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Assistant Professor : Matsuda, Takashi |
1. | Takaharu Goto, Shinji Fujiwara, Tomoya koda, Takashi Matsuda, Mio Kitamura, Yasuhiko Shirayama and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Biopsychosocial consideration of Ikigai in older adults in Japan through a cross-sectional study., Geriatrics, Vol.9, No.3, 78, 2024. (DOI: 10.3390/geriatrics9030078, PubMed: 38920434, Elsevier: Scopus) |
2. | Adityakrisna Putra Yoshi Wigianto, Yuichi Ishida, Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Megumi Watanabe and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Novel Magnetic Attachment System Manufactured Using High-Frequency Heat Treatment and Stamp Technique: Introduction and Basic Performance, Dentistry Journal, Vol.10, No.5, 75, 2022. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2011658, DOI: 10.3390/dj10050075, PubMed: 35621528) |
3. | Takashi Matsuda, Kosuke Kurahashi, Naoki Maeda, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Geometric assessment of imaging methods for complete denture form: Comparisons among cone-beam computed tomography, desktop dental scanning, and handheld optical scanning., Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.64, No.4, 485-489, 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2020.01.003, PubMed: 32063544) |
4. | Kosuke Kurahashi, Takashi Matsuda, Yuichi Ishida and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Effect of polishing protocols on the surface roughness of polyetheretherketone., Journal of Oral Science, Vol.62, No.1, 40-42, 2020. (DOI: 10.2334/josnusd.18-0473, PubMed: 31996521) |
5. | Yuki Iwawaki, Takashi Matsuda, Kosuke Kurahashi, Tsuyoshi Honda, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Effect of the temperature of water on ultrasonic denture cleaning, Journal of Oral Science, Vol.61, No.1, 140-145, 2019. (DOI: 10.2334/josnusd.17-0387, PubMed: 30918210, Elsevier: Scopus) |
6. | Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kosuke Kurahashi, Lipei Liu, Takashi Matsuda and Yuichi Ishida : Use of a Polyetheretherketone Clasp Retainer for Removable Partial Denture: A Case Report, Dentistry Journal, Vol.7, No.1, 4, 2019. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008023, DOI: 10.3390/dj7010004, PubMed: 30609778) |
7. | Kohsuke Kurahashi, Yuki Iwawaki, Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, 石田 雄一, Teruaki Ito and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Duplicate complete dentures made by general digital devices: Evaluation of material properties and clinical trial, Annals of Japan Prosthodontic Society, Vol.9, No.4, 357-364, 2017. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2005019, DOI: 10.2186/ajps.9.357, CiNii: 1390001205300772736) |
8. | Kosuke Kurahashi, Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Teruaki Ito and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Duplication of complete dentures using general-purpose handheld optical scanner and 3-dimensional printer: Introduction and clinical considerations, Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.61, No.1, 81-86, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2016.06.002, PubMed: 27345254, Elsevier: Scopus) |
9. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Kazutomo Yagi, Toshiya Kashiwabara and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Part-digitizing system of impression and interocclusal record for complete denture fabrication, Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol.25, No.6, 503-509, 2016. (DOI: 10.1111/jopr.12375, PubMed: 26619371, Elsevier: Scopus) |
10. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Kosuke Kurahashi, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Megumi Watanabe, Yoritoki Tomotake, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Digital assessment of preliminary impression accuracy for edentulous jaws: Comparisons of 3-dimensional surfaces between study and working casts, Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.60, No.3, 206-212, 2016. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002942, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2015.12.007, PubMed: 26822762, Elsevier: Scopus) |
11. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Kosuke Kurahashi, Toshiya Kashiwabara and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Development of a digital impression procedure using photogrammetry for complete denture fabrication, International Journal of Computerized Dentistry, Vol.19, No.3, 193-202, 2016. (PubMed: 27644177) |
12. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, 柏原 稔也 and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Literature Review of Setting the Occlusal Plane for Edentulous Patients, Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.28, No.1, 13-19, 2015. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003094, CiNii: 1050865122807695488) |
1. | Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Yuki Iwawaki and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Application of artificial intelligence in the dental field: A literature review., Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.66, No.1, 19-28, Jan. 2022. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009985, DOI: 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00139, PubMed: 33441504) |
2. | Tetsuo Ichikawa, Kazutomo Yagi and Takashi Matsuda : Prosthetic dentistry to maintain oral function in the elderly, Practice in Prosthodontics, Vol.50, No.2, 164-173, Mar. 2017. |
1. | Takashi Matsuda : Complete denture fabrication using duplicate denture assisted by digital technology, Symposium digital & magnet dentistry, Oct. 2023. |
2. | Takashi Matsuda : Efficiency of complete denture fabrication using digital technology; Part-digitizing system for complete denture fabrication., The 4th ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference on Challenging and Innovation in Oral Sciences, Dec. 2017. |
3. | Takaharu Goto, Hihara Tsukasa, Kishimoto Takahiro, Takashi Matsuda, Yuki Iwawaki, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Investigation with questionnaires on symptoms of oral frailty and eating behaviors: Importance of chewing, Biennial Joint Congress of JPS-CPS-KAP, Wenzhou, China, Oct. 2017. |
4. | Tetsuo Ichikawa, Higaki Nobuaki, Takaharu Goto, Kishimoto Takahiro, Yuki Iwawaki, Takashi Matsuda, Ishida Yuichi and Watanabe Megumi : A comparison of the occlusal force-sustaining ability of natural and dental implant patients during a sensory integration task, Biennial Joint Congress of JPS-CPS-KAP, Wenzhou, China, Oct. 2017. |
5. | Takashi Matsuda, Kurahashi Kosuke, Ishida Yuichi, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Part-digitizing system for complete denture fabrication using digital impression and specialized CAD/CAM tray, The 17th Biennial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Santiago, Chile, Sep. 2017. |
6. | Takaharu Goto, Hihara Tsukasa, Kishimoto Takahiro, Takashi Matsuda and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Influence of solitary eating in the elderly on symptoms on Oral frailty and Physical frailty, The 17th Biennial Meeting of International College of Prosthodontists, Santiago, Chile, Sep. 2017. |
7. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Possibility of Complete Denture Fabrication using Digital Technology: the possibility of Contactless Digital Preliminary Impression, The 3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference on ``Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life'', Makassar, Dec. 2014. |
8. | Takashi Matsuda, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Takaharu Goto, Toshiya Kashiwabara and Kan Nagao : Digital preliminary impression for complete denture fabrication, Indonesia Japan Prosthodontic Society JOINT MEETING, Bali, Oct. 2014. |
9. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : A Trial of Complete Denture Fabrication using Digital Technology: in vitro Evaluation of digital impression, ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference"Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and Promotion of Quality of Life", Yogyakarta, Dec. 2012. |
10. | Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Digital dentistry in complete denture fabrication, --- Feasibility study ---, International Symposium on Oral Health Education and Research, Balikpapan, Dec. 2011. |
1. | Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Takahiro Kishimoto and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 中山間地域在住高齢者におけるオーラルフレイル関連兆候と味覚識別能との関連, 特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第35回学術大会, Sep. 2024. |
2. | Takaharu Goto, 藤原 真治, Takashi Matsuda, Takahiro Kishimoto and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 中山間地域在住高齢者における肥満とフレイル・口腔機能・離村との関連, 日本補綴歯科学会第133回学術大会, Jul. 2024. |
3. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Takahiro Kishimoto, Kan Nagao, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Masayo Okajima : 全部床義歯形状の口腔内スキャナによるデジタル化:顎堤形態とスキャンパスの影響, 日本補綴歯科学会第133回学術大会, Jul. 2024. |
4. | Yuki Iwawaki, 園井 厚憲, 千葉 厚子, 半田 拓弥, 中津 晋, Takaharu Goto, Keiko Fujimoto, Takahiro Kishimoto, Takashi Matsuda, Hideki Suito, HARUNA Konishi, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Efficacy of foam type denture cleanser OC441 on partial denture cleaning, 日本補綴歯科学会第132回学術大会, May 2023. |
5. | 後藤 匡紀, Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Takahiro Kishimoto, Adityakrisna Putra Yoshi Wigianto, Norikazu Minami, Yuichi Ishida, Kouhei Kamoi, Tetsuo Ichikawa and 今井 守夫 : CAD/CAMを用いた臼歯部人工歯咬合面再形成法の精度に関する検討, 日本補綴歯科学会 令和4年度中国四国支部学術大会, Aug. 2022. |
6. | Yuichi Ishida, Kouhei Kamoi, 小西 晴奈, Takashi Matsuda, Wigianto Yoshi Putra Adityakrisna and Tetsuo Ichikawa : PEEK製クラスプのデザインの最適化に関する検討レスト付き二腕鉤の維持力に関して, 令和3年度公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会(Web開催), Vol.0, No.0, 0, Aug. 2021. |
7. | Takaharu Goto, 藤原 真治, Takashi Matsuda and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 過疎・高齢化が進む中山間地域在住高齢者における口腔機能とフレイルとの関連, 令和3年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第130回記念学術大会, Jun. 2021. |
8. | Yuki Iwawaki, Takaharu Goto, Takahiro Kishimoto, Takashi Matsuda, Keiko Fujimoto, Kan Nagao, 吉村 賢治, 江下 義之, 矢納 義高 and Tetsuo Ichikawa : イソデシルガラクトシド配合泡沫状製剤の高齢者における有効性の評価, 一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会 第31回学術大会, Nov. 2020. |
9. | Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 中山間地域在住高齢者の食品摂取,高次生活機能に関連する要因の検討, 特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会 第31回学術大会, Oct. 2020. |
10. | Takaharu Goto, 南 憲一, Takashi Matsuda and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 口腔内スキャナと3次元プリンターを用いた開口障害および小口症を伴う下顎歯肉癌術後患者に対する無歯顎補綴治療症例, 令和2年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, Aug. 2020. |
11. | Takaharu Goto, Takahiro Kishimoto, Takashi Matsuda and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 口腔機能における前頭前野の活動:振動,味覚刺激の影響, 日本顎口腔機能学会第63回学術大会, Oct. 2019. |
12. | Tetsuo Ichikawa, Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Keiko Fujimoto, Kan Nagao and Yasuhiko Shirayama : 地域の看取りと口腔健康管理:限界集落で口腔健康管理はされているか, 令和元年度 一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会 第30回学術大会, Jun. 2019. |
13. | Kurahashi Kosuke, Takashi Matsuda, Yuichi Ishida and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Effect of polishing treatments on surface roughness of polyethertherketone, 日本補綴歯科学会第128回学術大会, May 2019. |
14. | Yuichi Ishida, Takashi Matsuda, Kohsuke Kurahashi and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 全部床義歯学実習における咬合様式に関するアンケート調査, 日本補綴歯科学会誌11巻特別号, May 2019. |
15. | Kohsuke Kurahashi, Takashi Matsuda, Yuichi Ishida and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 研磨方法がポリエーテルエーテルケトンの表面粗さに及ぼす影響, 日本補綴歯科学会誌11巻特別号, May 2019. |
16. | Toshinori Okawa, Susumu Abe, Masanori Nakano, Kenji Oka, Takashi Matsuda, Ayu Murakami, Eriko Horikawa, Shiori Miyagi, Fumihiko Yoshizaki, Yoshitaka Suzuki, Yoshizo Matsuka and Fumiaki Kawano : Research of the difference between frontal/lateral mandibular translations and masticatory movement using CAD sytem, 平成30年度日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, Sep. 2018. |
17. | Takashi Matsuda, 倉橋 宏輔, 田上 義弘, 石田 雄一, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化-全部床義歯形状のデジタル化の精度検討-, 平成29年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, Aug. 2017. |
18. | 田上 義弘, Takaharu Goto, 石田 雄一, Takahiro Kishimoto, Hideki Suito, Takashi Matsuda and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 天然歯と連結したインプラント上部構造に関する力学的考察, 平成29年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会, Aug. 2017. |
19. | Takaharu Goto, Takahiro Kishimoto, 檜原 司, Takashi Matsuda, 渡邉 恵, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : オーラルフレイル関連兆候と食行動との関係:噛むことの重要性, 日本補綴歯科学会第126回学術大会, Jul. 2017. |
20. | Takaharu Goto, Takahiro Kishimoto, Takashi Matsuda and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 健常若年者における歯の圧感受性と前頭前野の血流量との関連, 日本顎口腔機能学会第58回学術大会, Apr. 2017. |
21. | Yuki Iwawaki, 倉橋 浩輔, 檜垣 宜明, Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 洗浄水の温度の違いによる義歯洗浄効果の検討, 日本義歯ケア学会第9回学術大会, Feb. 2017. |
22. | 倉橋 宏輔, Takashi Matsuda, Hideki Suito, Takaharu Goto, 石田 雄一, 本釜 聖子, 薦田 淳司 and Tetsuo Ichikawa : Additive Manufacturingを用いた印象用複製義歯の製作とその評価, 平成28年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 九州支部,中国・四国支部合同学術大会, Sep. 2016. |
23. | Takashi Matsuda, 倉橋 宏輔, Yuki Iwawaki, Takaharu Goto, 柏原 稔也, Kan Nagao, Tetsuo Ichikawa and 市場 裕康 : デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化:咬合圧印象用トレーによる印象採得の評価, 平成28年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会 第125回学術大会, Jul. 2016. |
24. | 倉橋 宏輔, Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : 歯科訪問診療でも対応可能なハンディスキャナーを用いた複製義歯製作法, 一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会第27回総会・学術大会, Jun. 2016. |
25. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao, Tetsuo Ichikawa, 萬好 哲也 and 井上 三四郎 : デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化 -咬合圧印象用トレーの臨床評価-, 平成27年度 公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, Sep. 2015. |
26. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao and Tetsuo Ichikawa : デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化-非接触式デジタル印象採得の可能性の検討-, 平成26年度(公社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国,関西支部合同支部学術大会, Sep. 2014. |
27. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Masayo Okajima : デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化 ―3Dスキャナによる研究用模型と作業用模型の一致度の検討―, 平成25年度公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会, Aug. 2013. |
28. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Kan Nagao, Tetsuo Ichikawa and Junji Komoda : デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化 -無歯顎模型に対するデジタル印象の印象精度の検討-, 平成24年度 (社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国・九州合同学術大会, Sep. 2012. |
29. | Takaharu Goto, Kan Nagao, Takashi Matsuda, Toshiya Kashiwabara and Tetsuo Ichikawa : デルファイ法を用いた義歯にとっての妥当なリコール間隔に関するアンケート調査, 第4回 日本義歯ケア学会学術大会, Jan. 2012. |
30. | Takashi Matsuda, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Toshiya Kashiwabara, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Syusai Sato and 井上 三四郎 : デジタル技術を用いた全部床義歯治療の効率化:デジタル印象・咬合採得のシステム化の試み, 平成23年度(社)日本補綴歯科学会 中国・四国支部学術大会, Sep. 2011. |