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英語学習とグローバルコミュニケーション (アイデンティティ, グローバルな英語, グローバルコミュニケーション, コミュニティ (community), 国際音声記号)



1. Barker David and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
The Sound of English: A course in listening & pronunciation,
BTB Press, JAPAN, May 2021.
2. Meredith Anne Stephens and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Providing an oral summary of a written text as a mid-semester and final test,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, Nov. 2019.


1. Mark Graham Fennelly, Steve Toshihisa Fukuda and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
The Current State and Challenges of the Teaching Systems of Elementary School Foreign Language Education: A Prefectural Case Study of Teacher Needs,
JASTEC Journal, 177-192, 2023.
(CiNii: 1520017586047196416)
2. Mark Graham Fennelly, Steve Toshihisa Fukuda and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Elementary School English in Japan: Past, Present, and Future - Implications for future training from teacher needs analysis,
AsiaTEFL Proceedings 2023: Papers from the 21st AsiaTEFL Conference, 2023.
3. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
ClassDojo as a Neurodiversity Friendly, Adaptable Learning Management System,
Korea TESOL (KOTESOL) Proceedings, 2022.
4. Meredith Anne Stephens and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
A comparison of visual and audio scaffolds in L2 English reading,
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol.8, No.2, 380-387, 2018.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005592,   DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v8i2.13303,   Elsevier: Scopus)
5. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
All Storybooks Are Not the Same: Exploring Vocabulary and Sound Features in Stories for Young Children,
Hyperion, Vol.64, 2018.
6. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Communication Requires Clarity and Comprehension: An Exploration of the IPA as a Tool for Developing English Pronunciation and Listening Skills in Japan,
Hyperion, Vol.63, 33-49, 2017.
7. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Empowering New YouTube Content Creators,
The Language Teacher, Vol.40, No.1, 2016.
8. Croker Robert, Meagan Renee Kaiser and Kato Naoko :
Using Individual and Interactive Activities to Initially Scaffold Extensive Reading at Japanese University,
Quaderno n.3 di <<AGON>> Supplemento al n.7, 128-159, 2015.


1. Meagan Renee Kaiser and Osamu Sahara :
Educational Goals for 21st Century Japan: Current Use of TED in the Language and Design Classroom as it Relates to 21st Century Goals for Education,
Journal of Nagoya Bunri University, Vol.15, 41-43, 2015.
(CiNii: 1390001288149674752)
2. 佐原 理, 大橋 平和, 長谷川 旭, 長谷川 聡, カイザー レネー メイガン :
タブレット端末による学校教育現場向け 多言語情報配信システム,
名古屋文理大学紀要, No.12, 105-112, 2012年.
(CiNii: 1390001288151191808)
3. Kawasaki Tomoko and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
名城大学教育年報, No.4, 53-59, 2010.
4. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Teaching Listening in the Advanced ESL Classroom,
インディアナ州立ボール州立大学英語科修了論文, 2007.


1. Meagan Renee Kaiser and Osamu Sahara :
Overview of PISA 2012 Results and Japanese Educational Goals: Foundation for the Development of Curriculum Connecting Design Education and English Communication (Speaking, Listening, and Writing),
名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科研究年報Bulletin L&C, Vol.6, 8, 2014.


1. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
An innovative approach to medical English vocabulary learning for future doctors through syllable, rhythm, and sound awareness,
Cambodia TESOL (CamTESOL), Feb. 2025.
2. Meagan Renee Kaiser and Tanja McCandie :
Connecting local students and international teaching assistants online - development of an innovative and globally aware EAP teaching and learning program,
Cambodia TESOL (CamTESOL), Feb. 2025.
3. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Supporting Anti-Ableism in L2 Student Presentations,
TESOL24 TESOL International Convention & Expo, Virtual Convention, Apr. 2024.
4. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Developing learner agency and communicative competence in public health information design through adapted use of the WHO Framework for Effective communication,
Cambodia TESOL (CamTESOL), Feb. 2024.
5. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Syllable Play and Image Scaffolded Conversations With Young Learners,
CamTESOL Conference, Feb. 2023.
6. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Re-Imagining ClassDojo as a Learner Friendly, Adaptable Learning Management System,
Korea Tesol (KOTESOL), Apr. 2022.
7. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Trust, respect, and the power of peer-guided learning in a global pandemic,
18th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, Feb. 2022.
8. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Using the Sustainable Development Goals as a Framework for EAP Skill Development,
17th Annual CamTESOL Conference Actions and Innovations in Teaching and Learning, Feb. 2021.
9. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
A Lesson from the World of Filmmaking: Using Storyboarding to Deepen Understanding and Help Students to Grow in Their Ability to Summarize a Story Well,
16th Annual CamTESOL Conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Feb. 2020.
10. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Rhythm, Notation, and Melody - Music is Fundamental to Language Education for Young Learners,
40th Thailand TESOL & PAC International Conference 2020, Thailand, Thailand, Feb. 2020.
11. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Phonemic Script Importance to Vocabulary Learning,
JALT2019 International Conference NAGOYA, JAPAN, Nagoya, Nov. 2019.
12. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Syllable Understanding and Young Learner Fluency,
JALT PanSIG 2019 Conference, HYOGO, Hyogo Prefecture, May 2019.
13. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Flipped Classroom Scaffolding for EFL,
44th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, Hamamatsu, Nov. 2018.
14. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Classroom Learning Centers in EFL,
JALT PanSIG Conference Tokyo, 60, Tokyo, May 2018.
15. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Transforming Listening Education With the IPA,
JALT International Conference Nagoya, Nagoya, Dec. 2016.
16. Osamu Sahara and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Learning About the World Through Colorizing Photos,
JALT International Conference Nagoya, Dec. 2016.
17. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Literacy Development Using TED Talks and Quizlet,
JALT International Conference Shizuoka, Dec. 2015.


1. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Using the four resources model and student created visual scaffolds to support EFL literacy development,
日本英文学会 中国四国支部 第 73 回大会, Oct. 2021.
2. Kannenberg Theresa, Lyons Mike and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Homework Management Revisited,
Online Teaching Japan (OTJ) Summer Sessions 2021, Aug. 2021.
3. Kannenberg Theresa, Lyons Mike and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Homework Management,
Online Teaching Japan (OTJ) Summer Sessions 2020, Aug. 2020.
4. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Improving Group Discussion Interaction Scaffolding Communication Strategies in Small Group Discussion,
大学教育 カンファレンス in 徳島, Jan. 2018.
5. Dowling Karen and Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Hands On Japanese Language,
Indiana Foreign Language Teachers' Association (IFLTA) Conference, Feb. 2007.
6. Meagan Renee Kaiser :
Language Revitalization in the Ryukyu Islands,
Practical Criticism Midwest Conference Ball State University, Nov. 2003.

科学研究費補助金 (KAKEN Grants Database @ NII.ac.jp)

  • A study of in-school in-service training for HRTs and senka teachers, addressing teacher training needs. (研究課題/領域番号: 24K04150 )
  • The difference between foreign language classes conducted by homeroom teachers and senka English teachers at the elementary school level, focusing on language activities and specific training needs. (研究課題/領域番号: 21K00750 )
  • Using Rhythm and Rhyme in Elementary School English for Developing a Sense of How Languages Work (研究課題/領域番号: 19K13263 )
  • 研究者番号(10808950)による検索