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(Nakayama, Shintaro) (10.1%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Physics
Subject of Study: nuclear cluster-excitation, nuclear isovector excitation (cluster excitation, soft dipole resonance, isovector resonance, electric excitation, magnetic excitation), 不安定核のクラスター構造に関する研究, 原子核の巨大共鳴に関する研究 ((7Li,7Be)反応, (3He,t)反応, 巨大共鳴, 不安定核, クラスター構造)
(Ninomiya, Tsuneo) (2.9%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: 小児保健, 小児心身医学
Subject of Study: 子どものこころの問題に関する研究 (養育機能の低下, 関係性の病理, 虐待, アイデンティティの拡散)
(Ohmori, Tetsuro) (2.2%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology
Subject of Study: 気分障害と統合失調症の精神薬理学的ならびに分子医学的研究 (mood disorder, schizophrenia, psychopharmacology)
Fukumori, Takaki (1.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(心理学)
Field of Study: Cultural and Social Science
Lecture: Course Introduction (Bachelor Course), Health and Medical Psychology (Bachelor Course), Health Psychology (Bachelor Course), Professionalism of Certified Public Psychologist (Bachelor Course), Senior Thesis Studies (Bachelor Course), elementary psychology (Common Curriculum), Experiments in Psychology Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Experiments in Psychology Ⅲ (Bachelor Course), Outline of Psychology (Common Curriculum), Practical Training in Psychology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology I (Graduate School), 心理実践実習Ⅰ事前学習 (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology III (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology IV (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology V (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology VI (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Psychotherapy (Graduate School), Psychological Assessment (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コースガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Introduction to the Health Sciences of Mind and Body Course (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース卒業研究提出窓口 (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース研究室配属ガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar I (Physical and Mental Health) (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar II (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Psychiatry(Support Theory and Applications in Medical and Health Area) (Graduate School), Integrated Arts and Sciences Practical Course B (Perspectives on Mind-Body Wellness) (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Clinical Psychology A (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Clinical Psychology B (Graduate School), clinical psychology (Graduate School), Clinical Psychology (S) (Graduate School), Practice of Clinical Psychology A(Advanced Practical Training in Psychology II) (Graduate School), Advanced Exercise on Psychological Assessment B (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Clinical Interviewing B (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Uchiumi, Chigusa (1.4%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Clinical Psychology
Lecture: Course Introduction (Bachelor Course), Life Design (Common Curriculum), Structure, Function, and Diseases of the Human Body (Bachelor Course), Professionalism of Certified Public Psychologist (Bachelor Course), Senior Thesis Studies (Bachelor Course), Theory of Risk and Crisis Management (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on School Clinical Psychology(Support Theory and Applications in Educational Area) (Graduate School), Experiments in Psychology Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Experiments in Psychology Ⅲ (Bachelor Course), Psychological Support Methods (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Psychology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology I (Graduate School), 心理実践実習Ⅰ事前学習 (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology III (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology IV (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology V (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology VI (Graduate School), Psychological Assessment (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コースガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Introduction to the Health Sciences of Mind and Body Course (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース卒業研究提出窓口 (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース研究室配属ガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar I (Physical and Mental Health) (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar II (Bachelor Course), Educational and School Psychology (Bachelor Course), Educational Psychology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Psychiatry(Support Theory and Applications in Medical and Health Area) (Graduate School), Foundations of Integrated Science E (Fundamentals of Psychology) (Bachelor Course), 総合科学実践プロジェクトA-H合同報告会 (Bachelor Course), Integrated Arts and Sciences Practical Project D (Mind-Body Health Issues) (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Clinical Psychology A (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Clinical Psychology B (Graduate School), Clinical Psychology (Bachelor Course), Overview of Clinical Psychology (Bachelor Course), Clinical Psychology (S) (Graduate School), Practice of Clinical Psychology A(Advanced Practical Training in Psychology II) (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Clinical Interviewing A(Theory and Practice of Psychological Support) (Graduate School), Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Practice (Common Curriculum)
Subject of Study: 事件や事故,災害等がもたらす心身への影響とその対応
Nishiyama, Ken-ichi (1.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Dr. of Science
Field of Study: Geology
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 3 (Bachelor Course), Disaster reduction of seismic and volcanic hazards (Common Curriculum), Applied Geomorphology (Bachelor Course), Applied Geology (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Disaster mitigation of meteorological hazards (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Environmental and Hazard Geology (Graduate School), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Environmental Geology (Engineering Geology, Hazard Geology, Quaternary Research) (Processes of rock weathering, Geological features of landslide, Quaternary system in Southwest Japan)
Tomotake, Masahito (1.4%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Seminar on COCORO health science (Graduate School), Lecture on COCORO health science (2 ) (Graduate School), Advanced Caring in Health Sciences (Graduate School), Health assessment (Graduate School), Research on Health Sciences (Graduate School), Advanced health sciences (Graduate School), Advanced study of Midwifery Ⅲ(Maternal psychology, sociology) (Graduate School), Mental health care in children (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Research for Medicine of Health Care (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Clinical Physiology II(Nervous・Muscloskeletal system) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders Ⅰ(Mental disorders) (Bachelor Course), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), Methods for Nursing Research: Quantitative Research (Graduate School), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Brains and neurology evaluation methodology (Graduate School), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Anatomy and Physiology I (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology III (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology IV (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 精神医学,精神保健
(Murata, Akihiro) (1.4%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Structural Geology
Subject of Study: Duplexes and low-angle nappe structures of the Shimanto Terrane in Kyushu and Shikoku, Hokusatu, Hitoyoshi and Nojiri Bends of the Shimanto Terrain in south Kyushu, Nojima fault and its neighboring active faults in Awaji Island, Aridagawa tectonic Line and geologic structures of the Chichibu Terrain in Kii Peninsula, Large landslides of the Totsukawa Hazard in Nara Prefecture, Displacement distribution of the Kaminirogawa fault and dislocation model, Butsuzo Tectonic Line and nappe structures of the Sambagawa and Chichibu Terrains, Geological structures of the Mikabu Greenstones, Northern Chichibu Terrain and Kurosegawa Terrain in Shikoku (Shimanto Terrain, duplex, thrust, nappe, Hokusatsu Bend, active fault, Nojima fault, strike-slip fault, Kaminirogawa fault, Aridagawa Tectonic Line, Chichibu Terrain, Kurosegawa Terrain)
Inosaki, Atsuko (0.7%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(学校教育学)
Field of Study: Clinical Psychology, Psychoanalystic Self Psychology
Lecture: An introduction to campus life designs (Common Curriculum), Structure, Function, and Diseases of the Human Body (Bachelor Course), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology I (Graduate School), 心理実践実習Ⅰ事前学習 (Graduate School), Practice of Clinical Psychology A(Advanced Practical Training in Psychology II) (Graduate School), Practice of Clinical Psychology B (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 学生相談,ハラスメント対応,DV被害者支援,デートDV予防教育
Kinosada, Kazuyo (0.7%) / 技術専門職員   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Master
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
Izaki, Yumiko (0.7%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: Structure, Function, and Diseases of the Human Body (Bachelor Course), Medical psychology (Common Curriculum), Advanced Lecture on Psychiatry(Support Theory and Applications in Medical and Health Area) (Graduate School), Studies in Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course), Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
(Kishida, Sachi) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Master of Nursing
Field of Study: Health Studies
Subject of Study:
Hashimoto, Hiroko (0.7%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(看護学), 修士(学術)
Field of Study: Health Studies, ,
Lecture: Introduction to health care systems (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Care Management (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Nursing Care (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Pediatric Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Pediatric Nursing (Bachelor Course), Seminar and Practice in Pediatric Nursing (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Pediatric Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Pediatric Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Applied Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Introduction to disaster nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Ethics (Graduate School), Nursing research (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research 1 (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 小児がんの子どもと家族への看護に関する研究, 子どもの虐待予防に関する研究, 小児看護に携わる看護師への教育支援に関する研究
Kuwahara, Yoshinori (0.7%) / 技術専門職員   [Detail]
Academic Degree:
Field of Study: Radiation Safety Management
Subject of Study: RI廃棄物の効率的な管理システムの構築, RIの入出庫の効率的な管理システムの構築
(Honda, Eiichi) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 歯学博士
Field of Study: Dentistry
Subject of Study:
(Maeda, Kenichi) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Subject of Study:
(Soda, Koji) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 文学修士
Field of Study: Literature
Subject of Study: Function of Narrative (story, cosmology)
Miura, Hajime (0.7%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
Field of Study: Exercise Physiology, Biomedical Engineering
Lecture: Integrated Seminar on Wellness (Common Curriculum), Course Introduction (Bachelor Course), Coaching Theory Practicum IV (Basketball) (Bachelor Course), Coaching Theory Practicum VII (Volleyball) (Bachelor Course), Sports Nutrition Studies (Including Physiology) (Bachelor Course), Experiments in Sports Science Practicum (Including Exercise Physiology) (Bachelor Course), スポーツ科学教室卒論中間発表 (Bachelor Course), Development of Health and Physical Science (Including Kinesiology and Exercise Methods) (Bachelor Course), Health Behavior Theory (Including School Safety) (Bachelor Course), Senior Thesis Studies (Bachelor Course), 地域創成専攻修士論文発表会 (Graduate School), Advanced Exercise on Regional Development (Graduate School), 心身健康コースガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Introduction to the Health Sciences of Mind and Body Course (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース卒業研究提出窓口 (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース研究室配属ガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar I (Applied Physiology) (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar II (Bachelor Course), Applied Physiology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Applied Physiology (Graduate School), Foundations of Integrated Science D (Fundamentals of Sports Science) (Bachelor Course), Movement Science (Graduate School), Discovery Seminar for Freshman (Bachelor Course), Exercise Physiology Studies (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Mechanism of oxygen consumption and supply during physical activity, Oxygenation in human tissues, Development of exercise program for elder people (oxygen consumption, oxygen supply, oxygenation), Development of human metabolism measurement system using near infrared spectroscopy, Development of detection for breast cancer (near infrared spectroscopy, metabolism, cancer)
Sato, Kenji (0.7%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Psychology
Lecture: Course Introduction (Bachelor Course), Structure, Function, and Diseases of the Human Body (Bachelor Course), Health and Medical Psychology (Bachelor Course), Health Psychology (Bachelor Course), Professionalism of Certified Public Psychologist (Bachelor Course), Medical psychology (Common Curriculum), Senior Thesis Studies (Bachelor Course), elementary psychology (Common Curriculum), Psychological Experiments A (Bachelor Course), Experiments in Psychology Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Experiments in Psychology Ⅳ (Bachelor Course), Survey of Psychology (Common Curriculum), Practical Training in Psychology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology I (Graduate School), 心理実践実習Ⅰ事前学習 (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology III (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology IV (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology V (Graduate School), Advanced Practical Training in Psychology VI (Graduate School), Psychology Practice (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Psychotherapy (Graduate School), 心身健康コースガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Introduction to the Health Sciences of Mind and Body Course (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース卒業研究提出窓口 (Bachelor Course), 心身健康コース研究室配属ガイダンス (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar I (Physical and Mental Health) (Bachelor Course), Comparative Studies in Society and Culture Course Seminar II (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on criminal psychology(Support Theory and Applications in Forensics and Criminology Area) (Graduate School), Studies in Social, Group, and Family Psychology (Bachelor Course), Social Psychology (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture on Social Psychology (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Psychiatry(Support Theory and Applications in Medical and Health Area) (Graduate School), Foundations of Integrated Science E (Fundamentals of Psychology) (Bachelor Course), Cross field Seminar on clinical psychology (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Clinical Psychology A (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Clinical Psychology B (Graduate School), clinical psychology (Graduate School), 臨床心理学専攻オリエンテーション (Graduate School), Clinical Psychology (S) (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Clinical Psychology A (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Clinical Psychology B (Graduate School), Practice of Clinical Psychology A(Advanced Practical Training in Psychology II) (Graduate School), Advanced Exercise on Psychological Assessment A(Theory and Practice of Psychological Assessment) (Graduate School), Discovery Seminar for Freshman (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
(Sano, Katsunori) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: MD
Field of Study: Physiological Psychology
Subject of Study: biorhythm and child development (sleep-awakening rhythm, circadian rhythm, cortisol, stress, development)
(Ohashi, Makoto) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Immunobiology
Subject of Study: leukocyte chemotactic factor (遊走因子, 好酸球, 好中球, 分子構造)
Kanenishi, Kazuhide (0.7%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Master, Ph.D
Field of Study: Educational Technology
Lecture: Moraes's Tokushima --Globalism and People from Abroad--(e-learning) (Common Curriculum), Museum Information and Media Theory (Bachelor Course), Information Media and Learning Science (Common Curriculum), Operation Engineering of Information Infrastructure (Common Curriculum), Information society and ethics (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Information Science (Common Curriculum), Invitation to Mathematics (Common Curriculum), Mathematics in various phenomena (Common Curriculum), An Introduction to Cultural Psychology (Common Curriculum), German Prisoners of War in Japan 1914-1920 : Focusing on Camps in Shikoku (Common Curriculum), Modern science and research integrity(e-learning) (Common Curriculum), Guidance of Human Intelligence(e-learning) (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Probability and Statistics on Social Science (Common Curriculum), Foundations of integrated Sciences: J (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 教育·学習システムに関する研究,特に人間と計算機のインタラクションに注目した学習支援システムに関する研究 (human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, learning science, cognitive science, ITS)
Sakama, Minoru (0.7%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Measurement, Analytical Chemistry, Radiation Safety Management, Radiochemistry, Radiation Protection
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Health Science (Bachelor Course), Health Sciences (Graduate School), Development of recent radiology (Bachelor Course), Advanced lecture of medical information engineering (Graduate School), Exercise in advanced lecture of medical information engineering (Graduate School), Research in Medical Information Science (Graduate School), Analysis of Biomedical Information (Graduate School), Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (Graduate School), Laboratory in Basic Medical Science (Bachelor Course), English in Radiological Technology (Bachelor Course), Radiochemistry I (Basic) (Bachelor Course), Radiochemistry II (Advanced) (Bachelor Course), Laboratory in Radiochemistry (Bachelor Course), Radioisotope (Bachelor Course), Radiation management (Bachelor Course), Practice in Radiation Protection and Safety (Bachelor Course), Technology of Nuclear Medicine (Bachelor Course), Plactice in Technology of Nuclear Medicine (Bachelor Course), Nuclear Medicine Therapy and Nuclear Chemistry (Graduate School), Exercise in Nuclear Medicine Therapy and Nuclear Chemistry (Graduate School), Nuclear medcine radiation measurement (Bachelor Course), Practice in nuclear medicine radiation measurement (Bachelor Course), Introduction to disaster nursing (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Alpha-decay properties of neutron-deficient americium isotopes, 環境中の極微量放射性核種と安定主要・稀少元素との相関の解明 (環境放射能), 粒子・放射線輸送挙動解析コードPHITSを用いた基礎及び応用研究 (radiation therapy, radiation)
(Araki, Hideo) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Field of Study: Sports Science
Subject of Study:
(Kita, Kenji) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D
Field of Study: Computer Science, Information Engineering, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Spoken language processing, Media technology
Subject of Study: Vector space models, Probabilistic language models, Multimedia information retrieval, Cross-media information retrieval, Music identification based on audio fingerprinting, EGG-based emotional processing, Medical image processing, Medical AI, Dental AI (information retrieval, natural language processing, computational linguistics, corpus, Latent semantic indexing, multidimensional search, Hamming space search, audio fingerprint, music retrieval, image retrieval)
(Sugiyama, Shigeru) (0.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Field of Study: Reaction Engineering
Subject of Study: Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Alkanes on Solid Catalysts, Conversion of various alcohols on mesoporous silica doped with various cations, Catalytic preparation of precursors of methyl methacrylate, Application of microreactor to solid catalysts, Recovery of phosphorus from unused resources (alkane, Mesoporous silica, alcohols, Microreactor, Recovery of phosphorus, Unused resources)