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Kuwamura, Yumi (33.5%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Phirosophy of Doctor
Field of Study: Chronic Illness Nursing, Symptom Management
Lecture: Introduction to interdisciplinary team care (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 1 (Understanding the medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Adult NursingⅠ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 1 (Nursing for under medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Nursing Interventions on Oral Health Behaviors in Persons with Diabetes (oral health behaviors, diabetes mellitus, nursing intervention, nursing support), Development of a Self-Care Model and Nursing Intervention for Patients with Chronic Illness
(Tamura, Ayako) (32.6%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D
Field of Study: Adult Nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, neuroscience nursing, Adult and Gerontological Nursing
Subject of Study: 意識障害患者のケア方法に関する研究 (急性期, 栄養·食事療法), 術後の機能訓練プログラムの開発に関する研究 (リハビリテーション, 看護ケアの改善·向上, 意識障害, 急性期), , 脳卒中患者の廃用症候群予防のための回復促進看護,運動麻痺に対する回復促進ケア,脳神経・神経内科疾患患者の看護 (脳卒中看護, リハビリテーション看護, 生活習慣病の患者教育)
Matsuhisa, Munehide (24.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Diabetology
Lecture: Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), 内分泌・代謝コース (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Molecular Medicine - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course), Diabetology (Graduate School), Practice for Diabetology (Graduate School), Pharmacology (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 糖の流れの調節因子の解明
Sakai, Tohru (23.4%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(栄養学), 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Public Health Nutrition, Nutritional Immunology
Lecture: Data Analytics (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Sociodental Science) (Bachelor Course), Oral Hygiene and Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Human Nutrition (Graduate School), Public Health Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Public Health Nutrition (Graduate School), Practice of Public Health Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Experiment on Public Health Nutrition (Graduate School), Seminar on Public Health Nutrition (Graduate School), Experiment on Public Health Nutrition (Graduate School), Public Health Nutrition (Graduate School), Public health exercise (Bachelor Course), International Nutrition (Graduate School), International Nutrition (Graduate School), Community Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Space Nutrition/Medicine (Graduate School), Practice of Public Health and Applied Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Nutritional Immunology (Graduate School), Nutrition English (Bachelor Course), The food service of nutrition (Bachelor Course), The food service of nutrition (Bachelor Course), Practice in Food Service System(school) (Bachelor Course), Practice in Food Service System (school or business establishment) (Bachelor Course), The food service of management (Bachelor Course), The food service of management (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Kuroda, Akio (22.9%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor
Field of Study:
Lecture: 内分泌・代謝コース (Bachelor Course), Diabetology (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
(Yoshida, Sumiko) (22.5%) / (Retired)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Endocrinology and Metabolism
Subject of Study: アンドロゲン受容体
Endo, Itsuro (22.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Functional Food, Laws and Regulations (Bachelor Course), Advanced health sciences (Graduate School), Advanced Medical Technology (Graduate School), 内分泌・代謝コース (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 1 (Bachelor Course), General introduction to medicine (Common Curriculum), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Parasitology (Bachelor Course), Practice in Parasitology (Bachelor Course), Practice in Laboratory Microbiology (Bachelor Course), Seminar in Chronomedicine (Graduate School), Lecture in Chronomedicine (Graduate School), Biochemistry I(Structure and Function of Biomolecules) (Bachelor Course), Basic methods in life sciences (Graduate School), Practice in Physiology (Bachelor Course), Clinical Physiology I(Circulatory・Respiratory system and Sense organs) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Physiology II(Nervous・Muscloskeletal system) (Bachelor Course), Practice in Clinical Physiolosy (Bachelor Course), Practice in Medical Imaging (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 1 (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders III(respiratory disease, autoimmune disease, renal disease) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders IⅤ(Gastrointestinal disorders, Hematological disorders, Metabolic disorders, Endocrine disorders) (Bachelor Course), Research of Medical Laboratory Science (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Medical Laboratory Science (Graduate School), Advanced Seminar on Medical Laboratory Science (Graduate School), Nutrition and Laboratory Medicine (Bachelor Course), Integrative Laboratory Medicine (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Brains and Neurology (Graduate School), Clinical medicine (Bachelor Course), Clinical Medicine (Bachelor Course), Exercise for Clinical Practice (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Laboratory Testing (Common Curriculum), Laboratory Medicine II(Urine sediment・Stool・Body fluid・Sputum) (Bachelor Course), Practice in Laboratory Medicine (Bachelor Course), Technology of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Bachelor Course), Clinical Pathology (Bachelor Course), Introduction to How to Write Up Scientific Manuscript in English (Graduate School), 薬理学 (Bachelor Course), Hematology,Endocrinology,Neurology (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology III (Bachelor Course), Transfusion Medicine (Bachelor Course), Genetics (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
(Kurahashi, Kiyoe) (22.0%) / (Retired)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
Aihara, Ken-ichi (22.0%) / Designated Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: 内分泌・代謝コース (Bachelor Course), Community Healthcare (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Endocrinology and Metabolism
Nakamoto, Mariko (11.0%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Public Health Nutrition, Public Health, Nutritional epidemiology
Lecture: Data Analytics (Bachelor Course), Human Nutrition (Graduate School), Public Health Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Practice of Public Health Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Public health exercise (Bachelor Course), International Nutrition (Graduate School), International Nutrition (Graduate School), Community Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Practice of Public Health and Applied Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Nutrition English (Bachelor Course), The food service of nutrition (Bachelor Course), The food service of nutrition (Bachelor Course), The food service of management (Bachelor Course), The food service of management (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 徳島県における職域コホート研究, 老化に関する長期縦断疫学研究(NILS-LSA), 大豆製品・大豆含有成分と健康, 子育て世代のワークライフバランスと食生活, 子供の存在がその親の食習慣に与える影響の研究(POTATO Study)
(Abe, Masahiro) (10.6%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine, Hematology, Oncology
Subject of Study: biology and treatment of hematological tumors (myeloma, immunotherapy, hematopoiesis, hematological malignancy)
(Nakaya, Yutaka) (7.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Medical
Field of Study: Nutrition and Metabolism
Subject of Study: Ion transport and ion channel, Diabetes and insulin resistance (potassium channel, insulin)
Nakamoto, Akiko (6.9%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(栄養学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Nutrition and health science], Life sciences [Immunology]
Lecture: Data Analytics (Bachelor Course), Public Health Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Practice of Public Health Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Public health exercise (Bachelor Course), Community Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Practice of Public Health and Applied Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Nutrition English (Bachelor Course), The food service of nutrition (Bachelor Course), The food service of nutrition (Bachelor Course), The food service of management (Bachelor Course), The food service of management (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Mori, Hiroyasu (6.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Nutrition and health science], Life sciences [Food sciences], Life sciences [Rehabilitation science], Life sciences [Metabolism and endocrinology]
Subject of Study:
(Moriguchi, Hiroki) (6.0%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: MD
Field of Study: Medical Informatics, 医療情報学分野
Subject of Study: WBT(Web Based Trainig), Development of useful medical information system (WBT, medical information system), Data Mining
Bandou, Mika (4.1%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: Periodontology: Specifics (Bachelor Course), Periodontal therapy practical training (Bachelor Course), Periodontology: General Theory (Bachelor Course), Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions (Graduate School), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), Geriatric Dentistry Exercise and Experiment (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Hiroshima, Yuka (3.7%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Periodontology
Lecture: (基礎系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), Immunology (Bachelor Course), Oral microbiology (Bachelor Course), Oral Microbiology (Graduate School), Oral Microbiology Seminar (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Leading seminar on practical oral science (Graduate School), Microbiology-Immunology (Bachelor Course), General Microbiology (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Pathogenic microbiology (Bachelor Course), Practice of Microbiology (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Geriatric Dentistry Exercise and Experiment (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Inagaki, Yuji (3.7%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Periodontology, Endodontology
Lecture: (臨床系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), Gerodontology (Bachelor Course), Oral Infectious Diseases (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Periodontology: Specifics (Bachelor Course), Periodontal therapy practical training (Bachelor Course), Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions (Graduate School), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 3 (Bachelor Course), Geriatric Dentistry Exercise and Experiment (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
(Nagata, Toshihiko) (3.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Periodontology, Endodontology
Subject of Study: 骨代謝に視点をおいた歯周病の病態と治療, 薬物誘発性歯肉増殖症の病因と治療, 歯周病の新しい診断指標の開発 (periodontitis), 歯髄細胞の硬組織形成能と骨基質蛋白 (calcification)
Yuasa, Tomoyuki (3.2%) / Designated Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: MD. Ph.D.
Field of Study: Medicine
Subject of Study: Shedding of Insulin receptor extra cellular domain in diabetes Mellitus (soluble insulin receptor, insulin resistance, diabetes)
(Ishimaru, Naozumi) (2.8%) / (Retired)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Pathology, Immunology
Subject of Study: Molecular mechanism of autoimmune diseases (autoimmune, T cell activation, NF-kB, sex hormone, Sjögren's syndrome)
Yumoto, Hiromichi (2.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Conservative Dentistry
Lecture: 2022年度 臨床能力試験説明用コンテンツ (Bachelor Course), SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Oral Cavity and Health (Common Curriculum), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Oral Infectious Diseases (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Graduate School), Periodontology and Endodontology Seminar (Graduate School), Periodontology: Specifics (Bachelor Course), Periodontal therapy practical training (Bachelor Course), Periodontology: General Theory (Bachelor Course), Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions (Graduate School), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Dental Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Social Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(6年) (Bachelor Course), Geriatric Dentistry Exercise and Experiment (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Study on adherence of oral bacteria, Study on interaction between periodontopathogenic bacteria and epithelial cells, Study on the ability of biofilm formation of period to pathogenic bacteria, Role of periodontal disease for cardiovascular disease, Study on pathogenesis of dental pulpitis, Application of electro-magnetic wave treatment to refractory periapical periodontitis
Hara, Tomoyo (2.3%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: 内分泌・代謝コース
Subject of Study:
Kudo, Yasusei (2.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD.
Field of Study: Oral Pathology, Biochemistry, Molecular Pharmacology
Lecture: 基礎生物学DⅠ, 基礎生物学DⅡ, SIH道場~アクティブ・ラーニング入門~(歯学部), 一般生化学, 分子生化学, 歯科薬理学, 生理学・生化学・病理学・薬理学, 薬理学各論1, 薬理学各論2, 薬理学総論, 生化学・薬理学実習1, ゲノム創薬特論, プロテオミクス概論
Subject of Study: (Oral Cancer, Head and neck cancer, cell cycle, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, invasion and metastasis), 口腔癌の増殖・浸潤メカニズムの解明 (口腔癌), 口腔癌の増殖・浸潤メカニズムの解明 (口腔癌)
Miyamoto, Naoki (1.8%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Bachelor
Field of Study:
Lecture: Surgery 2 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Ishizu, Masashi (1.8%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Epidemiology, Clinical Epidemiology, データサイエンス, Public Health
Lecture: Preventive Medicine (Bachelor Course), Practice (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: NCDs (NAFLD, MAFLD, fatty liver, 循環器, electrocardiogram), 内分泌・代謝疾患領域を中心とした臨床疫学研究, 地域医療連携システムならびに病院情報システムを対象としたデータベース研究, 公的医療・保険データベースの有効活用に関する研究
Oya, Takeshi (1.8%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Pathology
Lecture: Human Science (Pathology) (Graduate School), 病理学(Ⅰ・Ⅱ) (Bachelor Course), Pathology I (Bachelor Course), Pathology II (Bachelor Course), 病理学実習 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
(Tsutsumi, Rie) (1.8%) / (Retired)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D (Nutrition)
Field of Study: Health Studies, Clinical Nutrition
Subject of Study:
Sakaue, Hiroshi (1.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: 糖尿病・肥満
Lecture: Team approach for cancer treatment (Graduate School), Nutritonal treatment of cancer (Graduate School), Integral Practice of Life Stage Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Medical Science (Graduate School), Experiment on Medical Science (Graduate School), Seminar on Health and Medical Science (Graduate School), Experiments in Health and Medical Science (Graduate School), Public health exercise (Bachelor Course), Medical ethics and legal and economic issues (Graduate School), Medical Communication Skills (Graduate School), Cancer treatment & management (Graduate School), Medical Nutrition (Graduate School), Medical Nutrition (Graduate School), Space Nutrition/Medicine (Graduate School), Psychosomatic health and environmental stress (Graduate School), Seminar of applied nutrition (Bachelor Course), Practice of applied nutrition (Bachelor Course), Cancer treatment & management (Graduate School), Pharmacology and Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Nutrition support (Graduate School), Practice in Nutritional Education (Bachelor Course), Nutrition English (Bachelor Course), Nutritional Management of Disease Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), research methodology (Graduate School), Nutrition in Palliative Care (Graduate School), Oncology Nutrition (Graduate School), Clinical Metabolic Nutrition 1 (Graduate School), Clinical Metabolic Nutrition 2 (Graduate School), Introduction of Clinical Nutrition (Graduate School), Clinical Nutritional Care 1 (Graduate School), Training for Clinical Nutrition (Hospital) (Bachelor Course), Dietary management (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 脂肪細胞の分化・増殖機構とライフサイクルの解明に関する研究, 脂肪細胞制御によるメタボリックシンドローム治療法の開発に関する研究 (diabetes, obesity, adipocyte, adipocytekine, cell proliferation and differentiation, transcription factor)
Ogawa, Hirohisa (1.8%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: Human Science (Pathology) (Graduate School), 病理学(Ⅰ・Ⅱ) (Bachelor Course), Pathology I (Bachelor Course), 病理学Ⅰ実習 (Bachelor Course), Pathology II (Bachelor Course), 病理学実習 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Wada -Mihara, Chie (1.8%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Dentistry
Lecture: 臨床予備実習(掲示板) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Tangoku, Akira (1.8%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: MDPhD
Field of Study: Medicine, Surgery
Subject of Study: less invasive surgery (cancer therapy, sentinel lymph node)
(Matsumoto, Toshio) (1.8%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Metabolic Pathology, Bone and Calcium Metabolism, Endocrinology
Subject of Study: 代謝疾患に伴う血管障害の病因と治療に関する研究 (diabetes, atherosclerosis), 血液·骨髄増殖性疾患に伴う骨破壊の病態と治療に関する研究 (多発性骨髄腫, bone metastasis), 内分泌疾患の病因·診断および治療に関する分子医学的研究 (ホルモンの作用機序, 骨カルシウム代謝学)
(Kishida, Sachi) (0.9%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Master of Nursing
Field of Study: Health Studies
Subject of Study:
(Hayashi, Yoshio) (0.9%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Pathology, Immunology
Subject of Study: 自己免疫疾患の病因に関する研究 (autoimmune, 病因, 自己抗原)
Nishioka, Yasuhiko (0.9%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: M.D.
Field of Study: Respiratory Medicine
Lecture: Allergic and Autoimmune Course (Bachelor Course), アレルギー・自己免疫コース(3年) (Bachelor Course), General introduction to medicine (Common Curriculum), Respiratory Course (Bachelor Course), 呼吸器コース(3年) (Bachelor Course), 呼吸器コース,アレルギー・自己免疫コース (Bachelor Course), Raspiratory Medicine and Rheumatology (Graduate School), Respiratory Medicine and Rheumatology (Bachelor Course), Practice of Respiratory and Rheumatology (Graduate School), Biological Defense and Oncology - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Clinical medicine (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Development of molecular-targeted therapy against pulmonary fibrosis, Development of specific immunotherapy against lung cancer (pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, cancer immunotherapy)
Uemura, Yuta (0.5%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor
Field of Study:
Lecture: Periodontal therapy practical training (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Kashihara, Hideya (0.5%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
Nakajima, Yukiko (0.5%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
Horikawa, Kazuki (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D
Field of Study: Life sciences [Cell biology], Life sciences [Developmental biology], Life sciences [Biophysics]
Lecture: ゲノム機能解析学 (Graduate School), ゲノム機能解析学演習 (Graduate School), Molecular Function Analysis (Graduate School), Practice in Molecular Function Analysis (Graduate School), Molecular Medicine - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Oyadomari, Seiichi (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D. in Medical Science
Field of Study: Diabetology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Lecture: Proteomics in Medicine (Graduate School), Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), Psychosomatic health and environmental stress (Graduate School), Practice for Integrated Brain Sciences and Medical Information and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Molecular Biology (Graduate School), Practice of Molecular Biology (Graduate School), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Basic methods in life sciences (Graduate School), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 小胞体ストレス応答シグナルによる生体機能制御機構の解明
(Arisawa, Kokichi) (0.5%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D., Master of Science in Epidemiology (Cancer Epidemiology), M.D.
Field of Study: Epidemiologic study of chronic diseases, Environmental Medicine, Epidemiology
Subject of Study: Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study (lifestyle-related disease, Genetic factors, Cohort Study, Cross-sectional study, cancer, Type 2 diabetes, Metabolic syndrome), Health risk assessment of environmental pollutants (environmental epidemiology, persistent organic pollutants, dioxins, exposure assessment, heavy metals, cadmium, renal dysfunction, mortality rate, molecular epidemiology), Cancer epidemiology, Epidemiology of infectious diseases (Analytic epidemiology, Descriptive epidemiology, Cohort study, cancer, Infectious diseases, HTLV-1, Adult T-cell leukemia/lmphoma)
Miyawaki, Katsuyuki (0.5%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 工学博士
Field of Study: Molecular Biology
Lecture: Working experience in Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Space Nutrition/Medicine (Graduate School), Practice for Agriscience A (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience B (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience C (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience I (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience II (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Agroscience (Bachelor Course), Field Practice for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bio-production Science (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Agrobioscience (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Agrobioscience (Graduate School), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry C (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), English for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Special studies of Advanced Production System Engineering (Graduate School), Introduction to Field Science for Production (Bachelor Course), Agro-Environmental Control Systems (Bachelor Course), Working experience in Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Basic Agroscience I (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: development and evolution in insects (RNA interference, segmentation, cricket)
Mawatari, Kazuaki (0.5%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D (Nutrition)
Field of Study: Nutrition
Lecture: Experiments in Preventive Environment and Nutrition (Graduate School), Public health exercise (Bachelor Course), Introductory Exercises in International Food Safety (Graduate School), Microbiology (Bachelor Course), Microbiology Exercise (Bachelor Course), Nutrition and Microbial infection (Graduate School), Nutrition Counseling (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Practice in Nutritional Education (Bachelor Course), Nutrition English (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Environmental Preventive Health (Graduate School), Experiment on Environmental Preventive Health (Graduate School), Environmental Nutrition Health (Graduate School), Food hygiene (Bachelor Course), Food Hygiene Exercise (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Food Safety Science (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Research of signal transduction by phytochemical (phytochemical, signal transduction)
Takizawa, Hiromitsu (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: 内分泌・代謝コース (Bachelor Course), Respiratory Course (Bachelor Course), 呼吸器コース(3年) (Bachelor Course), Surgery 2 (Bachelor Course), Thoracic, endocrine surgery and Oncology (Graduate School), Thoracic, Endocrine surgery and Oncology (Graduate School), Thoracic and Endocrine Surgery (Bachelor Course), Thoracic and Endocrine Surgery (Bachelor Course), Clinical medicine (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Ninomiya, Masami (0.5%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Periodontology, Periodontology, Endodontology
Lecture: 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Graduate School), Periodontology: Specifics (Bachelor Course), Periodontal therapy practical training (Bachelor Course), Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions (Graduate School), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: MMP inhibitorの歯周病治療薬への応用 (MMP inhibitor, periodontal regeneration), 自家歯牙移植への歯周組織再生誘導材料の応用 (autotransplantation, periodontal regeneration), 歯髄組織中の基質蛋白と石灰化との関係に関する研究 (dental pulp, calcification, osteopontin)
Hinode, Daisuke (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Preventive Dentistry
Lecture: Oral Health Promotion (Bachelor Course), Academic Communication (Bachelor Course), Graduation Thesis (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究(4年生) (Bachelor Course), Preventive Oral Science (Graduate School), Practice of Preventive Oral Science (Graduate School), Introduction to Oral Health Promotion Studies (Graduate School), Training of Oral Health Education and Research (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture for Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Oral health promotion, nutrition guidance and social service for the elderly (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Oral Health Science (Bachelor Course), Special Practice for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Special Research for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Clinical training for dental hygienists (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健衛生学臨床実習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Oral Infectious Diseases (Graduate School), Oral Physiology (Bachelor Course), Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Oral Health (Bachelor Course), International Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Dental Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Statistics for Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Introduction to social medicine, epidemiology and biostatistics (Graduate School), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Overview Dentistry 5 (Bachelor Course), General Medicine (Graduate School), Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Graduate School), Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course), Public Health Administration (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Anatomy (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Etiology and prevention of periodontal disease
Takahashi, Akira (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Nutrition, Physiology, Bacterial Infectious Diseases
Lecture: Experiments in Preventive Environment and Nutrition (Graduate School), Public health exercise (Bachelor Course), Medical Nutrition (Graduate School), Medical Nutrition (Graduate School), Medical Nutrition (Graduate School), Medical Nutrition (Graduate School), Introductory Exercises in International Food Safety (Graduate School), Space Nutrition/Medicine (Graduate School), Microbiology (Bachelor Course), Microbiology Exercise (Bachelor Course), Nutrition and Microbial infection (Graduate School), Nutrition Counseling (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Practice in Nutritional Education (Bachelor Course), Nutrition English (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Environmental Preventive Health (Graduate School), Experiment on Environmental Preventive Health (Graduate School), Environmental Nutrition Health (Graduate School), Introduction of Clinical Nutrition (Graduate School), Food hygiene (Bachelor Course), Food Hygiene Exercise (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 腸管細菌感染症による消化,吸収機構の変化と解析に関する研究 (イオンチャネル, 腸管細菌感染, 消化, 吸収)
(Irahara, Minoru) (0.5%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD.
Field of Study:
Subject of Study: 視床下部·下垂体の内分泌機構に関する研究 (視床下部, 下垂体), 卵胞発育と閉鎖の機序に関する研究 (卵胞発育機構), 排卵障害の発症機構と治療法に関する研究 (卵巣障害), 単一排卵誘発法の開発 (排卵誘発法)
(Noji, Sumihare) (0.5%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: D.Sc.
Field of Study: Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Subject of Study: コオロギの発生に関する研究, コオロギの再生に関する研究