Massullo Chiara, Carbone A. Giuseppe, Murillo-Rodríguez Eric, Machado Sérgio, Budde Henning, Tetsuya Yamamoto and Imperatori Claudio : Chapter 6. Electroencephalography power spectra and electroencephalography functional connectivity in sleep, Elsevier Science B.V., Oct. 2021.
Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yoshimoto Junichiro, Alcaraz-Silva Jocelyne, Murillo-Rodríguez Eric, Imperatori Claudio, Machado Sérgio and Budde Henning : Chapter 13. Clinical Psychoinformatics: A Novel Approach to Behavioral States and Mental Health Care Driven by Machine Learning, Elsevier Science B.V., Oct. 2021.
Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Sérgio Machado, Claudio Imperatori, Tetsuya Yamamoto and Henning Budde : Natural Cannabinoids as Templates for Sleep Disturbances Treatments., Feb. 2021.
-THC), the principal psychoactive constituent of C. sativa, has been addressed. Moreover, in recent years, the focus of scientific interest has moved on to studying the second plant constituent with non-psychotropic pharmacological properties: Cannabidiol (CBD).The pharmacological and pharmaceutical interest of CBD has been focus of attention due to the accumulating body of evidence regarding the positive outcomes of using CBD for the treatment of several health issues, such as psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, epilepsy, etc. Since the most prominent sleep disruptions include excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), current treatments include the use of drugs such as stimulants of antidepressants. Notwithstanding, side effects are commonly reported among the patients under prescription of these compounds. Thus, the search of novelty therapeutical approaches aimed to treat ESD may consider the use of cannabinoid-derived compounds, such as CBD. In this chapter, we will show experimental evidence regarding the potential role of CBD as a wake-inducing compound aimed to manage EDS.
Murillo-Rodriguez Eric, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Veras Barciela André, Rocha Barbosa Nuno, Telles-Correira Diogo, Machado Sérgio, Monteiro Diogo, Budde Henning and Torterolo Pablo : 8. Sleep Disorders and Genes, Academic Press, Tokyo, Mar. 2019.
山本 哲也 : 第16章 科学技術の適用と将来の動向, 金子書房, 東京, 2018年10月.
山本 哲也 : 第10章抑うつ, 金子書房, 東京, 2018年8月.
山本 哲也 : 第8章強迫症, 金子書房, 東京, 2018年8月.
Kenji Yokotani, Nobuhito Abe, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Masahiro Takamura and Hideyuki Takahashi : Effect of pachinko parlour openings and closings on neighbourhood income-generating crimes in Japan: 6.5 years of observations., BMC Public Health, Vol.24, No.1, 1905, 2024.
The highest income-generating crime incidence rate was observed within a 0.5-1 km and 1-5 km radius of pachinko parlours. The opening of pachinko parlours also increased income-generating crime incidence rates, which increased after closing. Pachinko parlours are considered to be creating public harm because the corporate activities of these parlours make the youth in their neighbourhood perpetrators of fraud and older adults its victims. Future research should examine the current findings using official crime records.
Nahori Ito, Akira Hasegawa, Masaki Adachi, Shin-Ichi Oura, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yuko Matsuda and Takuro Tomita : Body talk and body dissatisfaction in Japanese university students: Longitudinal study using the Japanese Body Talk Scale., Body Image, Vol.51, 101749, 2024.
This study evaluated the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Body Talk Scale (BTS), designed to measure negative fat talk, negative muscle talk, and positive body talk. The study also explored the longitudinal associations between each body talk category and body dissatisfaction. We conducted two separate studies among university students in Japan. Separate confirmatory factor analyses for female and male data indicated that the initially proposed three-factor model demonstrated an acceptable fit, whereas the bi-factor model provided a better fit. The Japanese BTS showed good construct validity, acceptable to adequate internal consistency, and test-retest reliability within 2 weeks. A four-week longitudinal study involving 386 women and 216 men (mean age = 19.22 and 19.62, respectively) revealed that negative fat talk predicted an increase in the discrepancy between the thin ideal body image and the actual body image among women. In contrast, positive body talk was linked to reduced body dissatisfaction and body image discrepancy in women. There were no such significant associations in men. These findings support the use of the Japanese BTS as a valuable instrument for future research on the intrapersonal and interpersonal effects of various types of body talk.
Yuko Yamashita and Tetsuya Yamamoto : Effect of virtual reality self-counseling with the intimate other avatar., Scientific Reports, Vol.14, No.1, 15417, 2024.
Virtual reality self-counseling (VR-SC) is considered an effective approach for addressing mental health problems. Previous studies have shown the effectiveness of VR-SC using Sigmund Freud's avatar as the counselor. However, considering that virtual reality (VR) enables embodied perspective-taking of another person, VR-SC using the avatar of a person who cares about the participant (an intimate person), such as a family member or friend, is considered effective because it could create warm attitudes toward the participants themselves. In this study, 60 undergraduate and graduate students were split into three conditions: VR-SC with intimate persons, VR-SC with Freud, and a control group. The intervention effects were then compared. The results showed that VR-SC with an intimate person was the most effective in improving anxiety symptoms. These results may be attributed to accepting and affirming oneself from the perspective of the intimate person's avatar and counseling oneself. This study is significant in that it is the first to conduct VR-SC with the avatar of an intimate person and compare the effects with Freud's avatar. More importantly, it showed that the same VR-SC method could have different effects depending on the avatar of the counseling partner.
Humans / 仮想現実 (virtual reality) / Female / Male / Counseling / Adult / Anxiety / Young Adult / Avatar
Nagisa Sugaya, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Naho Suzuki and Chigusa Uchiumi : Loneliness and social isolation factors under the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: A two-year longitudinal study, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, Vol.10, e51653, 2024.
Worsening loneliness and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic have become serious public health concerns worldwide. Despite previous research reporting persistent loneliness and social isolation under repeated emergency declarations and prolonged pandemics, long-term studies are needed to identify the actual conditions of loneliness and social isolation, and the factors that explain them. In this study, 3 web-based surveys were conducted at 1-year intervals during the 2 years after the first state of emergency to examine changes in loneliness and social isolation and the psychosocial factors associated with them in the Japanese population. The first survey (phase 1, May 11-12, 2020) was conducted at the end of the first emergency declaration period, the second survey (phase 2, June 14-20, 2021) was conducted at the end of the third emergency declaration period, and the third survey (phase 3, May 13-30, 2022) was conducted when the state of emergency had not been declared but many COVID-19-positive cases occurred during this period. We collected data on 3892 inhabitants (n=1813, 46.58% women; age: mean 50.3, SD 13.4 y) living in the 4 prefectures where emergency declaration measures were applied in phases 1 and 2. A linear mixed model analysis was performed to examine the association between psychosocial variables as explanatory variables and loneliness scores as the dependent variable in each phase. While many psychosocial and physical variables showed improvement for the 2 years, loneliness, social isolation, and the relationship with familiar people deteriorated, and the opportunities for exercise, favorite activities, and web-based interaction with familiar people decreased. Approximately half of those experiencing social isolation in phase 1 remained isolated throughout the 2-year period, and a greater number of people developed social isolation than those who were able to resolve it. The results of the linear mixed model analysis showed that most psychosocial and physical variables were related to loneliness regardless of the phase. Regarding the variables that showed a significant interaction with the phase, increased altruistic preventive behavior and a negative outlook for the future were more strongly associated with severe loneliness in phase 3 (P=.01 to <.001), while the association between fewer social networks and stronger loneliness tended to be more pronounced in phase 2. Although the interaction was not significant, the association between reduced face-to-face interaction, poorer relationships with familiar people, and increased loneliness tended to be stronger in phase 3. This study found that loneliness and social isolation remained unresolved throughout the long-term COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, in the final survey phase, these issues were influenced by a broader and more complex set of factors compared to earlier phases.
Humans / Loneliness / COVID-19 / Social Isolation / Japan / Female / Male / Longitudinal Studies / Middle Aged / Adult / Pandemics / Aged / Surveys and Questionnaires
Nagisa Sugaya, Tetsuya Yamamoto and Chigusa Uchiumi : A 2-year longitudinal study examining the change in psychosocial factors under the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, Scientific Data, Vol.11, 544, 2024.
Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yasuko Nakamura, Hideki Ohira and Mingzhe Jin : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTERISTICS AND HISTORICAL TRANSITION OF EDOGAWA RAMPO'S WORKS, Psychologia, Vol.65, No.2, 284-295, 2024.
Naho Suzuki and Tetsuya Yamamoto : The influence of interoceptive accuracy on the verbalization of emotions., Scientific Reports, Vol.13, No.1, 2023.
Interoception, which pertains to the physiological state of the body, is associated with subjective emotional experiences. In particular, the accuracy of perceiving interoceptive signals (interoceptive accuracy [IAcc]) is linked to the intensity of emotional arousal, known as arousal focus (AF). IAcc is believed to influence the granularity of emotional experiences. Here, we examined the relationship between IAcc and assessment and verbalisation of one's own or others' emotions. Study I demonstrated that individuals with higher IAcc exhibited significantly greater AF when evaluating their own positive emotions. Furthermore, although no correlation between IAcc and AF was found in free descriptions of emotions, a significant positive correlation was found between IAcc and the number of emotion-related words. Study II showed that individuals with higher IAcc displayed significantly higher AF when assessing the positive emotions of characters in videos. Additionally, in free descriptions of these characters, a significant positive correlation was observed between predicted verbal IQ and the number of emotion-related words. These findings support the notion that interoception is associated with AF during assessment of one's own or others' positive emotions as well as the abundance of emotion-related words. This study demonstrates the relationship between bodily sensations and social aspects of human embodiment.
Nagisa Sugaya, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Naho Suzuki and Chigusa Uchiumi : Change in Alcohol Use during the Prolonged COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Psychosocial Factors: A One-Year Longitudinal Study in Japan., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.20, No.5, 2023.
This study investigated changes in alcohol use and its related psychosocial factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Two online surveys were completed by participants between 15 and 20 June 2021 (phase 1) and 13 and 30 May 2022 (phase 2). A total of 9614 individuals participated in both phases (46% women, mean age = 50.0 ± 13.1 years) and a repeated three-way analysis of variance and multinomial logistic regression analysis were conducted. These data analyses showed that the presence of hazardous alcohol use at phase 2 was predicted by being male and unmarried, having a higher annual household income and age, having a larger social network, and displaying fewer COVID-19 prevention behaviors at phase 1. Further, the presence of potential alcoholism at phase 2 was predicted by being male, being more anxious, having a larger social network, exercising more, showing a deterioration of economic status, having more difficulties owing to a lack of daily necessities, having less healthy eating habits, and showing fewer COVID-19 prevention behaviors at phase 1. These findings suggest that psychological problems and increased work (or academic) and economic difficulties were associated with severe alcohol problems during a later stage of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shigeyuki Takai, Akira Hasegawa, Jun Shigematsu and Tetsuya Yamamoto : Do people who highly value happiness tend to ruminate?, Current Psychology, 1-13, 2023.
= 329; Study 2). They responded to a packet of questionnaires assessing valuing happiness, trait rumination, depressive symptoms, negative events, and interdependent self-construal. Consistent with our hypothesis, valuing happiness was concurrently and longitudinally associated with increased rumination after controlling for depressive symptoms. However, negative events did not moderate the association between valuing happiness and rumination. Furthermore, Study 1, but not Study 2, indicated that the association between valuing happiness and rumination was stronger among students with highly interdependent self-construal than those with less interdependent self-construal. The preset findings indicated that valuing happiness might be a factor that perpetuates rumination. More sophisticated evidence on the influence of valuing happiness on rumination can lead to effective psychotherapies for decreasing rumination and depression.
Sergio Machado, Diogo Teixeira, Diogo Monteiro, Claudio Imperatori, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, Pereira Silva Rocha Fernanda da, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Sandra Amatriain-Fernández, Henning Budde, Giovanni Mauro Carta, Leonardo Caixeta and Souza Sá Filho Alberto de : Clinical applications of exercise in Parkinson's disease: what we need to know?, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, Vol.22, No.9, 771-780, 2022.
It is suggested that different intensities of aerobic exercise be explored for the treatment of PD. The results associated with high intensity seem promising for performance, physiological and clinical parameters, such as BDNF production and cognition. On the other hand, the diversification of tasks and repetition of motor gestures appear as consistent arguments to exercise prescription. Finally, for future investigations, the neuromodulation strategy in association with aerobic exercise appears as a potential inducer of benefits on gait and cognitive function.
Yuko Yamashita and Tetsuya Yamamoto : Virtual Reality Heals My Reality: The Effect of Virtual Reality Self-Counseling with the Intimate Other Avatar, PsyArXiv, 2022.
Akira Hasegawa, Shin-Ichi Oura, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yoshihiko Kunisato and Yoshikazu Fukui : Preliminary validation of the self-report measure assessing experiences of negative independent and dependent event frequency in Japanese university students., Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy : RET, 1-23, 2022.
In the past, different stress generation studies have used self-report measures comprising different items to assess each category of negative events. Moreover, the validity of these scales has not been adequately investigated. Therefore, we developed a self-report measure dedicated to assessing experiences of negative interpersonal dependent events, negative non-interpersonal dependent events, and negative independent events in university students, which was named the Negative Independent/Dependent Events Scale. Japanese undergraduate students (N = 247; mean age = 19.18 years, = 3.08) responded to the Negative Independent/Dependent Events Scale, which had items selected for adequate content validity. They also responded to self-report measures of depressive symptoms, reassurance-seeking behaviors, inattention, and lack of perseverance. All the negative events subscales had moderate positive correlations with depressive symptoms. In addition, the negative interpersonal dependent events subscale showed a moderate positive correlation with reassurance-seeking behaviors, and the negative non-interpersonal dependent events subscale showed a strong positive correlation with inattention. Furthermore, the negative non-interpersonal dependent events subscale was more strongly correlated with inattention than the other two negative events subscales. In contrast, the negative interpersonal dependent events subscale was more strongly correlated with reassurance-seeking behaviors than with the negative independent events subscale but not more strongly than with the negative non-interpersonal dependent events subscale. These findings indicated the acceptable construct validity of the Negative Independent/Dependent Events Scale. However, further research is necessary to establish the discriminant validity of the negative interpersonal dependent events subscale and the negative non-interpersonal dependent events subscale.
Naho Suzuki, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Chigusa Uchiumi and Nagisa Sugaya : Socio-economic and behavioral characteristics associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy under a declared state of emergency in Japan, Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, Vol.22, 100448, 2022.
Evidence regarding coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination indicates that some people hesitate to be vaccinated, and previous studies demonstrate the variables that influence hesitancy to vaccinate. However, they have not limited the target population to areas where infection is prominent. This study aimed to clarify the characteristics of people living in these areas who hesitate to be vaccinated and recommend effective approaches to encourage vaccination. The survey was conducted online between February 24 and March 1, 2021, during which the 2nd state of emergency was declared in Japan. The analytic sample comprised 17,582 unvaccinated individuals (mean age = 48.6 ± 13.8, range = 18-90 years). The -test results indicate that current or past treatment for physical illness exerted a strong influence on vaccine hesitancy (s = 0.30). Similarly, multiple regression analyses revealed that understanding the importance and necessity for preventive behaviors had the greatest influence on the intention to vaccinate (β = 0.48). Regarding recommendations to promote willingness to be vaccinated, our findings indicated that clear explanation of the reasons for the necessity for these behaviors and collaboration between representatives of various communities would effectively encourage vaccination.
Nagisa Sugaya, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Naho Suzuki and Chigusa Uchiumi : The Transition of Social Isolation and Related Psychological Factors in 2 Mild Lockdown Periods During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Longitudinal Survey Study., JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, Vol.8, No.3, e32694, 2022.
Lockdowns and stay-at-home orders announced internationally for COVID-19 have led to physical and social distancing, with reports of many individuals experiencing social isolation (SI) and loneliness. Although the emergency declaration in Japan was declared as a "mild" lockdown requested by the government without penalties for violations, the lockdown measures, including SI, had several influences on people's lives and mental health as in other countries. Furthermore, Japan declared a state of emergency multiple times; thus, it is necessary to examine the influence of the transition of SI caused by repeated emergency declarations and the deterioration of mental health associated with these changes. This study longitudinally investigated the transition of SI and its related factors during the mild lockdown under 2 declared states of emergency in Japan and analyzed psychosocial characteristics by extracting clusters where people with specific transition patterns of SI predominated. We collected data on 7893 inhabitants (3694 [46.8%] women, 49.6 [SD 13.7] years old) living in the 7 prefectures where the initial emergency declaration was applied. The investigations took place online in the final phase of the first and second states of emergency: phase 1 (between May 11 and 12, 2020) and phase 2 (between February 24 and 28, 2021). Nonparametric Bayesian coclustering was used to visualize the exhaustive interaction structure between the transition pattern of SI and the psychosocial variables. There were no improvements in social networks and loneliness between the 2 phases, although psychological distress significantly improved and depression slightly decreased. Overall, 3868 (49%) of the 7893 participants remained socially isolated through phases 1 and 2, and 947 (12%) were socially isolated in phase 2, even though they were not socially isolated in phase 1. More participants experienced persistent SI in unmarried, childless, and low-household-income groups. The persistent-SI group had fewer cohabitants than other transition pattern groups. The nonparametric Bayesian coclustering results showed that most clusters, including participants without SI throughout phases 1 and 2, had healthy behaviors, more interactions, good relationships, and less loneliness and psychological stress. Furthermore, the cluster in which relationships deteriorated in phase 1 recovered in phase 2. Comparatively, the clusters with SI throughout phases 1 and 2 were divided into clusters with increased loneliness and psychological stress; clusters were close to participants' average scores in this study. The clusters with increased loneliness and psychological stress were notable for deteriorating relationships and less online interaction. This study revealed the actual state of transition of SI and related psychological, social, and behavioral factors under repeated declarations of a state of emergency. These results should help construct intervention methods that fit individual characteristics of people in SI during a pandemic.
Adolescent / Bayes Theorem / COVID-19 / Communicable Disease Control / Female / Humans / Japan / Longitudinal Studies / Pandemics / SARS-CoV-2 / Social Isolation
Chiara Massullo, Saverio Francesco Bersani, Alessio Giuseppe Carbone, Angelo Panno, Benedetto Farina, Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Sérgio Machado, Henning Budde and Claudio Imperatori : Decreased Resting State Inter- and Intra-Network Functional Connectivity Is Associated with Perceived Stress in a Sample of University Students: An eLORETA Study., Neuropsychobiology, Vol.81, No.4, 286-295, 2022.
Taken together, our results suggest that higher levels of perceived stress are associated with a dysfunctional synchronization within the CEN and between the SN and the CEN. This functional pattern might in part reflect the negative impact of high levels of perceived stress on cognitive functioning.
Adult / Brain / Brain Mapping / Electroencephalography / Female / Humans / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Male / Stress, Psychological / Students / Universities / Young Adult
Nagisa Sugaya, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Naho Suzuki and Chigusa Uchiumi : Alcohol Use and Its Related Psychosocial Effects during the Prolonged COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Survey, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.18, No.24, 13318, 2021.
Yuko Yamashita and Tetsuya Yamamoto : Perceiving Positive Facial Expression Can Relieve Depressive Moods: The Effect of Emotional Contagion on Mood in People With Subthreshold Depression., Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.12, 2021.
Emotional contagion is a phenomenon by which an individual's emotions directly trigger similar emotions in others. We explored the possibility that perceiving others' emotional facial expressions affect mood in people with subthreshold depression (sD). Around 49 participants were divided into the following four groups: participants with no depression (ND) presented with happy faces; ND participants presented with sad faces; sD participants presented with happy faces; and sD participants presented with sad faces. Participants were asked to answer an inventory about their emotional states before and after viewing the emotional faces to investigate the influence of emotional contagion on their mood. Regardless of depressive tendency, the groups presented with happy faces exhibited a slight increase in the happy mood score and a decrease in the sad mood score. The groups presented with sad faces exhibited an increased sad mood score and a decreased happy mood score. These results demonstrate that emotional contagion affects the mood in people with sD, as well as in individuals with ND. These results indicate that emotional contagion could relieve depressive moods in people with sD. It demonstrates the importance of the emotional facial expressions of those around people with sD such as family and friends from the viewpoint of emotional contagion.
Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Gloria Arankowsky-Sandoval, Henning Budde, Claudio Imperatori, Sérgio Machado, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Ali Yadollahpour and Pablo Torterolo : In vivo brain levels of acetylcholine and 5-hydroxytryptamine after oleoylethanolamide or palmitoylethanolamide administrations are mediated by PPARα engagement., The European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol.54, No.6, 5932-5950, 2021.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) is a nuclear receptor that has been linked to the modulation of several physiological functions, including the sleep-wake cycle. The PPARα recognizes as endogenous ligands the lipids oleoylethanolamide (OEA) and palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), which in turn, if systemically injected, they exert wake-promoting effects. Moreover, the activation of PPARα by the administration of OEA or PEA increases the extracellular contents of neurotransmitters linked to the control of wakefulness; however, the role of PPARα activated by OEA or PEA on additional biochemicals related to waking regulation, such as acetylcholine (ACh) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), has not been fully studied. Here, we have investigated the effects of treatments of OEA or PEA on the contents of ACh and 5-HT by using in vivo microdialysis techniques coupled to HPLC means. For this purpose, OEA or PEA were systemically injected (5, 10 or 30 mg/kg; i.p.), and the levels of ACh and 5-HT were collected from the basal forebrain, a wake-related brain area. These pharmacological treatments significantly increased the contents of ACh and 5-HT as determined by HPLC procedures. Interestingly, PPARα antagonist MK-886 (30 mg/kg; i.p.) injected before the treatments of OEA or PEA blocked these outcomes. Our data suggest that the activation of PPARα by OEA or PEA produces significant changes on ACh and 5-HT levels measured from the basal forebrain and support the conclusion that PPARα is a suitable molecular element involved in the regulation of wake-related neurotransmitters.
Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Diana Millán-Aldaco, Gloria Arankowsky-Sandoval, Tetsuya Yamamoto, G Roger Pertwee, Linda Parker and Raphael Mechoulam : Assessing the treatment of cannabidiolic acid methyl ester: a stable synthetic analogue of cannabidiolic acid on c-Fos and NeuN expression in the hypothalamus of rats., Journal of Cannabis Research, Vol.3, No.1, 31, 2021.
Cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychotropic compound from Cannabis sativa, shows positive results on controlling several health disturbances; however, comparable data regarding additional chemical from C. sativa, such as cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), is scarce due to its instability. To address this limitation, a stable CBDA analogue, CBDA methyl ester (HU-580), was synthetized and showed CBDA-like effects. Recently, we described that HU-580 increased wakefulness and wake-related neurochemicals. To extend the comprehension of HU-580´s properties on waking, the c-Fos and NeuN expression in a wake-linked brain area, the hypothalamus was evaluated. c-Fos and NeuN expression in hypothalamic sections were analyzed after the injections of HU-580 (0.1 or 100 μg/kg, i.p.). Systemic administrations of HU-580 increased c-Fos and neuronal nuclei (NeuN) expression in hypothalamic nuclei, including the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus dorsal part, dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus compact part, and dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus ventral part. HU-580 increased c-Fos and NeuN immunoreactivity in hypothalamus nuclei suggesting that this drug might modulate the sleep-wake cycle by engaging the hypothalamus.
Nagisa Sugaya, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Naho Suzuki and Chigusa Uchiumi : Social isolation and its psycho-social factors in mild lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey of the Japanese population, BMJ Open, Vol.11, e048380, 2021.
Akira Hasegawa, Noboru Matsumoto, Yuko Yamashita, Keisuke Tanaka, Jun Kawaguchi and Tetsuya Yamamoto : Response inhibition deficits are positively associated with trait rumination, but attentional inhibition deficits are not: aggressive behaviors and interpersonal stressors as mediators., Psychological Research, Vol.86, No.3, 858-870, 2021.
Previous findings on relationships between inhibition that is a core executive function, and trait rumination have been inconsistent. This inconsistency could be overcome by investigating the association between rumination and the two subcomponents of inhibition: response inhibition and attentional inhibition. This study examined whether and how response inhibition and attentional inhibition were related to rumination as well as worry. University students in Japan (N = 213) conducted the Go/No-Go Task and the Modified Stroop Task. They also completed self-report measures of depression, trait rumination, trait worry, stressors, and aggressive behaviors. Results indicated that response inhibition deficits were positively associated with trait rumination, and this association was mediated by increases in aggressive behaviors and interpersonal stressors. The associations between these variables remained significant even after controlling for depression level. There were no significant direct or indirect associations between attentional inhibition deficits and rumination. These results suggest that response inhibition deficits, among the subcomponents of inhibition, have an indirect positive association with rumination through interpersonal processes. Results also showed nonsignificant differences between rumination and worry in the magnitude of correlation coefficients with the two subcomponents of inhibition. Therefore, it remains unclear whether the positive association with response inhibition is unique to rumination.
Carla Quiroga, José Juan Barberena, Jocelyne Alcaraz-Silva, Sérgio Machado, Claudio Imperatori, Ali Yadollahpour, Henning Budde, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Diogo Telles-Correia and Eric Murillo-Rodríguez : The Role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor in Addiction: A Novel Drug Target., Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.21, No.11, 964-975, 2021.
The peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) are a superfamily of well-recognized ligand-binding nuclear receptors comprising three isoforms: PPARα, PPARγ, and PPARβ/δ. In response to endogenous lipid messengers, PPARs trigger the transcription of genes related to a wider spectrum of physiological phenomena, including fatty acid oxidation, inflammation, adipogenesis, among many others. Thus, the importance of PPARs as putative protective therapy in health issues has increased the interest of studying these nuclear receptors, including the management of neurodegenerative disorders, multiple sclerosis, and likely addiction. In recent years, several pieces of evidence from animal models have demonstrated the promising role of PPARs as a critical element for interventions in addictive behaviors by reducing the reinforcing properties of addictive substances such as alcohol. However, there is a lack of data in the scope and has so far been unexplored the function of PPARs in additional drugs such as cannabis, opioids, methamphetamine, or cocaine. A similar scenario has been found for the management of binge-type eating disorders. Thus, here we review recent advances in understanding the relevance of the PPAR controlling addiction.
Naho Suzuki, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Chigusa Uchiumi and Nagisa Sugaya : Effects of Interoceptive Sensibility on Mental Health during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.18, No.9, 4616, 2021.
The current coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has been reported to influence interoceptive sensibility. This study focused on adaptive and maladaptive aspects of interoceptive sensibility and examined how each aspect of interoceptive sensibility affects depression, anxiety, and somatization symptoms under the mild lockdown in Japan, which was not enforceable and a non-punitive lockdown. We used data from 10,672 participants who lived in prefectures where the emergency declaration was first applied in Japan. Interoceptive sensibility was measured by the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA). The findings show that Noticing, a subscale of the MAIA, significantly contributed to the worsening of psychological and somatic symptoms (all s < 0.001). Conversely, Not-Distracting, Not-Worrying, Self-Regulation, and Trusting significantly contributed to the decrease of these symptoms (all s < 0.05). The findings suggest that two aspects of interoceptive sensibility affected mental health in different ways during the mild lockdown. Mindfulness and mindfulness-based interventions would be effective in terms of enhancing adaptive aspects of interoceptive sensibility.
Awareness / COVID-19 / Communicable Disease Control / Humans / Interoception / Japan / Mental Health / Pandemics / SARS-CoV-2
Astrid Coronado-Álvarez, Karen Romero-Cordero, Lorena Macías-Triana, Agnes Tatum-Kuri, Alba Vera-Barrón, Henning Budde, Sérgio Machado, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Claudio Imperatori and Eric Murillo-Rodríguez : The synthetic CB1 cannabinoid receptor selective agonists: Putative medical uses and their legalization., Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, Vol.110, 2021.
cannabinoid receptor selective agonists. However, and despite the positive evidence on the positive results of using these compounds in experimental models of health disturbances and preclinical trials, we discuss evidence in regards some concerns due to side effects.
Sandra Amatriain-Fernández, Henning Budde, Thomas Gronwald, Carla Quiroga, Cristina Carreón, Gerardo Viana-Torre, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Claudio Imperatori, Sérgio Machado and Eric Murillo-Rodríguez : The Endocannabinoid System as Modulator of Exercise Benefits in Mental Health., Current Neuropharmacology, 2020.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 47 million of people display mental health disorders Worldwide. In addition, epidemiological studies have shown that the extension of life expectancy and the increase in aged population will significantly impact in the prevalence of several mental impairments. Although there are strategies for preventing and alleviate mental illnesses such as pharmacological and psychological approaches, limited results have been observed. Thus, the search for new therapeutics for managing psychiatric disorders has explored multiple roads. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that physical activity and exercise promote health benefits. On the other hand, among the neurobiological systems that participate in the genesis and development of mental disruptions, the endocannabinoid system has been suggested as an active player. Supporting this hypothesis, data suggest that the elements comprising the endocannabinoid system, such as the CB1/CB2 cannabinoid receptors, endogenous ligands (N-arachidonoylethanolamine [anandamide, AEA] and 2-arachidonoylglycerol [2- AG]), transporters and the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of the AEA and 2-AG, modulate mental diseases. In this review, we discuss that the endocannabinoid system might be considered as a modulator for the positive outcomes of exercise in the management of mental disorders. Clinically, this promising field might be exploited by targeting the elements of the endocannabinoid system aimed to increase the exercise benefits applied to patients with mental illnesses.
Tetsuya Yamamoto, Chigusa Uchiumi, Naho Suzuki, Junichiro Yoshimoto and Eric Murillo-Rodriguez : The psychological impact of mild lockdown in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide survey under a declared state of emergency, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.17, No.24, 9382, 2020.
This study examined the psychological distress caused by non-coercive lockdown (mild lockdown) in Japan. An online survey was conducted with 11,333 people (52.4% females; mean age = 46.3 ± 14.6 years, range = 18-89 years) during the mild lockdown in the seven prefectures most affected by COVID-19 infection. Over one-third (36.6%) of participants experienced mild-to-moderate psychological distress (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale [K6] score 5-12), while 11.5% reported serious psychological distress (K6 score ≥ 13). The estimated prevalence of depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 score ≥ 10) was 17.9%. Regarding the distribution of K6 scores, the proportion of those with psychological distress in this study was significantly higher when compared with the previous national survey data from 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019. Healthcare workers, those with a history of treatment for mental illness, and younger participants (aged 18-19 or 20-39 years) showed particularly high levels of psychological distress. Psychological distress severity was influenced by specific interactional structures of risk factors: high loneliness, poor interpersonal relationships, COVID-19-related sleeplessness and anxiety, deterioration of household economy, and work and academic difficulties. Even when non-coercive lockdowns are implemented, people's mental health should be considered, and policies to prevent mental health deterioration are needed. Cross-disciplinary public-private sector efforts tailored to each individual's problem structure are important to address the mental health issues arising from lockdown.
Adolescent / Adult / COVID-19 / Female / Health Personnel / Humans / Japan / Male / Mental Disorders / Mental Health / Middle Aged / Pandemics / Quarantine / Social Isolation / Surveys and Questionnaires / Young Adult
Rodrigues Fabiana Scartoni, Oliveira Leandro de Sant'Ana, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Claudio Imperatori, Henning Budde, Macedo Jeferson Vianna and Sergio Machado : Physical Exercise and Immune System in the Elderly: Implications and Importance in COVID-19 Pandemic Period., Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.11, 2020.
Physical exercise is seen as the main ally for health promotion, preventing and protecting the organism from several diseases. According to WHO, there is a tendency of constant growth in the elderly population in the coming years. The regular practice of exercises by the elderly becomes relevant to minimize the deleterious effects of the aging process and to increase the fitness index. Recently, the world population started a confrontation against Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), which is the most significant public health challenge globally. Although social isolation is a reasonable measure in an attempt to stop contamination by COVID-19, this measure has limited the ability of individuals to exercise outdoors or in gyms and health clubs, which increased the risk of developing chronic illnesses related to a sedentary lifestyle. The critical point is that the recent recommendations on exercise prescription to combat the potentially harmful effects of COVID-19 failure to adequately address resistance exercise interventions as home-based exercise strategy. Thus, in this paper, we discussed the physical exercise as medicine if the training status is enough to protect the elderly against COVID-19 infection, about the role of physical activity on immunosuppression. Possible risks for COVID-19 infection, and the old training methods, such as no-load resistance training as possible resistance exercise strategies and high-intensity interval training, as new proposals of home-based exercise interventions, could perform during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Souza Filho Alberto Sá, Gottgtroy Thiago Miranda, Cavalcante Paula Carolina de, Roberto Silvio Barsanulfo, Diogo Teixeira, Diogo Monteiro, Luis Cid, Claudio Imperatori, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, Sandra Fernández Amatriain, Henning Budde and Sergio Machado : COVID-19 and Quarantine: Expanding Understanding of How to Stay Physically Active at Home., Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.11, 2020.
Nagisa Sugaya, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Naho Suzuki and Chigusa Uchiumi : A real-time survey on the psychological impact of mild lockdown for COVID-19 in the Japanese population, Scientific Data, Vol.7, No.1, 372, 2020.
To deter the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), many countries have imposed a lockdown with restrictions. On 7 April 2020, the Japanese government declared a state of emergency over the COVID-19 outbreak. Japan was in "mild lockdown" which was not enforceable and non-punitive with the declaration. We conducted an online survey to investigate factors associated with psychological distress in the "mild lockdown" under a declared state of emergency for COVID-19. We collected data on 11,333 inhabitants (52.4% women, 46.3 ± 14.6 years) living in the seven prefectures where the declaration was first applied. The investigation dates of this study, 11 and 12 May 2020, were in the final phase of the state of emergency. The survey was conducted in real-time to minimize participants' recall bias. In addition to psychological inventories often used worldwide, the questionnaires used in this survey included lifestyle and stress management items related to COVID-19 and various socio-demographic items including occupation (e.g. healthcare worker) or income.
Adaptation, Psychological / Adolescent / Adult / Aged / Aged, 80 and over / Betacoronavirus / COVID-19 / Coronavirus Infections / Female / Humans / Japan / Life Style / Male / Middle Aged / Pandemics / Pneumonia, Viral / Quarantine / SARS-CoV-2 / Surveys and Questionnaires / Young Adult
Akira Hasegawa, Noboru Matsumoto, Yuko Yamashita, Keisuke Tanaka, Jun Kawaguchi and Tetsuya Yamamoto : Do shorter inter-stimulus intervals in the go/no-go task enable better assessment of response inhibition?, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Vol.62, No.2, 118-124, 2020.
Young, Sutherland, and McCoy indicated that a Go/No-Go Task (GNG) becomes more difficult as the inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs) becomes shorter. However, is the number of commission errors under extremely short ISIs a useful metric for assessing response inhibition? This study challenges the assumption that a shorter ISI in the GNG enables better assessment of response inhibition. University students (N = 213) completed the GNG, the Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition (CCPT), and the Modified Stroop Task. The GNG comprised four blocks of 400, 600, 800, and 1000 ms ISIs, whereas the stimulus presentation was fixed at 250 ms. Consistent with Young et al., shorter ISIs in the GNG resulted in more commission errors. In the block with the shortest ISI, participants also failed more frequently in responses in go trials than in the other blocks, which appears to increase in error variance of commission errors. Consistent with this interpretation, the association between the number of commission errors in the block with 400 ms ISI and CCPT performance was weaker than those between the number of commission errors in other blocks and CCPT performance. It is concluded that using the number of commission errors in the condition with extremely short ISIs in the GNG might be inappropriate for assessing response inhibition.
Adolescent / Adult / Female / Humans / Japan / Male / Neuropsychological Tests / Reaction Time / Stroop Test / Students / Time Factors / Young Adult
Souza Filho Alberto Sá, Elie Cheniaux, Cavalcante Paula Carolina de, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, Diogo Teixeira, Diogo Monteiro, Luis Cid, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Diogo Telles-Correia, Claudio Imperatori, Henning Budde and Sergio Machado : Exercise is medicine: a new perspective for health promotion in bipolar disorder., Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, Vol.20, No.11, 1099-1107, 2020.
The adaptations to training, although little explored in the context of BD, can induce the expression of substances that co-regulate several processes related to the pathophysiology of BD. Furthermore, high intensity interval training (HIIT) can also be adjusted to improve the physical fitness and health in patients with BD. Future research is needed to adopt a training strategy that is both time efficient and adequate for the population in question.
Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Diana Millán-Aldaco, Gloria Arankowsky-Sandoval, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Luis Cid, Diogo Monteiro, Barbosa Nuno Rocha, Diogo Telles-Correia, S Diogo Teixeira, Barciela André Veras, Henning Budde, Sérgio Machado, Claudio Imperatori and Pablo Torterolo : The retinoid X receptor: a nuclear receptor that modulates the sleep-wake cycle in rats., Psychopharmacology, Vol.237, No.7, 2055-2073, 2020.
Systemic application of Bexa (1 mM, i.p.) attenuated slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep. In addition, Bexa increased the levels of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine epinephrine, adenosine, and acetylcholine sampled from either the nucleus accumbens or basal forebrain. Moreover, Bexa blocked the sleep rebound period after total sleep deprivation, increased in the hypothalamus the expression of c-Fos, and decreased NeuN activity. Remarkably, UVI 3003 (1 mM, i.p.) induced opposite effects in sleep, sleep homeostasis, neurochemicals levels, and c-Fos and NeuN activity.
E Murillo-rodríguez, H Budde, AB Veras, NB Rocha, D Telles-Correia, D Monteiro, L Cid, Tetsuya Yamamoto, S Machado and P Torterolo : The Endocannabinoid System May Modulate Sleep Disorders In Aging, Current Neuropharmacology, Vol.18, No.2, 97-108, 2020.
Machado Sergio, Lima Lucas Maciel de João, Paes Flávia, Monteiro Diogo, Moutão João, Cid Luis, Murillo-Rodriguez Eric and Tetsuya Yamamoto : Physical Exercise and Geriatric Depression: An Opinion, Revista Psicologia e Saúde, Vol.12, No.1, 115-126, 2020.
Tetsuya Yamamoto, Junichiro Yoshimoto, Sergio Machado and Murillo-Rodríguez Eric : Prediction of daily happiness using supervised learning of multimodal lifelog data, Revista Psicologia e Saúde, Vol.11, No.2, 145-152, 2019.
Higuera-Hernández Fernanda María, Reyes-Cuapio Elena, Gutiérrez-Mendoza Marissa, Budde Henning, Blanco-Centurión Carlos, Veras Barciela André, Rocha Barbosa Nuno, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Monteiro Diogo, Zaldívar-Rae Jaime, Aldana-Aranda Dalila, Machado Sérgio and Murillo-Rodríguez Eric : Blueberry intake included in hypocaloric diet decreases weight, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and adenosine levels in obese subjects, Journal of Functional Foods, Vol.60, 103409, 2019.
Obesity is a disease characterized by an excessive accumulation of fat in the body and it has been linked the enhancement of inflammation-related endogenous molecules, such as adenosine (AD). Since blueberries may induce anti-obesity effects, we tested the hypothesis that blueberries consumption contained in hypocaloric diet would decrease weight, BMI as well as glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and AD levels in obese subjects. The baseline conditions of obesity-related variables were collected for all subjects prior the implementation of blueberries intake. Later, participants received a hypocaloric diet that included the consumption of blueberries (50g/day) during 30days. We found that male obese subjects that consumed blueberries showed a decrease in weight, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and AD whereas female obese subjects that ate blueberries in hypocaloric diet showed no differences in weight, BMI, glucose and triglycerides but displayed a diminution in cholesterol and AD levels. Data suggest that intake of blueberries seems to decrease some of the obese-linked parameters in male or female subjects. Importantly, blueberry consumption decreased the inflammation-related compound AD in both sexes.
Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Gloria Arankowsky-Sandoval, Aparecido Jorge Barros, Barbosa Nuno Rocha, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Sérgio Machado, Henning Budde, Diogo Telles-Correia, Diogo Monteiro, Luis Cid and Barciela André Veras : Sleep and Neurochemical Modulation by DZNep and GSK-J1: Potential Link With Histone Methylation Status., Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol.13, 2019.
-[2-(2-pyridinyl)-6-(1,2,4,5-tetrahydro-3H-3-benzazepin-3-yl)-4-pyrimidinyl]-β-Alanine (GSK-J1), have been designed to inhibit histone methylase or suppress histone demethylase, respectively. In the present study, we investigated the effects on the sleep-wake cycle and sleep-related neurochemical levels after systemic injections of DZNep or GSK-J1 given during the light or dark phase in rats. DZNep dose-dependently (0.1, 1.0, or 10 mg/kg, i.p.) prolonged wakefulness (W) duration while decreased slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) time spent during the lights-on period with no changes observed in dark phase. In opposite direction, GSK-J1 (0.1, 1.0, or 10 mg/kg, i.p.) injected at the beginning of the lights-on period induced no statistical changes in W, SWS, or REMS whereas if administered at darkness, we found a diminution in W and an enhancement in SWS and REMS. Finally, brain microdialysis experiments in freely moving animals were used to evaluate the effects of DZNep or GSK-J1 treatments on contents of sleep-related neurochemicals. The results showed that DZNep boosted extracellular levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, adenosine, and acetylcholine if injected at the beginning of the lights-on period whereas GSK-J1 exerted similar outcomes but when administered at darkness. In summary, DZNep and GSK-J1 may control the sleep-wake cycle and sleep-related neurochemicals through histone methylation/demethylation activity.
Barbosa Nuno Rocha, Andreia Lemos, Carlos Campos, Susana Rocha, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Sérgio Machado and Eric Murillo-Rodriguez : Attachment Dimensions and Spatial Navigation in Female College Students: The Role of Comfort With Closeness and Confidence in Others., Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.10, 2019.
analysis indicating that the High Close-Depend group displayed significant improvements between Trial 1 and Trial 3 in the post-test assessment. Conversely, the Low Close-Depend group displayed significant improvements between Trial 1and Trial 3 but on the pre-test assessment. Furthermore, the Low Close-Depend group presented significant better performance in pre-test Trial 3 in comparison to the High Close-Depend group. Thereby, it seems that low comfort with proximity and trust in others is associated with reduced spatial recall, although spatial learning performance was actually superior in these participants. It is possible that reduced exposure to social interaction and meaningful relationships may be reduced in the Low Close-Depend group, leading to modifications in hippocampal function and, ultimately, reduced spatial recall. Oppositely, participants in the High Close-Depend group may not display typical spatial learning in the proposed task as they are more willing to freely explore the presented environment.
Sergio Machado, Diogo Monteiro, João Moutão, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, André Barciela Veras, Tetsuya Yamamoto and Luis Cid : Physical Exercise and Geriatric Depression: An Opinion, Revista Psicologia e Saúde, Vol.accepted, 2019.
Thomas Gronwald, Bruna Velasques, Pedro Ribeiro, Sergio Machado, Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Sebastian Ludyga, Tetsuya Yamamoto and Henning Budde : Increasing exercise's effect on mental health: Exercise intensity does matter., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.115, No.51, E11890-E11891, 2018.
Tetsuya Yamamoto, Nagisa Sugaya, J Greg Siegle, Hiroaki Kumano, Hironori Shimada, Sergio Machado, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, B Nuno Rocha, E Antonio Nardi, Masahiro Takamura, Yasumasa Okamoto and Shigeto Yamawaki : Altered Gamma-Band Activity as a Potential Biomarker for the Recurrence of Major Depressive Disorder., Frontiers in Psychiatry, Vol.9, 2018.
Our findings indicate that the dysfunction of neural circuits related to higher-order processes like memory and attention might underlie cognitive reactivity. Altered late GBRs to positive information may be persistent biomarkers of the depression recurrence risk.
Tetsuya Yamamoto, Shigeru Toki, J Greg Siegle, Masahiro Takamura, Yoshiyuki Takaishi, Shinpei Yoshimura, Go Okada, Tomoya Matsumoto, Takashi Nakao, Hiroyuki Muranaka, Yumiko Kaseda, Tsuneji Murakami, Yasumasa Okamoto and Shigeto Yamawaki : Increased amygdala reactivity following early life stress: a potential resilience enhancer role., BMC Psychiatry, Vol.17, No.1, 2017.
Increased amygdala activity in those with ELS was associated with decreased symptoms and increased neural features, consistent with emotion regulation, suggesting that preservation of robust amygdala reactions may reflect a stress buffering or resilience enhancing factor against depression and negative stressful events.
Cognition, social skill and environment are associated with mental health in adolescents. It is an important task to improve their cognition, social skill and environment in their adaptation. In this study, we examined the factors impact on "IBASHO (existential place)" consciousness, self-affirmation and life satisfaction in middle and high school students.One thousand one hundred and forty-five(study I), one thousand one hundred and eighty-two(study II) adolescents completed the questionnaire "attitude survey for youth in Tokushima". In the study I, we analyzed the relation between "IBASHO" consciousness in the family and presence or absence of the experience at home. In study II, we analyzed the relation between the self-affirmation, life satisfaction and the question of history of life.Multiple regression analyses resulted rejected or regulative parenting had negative influence on "IBASHO" consciousness in the family. Accepted parenting had positive influence on "IBASHO" consciousness in the family. Existential destress decreased self-affirmation and life satisfaction in middle and high school students.We concluded it will be necessity to improve "IBASHO" consciousness, self-affirmation and life satisfaction in middle and high school students by means of cultivating parenting and stress coping skills.
adolescent / IBASHO consciousness / self-affirmation / life satisfaction
L João Lima, Glaciane Axt, S Diogo Teixeira, Diogo Monteiro, Luis Cid, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez and Sergio Machado : Exergames for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Overview., Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health : CP & EMH, Vol.16, 1-6, Feb. 2020.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder associated with various etiologies and characterized by deficits in social interaction, emotional reciprocity, communication, motor skills and cognitive functions. Studies have proposed that limited levels of physical activity and late motor skills and fitness, particularly in children and adolescents with ASD, may accentuate social and emotional deficits. In view of this, exergames, which are active video-games, can be considered a low-cost and safe type of exercise for children and adolescents with ASD, since they are more enjoyable than ordinary physical activities, influencing on treatment adherence. Thus, our study aims to evidence the effects of exergames on physical fitness, cognitive functions, and repetitive behaviors in children and adolescents with ASD. Despite the small number of studies investigating the effects of exergames as new strategy in children and adolescents with ASD, results suggest exergames as potential tool for the treatment of children and adolescents with ASD for improvement in physical fitness, cognitive functions and repetitive behavior. Our review pointed towards the importance of exergames for children and adolescents with ASD. Despite few studies conducted about this issue, we can consider exergames a potential tool to increase physical fitness, cognitive functions and to decrease repetitive behavior in children and adolescents with ASD. Moreover, health professionals should be careful when attempting to help this population, because the current literature is unclear yet about the improvement of ASD features through exergames.
山本 哲也 : Walking in the City of Bridges, 心理学ワールド, Vol.77, 38, 2017年4月.
山本 哲也 : Enhancing Life with AI and ICT: An Interdisciplinary Approach in Clinical Psychology, International Conference at University of Rome Tor Vergata, "ANTHROPOCENE CALLING -Human, Philosophy, Technology and Arts in the age of Anthropocene", 2024年3月.
BQN Kristine, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Chigusa Uchiumi, N Sugaya and PRR Regonia : Cluster Analysis of Coping Profiles under the COVID-19 Pandemic, 10 World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies, Seoul, Jun. 2023.
Tetsuya Yamamoto : Clinical Psychoinformatics Approaches for Improving Quality of Life, 2021 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (JAFOE), Jun. 2021.
Tetsuya Yamamoto : A clinical psychoinformatics approach for detection of recurrence patterns in recovered depression, The 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Jun. 2021.
Tetsuya Yamamoto and Yuko Yamashita : Mental Health-Focused Behavioral Intervention Technologies for Education, Workshop on Learning Science: Toward Advanced Learning Support Platform in Society 5.0 Era 2020, Feb. 2020.
Tetsuya Yamamoto and J. Yoshimoto : A personalized approach to health using machine learning techniques of multimodal lifelog data, 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, Berlin, Poster Abstracts, Berlin, Jul. 2019.
Yuko Yamashita, Motohiro Sakai, Masayuki Satake, Yutaka Sato and Tetsuya Yamamoto : The mechanism and application of emotional contagion: The possibility of improvement in depressive moods, 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, Berlin, Poster Abstracts, Berlin, Jul. 2019.
Tetsuya Yamamoto and Junichiro Yoshimoto : Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches for Health Behavior Change, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2018.
Tetsuya Yamamoto : Recent advances in understanding depression: multimodality approaches from the perspective of neuroimaging, epigenetics and machine learning, 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Jul. 2016.