Tokushima UniversityUniversity Hospital先端歯科医療開発研究プロジェクト
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences歯学域Oral ScienceClinical DentistryDepartment of Conservative Dentistry
Tokushima UniversityUniversity HospitalClinical DivisionDepartment of General DentistryConservative Dentistry
Tokushima UniversityUniversity HospitalClinical DivisionDepartment of Pediatric Dentistry
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of DentistryCourse in DentistryClinical Dentistry for Promotion and DevelopmentPediatric Dentistry
Tokushima UniversityResearch ClustersResearch Clusters2202006 接着歯学&光工学との最先端融合によるSuper Tooth創生 ∼次世代の低侵襲接着再生歯科治療への展開∼
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Field of Study

Subject of Study

Book / Paper


1. Masahiro Yoshiyama, 宮崎 真至, 須崎 明, 向井 義晴, Keiichi Hosaka, Kazuhide Yonekura, Yumika Ida, TAKAGI Nakato and 大原 直子 :
超速でわかる象牙質知覚過敏 Dr.とDHのための最新知識と製品情報,
Mar. 2024.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Yumika Ida, Jiyon Be, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Effects of powder-to-liquid ratio on properties of β-tricalcium-phosphate cements modified using high-energy ball-milling,
Dental Materials Journal, Vol.36, No.5, 590-599, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 111978,   DOI: 10.4012/dmj.2016-341,   PubMed: 28450674,   Elsevier: Scopus)
2. Bae Ji-young, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Effects of high-energy ball-milling on injectability and strength of β-tricalcium-phosphate cement,
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, No.47, 77-86, 2015.

Review, Commentary:

1. Daisuke Takegawa, Kazuhide Yonekura, Hitomi Kuramoto, Yumika Ida, Yuki Hosokawa, Ikuko Hosokawa, Yoshitaka Hosokawa, Toshiyuki Suge, Tadashi Nakanishi and Keiichi Hosaka :
Clinical Key Points of Class II Direct Composite Restoration,
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences, Vol.36, No.1, 8-12, Sep. 2023.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118637,   DOI: 10.20738/johb.36.1_8,   CiNii: 1390016062665364224)

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Iuchi Tomoki, Kazuhide Yonekura, Yumika Ida, Motoyama Yutaro, Ikeda Masaomi, Kenichi Hamada, Nakajima Masatoshi and Keiichi Hosaka :
Are HEMA and 10-MDP necessary in the bonding agent of a 2-SEA?,
The 7th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry, Jun. 2022.
2. Kazuhide Yonekura, Yumika Ida, Yu Tokizane, Taka-aki Yano, Iuchi Tomoki, Takeshi Yasui and Keiichi Hosaka :
Nondestructive observation of adhesively cemented interface between dentin and indirect composite resin disks using a novel terahertz pulsed imaging technique,
The 7th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry, Jun. 2022.
3. Yeeun Kim, Jiyon Be, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Effects of zirconia additives on beta-tricalcium-phosphate cement strength of high injectability,
8th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikoloa, Dec. 2019.
4. Yeeun Kim, Jiyon Be, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Three types of zirconia particle addition to calcium phosphates cement for strengthening,
29th European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB2018), Maastricht, Sep. 2018.
5. Yeeun Kim, Jiyon Be, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Setting Properties and Strengths of β-TCP Cements Set in Vivo and in SBF,
28th European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB2017), Athens, Sep. 2017.
6. Jiyon Be, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Effects of zirconia particle addition on mechanical properties of calcium phosphate cement,
International Dental Materials Congress 2016, Bali, Nov. 2016.
7. Jiyon Be, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Zirconia particle addition improves mechanical properties of calcium phosphate ceramic,
94th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, Seoul, Jun. 2016.
8. Yumika Ida, Jiyon Be, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Powder/liquid ratio effects on mechanical properties of modified β-TCP cement,
94th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, Seoul, Jun. 2016.
9. Yumika Ida, Bae Ji-young, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Effect of powder/liquid ratio on the strengh of mechano-chemically modified β-tricalcium phosphate cement,
27th European Conference on biomaterials(ESB2015), Sep. 2015.
10. Yumika Ida, Bae Ji-Young, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Strength and injectability of β-TCP based Calcium phosphate Cement using mechano-chemical process,
Materials Today Asia, Dec. 2014.
11. Bae Ji-Young, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
The effects of high energy ball-milling on injectability and strength of β-tricalcium phosphate cement,
15th International Symposium in conjunction with 9th Nano Biomedical Society Meeting, Nov. 2014.
12. Bae Ji-Young, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
Properties of β-TCP based Calcium Phosphate Cement using mechano-chemical process,
26th European Conference on Biomaterials(ESB2014), Sep. 2014.
13. Bae Ji-Young, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
A quick setting calcium phosphate cement:Effects of planetary ball milling,
15th Biennial Meeting of international College of Prosthodontists, Sep. 2013.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Yuta Utsumi, 川野 沙織, Yusuke Matsuki, Keiichiro Watanabe, Kenichiro Oge, Yumika Ida, Kazuhide Yonekura, Eiji Tanaka and Keiichi Hosaka :
日本歯科審美学会, Dec. 2023.
2. Yuta Utsumi, Yusuke Matsuki, Keiichiro Watanabe, 川野 沙織, Tomoki Iuchi, Kenichiro Oge, Yumika Ida, Kazuhide Yonekura and Keiichi Hosaka :
日本歯科保存学会 2023年秋季学術大会, Nov. 2023.
3. Yuriko Mukunoki, Yasusei Kudo, Yumika Ida, Kazuhide Yonekura, 中島 正俊 and Keiichi Hosaka :
日本歯科保存学会 2023年秋季学術大会, Nov. 2023.
4. Yusuke Matsuki, Yumika Ida, Tomoki Iuchi, Yuta Utsumi, Kazuhide Yonekura, 池田 正臣 and Keiichi Hosaka :
日本歯科保存学会 2023年秋季学術大会, Nov. 2023.
5. Tomoki Iuchi, Kazuhide Yonekura, Yumika Ida, 元山 祐太郎, 池田 正臣, Kenichi Hamada, 中島 正俊 and Keiichi Hosaka :
第4回象牙質歯髄治療学会, May 2023.
6. Yumika Ida, Kazuhide Yonekura, Tomoki Iuchi, Muslimah Fitri Diana, 池田 正臣 and Keiichi Hosaka :
日本歯科保存学会 2022年秋季学術大会, Nov. 2022.
7. Yeeun Kim, Jiyon Be, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
徳島県歯科医学大会, 28, Feb. 2020.
8. Yeeun Kim, Jiyon Be, Yumika Ida, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
高強度β-TCP セメントの開発: ジルコニアファイバー添加の效果,
第72回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会, Oct. 2018.
9. Yumika Ida, Jiyon Be, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
メカノケミカル手法で改質したβ-TCP セメントのin vivo 評価,
第72回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会, Oct. 2018.
10. Yumika Ida :
西日本歯内療法学会, Sep. 2018.
11. Yumika Ida, Jiyon Be, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
ボールミリング法で改質したβ-TCP セメントのin vivoでの圧縮強度の評価,
日本バイオマテリアルシンポジウム2016, Nov. 2016.
12. Yumika Ida, 裵 志英, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
微分化するとβ-TCP セメント硬化体の機械的特性は変化する,
第43回日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会, Oct. 2016.
13. Yumika Ida, Jiyon Be, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
メカノケミカル手法で改質したβ-TCP セメントの粉液比の増加による強度と注入性,
第67回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会, Apr. 2016.
14. Yumika Ida, 裵 志英, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
第37回日本バイオマテリアル学会, Nov. 2015.
15. Yumika Ida, 裵 志英, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
第66回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会, Oct. 2015.
16. Yumika Ida, 裵 志英, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
第65回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会, Apr. 2015.
17. Yumika Ida, 裵 志英, Kazumitsu Sekine, Fumiaki Kawano and Kenichi Hamada :
第64回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会, Oct. 2014.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @