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(Itou, Kouji) (1.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D
Field of Study: Molecular Biology, Molecular Pathology, Molecular Therapy, Glycobiology
Subject of Study: Analysis of pathogenesis of genetic diseases and development of their therapy, Development of medicinal resources based on glycotechnology and stem cell technology (Lysosomal glycosidase deficiencies, Enzyme replacement therapy, stem cell technoloty, Glycotechnology, Proteomics for stomach and colon cancer)
Otaka, Akira (1.1%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 薬学博士
Field of Study: 生物有機化学, 有機合成化学, ペプチド・タンパク質化学, ケミカルバイオロジー
Lecture: Common Seminar on Chemical Biology (Graduate School), Applied Research of Pharmaceutical Science (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Medicinal Science (Graduate School), Medicinal Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Basic Medicinal Chemistry (Common Curriculum), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Organic Chemistry 5 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Exploration of Medicine and Society (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 創薬基盤確立に向けた効率的なタンパク質化学合成法の開拓
Inokuma, Tsubasa (0.8%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬学)
Field of Study: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry
Lecture: Exercise of Novel Drug Discovery (Bachelor Course), Basic Chemistry. Electron in Organic Chemistry (Common Curriculum), How to create academic papers (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Pretraining (Bachelor Course), Organic Chemistry 4 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), 研究倫理WS (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Development of novel asymmetric reactions, Development of novel methodology for synthesis of biomolecules and their analogues (organocatalysts, 触媒的不斉合成, 異常アミノ酸, peptide synthesis)
Shinohara, Yasuo (0.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Lecture: Common Seminar on Chemical Biology (Graduate School), protein science (Bachelor Course), immunology and related disease (Bachelor Course), Applied Research of Pharmaceutical Science (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Genomics and Drug Development (Graduate School), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Practice of Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: エネルギー代謝の調節機構に関する研究 (energy metabolism, mitochondria, brown adipose tissue, oxidative phosphorylation, porin), エネルギー代謝 (energy metabolism, mitochondria, brown adipose tissue, oxidative phosphorylation, porin)
(Shibuya, Masayuki) (0.5%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 薬学博士
Field of Study: 薬品合成化学
Subject of Study: 生物有機化学 (antibiotics, DNA, chemistry, synthesis)
Namba, Kosuke (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D.
Field of Study: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 天然物有機化学, Chemical Biology
Lecture: Career Path Design (Bachelor Course), Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry (Graduate School), Applied Research of Pharmaceutical Science (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Organic Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Synthetic Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Common Seminar on Functional molecule (Graduate School), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 高次構造天然有機化合物の全合成研究 (全合成, 生物活性天然物), イネ科植物の鉄イオン取り込み機構に関する有機化学的研究 (ムギネ酸, 実用的合成), 新規機能性蛍光分子の開発と応用 (トリアザペンタレン)
Ikeda, Yasumasa (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Cardiovascular Endocrinology and Metabolism, Internal Medicine, Nephrology
Lecture: 基礎医学統合実習(生理学・生化学・薬理学), PBLチュートリアル チューター, 医光/医工融合プログラム 研究室配属, 薬理学講義(医学科3年), 基礎医学(医光/医工連携プログラム), Introduction to How to Write Up Scientific Manuscript in English (Graduate School), Medical Frontiers In Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Jr. Student Lab サマーセミナー, SIH道場, 医学科3年医学研究実習(研究室配属)
Subject of Study: 心血管・内分泌代謝疾患における鉄作用, 鉄を標的とした新規治療法の開発, 心血管疾患における性ホルモン,特に男性ホルモンの意義 (ferrum, androgen), ,
Ishizawa, Keisuke (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology
Lecture: General introduction to medicine (Common Curriculum), Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Basic Chemistry (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Biological Ethics (Graduate School), Molecular Biomedical Information - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Introduction to clinical practice (Bachelor Course), Introduction to clinical practice (Bachelor Course), Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Graduate School), Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology (Graduate School), Seminar in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Drug Discovery for Improvement of Chronic Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Disease, 安全かつ最適な薬物療法を実践するための副作用マネジメントに関する研究
(Takaishi, Yoshihisa) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 薬学博士
Field of Study: Pharmacognosy, Natural Products Chemistry
Subject of Study: Natural Products Chemistry, Herbal Medicines for Health care (Natural Medicines, Harbal Medicines, Health care)
(Kitamura, Seiichiro) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Gross Anatomy
Subject of Study: Gross Anatomy of Head and Neck Structures (頭頸部, 局所解剖, 臨床解剖)
Tsuchiya, Koichiro (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
Field of Study: Clinical Pharmacology
Lecture: Special Lecture for Oncology Pharmacist (Graduate School), Anticancer drugs (Graduate School), Introduction of advanced medical care (Bachelor Course), Advanced Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Introduction of advanced clinical research (Bachelor Course), Ethics and Human Studies in Healthcare (Bachelor Course), Simulated experience of medical practice (Bachelor Course), Advanced Interprofessional Education (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Hospital Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Community Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Applied Seminar on Medical Pharmacy (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Safety Studies (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Development (Graduate School), Introduction of community healthcare (Bachelor Course), Pharmacy Practice - Pretraining (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Seminar (Bachelor Course), Seminar 1 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 2 (Bachelor Course), Seminar 3 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Biochemistry (Bachelor Course), Seminar of Drug Development (Graduate School), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Research Training in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Doctoral Thesis Research in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2 (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 4 (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 5 (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 5 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Drug Therapy Management (Bachelor Course), 薬理学 (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Multidisciplinary Pharmaceutical Therapy (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Detection of ROS and RNS in in vivo (reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, electron paramagnetic resonance)
(Tamaki, Toshiaki) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Pharmacology
Subject of Study: Renal Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology (renal circulation, nitric oxide, oxidative stress, MAP kinase, nitrous acid)