachelor Course), Pharmacentical Science Ⅰ (Graduate School), Pharmacentical Science Ⅱ (Graduate School), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Practice of Health Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Pharmaceutical Health Sciences 1 (Bachelor Course), Pharmaceutical Health Sciences 2 (Bachelor Course), Common Seminar on Resources and Environment (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 1) 抗酸化物質の作用発現機構解明とその誘導体による生活習慣病治療, 微弱電流による細胞生理の制御メカニズムの解明
(Kiwada, Hiroshi) (5.0%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 薬学博士
Field of Study: Pharmacokinetics
Subject of Study: 薬物送達システム(DDS)としてのリポソームの応用に関する研究 (liposomes, drug delivery system, targeting)
Saito-Tarashima, Noriko (3.8%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬科学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development]
Lecture: Medicinal Science (Bachelor Course), Natural Product Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry (Graduate School), How to create academic papers (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Practice of Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Tanaka, Tamotsu (3.4%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬学)
Field of Study: Lipid Biochemistry
Lecture: Genomic Drug Discovery (Graduate School), Introduction to Food Science Research (Bachelor Course), Molecular Pathophysiology (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), International Advanced Technology and Science A (Graduate School), International Advanced Technology and Science B (Graduate School), Basic physiology (Bachelor Course), Basic Food Chemistry (Bachelor Course), History of life science (Common Curriculum), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry B (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), English for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Basic bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Clinical Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Research Approaches in Science and Technology B (Graduate School), Lecture on Lipid Biochemistry (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Food and Health (Bachelor Course), Food and Bioresource act (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Food Evaluation (Graduate School), Special Practice on Food Bioscience (Graduate School), Advanced Exercise on Food Bioscience (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Food Bioscience (Graduate School), Special Lecture on Food Bioscience (Graduate School), Basic practice for food science (Bachelor Course), Practice for food science A (Bachelor Course), Practice for food science B (Bachelor Course), Practice for food science C (Bachelor Course), Exercise in food science Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Exercise in food science Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Food Science (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: lipid mediator, lipid metabolism
(Nagata, Toshihiko) (3.4%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Periodontology, Endodontology
Subject of Study: 骨代謝に視点をおいた歯周病の病態と治療, 薬物誘発性歯肉増殖症の病因と治療, 歯周病の新しい診断指標の開発 (periodontitis), 歯髄細胞の硬組織形成能と骨基質蛋白 (calcification)
Tsukimoto, Jun (2.5%) / Designated Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Practice of Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
(Minakuchi, Kazuo) (1.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Pharmacy
Subject of Study:
Nagasaki, Yuka (1.3%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬学)
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
(Yamauchi, Aiko) (1.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 薬学博士
Field of Study: 医薬品適正使用, Pharmaceutical Information Science, 薬物の代謝および毒性
Subject of Study: Study on Proper and Safe Usage of the Medicine in Drug Therapeutics (Drug Therapeutics, Proper Usage of Drug), Costruction of the Information Community for Teratogenic Agets (pharmaceutical information science), ハロゲン化炭化水素による腎細胞毒性発現機構,ヒト肺非小細胞癌における抗癌剤多剤耐性機構,ラット脳灌流モデルによる薬物の脳脊髄液移行性評価 (薬物代謝·毒性, 化学療法)
Tsuchiya, Koichiro (1.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
Field of Study: Clinical Pharmacology
Lecture: Special Lecture for Oncology Pharmacist (Graduate School), Anticancer drugs (Graduate School), Introduction of advanced medical care (Bachelor Course), Advanced Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Introduction of advanced clinical research (Bachelor Course), Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Simulated experience of medical practice (Bachelor Course), Advanced Interprofessional Education (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Hospital Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Community Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Applied Seminar on Medical Pharmacy (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Safety Studies (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Development (Graduate School), Introduction of community healthcare (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Pretraining (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Seminar (Bachelor Course), Seminar 1 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 2 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 3 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Seminar of Drug Development (Graduate School), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Research Training in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2 (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 4 (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 5 (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 5 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Drug Therapy Management (Bachelor Course), 薬理学 (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Multidisciplinary Pharmaceutical Therapy (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Detection of ROS and RNS in in vivo (reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, electron paramagnetic resonance)
Sato, Chiemi (0.8%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 学士
Field of Study: Pharmacy
Lecture: Applied Seminar on Canser Medication (Graduate School), Introduction of advanced medical care (Bachelor Course), Introduction of advanced clinical research (Bachelor Course), Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Medical Field Experience (Bachelor Course), Simulated experience of medical practice (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Hospital Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Community Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Applied Seminar on Medical Pharmacy (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Development (Graduate School), Introduction of community healthcare (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Pretraining (Bachelor Course), Science and Practice of Drug Information (Graduate School), Seminar (Bachelor Course), Seminar 1 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 2 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 3 (Bachelor Course), English Presentation Practice (Bachelor Course), Exploration of Medicine and Society (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Experience (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Drug Therapy Management (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 薬学教育, エビデンスに基づく医薬品の有効性・安全性の評価研究
Abe, Shinji (0.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Pharmacy
Lecture: Special Lecture for Oncology Pharmacist (Graduate School), Anticancer drugs (Graduate School), Applied Seminar on Canser Medication (Graduate School), Introduction of advanced medical care (Bachelor Course), Introduction of advanced clinical research (Bachelor Course), Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Medical Field Experience (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Hospital Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Community Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Applied Seminar on Medical Pharmacy (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Safety Studies (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Development (Graduate School), Introduction of community healthcare (Bachelor Course), Community Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Basic Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Pretraining (Bachelor Course), Science and Practice of Drug Information (Graduate School), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Seminar (Bachelor Course), Seminar 1 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 2 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 3 (Bachelor Course), Social Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Seminar of Drug Development (Graduate School), Exploration of Medicine and Society (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Experience (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmaceutical ScienceⅠ (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 6 (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 6 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Drug Therapy Management (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Multidisciplinary Pharmaceutical Therapy (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Kasahara, Jiro (0.8%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(理学)
Field of Study: Pharmacy
Lecture: Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Special Lecture for Drug Safety Studies (Graduate School), Pharmacy Practice - Pretraining (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Seminar (Bachelor Course), Seminar 3 (Bachelor Course), Biochemical Signaling (Bachelor Course), Practice of Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Seminar of Drug Development (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Clinical Physiology (Graduate School), Research Training in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 3 (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Biochemical genetics (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Yamazaki, Tetsuo (0.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: MD, PhD
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Lecture: immunology and related disease (Bachelor Course), Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Applied Seminar on Medical Pharmacy (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Safety Studies (Graduate School), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Microbiology (Bachelor Course), Seminar (Bachelor Course), Seminar 1 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 3 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Seminar of Drug Development (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Clinical Physiology (Graduate School), Research Training in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 遺伝性神経変性疾患
Kosako, Hidetaka (0.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Lecture: Introduction to Proteomics (Graduate School), Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course), Cell Signaling (Graduate School), Training of Cell Signaling (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Phosphoproteome analysis of signal transduction pathways, 核膜孔複合体の翻訳後修飾による核—細胞質間物質輸送などの細胞機能の制御
Ishizawa, Keisuke (0.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology
Lecture: General introduction to medicine (Common Curriculum), Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Basic Chemistry (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Biological Ethics (Graduate School), Molecular Biomedical Information - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Introduction to clinical practice (Bachelor Course), Introduction to clinical practice (Bachelor Course), Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Graduate School), Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology (Graduate School), Seminar in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Drug Discovery for Improvement of Chronic Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Disease, 安全かつ最適な薬物療法を実践するための副作用マネジメントに関する研究
Sato, Youichi (0.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬学)
Field of Study: Human Genetics
Lecture: Genomic Drug Discovery (Graduate School), Advanced Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Introduction of advanced clinical research (Bachelor Course), Applied Seminar on Medical Pharmacy (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Safety Studies (Graduate School), drug Informatics (Bachelor Course), Drug Informatics 1 (Bachelor Course), Drug Informatics 2 (Bachelor Course), Drug information analysis (Bachelor Course), How to create academic papers (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Pretraining (Bachelor Course), Science and Practice of Drug Information (Graduate School), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Seminar (Bachelor Course), Seminar 1 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 3 (Bachelor Course), Basic methods in life sciences (Graduate School), Practice of Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Introduction to social medicine, epidemiology and biostatistics (Graduate School), Introduction to social medicine,epidemiology and biostatistics (Graduate School), Seminar of Drug Development (Graduate School), Controlled Pharmacokinetics (Graduate School), Research Training in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmaceutical ScienceⅠ (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmaceutical Health Sciences 2 (Bachelor Course), Biochemical genetics (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 疾患感受性及び薬剤応答性関連遺伝子の探索と機能解析, 医薬品適正使用に向けた疫学的研究 (Y chromosome, 男性不妊症, ファーマコゲノミクス)
(Yamauchi, Takashi) (0.8%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
(Tamaki, Toshiaki) (0.8%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Pharmacology
Subject of Study: Renal Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology (renal circulation, nitric oxide, oxidative stress, MAP kinase, nitrous acid)
Yoneda, Shintaro (0.4%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(薬科学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Health Chemistry and Life Science (Graduate School), Practice of Health Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Pharmaceutical Health Sciences 1 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: (drug delivery system, liposomes, 脳梗塞, 微弱電流処理)
(Ohzono, Mizune) (0.4%) / (Retired)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬科学)
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
ANDO, Hidenori (0.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Pharmacy
Field of Study: Life sciences [Clinical pharmacy], Life sciences [Clinical pharmacy], Life sciences [Clinical pharmacy]
Lecture: Core DDS lecture (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Pharmaceutics (Bachelor Course), Practice of Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Physical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Onitsuka, Masayoshi (0.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(理学)
Field of Study: Biochemical Engineering
Lecture: Protein Engineering (Bachelor Course), Production engineering of biologics (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Training of Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Exercise of Applied Biological Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Practices for Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry A (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Practices for Fermentation Physiology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Cellular Signaling (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Production of biologics, Recombinant protein production, Protein Science (Bioprocess engineering, Cell engineering and design, protein engineering, Mammalian cells, Therapeutic antibody)
Wada -Mihara, Chie (0.4%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Dentistry
Lecture: 臨床予備実習(掲示板) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
(Kashiwada, Yoshiki) (0.4%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 薬学博士
Field of Study: Natural Products Chemistry, Pharmacognosy
Subject of Study: Anti-HIV Natural Products, Anti-tumor Natural Products
(Kihara, Masaru) (0.4%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D, 静岡薬科大学
Field of Study: Clinical Pharmacy, Medicinal chemistry
Subject of Study: Study of the Agonist and Antagonist for neurotransmitter receptors, Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Anticancer Compounds (neurotransmitter, anticancer compound, structure-activity relationships, drug information)
(Ishimaru, Naozumi) (0.4%) / (Retired)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Pathology, Immunology
Subject of Study: Molecular mechanism of autoimmune diseases (autoimmune, T cell activation, NF-kB, sex hormone, Sjögren's syndrome)