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Tokushima University ⟩ Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science ⟩ | ||
Life and Materials Systems Engineering |
Related Organization: Tokushima University ⟩ Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation
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Suzuki, Yoshihisa / Professor [Detail] | |||||||||
Tokushima University ⟩
Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences ⟩
Division of Science and Technology ⟩
Applied Chemistry ⟩
Physico-chemical and Materials Sciences ⟩
Tokushima University ⟩ Faculty of Science and Technology ⟩ Department of Science and Technology ⟩ Applied Chemistry ⟩ Physico-chemical and Materials Sciences ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science ⟩ Life and Materials Systems Engineering ⟩ Chemical Science and Technology ⟩ Physicochermistry and Material Science ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation ⟩ Science and Technology ⟩ Applied Chemistry ⟩ Physico-chemical and Materials Sciences ⟩
Tabata, Atsushi / Professor [Detail] | |||||||||
Tokushima University ⟩
Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences ⟩
Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry ⟩
Bioengineering ⟩
Applied Bioscience ⟩
Tokushima University ⟩ Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry ⟩ Department of Bioscience and Bioindustry ⟩ Applied Life Science ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ Research Clusters (Registered) ⟩ 2203009 核酸増幅イムノクロマト法を基盤としたオンサイト病原体検査システムの開発と実用化 ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science ⟩ Life and Materials Systems Engineering ⟩ Biological Science and Technology ⟩ Biological Functions ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ Research Clusters (Registered) ⟩ 2104003 セラノスティクスの実現に向けた薬剤開発 ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ Research Clusters (Registered) ⟩ 2203022 単結晶大面積グラフェンを利用したイオン・バイオセンサプラットフォームの開発 ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ Research Clusters (Registered) ⟩ 2203003 微生物の有効活用と栄養不良予防法の開発 ⟩
Yamamoto, Kei / Professor [Detail] | |||||||||
Tokushima University ⟩
Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences ⟩
Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry ⟩
Bioengineering ⟩
Applied Bioscience ⟩
Tokushima University ⟩ Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry ⟩ Department of Bioscience and Bioindustry ⟩ Applied Life Science ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ 2202001 合成生物学に基づく産官学連携バイオエコノミー創薬プラットフォームの構築 ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science ⟩ Life and Materials Systems Engineering ⟩ Biological Science and Technology ⟩ Biological Reactions ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ 2201003 プレシジョン栄養学の研究基盤確立を目指す食と栄養研究クラスター ⟩ Tokushima University ⟩ Research Clusters ⟩ Research Clusters (Registered) ⟩ 2104013 リモートプラズモニクスによる表面増強ラマン散乱を応用した,新しい慢性炎症性皮膚疾患の評価法の開発 ⟩