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徳島大学 ⟩
大学院社会産業理工学研究部 ⟩
社会総合科学域 ⟩
国際教養系 ⟩
英語圏分野 ⟩
徳島大学 ⟩ 創成科学研究科 ⟩ 地域創成専攻 ⟩ |
(researchmapへのインポート用ファイル) [PDF解説] [researchmapへの自動反映について] |
准教授 : マッケンディ タニャ |
1. | Tanja McCandie and Taylor Jamie : Higher Education in Japan: Leadership Response to the COVID-19 Crisis, Bloomsbury, Toronto, Oct. 2024. |
2. | Tanja McCandie, Smith E., Clark G. and Taylor Jamie : Equity in ELT Japan: A call for transparency, Candlin & Mynard, Tokyo, Mar. 2023. |
3. | Tanja McCandie : Japanese universities: Gendered conflict and resolution, Springer, London, Jul. 2021. |
4. | Tanja McCandie : Policy and gender inequity in Japanese higher education, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Kobe, 2021. |
1. | Tanja McCandie, Smith E. and Simmonds B. : An introduction to the Japan Association for Language Teachings code of conduct, Journal and Proceedings the Gender and Language Education SIG, Vol.14, 135-142, 2022. |
2. | Smith Cecilia and Tanja McCandie : Attendance at JALT conferences: An exploratory survey, Explorations in Teacher Development, Vol.28, No.1, 16-28, 2022. |
3. | Tanja McCandie : A brief introduction to international education and social equity, Meijo University Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Vol.3, 153-158, 2020. |
4. | Healy S., Helverson G., Tanja McCandie, Cahill K. and Yokota G. : Addressing gender equality, PanSIG Journal 2019, 135-142, 2020. |
5. | Tanja McCandie and Mulvey S. : ELT and #metoo in Japan, Journal and Proceedings the Gender and Language Education SIG, Vol.10, 34-49, 2018. |
6. | Tanja McCandie : Creating a self-access classroom for first-year non-English majors, 2013 PanSIG Conference Proceedings, 73-83, 2014. |
1. | Tanja McCandie : Utilizing the Fifth Element Framework to Diversify Leadership and Address Critical Issues in Japanese Higher Education, Chukyo University Journal of International Studies, Vol.7, 119-133, 2023. |
2. | Redfield M., Fukatsu Y. and Tanja McCandie : Mandatory online EFL instruction in Japanese universities: Comparing freshmen opinions from major private universities, Osaka Keidai Ronsyu, Vol.72, No.3, 1-16, 2021. |
3. | Redfield M. and Tanja McCandie : Mandatory online EFL Instruction in Japanese universities: What do students think? A replica, Osaka Keidai Ronsyu, Vol.72, No.2, 234-250, 2021. |
4. | Murata Y., Minehane G., Wicking P., Praver M. and Tanja McCandie : The English program of the faculty of foreign studies: Commitment to results, 名城大学教育年報, Vol.13, 15-26, 2019. |
5. | Tanja McCandie : What do non-English majors think of English language self-access classes?, 14th Asia TEFL and 11th FEELTA Conference Proceedings, 95-99, 2017. |
6. | Murata Y., Minehane G., Yanegisawa H., Praver M., マッケンディ タニャ : 外国語学部のアクティブラーニングの取り組み, 名城大学教育年報, Vol.11, 45-52, 2017年. |
1. | Tanja McCandie : This is how we do it at Meijo University, Extensive Reading in Japan, Vol.10, No.2, 7-9, 2017. |
1. | Tanja McCandie : Review of the book Speaking up, understanding language and gender, by A. Jule, JALT Journal, Vol.42, No.1, 80-83, Oct. 2020. |
2. | Tanja McCandie : Review of the book Breakthrough plus (2nd edition), by M. Craven, The Language Teacher, Vol.43, No.3, 28-29, Oct. 2019. |
3. | Tanja McCandie : Promoting gender equality in ELT in Japan, Gender Awareness in Language Education SIG Newsletter, 10-11, Apr. 2018. |
1. | Meagan Renee Kaiser and Tanja McCandie : Connecting local students and international teaching assistants online - development of an innovative and globally aware EAP teaching and learning program, Cambodia TESOL (CamTESOL), Feb. 2025. |