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徳島大学 ⟩
大学院社会産業理工学研究部 ⟩
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電気電子系 ⟩
電気エネルギー分野 ⟩
徳島大学 ⟩ 理工学部 ⟩ 理工学科 ⟩ 電気電子システムコース ⟩ 電気エネルギー講座 ⟩ 徳島大学 ⟩ 先端技術科学教育部 ⟩ システム創生工学専攻 ⟩ 電気電子創生工学コース ⟩ 電気エネルギー講座 ⟩ 徳島大学 ⟩ 創成科学研究科 ⟩ 理工学専攻 ⟩ 電気電子システムコース(創成科学研究科) ⟩ 電気エネルギー講座(創成科学研究科) ⟩ |
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教授 : 川田 昌武 |
○ | 電力工学, 電力系統工学, センシング工学, 信号画像処理工学 |
○ | 電磁波センシング技術及び知能型信号画像処理技術による電力機器設備診断技術の開発, 電磁波センシング技術及び知能型信号画像処理技術によるタービン発電機の診断技術(絶縁,振動,軸受)の開発, 電磁波センシング技術による超電導磁気浮上式鉄道(超電導リニア)の地上コイル診断技術の開発, 電磁波センシング技術による航空宇宙環境下における電力ケーブルの絶縁診断技術の開発 (電磁波センシング技術, 信号画像処理 (signal and image processing), 絶縁劣化診断 (insulation diagnosis), 計算電磁気学 (computational electromagnetics), 電力輸送 (power delivery)) |
1. | Hirokazu Ishimaru and Masatake Kawada : Locating Multiple Partial Discharge Sources using MAP Estimation and Ray Tracing, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.9, No.S1, S1-S7, 2014. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.22033, Elsevier: Scopus) |
2. | Masao Suzuki, Satoru Ota, Ryohei Ikeda and Masatake Kawada : Internal Defect Position Evaluation of Ground Coil by Detecting Electromagnetic Waves from Partial Discharge, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.133, No.5, 307-312, 2013. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.133.307, CiNii: 1390282679575779456, Elsevier: Scopus) |
3. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Simulation on Locating Partial Discharge Source Occurring on Distribution Line by Estimating the DOA of Emitted EM Waves, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.Vol.7, No.S1, S6-S13, 2012. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.21799) |
4. | Xianjun Shao, Guanjun Zhang, Masatake Kawada, Yue Ma and Yaxi Li : Simulation Study on Multi-Pulse Phenomena of Atmospheric Pressure Argon Dielectric Barrier Discharge, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.13, No.6, 708-713, 2011. (DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/13/6/14) |
5. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Estimation of DOAs of EM Waves Emitted from Multiple Partial Discharge Sources in Free Space by Using Wideband Siganl Subspace Methods, Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, Vol.1, No.4, 384-389, 2011. (DOI: 10.5370/JICEE.2011.1.4.384) |
6. | Testuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of Spectrum Analyzer's Impulse Bandwidth on the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharges in Multipath-Rich Environment, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.6, No.3, 193-199, 2011. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.20644, CiNii: 1573950400587751808) |
7. | Hirokazu Ishimaru and Masatake Kawada : Localization of a Partial Discharge Source Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.5, No.5, 516-522, 2010. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.20567, CiNii: 1570291226090280832) |
8. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Locating Partial Discharge Source Occurring on Distribution Line by Using FDTD and TDOA Methods, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.129, No.2, 89-96, 2009. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.129.89, CiNii: 1390001204594947456) |
9. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of Electromagnetic Waves, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.128, No.10, 635-640, 2008. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.128.635, CiNii: 1390001204592600320) |
10. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Development of Recursive Interpolated D/FFT for On-line and Highly Accurate Frequency Analysis, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.3, No.5, 574-582, 2008. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.20315, CiNii: 1571698600849676288) |
11. | 石丸 宏一, 川田 昌武 : 独立成分分析とベイジアンネットを適用した電磁波到来角推定法による複数部分放電源の位置標定, 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.126, No.12, 1247-1254, 2006年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.126.1247, CiNii: 1390001204601704192, Elsevier: Scopus) |
12. | 山口 和幸, 高木 亨之, 山田 康二, 川田 昌武 : ウェーブレット解析を利用した軸振動診断(ラビングと軸受給油不足の検出), 日本機械学会論文集(C編), Vol.72, No.722, 3099-3105, 2006年. (DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.72.3099, CiNii: 1520009407174141184, Elsevier: Scopus) |
13. | 山口 和幸, 高木 亨之, 山田 康二, 川田 昌武 : ウェーブレット解析による軸受給油不足時の振動診断, 日本機械学会論文集(C編), Vol.71, No.712, 3417-3422, 2005年. (DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.71.3417, Elsevier: Scopus) |
14. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 金子 康智, 伊坂 勝生 : タービンモデルにおける振動現象のウェーブレット変換による時間周波数可視化, 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.125, No.4, 434-440, 2005年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.125.434, CiNii: 1390282679579502976) |
15. | 石丸 宏一, 川田 昌武 : ベイジアンネットによる部分放電放射電磁波の方位角推定法に関する基礎研究, 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.125, No.2, 177-183, 2005年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.125.177, CiNii: 1390001204601017600) |
16. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 山下 勝也 : ウェーブレット変換による高速回転機振動診断のための基礎研究, 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.123, No.10, 1229-1241, 2003年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.123.1229, CiNii: 1390282679580113792) |
17. | Masatake Kawada : Fundamental Study on Locating Partial Discharge Source using VHF-UHF Radio Interferometer System, Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.144, No.1, 32-41, 2003. (DOI: 10.1002/eej.10145) |
18. | 川田 昌武 : VHF-UHF帯電波干渉計システムによる部分放電源特定のための基礎研究, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.122, No.5, 629-636, 2002年. (CiNii: 1390282679581028736) |
19. | 瀬村 隆史, 川田 昌武, 松村 司郎, 武藤 健司, 中村 光一 : ハイパーキューブ型マルチDSPシステムを用いた手書き電気シーケンス図面の自動認識, 高速信号処理応用技術学会誌, Vol.5, No.3, 24-29, 2002年. (CiNii: 1520573328502883072) |
20. | 川田 昌武 : ヒト運動関連脳電位のウェーブレット変換を用いた時間周波数解析による成分同定, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.122, No.1, 42-51, 2002年. (CiNii: 1390001204611108224) |
21. | Shinji Utsumi, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki, Kenji Matsu-ura and Masatake Kawada : Use of Wavelet Transform and Fuzzy System Theory to Distinguish Wear Particles in Lubricating Oil for Bearing Diagnosis, Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.134, No.1, 36-44, 2001. (DOI: 10.1002/1520-6416(20010115)134:1%3C36::AID-EEJ5%3E3.0.CO;2-L) |
22. | 長谷川 真司, 川田 昌武, 松村 司郎, 那須 素巳, 中村 光一 : ウェーブレット変換を用いた状態基準型保全のための軸振動可視化法, 高速信号処理応用技術学会誌, Vol.3, No.4, 25-30, 2000年. |
23. | 川田 昌武 : 日本の電気設備技術基準を考慮したELF電磁界曝露によるヒト脳波スペクトラムへの影響, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.120, No.8/9, 1127-1135, 2000年. |
24. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki, Kenji Matsuura, Toshio Musashiya, Satoru Kuroki, Teruya Osawa and Hiroki Tanaka : Insulation Diagnosis Method for Generator Winding by Measuring Microwaves Associated with Dielectric Breakdown, Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.132, No.1, 38-45, 2000. (DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6416(20000715)132:1<38::AID-EEJ6>3.0.CO;2-9, Elsevier: Scopus) |
25. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki, Kenji Matsuura, Satoru Kuroki, Teruya Osawa and Hiroki Tanaka : On-Line Partial Discharge Detection of Turbine Generator Using Gigahertz-Band Spatial Phase Difference Method, Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.131, No.4, 38-43, 2000. (DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6416(200006)131:4%3C38::AID-EEJ5%3E3.0.CO;2-J) |
26. | Masatake Kawada, Tungkanawanich Ampol, Kawasaki Zen-Ichiro and Matsuura Kenji : Detection of Wide-Band E-M Signals Emitted from Partial Discharge Occurring in GIS using Wavelet Transform, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.15, No.2, 467-471, 2000. (DOI: 10.1109/61.852970, Elsevier: Scopus) |
27. | Masatake Kawada, Kawasaki Zen-Ichiro and Matsuura Kenji : Insulation Diagnostic Technique to Assess The Condition of Generator Winding by Measuring Microwave Associated with Dielectric Breakdown, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.15, No.1, 19-23, 2000. (DOI: 10.1109/60.849111) |
28. | 柳下 正弘, 七戸 希, 川田 昌武, 中村 光一, 平野 直樹 : DSPを用いた部分有効電力検出法による超電導コイルのリアルタイムクエンチ検出, 高速信号処理応用技術学会論文誌, Vol.2, No.4, 11-16, 1999年. |
29. | 七戸 希, 川田 昌武, 中村 光一 : 超電導コイルクエンチ検出のための部分有効電力検出法の提案, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.119, No.11, 1174-1180, 1999年. |
30. | 内海 眞志, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 川田 昌武 : ウェーブレット解析とファジィ理論を用いた軸受部劣化診断のための潤滑油中摩耗粒子識別, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.119, No.2, 147-155, 1999年. |
31. | 川田 昌武, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 黒木 悟, 大澤 輝也, 田中 宏毅 : GHz帯電磁波空間位相差法を用いた火力タービン発電機の運転中における部分放電検出, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.118, No.11, 1243-1248, 1998年. |
32. | 川田 昌武, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 武蔵谷 敏男, 黒木 悟, 大澤 輝也, 田中 宏毅 : 発電機固定子コイルの絶縁破壊現象に伴うGHz帯放射電磁波測定による絶縁劣化診断法, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.118, No.3, 274-281, 1998年. |
33. | 鈴木 雄一, 川田 昌武, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 川崎 誠 : 位置標定における重畳最適化法を用いた部分放電源空間標定, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.118, No.2, 157-163, 1998年. |
34. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki, Kenji Matsuura, Toshio Musashiya, Katsunori Otoba, Satoru Kuroki and Takashi Moriyama : Use of Spatial Phase Difference Method to Detect microwaves Associated with Stator Coil Partial Discharge in a Generator, Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.121, No.2, 16-26, 1997. |
35. | 川田 昌武, 内海 眞志, 廬 毅, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 岡本 智行 : 画像処理技術とニューラルネットワークを適用したフェログラフィー分析法による同期機すべり軸受の潤滑油中摩耗粒子検出, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.117, No.8, 1132-1139, 1997年. |
36. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki, Kenji Matsuura and Makoto Kawasaki : Non contact Detection of Electromagnetic Noise Occurrence Due to Partial Discharge by Spatial Phase Difference Method, Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.118, No.4, 22-26, 1997. |
37. | 川田 昌武, 和田 将一, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 川崎 誠 : SF6ガス中における部分放電現象のウェーブレット変換を用いた時間周波数解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.117, No.3, 338-345, 1997年. |
38. | 川田 昌武, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 武蔵谷 敏男, 音羽 克則, 黒木 悟, 森山 隆 : GHz帯電磁波空間位相差法を用いた発電機固定子コイルの非接触部分放電検出システムの開発, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.116, No.2, 224-232, 1997年. |
39. | 和田 将一, 牛尾 知雄, 川田 昌武, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士 : 冬季雷放電に伴う電界変化のウェーブレット解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.116, No.4, 469-474, 1996年. |
40. | 川田 昌武, 河﨑 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 川崎 誠 : 電磁波空間位相差法を用いた非接触部分放電検出法, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.115, No.10, 1168-1173, 1995年. |
1. | 高橋 紀之, 池田 遼平, 渡邉 健, 太田 聡, 川田 昌武 : 車上からの地上コイルの部分放電検出手法, 鉄道総研報告, Vol.34, No.11, 11-16, 2020年. (CiNii: 1520009409500557568) |
2. | 鈴木 正夫, 太田 聡, 池田 遼平, 川田 昌武 : 電磁波検出による地上コイル内部欠陥位置標定に関する検討, 鉄道総研報告(鉄道総合技術論文誌), Vol.27, No.7, 11-16, 2013年. |
1. | Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.2, No.1, 97-99, 2007. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.20103, CiNii: 1571135650896512768) |
2. | 長谷川 真司, 川田 昌武, 瀬村 隆史, 松村 司郎, 武藤 健司, 中村 光一 : 相関法を用いた手書き電気シーケンス図面の自動認識, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.122, No.2, 191-192, 2002年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.122.191, CiNii: 1390001204658292992) |
3. | 川田 昌武, 加納 涼子, 中村 光一 : 画像処理手法による超電導体の磁束分布解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.120, No.8/9, 1285-1286, 2000年. |
4. | アンポン タンカナワニッヒ, 河崎 善一郎, 松浦 虔士, 川田 昌武, 久納 仁史, 奥 清司 : ウェーブレット変換による配電線地絡故障の原因判別, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.118, No.9, 1060-1061, 1998年. |
5. | 川田 昌武, 安部 淳一, 河崎 善一郎 : ウェーブレット変換を用いた電磁波時空間位相差法による部分放電検出, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.118, No.7/8, 908-909, 1998年. |
1. | 川田 昌武 : 広域化された新配電自動化システムによる監視制御・運用体制, 電気学会誌, Vol.127, No.9, 577-580, 2007年9月. (CiNii: 1390282679972089088) |
1. | Masatake Kawada : Development of PD Detection System for Propulsion Coils Arranged on Both Sidewalls of U-Shaped Guideways in Superconducting Maglev Systems Using Two On-Board Radio Interferometer Systems with Vector-Antennas, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 460-464, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Jun. 2024. (DOI: 10.1109/EIC58847.2024.10579389, Elsevier: Scopus) |
2. | Masatake Kawada : Measurement of Radiated Power of Partial Discharges Occurring in Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems Using an On-Board Radio Interferometer System with a Vector-Antenna, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 221-225, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Jun. 2023. (DOI: 10.1109/EIC55835.2023.10177330, Elsevier: Scopus) |
3. | Hasti Jahangiri and Masatake Kawada : PD Detection and Monitoring of High Voltage Cabling in an Aerospace Environment Using a UHF Radio Sensing System, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 94-97, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, Jun. 2022. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
4. | Masatake Kawada : Estimation of UHF Current of Partial Discharges Occurring in Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems Using an On-Board Radio Interferometer System with a Vector-Antenna, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 144-148, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, Jun. 2022. |
5. | Masatake Kawada : Assessing the Condition of Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems Using an On-Board Radio Interferometer System with a Vector-Antenna, Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 363-368, Virtual Event, Jun. 2021. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
6. | Masatake Kawada, Ryohei Ikeda, Masayuki Aiba, Ken Watanabe and Masao Suzuki : Detection of Partial Discharges Occurring in Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems from a Test Bogie Running at High Speed Using a Radio Interferometer System with a Vector-Antenna, Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 194-198, Virtual Event, Jun. 2020. (DOI: 10.1109/EIC47619.2020.9158671, Elsevier: Scopus) |
7. | Masatake Kawada, Ryohei Ikeda, Masayuki Aiba, Ken Watanabe and Masao Suzuki : Detection of Partial Discharges Occurring in Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems Using a Radio Interferometer System with a Vector-Antenna Mounted on a Test Bogie, Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 368-371, Calgary, Canada, Jun. 2019. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
8. | Masatake Kawada : Detection of Partial Discharges Occurring in Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems Using an On-Board Radio Interferometer System with a Vector-Antenna, Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 499-503, San Antonio, Jun. 2018. (DOI: 10.1109/EIC.2018.8481106, Elsevier: Scopus) |
9. | Li Wang, Masatake Kawada and Ming Dong : Simulation Study on Estimating PD Current by Analyzing Emitted EM Waves, Proc. of 4th International Conference on Electric Power Equipment - Switching Technology (ICEPE-ST2017), 673-676, Oct. 2017. (DOI: 10.1109/ICEPE-ST.2017.8188925, Elsevier: Scopus) |
10. | Yuki Mando, Tatsuya Yamagami, Shuichi Haseba, Eriko Soma, Ichiro Shiota, Takayuki Hirai, Hiroki Kurita, Masatake Kawada and Koji Tanaka : Microwave Emission from Hypervelocity Impacts Using Aluminum and Nylon for Target and Projectile Materials, Proceedings of 68th International Astronautical Congress, 7-pages, Adelaide, Australia, Sep. 2017. |
11. | Masatake Kawada, Masao Suzuki and Ryohei Ikeda : Condition Monitoring for Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems Using an On-Board Radio Interferometer System, Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 455-458, Baltimore, Jun. 2017. (DOI: 10.1109/EIC.2017.8004697, Elsevier: Scopus) |
12. | Yuki Mando, Ryouhei Sakamoto, Eriko Soma, Ichiro Shoita, Takayuki Hirai, Hiroki Kurita, Masatake Kawada and Koji Tanaka : Measuring 5.8GHz-band Microwave Emission from Hypervelocity Impacts of Different Combinations of Projectile and Target Materials, Proceedings of 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 6-pages, Matsuyama, Japan, Jun. 2017. |
13. | Masatake Kawada, Masao Suzuki, Ryohei Ikeda and Satoru Ota : Improving Detection Sensitivity of an On-Board Radio Interferometer System for Locating Partial Discharge Sources in Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems, Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 151-155, Montreal, Jun. 2016. (DOI: 10.1109/EIC.2016.7548655, Elsevier: Scopus) |
14. | Masatake Kawada, Masao Suzuki, Ryohei Ikeda and Satoru Ota : Locating Partial Discharge Sources in Propulsion Coils of Superconducting Maglev Systems Using an On-Board Radio Interferometer System, Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 424-429, Seattle, Jun. 2015. (DOI: 10.1109/ICACACT.2014.7223602, Elsevier: Scopus) |
15. | Satoru Ota, Masao Suzuki, Ryohei Ikeda, Hiroshi Yoda and Masatake Kawada : Insulation Failure Detection in Propulsion Coil for Superconducting Maglev Using Radio Interferometer System, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Magnetically Levitated Systems and Linear Drives, 8pages, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sep. 2014. |
16. | Masatake Kawada, Masao Suzuki and Ryohei Ikeda : Location of Partial Discharge Occurring in Propulsion Coil of Superconducting Maglev System using Radio Interferometer System with EM Shield, Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 254-259, Philadelphia, Jun. 2014. (DOI: 10.1109/EIC.2014.6869387, Elsevier: Scopus) |
17. | Masatake Kawada, Masao Suzuki and Ryohei Ikeda : Location of Partial Discharge Occurring in Ground Coil of Superconducting Maglev System under Noise Environment using Radio Interferometer System, Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, 142-146, Ottawa, Jun. 2013. (DOI: 10.1109/EIC.2013.6554221, Elsevier: Scopus) |
18. | Masatake Kawada, Masao Suzuki, Satoru Ota and Ryohei Ikeda : Locating Partial Discharge Generated in PLG Type-Ground Coil for Superconducting Maglev Using Radio Interferometer System, Conference Record of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 99-103, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2012. (DOI: 10.1109/ELINSL.2012.6251435, Elsevier: Scopus) |
19. | Masao Suzuki, Satoshi Ota, Ryouhei Ikeda and Masatake Kawada : Internal Defect Position Evaluation of the Ground Coil by Detecting the Electromagnetic Waves from the Partial Discharge, Proc. of 2011 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 181-184, Kyoto, Sep. 2011. |
20. | Hirokazu Ishimaru and Masatake Kawada : Location of Multiple Partial Discharge Sources Using MAP Estimation for Consecutive Pulses, Proc. of 2011 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 177-180, Kyoto, Sep. 2011. |
21. | Xianjun Shao, Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Guanjun Zhang : Simulation on Locating Partial Discharge in T-Shaped Branch of GIS by Applying the STA/LTA Ratio Method to EM Waves Leaked from Insulating Spacers, Proc. of 2011 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, Kyoto, Sep. 2011. |
22. | Xianjun Shao, Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Guanjun Zhang : Simulation on Locating Partial Discharge in Straight GIS Model by Applying STA/LTA Ratio Method to EM Waves Leaked from Spacers, Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong, Jul. 2011. |
23. | Masatake Kawada, Masao Suzuki and Satoru Ota : Measurement of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Generated in PLG Type-Ground Coil for Superconducting Maglev, Proceedings of the 30th Electrical Insulation Conference, 412-416, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, Jun. 2011. |
24. | Xian-Jun Shao, Yue Ma, Ya-Xi Li, Guan-Jun Zhang and Masatake Kawada : Simulation Research on Multi Pulse Phenomenon in Atmosphere Pressure Argon Dielectric Barrier Dishcarge, Proceedings of the 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, 270-273, Xi'an, China, Nov. 2010. |
25. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Simulation on Estimating DOA of EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Source in Free Space by Using Improved CSM, Proceedings of the 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, 46-49, Xi'an, China, Nov. 2010. |
26. | Hirokazu Ishimaru and Masatake Kawada : Localization of Multiple Partial Discharge Sources Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Vol.2, 766-769, Tokyo, Sep. 2010. |
27. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Simulation on Estimating Near Field DOA of EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Source in Multipath-Rich Environment by Using Focusing Technique, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Vol.1, 93-96, Tokyo, Sep. 2010. |
28. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Estimation of DOAs of EM Waves Emitted from Multiple Partial Discharge Sources in Free Space by Using Wideband Signal Subspace Methods, Proc. of ICEE 2010, Busan, Korea, Jul. 2010. |
29. | Masatake Kawada : Visualization of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Insulating Material Using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method, Conference Record of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 5-pages, San Diego, CA, USA, Jun. 2010. (DOI: 10.1109/ELINSL.2010.5549807, Elsevier: Scopus) |
30. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Yasutomo Kaneko and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Propagation Signals Accompanied by Contact Using Cross-Correlation Method Based on In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of IEEE Power & Energy Society 2009 General Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Jul. 2009. (DOI: 10.1109/PES.2009.5276013, Elsevier: Scopus) |
31. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Simulating the Influence of Mutual Coupling of Antenna Array and Noise on the Location Result of PD Source Occurred on Distribution Line, Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2009, Shenyang (China), Jul. 2009. |
32. | Masatake Kawada : Simulation on Time Delay Estimation of EM Waves Emitted from PD Using Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method and Cross-Correlation Method Based on In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of the 29th Electrical Insulation Conference, 41-45, Montreal, May 2009. |
33. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Comparison of Performance of Antenna Arrangements for Estimating the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 562-565, Yokkaichi, Sep. 2008. |
34. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : The Phase Compensation of Recursive Interpolated D/FFT, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 625-628, Yokkaichi, Sep. 2008. |
35. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Multiple PD Sources on Distribution Line by Using FDTD Method, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 95-98, Yokkaichi, Sep. 2008. |
36. | Masatake Kawada, KOJI YAMADA, YASUTOMO KANEKO and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Vibration Phenomena on Model Turbine Rotor Using Cross-Correlation Method Based on In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, IEEE Power & Energy Society 2008 General Meeting, 6pages, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul. 2008. (DOI: 10.1109/PES.2008.4596375, Elsevier: Scopus) |
37. | Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Time-Frequency Analysis of EM Waves Emitted from Consecutive PD pulses Using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method and the In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, Conference Record of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 381-386, Vancouver, Jun. 2008. (DOI: 10.1109/ELINSL.2008.4570354, Elsevier: Scopus) |
38. | Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis of Wideband EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method and the In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Apr. 2008. (DOI: 10.1109/TDC.2008.4517292, Elsevier: Scopus) |
39. | khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on Characteristics of Wide Band EM Waves Emitted from PD in Air-Substation Using FDTD Method, Proc. of 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, 247-250, Tokyo, Nov. 2007. |
40. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effects of the Length of GIS on Wide Band Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD using FDTD, Proc. of 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, 251-254, Tokyo, Nov. 2007. |
41. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of Electromagnetic Waves, Proc. of 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, 109-112, Tokyo, Nov. 2007. |
42. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Locating Partial Discharge Source Occurring on Distribution Line Using FDTD and TDOA methods, Proc. of 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical and Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, 99-102, Tokyo, Nov. 2007. |
43. | Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis on the Propagation of Wideband EM Waves Emitted from a Partial Discharge using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (CD-ROM), Honolulu, Hawaii, Jul. 2007. (DOI: 10.1109/ISEMC.2007.136, Elsevier: Scopus) |
44. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Yasutomo Kaneko and Katsuo Isaka : Discrimination of Vibration Phenomena on Model Turbine Rotor using In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting (CD-ROM), Tampa, Florida, USA, Jun. 2007. (DOI: 10.1109/PES.2007.385480, Elsevier: Scopus) |
45. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Yasutomo Kaneko and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Contact Vibration generated on Turbine Model using Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, Proc. of PSCE 2006, Atlanta, USA, Oct. 2006. |
46. | Masatake Kawada and Richard M. Leahy : Electrical Brain Mapping of Motor Imagination using the Minimum Norm Solution, Proc. of ISCIT 2006, Bangkok, Thai, Oct. 2006. |
47. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Yasutomo Kaneko and Katsuo Isaka : Discrimination of Vibration Phenomena generated on Turbine Model with 3 Rotors using Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Vol.3, 44-49, Austin, Texas, Jul. 2005. |
48. | Katsuo Isaka, Naoihisa Matsuuchi, Masatake Kawada, Kenta Yamaji and Masahiro Masuda : A Survey on ELF Magnetic Fields arround Students During Their Lab Hours in Electrical and Electronic Eng Dep and Mechanical Eng Dept., A Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and The European BioElectromagnetics Association, 385-387, Dublin, Jun. 2005. |
49. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Katsuya Yamashita and Katsuo Isaka : Fundamental Study on Vibration Diagnosis for Turbine Generators using Wavelet Transform, CD-ROM (The IEEE Power Engineering Society's 2004 Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE'04)), Vol.3, 1215-1220, New York, Oct. 2004. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
50. | Masatake Kawada : Analysis on Synchronous Time-Frequency Components of Human Movement-Related Cortical Potential, The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco, Sep. 2004. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
51. | Masatake Kawada : Identifying Voluntary Components of Human Movement - Related Cortical Potential Associated with Finger Movements Using Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of The 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society, CD-ROM 4pages, Vol.3, 2614-2617, Cancun, Mexico, Sep. 2003. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
52. | Masatake Kawada : Identifying Voluntary Components of Human Movement-Related Cortical Potential using Dynamic Spectrum, Proccidngs of Annual International Conference of the EMBS and Annual Fall Meeting of the BMES, Houston, Texas, U.S.A,, Oct. 2002. |
53. | Masatake Kawada : Ultra Wide Band VHF/UHF Radio Interferometer System for Detecting Partial Discharge Source, 2002 PES Winter Meeting Proceedings, 1482-1487, New York, Jan. 2002. |
54. | Masatake Kawada : Visualization of Time-Frequency Components of Human Movement-Related Cortical Potential using Wavelet Transform,, Proceedings of 24rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 643-646, Istanbul, Oct. 2001. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
55. | Masatake Kawada : Human EEG Analysis after 30 min ELF-EMF Exposure in Consideration of Ministerial Order Establishing Technical Standards for Electrical Facilities of Japan, AP-RASC'01 Conference Digest, 258, Tokyo, Sep. 2001. |
56. | Shinji Hasegawa, Masatake Kawada, Shiro Matsumura, Motomi Nasu and Koichi Nakamura : Visualization of Rotor Vibration of Turbine using Wavelet Transform, SPAT2001 Workshop Proceedings, 128-132, Tokyo, Oct. 2000. |
57. | Sadaaki Nishigaki, Masatake Kawada, Hiroyuki Ukai, Koichi Nakamura, Hiroshi Kobayashi and Masakazu Uehara : Digital Active Filtering System by Real-time Spectral Analysis using Recursive DFT Algorithm, Proceedings of 1999 DSP World ICSPAT, 5-pages, Orland, USA, Nov. 1999. |
58. | Yutaka Ota, Masatake Kawada, Hiroyuki Ukai, Koichi Nakamura, Nobuyuki Matsui, Mototaka Sone, S.C. Verma and Hideaki Fujita : Synchronized Phasor Measurement of State Parameters at Multi-points in Electric Power System by using DSP and GPS, 1999 DSP World Workshops Conference Proceedings, Orlando, Nov. 1999. |
59. | Masahiro Yanagishita, Nozomu Nanato and Masatake Kawada : Digital Real-time Quench Detection of Superconducting Coil by Partial Active Power Detection Method, 1999 DSP World Workshops Conference Proceedings, Orlando, Nov. 1999. |
60. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki, Kenji Matsuura, Satoru Kuroki, Teruya Osawa and Hiroki Tanaka : Detection of Partial Discharge in Operating Turbine Generator Using GHz-Band Spatial Phase Difference Method, Proceedings of 1998 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 71-74, Toyohashi, Sep. 1998. |
61. | Yutaka Ota, Masatake Kawada, Koichi Nakamura, Mototaka Sone, S.C. Verma and Hideki Fujita : Real-Time Phasor Transform of the State Parameters in Electric Power System by using DSP, 1998 DSP World Workshops Conference Proceedings, Toronto, Sep. 1998. |
62. | TUNGKANAWANICH Ampol, Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki, Kenji Matsuura, HItoshi Kuno and Kiyoshi Oku : A New Diagnosis Method of Ground Fault Causes on Distribution Line using Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 1998 (ICEE'98), 293-296, Kyongju, Jul. 1998. |
63. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki and Kenji Matsuura : Time-Frequency Analysis of E-M Signals Emitted from a Partial Discharge Occurring in Gis using Wavelet Transform, Conference Record of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 57-60, Washington D.C., Jun. 1998. |
64. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki and Kenji Matsuura : Diagnostic Technique to Assess the Condition of Stator Insulation by Measuring Microwave Associated with Dielectric Breakdown, Conference Record of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 249-252, Washington D.C., Jun. 1998. |
65. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki and Kenji Matsuura : A New On - Line Insulation Diagnostic Technique for Power Apparatus by Detecting Electromagnetic Signals Emitted from PD, Proceedings of Joint Conference of 1996 AICDEI & 4th JCCEID, 325-328, Xi'an, Oct. 1996. |
66. | Yuichi Suzuki, Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki and Kenji Matsuura : Three - dimensional Location of Partial Discharges, Proceedings of Joint Conference of 1996 AICDEI & 4th JCCEID, 337-340, Xi'an, Oct. 1996. |
67. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki and Kenji Matsuura : A New Non-Contact Insulation Insulation Diagnostic System for High-Voltage Electrical Power Apparatus, Proceedings of the Seven Annual Conference of Power & Energy Society. IEE of Japan `96, 225-230, Osaka, Aug. 1996. |
68. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki and Kenji Matsuura : Verification of the Detection of Partial Discharge by Microwave, 1995 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 311-314, Tokyo, Aug. 1995. |
69. | Masatake Kawada, Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki and Kenji Matsuura : An Experiment of the Detection of Partial Discharges by Microwave, Proceedeings of 27th Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 383-386, Osaka, Aug. 1994. |
70. | Masatake Kawada, Akira Taguchi, Nobukazu Iijima, Hideo Mitsui and Mototaka Sone : Recognizing Pale Letters and Color Letters with Multi-Layered Neural Networks, Proceedings of ICNN '94, Vol.3, 1529-1532, Orlando, Jun. 1994. |
71. | Masatake Kawada, Nobukazu Iijima, Yoshinao Akima and Mototaka Sone : Singularity of Multi-Layered Neural Networks on Back-Propagation, Proceedings of IJCNN '93, 1447-1450, Nagoya, Oct. 1993. |
1. | Yuki Mando, Ryouhei Sakamoto, Eriko Soma, Ichiro Shoita, Takayuki Hirai, Hiroki Kurita, Koji Tanaka and Masatake Kawada : Polarization Analysis of Microwave Generated by Hypervelocity Impacts, Proceedings of Symposium of Laboratory Experiments Related to Space Science, 4-pages, Feb. 2017. |
2. | Yuki Mando, Shohei Koyama, Shota Yamaguchi, Koji Tanaka and Masatake Kawada : Preliminary Experiments on Interactions between Microwave and Plasma, Proceedings of Symposium of Laboratory Experiments Related to Space Science, Feb. 2016. |
3. | 鈴木 正夫, 池田 遼平, 高橋 紀之, 田中 実, 川田 昌武 : 部分放電検出による浮上式鉄道用地上コイルの絶縁診断に関する検討, 2012年 電気学会A部門大会論文集, 2012年9月. |
4. | Yasuhiro Yoshioka, Takashi Kurihara, 川田 昌武 : Degradation Diagnosis in Electric Power Appratus, The 2011 Annual Meeting Record IEEJ, 2011年3月. |
5. | Hirokazu Ishimaru and Masatake Kawada : Location of Multiple Partial Discharge Sources Using MAP, The 2011 Annual Meeting Record IEEJ, Mar. 2011. |
6. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Simulation on Locating Partial Discharge Source Occurring on Distribution Line by Estimating the DOAs of EM Waves in Azimuth and Elevation Angles, The 2011 Annual Meeting Record IEEJ, Mar. 2011. |
7. | Hirokazu Ishimaru and Masatake Kawada : Localization of Partial Discharge Sources Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2010., Mar. 2010. |
8. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Estimation of DOA from Partial Discharge in Free Space by Using Signal Subspace Methods, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2010, Mar. 2010. |
9. | Kentaro Watanabe and Masatake Kawada : Estimation of DOAs of Multipath EM Waves in Near Field Emitted from PD Using AVW Method, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2010., Mar. 2010. |
10. | Hirokazu Ishimaru and Masatake Kawada : Maximum Likelihood Localization of a Partial Discharge Source, 2009 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 43, Sep. 2009. |
11. | Ye Tian and Masatake Kawada : Simulating the Propagation of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Multipath-rich Environment by Using FDTD, 2009 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 34, Sep. 2009. |
12. | Watanabe Kentarou and Masatake Kawada : Estimation of DOA of EM Waves Emitted from Multiple PDs by Using MUSIC in Near Field, 2009 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 32, Sep. 2009. |
13. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Study on Influence of Mutual Coupling of Antenna Array and Noise on Received EM Waves Emitted from PF by Using FDTD, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2009. |
14. | Tetsuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of Spectrum Analyzer's Resolutin Bandwidth on the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Multipath-rich Environment, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2009. |
15. | Kiichi Taniguchi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka and Richard M Leahy : Comparison of EEG During Right and Left Forefinger Movements Using Directed Transfer Function, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2009. |
16. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation of Influence of Antennas in Received EM Waves Emitted from PD, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 412, Sep. 2008. |
17. | Kiichi Taniguchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimating the Patterns of Correlation of Brain Waves During the Forefinger Movements Using Directed Transfer Function, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 411, Sep. 2008. |
18. | Hisayoshi Kuroshima, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Using Interpolated Method of Moments, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 32, Sep. 2008. |
19. | Tetsuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Investigating the Impulse Bandwidth of Spectrum Analyzer for the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 31, Sep. 2008. |
20. | Yuta Kishigami, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Investigating Optimal Size of Window to Arrange Antenna in GIS for UHF Method, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 30, Sep. 2008. |
21. | 井本 明花, 松内 尚久, 太良尾 浩生, 林 則行, 川田 昌武 : 肩掛け円環状処理溶接ケーブルによる人体誘導電流の計算, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 27, 2008年9月. |
22. | 長尾 宜紀, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武, 太良尾 浩生, 林 則行 : 電磁調理システム周辺の人体の誘導電流の測定, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 29, 2008年9月. |
23. | 長尾 宜紀, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 太良尾 浩生, 林 則之 : 電磁調理システムからのコンタクト電流の測定, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, 2008年3月. |
24. | Tetsuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Investigation of the Relationship between Resolution Bandwidth of Spectrum Analyzer and Pulse Repetition Frequency for the Measurement of Power of EM Waves Emitted from PD, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
25. | Yasuyuki Hayashi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka, Koji Yamada and Yasutomo Kaneko : Extraction of Characteristic Acceleration Signals Associated with Oil Whip Using Fast ICA, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
26. | Kiichi Taniguchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Investigating a Tolerance of Directed Transfer Function for Brain Waves Based on Signal to Noise Ratio Using Relative Error, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
27. | Hisayoshi Kuroshima, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge in Consideration of the Radius and Partition Number Using Method of Moments, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
28. | Yuta Kishigami, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of Antenna Position at Aperture on Detection Sensitivity of EM Waves Emitted from PD in GIS, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
29. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Locating PD Source Occurring on Distribution Line in Street Waveguide by Using SPOT Method, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
30. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka, Koji Yamada and Yasutomo Kaneko : Detection of Oil Whip and Clearance Vibration with High Accuracy Using Recursive Interpolated D/FFT, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
31. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of the Permittivity of Spacer on EM Waves Emitted from PD in GIS, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
32. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimate of the Number of PD Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution Based on Square Array Antennas, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
33. | 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : CIP法とウェーブレット変換を用いた部分放電放射電磁波の時間周波数可視化, 2007年10月. |
34. | 長尾 宜紀, 金本 吉弘, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武 : 電磁調理器からの接触電流の測定, 電気関係四国支部大会論文誌, 2007年9月. |
35. | Tetsuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : On the Measurement of Power of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Using Superheterodyne Spectrum Analyzer, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
36. | Yasuyuki Hayashi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka, Koji Yamada and Yasutomo Kaneko : Separation of the Acceleration Signals for Vibration Diagnosis Using Fast Independent Component Analysis, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
37. | Kiichi Taniguchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Evaluating Tolerance of Granger Causality of Brain Waves Based on Signal to Noise Ratio, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
38. | Hisayoshi Kuroshima, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Fundamental Analysis on Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD Using Method of Moments, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
39. | Yuta Kishigami, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Six Components of EM Waves Emitted from PD in GIS Using 3D FDTD Method, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
40. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Location Accuracy of PD Source Using Four-Antenna Array Based on TDOA and Broyden's Methods, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
41. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Real Time and High Accurate Frequency Analysis Based on IpFFT with Recursive Algorithm, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
42. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD in GIS with T-shaped Branch, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
43. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution in Multipath Environment, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
44. | 川田 昌武 : 電力機器診断へのウェーブレット変換適用に関する試み, 産業応用フォーラム ウェーブレットの設備診断への応用, 5-18, 2007年9月. |
45. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : High Accuracy Estimation of Abnormal Vibration Generated on Turbine Model Using Interpolated Fast Fourier Transform, 2007 Annual Conference of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan, 1page, Aug. 2007. |
46. | Khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on Multipath Effects of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Air-Substation Using FDTD Method, 2007 Annual Conference of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan, 1page-1, Aug. 2007. |
47. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Frequency Characteristics of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted fro PD in GIS in Consideration of the Spacer, 2007 Annual Conference of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan, 1page, Aug. 2007. |
48. | Ye Tian, Khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Localization of Partial Discharge on Distribution Line Based on Forward and Inverse Methods, 2007 Annual Conferernce of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan, 1page, Aug. 2007. |
49. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Fundamental Study on Vibration Diagnosis for Turbine Using Interpolated FFT, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 7-027, Mar. 2007. |
50. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of Shape of Spacer on EM Waves Emitted from PD in GIS, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 6-257, Mar. 2007. |
51. | Yoshitaka Higuchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Propagation of EM Waves Emitted from PD Occurring on the Distribution Line Using the FDTD Method, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 2-043, Mar. 2007. |
52. | Yoshiteru Fukuda, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of Radiation Power from PD by Measuring EM Waves for Diagnosing of Insulation Material, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 2-042, Mar. 2007. |
53. | 川田 昌武, Richard M Leahy : Fundamental Research on Electrical Brain Mapping of Motor Imagination, 第7回脳磁場イメージング研究会, 13, 2006年12月. |
54. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD in GIS in Consideration of the Spacer, Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2006. |
55. | 原田 優, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 配電線周辺のELF磁界の解析, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, 2006年9月. |
56. | 陳 皓, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 高圧送電線下の地表面近傍における電界の定量化, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, 2006年9月. |
57. | Yoshiteru Fukuda, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of Electric Field Strength by Measuring EM Waves emitted from PD, Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2006. |
58. | Yoshitaka Higuchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : 3D Reconstruction Method using PSM and TM to Combine with the Location of PD Source, Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2006. |
59. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka and Koji Yamada : Fundamental Study on Vibration Diagnosis for Turbine using the Optimization of Spectrum Analysis, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, Sep. 2006. |
60. | Khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on Propagation of VHF EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge in Air-Substation, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, Sep. 2006. |
61. | Masatake Kawada and Richard M. Leahy : Electrical Brain Mapping of Motor Imagination using Minimum Norm Solution for BCI, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, Sep. 2006. |
62. | Khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Fundamental Study on Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the FDTD Simulation of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, Sep. 2005. |
63. | Kenji Rikimoto, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka and Koji Yamada : Detection of Abnormal Vibration Components Generated on Turbine Model using ICA, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, Sep. 2005. |
64. | Yoshiteru Fukuda, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effects of RBW and VBW of Spectrum Analyzer on Frequency Spectrum of EM Waves emitted from PD, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, Sep. 2005. |
65. | 樋口 佳孝, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 部分放電源特定支援のためのステレオ法による3次元形状復元, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, 2005年9月. |
66. | 山中 真吾, 付 政, 伊坂 勝生, 原田 雅史, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 磁気共鳴画像(MRI)診断装置の操作室における磁界測定, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, 2005年9月. |
67. | 溝端 康弘, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武 : 角度鉄塔周辺における送電線からの磁界解析, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, 2005年9月. |
68. | 原田 優, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武 : 垂直立ち上がり配電ケーブルからの磁界測定, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, 2005年9月. |
69. | 力本 健治, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 山田 康二 : 独立成分分析によるタービンモデルの異常振動に伴う変位信号成分分離, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2005年3月. |
70. | 山中 真吾, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : プロテオミクス実験システムから発生するELF磁界の低減の試み, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2005年3月. |
71. | 福田 好輝, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 部分放電放射電磁波測定におけるスペクトラムアナライザの分解能·ビデオ帯域幅の影響, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2005年3月. |
72. | 長谷川 真司, 川田 昌武, 松村 司郎, 武藤 健司 : 手書き電気シーケンス図面における文字記号の自動認識に関する研究, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2005年3月. |
73. | 山口 和幸, 高木 亨之, 山田 康二, 川田 昌武 : ウェーブレット解析による軸受給油不足時の振動診断, Dynamics and Design Conference 2004, 2004年9月. |
74. | 石丸 宏一, 川田 昌武 : ベイジアンネットを用いた部分放電発生方向の確率的推定, 電気関係学会 東海支部連合大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
75. | 力本 健治, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 山田 康二 : 独立成分分析によるタービン発電機振動診断のための加速度信号分離, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
76. | Takuya Sadakuni, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka and Koji Yamada : Study on Diagnosis for Turbine Generator using Bayesian Network, 電気関係学会四国四国支部大会論文集, Sep. 2004. |
77. | 湯下 良之, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : ブラウン管タイプのVDTからのトランジェント磁界の測定結果, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
78. | 城尾 友紀, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武, 大崎 和夫 : 人の前腕部における血流に対する高電界の作用, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
79. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 金子 康智, 伊坂 勝生 : ウェーブレット変換による3軸型タービン発電機モデルの振動解析, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
80. | 力本 健治, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 山田 康二 : 独立成分分析によるタービン発電機振動診断のための基礎研究, 電気学会産業応用部門大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
81. | 定國 卓也, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 山田 康二 : ベイジアンネットワークによるタービン発電機診断に関する研究, 電気学会産業応用部門大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
82. | 長谷川 真司, 川田 昌武, 松村 司郎, 武藤 健司 : 手書き電気シーケンス図面の自動認識に関する基礎研究, 電気学会産業応用部門大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
83. | 湯下 良之, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : VDTからのトランジェント磁界の波形観測, 電気設備学会全国大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
84. | 溝端 康弘, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 角度鉄塔に吊下げられた送電線からの磁界解析, 電気設備学会全国大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
85. | 山中 真吾, 付 政, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 原田 雅史, 長篠 博文, 西谷 弘 : 磁気共鳴画像診断装置(MRI)操作室における磁界測定, 電気設備学会全国大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
86. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 金子 康智, 伊坂 勝生 : 3軸型タービン発電機モデルにおける接触振動現象のウェーブレット変換を用いた時間周波数可視化, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2004年3月. |
87. | 石丸 宏一, 川田 昌武 : ベイジアンネットを用いた部分放電発生方向推定, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2004年3月. |
88. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 伊坂 勝生 : 高速回転機診断のための変位·加速度信号の時間周波数可視化, 自動制御連合講演会論文集, 2003年11月. |
89. | 定國 卓也, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : FFTによるタービン発電機の高速振動診断に関する基礎研究, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
90. | 久米 一哉, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : FDTD法を用いた部分放電電流による放射電磁波の可視化, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
91. | 付 政, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 原田 雅史, 長篠 博文, 西谷 弘 : 磁気共鳴画像診断装置の操作室における磁界測定, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
92. | 湊 雄策, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : EMDEXⅡ磁界メータの測定精度に関する一考察, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 2003年10月. |
93. | 湯下 良之, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : トランジェント磁界の波形観測に関する研究, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 2003年10月. |
94. | 城尾 友紀, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 大崎 和夫 : 電界内における心電図測定のための基礎研究, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
95. | 久米 一哉, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : FDTD法を用いた部分放電電磁波モデリングに関する基礎研究, 高速信号処理応用技術学会秋季大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
96. | 石丸 宏一, 川田 昌武 : ベイジアンネットによる部分放電放射電磁波の方位角推定法の提案, 高速信号処理応用技術学会秋季大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
97. | 定國 卓也, 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 山下 勝也, 伊坂 勝生 : タービン発電機振動診断のためのFFT周波数分解能の検討, 高速信号処理応用技術学会秋季大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
98. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 山下 勝也 : ウェーブレット変換による高速回転機振動診断のための基礎実験報告, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2003年3月. |
99. | 川田 昌武 : 電力分野に関連するEMC規格への対応, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2003年3月. |
100. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 山下 勝也 : 高速回転機振動診断へのウェーブレット変換導入のための基礎実験報告, 応用ウェーブレット解析研究会論文集, 2003年1月. |
101. | 香川 明彦, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : トランジェント磁界の定量化, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 2002年10月. |
102. | 川田 昌武 : ヒト運動関連脳電位の時間周波数可視化による随意成分同定, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2002年3月. |
103. | 長谷川 真司, 川田 昌武, 松村 司郎, 武藤 健司, 中村 光一 : 2次元離散ウェーブレット変換による手書き電気シーケンス図面のパターン認識, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2002年3月. |
104. | 石丸 宏一, 川田 昌武 : 汎用的動作知識の獲得法の提案, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2002年3月. |
105. | 川田 昌武, 田口 亮, 光井 英雄, 曽禰 元隆 : 多層構造ニューラルネットワークを用いた濃淡文字,色文字認識, 1993年度 電子情報通信学会全国大会, 1994年3月. |
106. | 川田 昌武, 田口 亮, 光井 英雄, 曽禰 元隆 : 多層構造ニューラルネットワークを用いた濃淡文字,色文字認識, 1993年度 電子情報通信学会全国大会, 1994年3月. |
107. | 川田 昌武, 酒井 晃, 飯島 伸一, 田口 亮, 曽禰 元隆 : 多層構造ニューラルネットワークの特異性, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 1993年3月. |
1. | Masatake Kawada : How to Internationalize the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs ?, Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on "The Fourth International Symposium: Development of the Global Double Degree Program (GDDP)", 24-25, Dec. 2009. |
2. | Masatake Kawada : Development of Diagnostic Measurement Techniques for Power Equipment Using Radio Sensing, Computational Electromagnetic Method, and Signal Processing, Seminar by IEEE Ottawa Section ( National Research Council, Canada ), Jun. 2009. |
3. | 川田 昌武 : 研究室から始める国際化への試み, 電気学会誌, Vol.129, No.5, 316, 2009年5月. |
4. | 下村 直行, 森田 郁朗, 安野 卓, 北條 昌秀, 川田 昌武, 寺西 研二, 大西 徳生 : 電気電子工学実験の試み, --- 少人数教育から見えてくるもの ---, 電気学会研究会資料, Vol.FIE-08, No.2, 11-15, 2008年9月. |
5. | 川田 昌武 : 「研究室の国際化に向けての第一歩」, 工学教育シンポジウム 2008 (SEE 2008) http://www.e.tokushima-u.ac.jp/PUBLIC/FD/SEE/SEE2008.pdf, 29-36, 2008年3月. |
6. | 下村 直行, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 井上 廉 : 学生と担任のためのクラスホームページ, --- 進学・就職活動 ---, 電気学会研究会資料, Vol.FIE-07, 25-29, 2007年9月. |
1. | 植野 美彦, 関 陽介, 井戸 慶治, 髙木 康志, 阪上 浩, 生島 仁史, 藤猪 英樹, 白山 靖彦, 田中 秀治, 川田 昌武, 長宗 秀明, 古屋 S. 玲, 上岡 麻衣子 : 令和元年度 徳島大学高等教育研究センターアドミッション部門 報告書, 令和元年度 徳島大学高等教育研究センターアドミッション部門 報告書, 2020年3月. |
2. | 川田 昌武 : 電力機器設備絶縁劣化診断のための電磁波センシングシステムの開発, 徳島大学工学部研究報告, Vol.51, 14-21, 2006年. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001079) |
3. | 川田 昌武 : 電力分野におけるEMC課題, 電気学会技術報告, No.949, 東京, 2004年1月. |
1. | 川田 昌武 : 磁気浮上式鉄道のための模擬地上コイル及び模擬推進コイル, 特願2017-142834 (2017年7月), 特開2019-24287 (2019年2月), 特許第6940140号 (2021年9月). | |
2. | 鈴木 正夫, 太田 聡, 池田 遼平, 川田 昌武 : 地上コイルの絶縁診断方法及びその装置, 特願2011-188489 (2011年8月), 特開2013-50383 (2013年3月), 特許第5687161号 (2015年1月). | |
3. | 川田 昌武 : 電磁波源検出方法および絶縁劣化診断方法と装置, 特願2001-226255 (2001年7月), 特開2003-43094 (2003年2月), 特許第4015384号 (2007年9月). | |
4. | 川田 昌武 : 脳運動機能解析診断方法および装置, 特願2001-79251 (2001年3月), 特開2002-272692 (2002年9月), 特許第3983989号 (2007年7月). |