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Fundamental Nursing    ( 4 persons )

Iwasa, Yukie / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Education), Master of Arts, Bachelor of Education
Field of Study: Fundamental Nursing
Lecture: Introduction to interdisciplinary team care (Bachelor Course), Exercise in Health Assessment (Bachelor Course), Human Relations (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Nursing Home Care (Bachelor Course), Communication in Medical Care (Common Curriculum), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 1 (Understanding the medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Education and Guidance (Bachelor Course), Lifelong Health Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice for Nursing Educator (Graduate School), Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Nursing Education (Graduate School), Seminar/Practice in Advanced Course of Nursing Education (Graduate School), Advanced Course of Nursing Education Ⅰ (Graduate School), Advanced Course of Nursing Education Ⅱ (Graduate School), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 人間の発達過程および発達支援に関する研究 (human development)
Tanioka, Tetsuya / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D., Ph.D. in Nursing
Field of Study: Nursing, Nursing Outcome Management
Lecture: Advanced Caring in Health Sciences (Graduate School), Advanced Caring in Health Sciences (Graduate School), Multidisciplinary approaches (Graduate School), Introduction to interdisciplinary team care (Bachelor Course), Risk Manegement (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Nursing Home Care (Bachelor Course), Caring Competency for Healthcare Providers (Graduate School), International English for Health Sciences (Graduate School), Academic Presentation Course (Graduate School), International medical activities (Bachelor Course), Introduction to International Nursing (Bachelor Course), Fundamental Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 1 (Understanding the medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Lifelong Health Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Practical Nursing Outcome Management (Graduate School), Nursing Outcome ManagementⅠ:Practical Research Methods (Graduate School), Nursing Outcome ManagementⅡ:Advanced Nursing Practice (Graduate School), Introduction to nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research (Graduate School), Methods for Nursing Research: Quantitative Research (Graduate School), Nursing Skills 2 (Safe and comfortable care and promotion of recovery) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 4 (Nursing process) (Bachelor Course), Nursing theory (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Nursing management: evolutionary learning (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Research ethics and grantsmanship (Graduate School), Introduction to social medicine, epidemiology and biostatistics (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 看護サービスの質的向上を目指したアウトカム管理に関する研究, 看護の対象理解に関する研究(看護におけるケアリングとしての技術的能力の明確化 ・睡眠と活動,自律神経に関する研究(子どもや認知症高齢者) ・看護ロボットと看護としてのケアリングとの関係の明確化 ) (精神科専用アウトカム管理システム, 筋肉注射, caring, 自律神経, nursing, 看護ロボット), Forward-looking and self-fulfilling life of older adults while living with chronic Illness, Efficacy and safety in intramuscular injection techniques using ultrasonography, The theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing and its instruments (futurist developments and utilization within the Japanese nursing system), To clarify the recommended design and direction of development for humanoid nursing robots perspective from nursing researchers;, To clarify the human beings and humanoid robots' transactive phenomenon through the Transactive Relationship Theory of Nursing (TRETON: A Nursing Engagement Model for Persons and Humanoid Nursing Robots).
Yasuhara, Yuko / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(看護学), 博士(医療福祉学)
Field of Study: Health Studies
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Risk Manegement (Bachelor Course), International medical activities (Bachelor Course), Introduction to International Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 1 (Understanding the medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Lifelong Health Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Practical Nursing Outcome Management (Graduate School), Introduction to nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research (Graduate School), Methods for Nursing Research: Quantitative Research (Graduate School), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 1 (Nursing for under medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 2 (Safe and comfortable care and promotion of recovery) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 3 (Medical care assistance) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 4 (Nursing process) (Bachelor Course), Seminar and Practice in Nursing Art (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Nursing Art Ⅰ (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Nursing Art Ⅱ (Graduate School), Nursing theory (Bachelor Course), Nursing research (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Nursing management (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Caring, Nursing Art and Nursing Science
Ito, Hirokazu / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(保健学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Gerontological and community health nursing]
Lecture: Exercise in Health Assessment (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Nursing Home Care (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Scientific article reading Ⅰ (Original article reading) (Bachelor Course), Fundamental Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 1 (Understanding the medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Practical Nursing Outcome Management (Graduate School), Nursing Outcome ManagementⅠ:Practical Research Methods (Graduate School), Nursing Outcome ManagementⅡ:Advanced Nursing Practice (Graduate School), Introduction to nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 1 (Nursing for under medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 2 (Safe and comfortable care and promotion of recovery) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 3 (Medical care assistance) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 4 (Nursing process) (Bachelor Course), Seminar and Practice in Nursing Art (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Nursing Art Ⅰ (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Nursing Art Ⅱ (Graduate School), Nursing theory (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:

Adult and Gerontological Nursing    ( 7 persons )

Imai, Yoshie / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 看護学修士, 保健学博士
Field of Study: Oncology Nursing
Lecture: Clinical Practice in Cancer Treatment and Nursing Intervention (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅲ (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing (Graduate School), Advanced Cancer NursingⅠ (Graduate School), Advanced Cancer NursingⅠ (Graduate School), Advanced Cancer NursingⅢ (Graduate School), Advanced Cancer NursingⅣ (Graduate School), Cancer Nursing (Bachelor Course), Advanced to consultation (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Stress Coping and Palliatived Care Nursing (Graduate School), Introduction to interdisciplinary team care (Bachelor Course), Health assessment (Graduate School), Rehabilitation Nursing (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅰ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅱ(Chronic Care) (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Adult Nursing (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), CNS Course for Nursing Research (Graduate School), Introduction to disaster nursing (Bachelor Course), Lifelong Health Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), Nursing Ethics (Graduate School), Nursing Research (Graduate School), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing theory (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Genetics (Bachelor Course), Methodology of Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 高齢がん患者のがんサバイバーに関する研究,遺伝性腫瘍に関する研究,リンパ浮腫に関する研究 (cancer nursing)
Toba, Hiroaki / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: Clinical Practice in Cancer Treatment and Nursing Intervention (Graduate School), Cancer Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to interdisciplinary team care (Bachelor Course), Health assessment (Graduate School), Introduction to Health Science (Bachelor Course), Research on Health Sciences (Graduate School), Advanced Medical Technology (Graduate School), Medical safety management science (Bachelor Course), 呼吸器コース(3年) (Bachelor Course), Surgery 2 (Bachelor Course), Research for Medicine of Health Care (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Medical Imaging of Ultrasonography and Respiratory Function Test (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders II(Infectious disease, cardiovascular disease, gynecological disease) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders III(respiratory disease, autoimmune disease, renal disease) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders IⅤ(Gastrointestinal disorders, Hematological disorders, Metabolic disorders, Endocrine disorders) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders Ⅴ(Neurological disease, Surgical disease, Anesthesia) (Bachelor Course), Research of Medical Laboratory Science (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture on Medical Laboratory Science (Graduate School), Advanced Seminar on Medical Laboratory Science (Graduate School), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), Methods for Nursing Research: Quantitative Research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Seminar/Practice in Advanced Course of Cancer Research and Therapy (Graduate School), Advanced Course of Cancer Research and Therapy (Graduate School), Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Graduate School), Seminar/Practice in Advanced Course of Clinical Oncology for QOL (Graduate School), Advanced Course of Clinical Oncology for QOL I (Graduate School), Advanced Course of Clinical Oncology for QOL II (Graduate School), Clinical Oncology (Graduate School), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Study for Clinical trials (Graduate School), Introduction to How to Write Up Scientific Manuscript in English (Graduate School), Anatomy and Physiology I (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology II (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology III (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology IV (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Bando, Takae / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(看護学), 博士(保健学)
Field of Study: Oncology Nursing, 周手術期看護
Lecture: Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅲ (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing (Graduate School), Advanced Cancer NursingⅠ (Graduate School), Advanced Cancer NursingⅠ (Graduate School), Advanced Cancer NursingⅢ (Graduate School), Cancer Nursing (Bachelor Course), Advanced to consultation (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Stress Coping and Palliatived Care Nursing (Graduate School), Health assessment (Graduate School), Practice of Rehabilitation Nursing (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Rehabilitation Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Rehabilitation Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Rehabilitation Nursing (Bachelor Course), Health Sciences (Graduate School), Adult Nursing Care Ⅰ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅱ(Chronic Care) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Adult NursingⅠ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Adult Nursing Ⅱ(Chronic Care) (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Adult Nursing (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Lifelong Health Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), Nursing Ethics (Graduate School), Nursing Research (Graduate School), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research 1 (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Methodology of Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 肺がん患者の術後不快症状に対するセルフケア促進のための看護支援方法, 初期治療として手術療法を受ける肺がん患者の希望を支える看護支援モデルの開発 (がん手術療法, 周手術期)
Inoue, Yuta / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 保健学修士, 保健学博士
Field of Study:
Lecture: Cancer Nursing (Bachelor Course), Health assessment (Graduate School), Rehabilitation Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅰ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅱ(Chronic Care) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Adult Nursing Ⅱ(Chronic Care) (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Adult Nursing (Bachelor Course), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Methodology of Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Kuwamura, Yumi / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Phirosophy of Doctor
Field of Study: Chronic Illness Nursing, Symptom Management
Lecture: Introduction to interdisciplinary team care (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 1 (Understanding the medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Adult NursingⅠ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 1 (Nursing for under medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Nursing Interventions on Oral Health Behaviors in Persons with Diabetes (oral health behaviors, diabetes mellitus, nursing intervention, nursing support), Development of a Self-Care Model and Nursing Intervention for Patients with Chronic Illness
Mori, Yuka / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(看護学)
Field of Study: Oncology Nursing, Adult and Gerontological Nursing
Lecture: Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅲ (Graduate School), Cancer Nursing (Bachelor Course), Rehabilitation Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅰ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅱ(Chronic Care) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Adult NursingⅠ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Adult Nursing (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methodology of Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Gerontological Nursing (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Takahashi, Aki / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士
Field of Study: Oncology Nursing, 急性期看護
Lecture: Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice in Advanced Cancer Nursing Ⅲ (Graduate School), Cancer Nursing (Bachelor Course), Health assessment (Graduate School), Practice of Rehabilitation Nursing (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Rehabilitation Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Rehabilitation Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Rehabilitation Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅰ(Acute Care) (Bachelor Course), Adult Nursing Care Ⅱ(Chronic Care) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Adult Nursing Ⅱ(Chronic Care) (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Adult Nursing (Bachelor Course), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 手術療法を受ける食道がん患者のQOL,不安,心理的適応に関する研究, ICU患者のPICS,QOLの実態とリスク要因の検討

Maternal and Pediatric Nursing    ( 8 persons )

Haku, Mari / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: master of nursing, doctor of nursing
Field of Study: Midwifery
Lecture: Advanced study of Women's Health・Midwifery (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery (Graduate School), Research on Midwifery (Graduate School), Advanced study of Midwifery Ⅰ(Introduction to Midwifery) (Graduate School), Advanced study of Midwifery Ⅱ(Bioethics) (Graduate School), Advanced study of Midwifery Ⅲ(Maternal psychology, sociology) (Graduate School), Seminar of MidwiferyⅠ (Graduate School), Seminar of Midwifery Ⅱ (Graduate School), Midwifery practice studies Ⅰ(Biology:embryology&human development,Human anatomy and Physiology・Pathophysiology of reproduction (Graduate School), Midwifery practice studies Ⅱ(Perinatal Medicine) (Graduate School), Midwifery practice studies Ⅲ(Diagnostics and Midwifery Practice) (Graduate School), Midwifery practice studies Ⅳ(Maternal and Child Health in Community) (Graduate School), Midwifery practice studies Ⅴ(Management in Midwifery Service) (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery Ⅰ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery Ⅱ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery Ⅲ (Graduate School), Practice of Midwifery Ⅰ (Graduate School), Practice of Midwifery Ⅱ (Graduate School), Seminar of Women's Health care nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Seminar of Women's Health care nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Seminar of Women's health care nursing (Graduate School), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Lifelong Health Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Nursing Research (Graduate School), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 助産実践の有効性の検証に関する研究, 家族の調和に関する研究, 夫の育児に関する研究 (self-care, dependent-care, Effective and appropriate care of midwifery, Harmony of family)
Mori, Kenji / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: Seminar on COCORO health science (Graduate School), Lecture on COCORO health science (1) (Graduate School), Structure, Function, and Diseases of the Human Body (Bachelor Course), Research on Health Sciences (Graduate School), Immunology Ⅰ(Clinical Immunology) (Bachelor Course), Mental health care in children (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Pediatric Nursing (Bachelor Course), Research for Medicine of Health Care (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Diseases and Disorders II(Infectious disease, cardiovascular disease, gynecological disease) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders IⅤ(Gastrointestinal disorders, Hematological disorders, Metabolic disorders, Endocrine disorders) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders ⅤII(Pediatrics) (Bachelor Course), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Brains and neurology evaluation methodology (Graduate School), Outline of Clinical Medicine (Bachelor Course), Clinical Pathology (Bachelor Course), Introduction to How to Write Up Scientific Manuscript in English (Graduate School), Anatomy and Physiology II (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology IV (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Yasui, Toshiyuki / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: Advanced study of Women's Health・Midwifery (Graduate School), Health assessment (Graduate School), Introduction to Health Science (Bachelor Course), Research on Health Sciences (Graduate School), Advanced health sciences (Graduate School), Advanced Medical Technology (Graduate School), Advanced study of Midwifery Ⅱ(Bioethics) (Graduate School), Midwifery practice studies Ⅰ(Biology:embryology&human development,Human anatomy and Physiology・Pathophysiology of reproduction (Graduate School), Midwifery practice studies Ⅱ(Perinatal Medicine) (Graduate School), Medical safety management science (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Maternity Nursing (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry I(Structure and Function of Biomolecules) (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Biological Ethics (Graduate School), Reproductive and Menopausal Health Science (Exercise) (Graduate School), Reproductive and Menopausal Health Science (Lecture) (Graduate School), Assisted Reproductive Technology (Graduate School), Assisted Reproductive Technology (Graduate School), Research for Medicine of Health Care (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Medical Imaging of Ultrasonography and Respiratory Function Test (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders II(Infectious disease, cardiovascular disease, gynecological disease) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders III(respiratory disease, autoimmune disease, renal disease) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders (Obstetrics) (Bachelor Course), Methods for Nursing Research: Quantitative Research (Graduate School), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Introduction to clinical practice (Bachelor Course), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Hygiene (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology II (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology IV (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Hashimoto, Hiroko / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(看護学), 修士(学術)
Field of Study: Health Studies, ,
Lecture: Introduction to health care systems (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Care Management (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Nursing Care (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Pediatric Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Pediatric Nursing (Bachelor Course), Seminar and Practice in Pediatric Nursing (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Pediatric Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Pediatric Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Applied Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Introduction to disaster nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Ethics (Graduate School), Nursing research (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research 1 (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 小児がんの子どもと家族への看護に関する研究, 子どもの虐待予防に関する研究, 小児看護に携わる看護師への教育支援に関する研究
Takebayashi, Keiko / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(保健学)
Field of Study: Midwifery
Lecture: Clinical Practice of Midwifery (Graduate School), Advanced study of Midwifery Ⅲ(Maternal psychology, sociology) (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery Ⅰ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery Ⅱ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery Ⅲ (Graduate School), Practice of Midwifery Ⅰ (Graduate School), Practice of Midwifery Ⅱ (Graduate School), Support of cChild Rearing (Bachelor Course), Maternity Nursing Care (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Maternity Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Maternity Nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Ethics (Bachelor Course), Nursing research (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research 1 (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 出産準備教育に関する研究, 幼児期における性教育に関する研究
Matsuura, Yukie / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(看護学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Scientific article reading Ⅰ (Original article reading) (Bachelor Course), International medical activities (Bachelor Course), Introduction to International Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Support of cChild Rearing (Bachelor Course), Maternity Nursing Care (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Maternity Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Maternity Nursing (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Sato, Hiroko / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(保健学)
Field of Study: Midwifery
Lecture: Clinical Practice of Midwifery (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery Ⅰ (Graduate School), Clinical Practice of Midwifery Ⅱ (Graduate School), Practice of Midwifery Ⅰ (Graduate School), Maternity Nursing Care (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Maternity Nursing (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Takahashi, Kumi / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(保健学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Scientific article reading Ⅰ (Original article reading) (Bachelor Course), International medical activities (Bachelor Course), Introduction to International Nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Nursing Care (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Pediatric Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Pediatric Nursing (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:

Community and Psychiatric Nursing    ( 10 persons )

Okahisa, Reiko / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(看護学), 博士(保健学)
Field of Study: Health Studies, Community Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing
Lecture: Introduction to Care Management (Bachelor Course), Introduction to community health and welfare administration (Bachelor Course), Introduction to health science (Bachelor Course), Introduction to health science (Bachelor Course), Health Education Methodogy (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Health Management (Bachelor Course), Clinical practice in public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Methodology of public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Public Health Nursing Management (Bachelor Course), Midwifery practice studies Ⅳ(Maternal and Child Health in Community) (Graduate School), International nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical practice in home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Methodology of home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to community health nursingⅠ(Understanding of People Living in the Community) (Bachelor Course), Introduction to community health nursingⅡ(Community Nursing and Public Health) (Bachelor Course), Exercise in Advanced Community Nursing (Graduate School), Theory of Advanced Community Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Theory of Advanced Community Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Introduction to disaster nursing (Bachelor Course), Advanced Study on coordination of life Nursing (Graduate School), Lifelong Health Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Introduction to Occupational Health (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research (Graduate School), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 地域・産業における健康増進,保健指導および行動変容に関する研究, 生活習慣変容過程におけるストレングス測定尺度の開発 (生活習慣変容過程, ストレングス, 尺度開発)
Okuda, Kikuko / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: MASTER, DOCTOR
Field of Study: Health Studies, School Health Science, School Health Science
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Health and Physical Education Teaching Methodology I (Bachelor Course), Health and Physical Education Teaching Methodology II (Bachelor Course), Health and Physical Education Teaching Methodology III (Bachelor Course), Health and Physical Education Teaching Methodology IV (Bachelor Course), Health Consultation Activities (Bachelor Course), Advanced health sciences (Graduate School), Medical safety management science (Bachelor Course), Health Economics (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Scientific article reading: Level 2 (Bachelor Course), Scientific article reading Ⅱ (Review of research Paper) (Bachelor Course), Seminar/Practice in Advanced Course of School Health Science (Graduate School), Advanced Course of School Health ScienceⅠ (Graduate School), Advanced Course of School Health Science Ⅱ (Graduate School), School Health Theory (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Teaching Profession Practice Exercise (Bachelor Course), Clinical nutrition (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Lifelong Health Nursing Research (Graduate School), Advanced Study of Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Seminar and Practice in Lifelong Health Nursing (Graduate School), Nursing Research (Graduate School), Nursing Skills 1 (Nursing for under medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), School Nurse Practical training (Bachelor Course), School Nurse Practical training guidanse (Bachelor Course), School Nurse Theories Ⅰ(Role and Specialty of School Nurse Teachers) (Bachelor Course), School Nurse Theories Ⅱ(Development of Health Education and Services in school) (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 徳島県における小・中学生を対象とした防煙教育プログラムの有効性に関する縦断的検証 (, ), 朝の自己健康観察の結果の活用状況及び心理社会的要因との関連性 (健康観察, 大学生)
Tomotake, Masahito / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Seminar on COCORO health science (Graduate School), Lecture on COCORO health science (2 ) (Graduate School), Advanced Caring in Health Sciences (Graduate School), Health assessment (Graduate School), Research on Health Sciences (Graduate School), Advanced health sciences (Graduate School), Advanced study of Midwifery Ⅲ(Maternal psychology, sociology) (Graduate School), Mental health care in children (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Research for Medicine of Health Care (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Health Science and Medicine (Graduate School), Clinical Physiology II(Nervous・Muscloskeletal system) (Bachelor Course), Diseases and Disorders Ⅰ(Mental disorders) (Bachelor Course), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), Methods for Nursing Research: Quantitative Research (Graduate School), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Brains and neurology evaluation methodology (Graduate School), Pharmacology (Graduate School), Anatomy and Physiology I (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology III (Bachelor Course), Anatomy and Physiology IV (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 精神医学,精神保健
Yamashita, Ruriko / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(学術), 博士(看護学)
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
Chiba, Shin-ichi / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 保健学博士
Field of Study: Health Studies, メンタルヘルス支援学分野
Lecture: Introduction to health care systems (Bachelor Course), Advanced to consultation (Graduate School), Scientific article reading Ⅰ (Original article reading) (Bachelor Course), Applied Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Introduction to disaster nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Ethics (Graduate School), Nursing research (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research 1 (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), Mental Health (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Psychiatric Mental-Health Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Psychiatric - Mental Health Nursing (Bachelor Course), Seminar and Practice in Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing (Graduate School), Advanced Course of Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Advanced Course of Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Psychiatric - Mental Health Nursing (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Clinical correlates associated with basic ability of social life in schizophrenia inpatients (schizophrenia, inpatient, social life functioning, cognitive function)
Matsushita, Yasuko / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(学術)
Field of Study: Visiting Nursing
Lecture: Introduction to health care systems (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Care Management (Bachelor Course), Health Education Methodogy (Bachelor Course), Clinical practice in public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Methodology of public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical practice in home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Methodology of home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to community health nursingⅠ(Understanding of People Living in the Community) (Bachelor Course), Exercise in Advanced Community Nursing (Graduate School), Theory of Advanced Community Nursing Ⅰ (Graduate School), Theory of Advanced Community Nursing Ⅱ (Graduate School), Applied Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Research on supprt nursing (Graduate School), Introduction to disaster nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Ethics (Graduate School), Nursing research (Bachelor Course), Nursing Research 1 (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Methdology of nursing research (Graduate School), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 在宅看護教育方法に関する研究 (在宅看護, nursing education)
Fujikawa, Moeko / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(看護学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Exercise in Health Assessment (Bachelor Course), Health Consultation Activities (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 1 (Understanding the medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), Teaching Profession Practice Exercise (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 1 (Nursing for under medical care environment) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 2 (Safe and comfortable care and promotion of recovery) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 3 (Medical care assistance) (Bachelor Course), Nursing Skills 4 (Nursing process) (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course), School Nurse Practical training (Bachelor Course), School Nurse Practical training guidanse (Bachelor Course), School Nurse Theories Ⅰ(Role and Specialty of School Nurse Teachers) (Bachelor Course), School Nurse Theories Ⅱ(Development of Health Education and Services in school) (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Kamishirakawa, Saori / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(看護学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Gerontological and community health nursing], Life sciences [Lifelong developmental nursing], Life sciences [Basic nursing]
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Care Management (Bachelor Course), Introduction to community health and welfare administration (Bachelor Course), Health Education Methodogy (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Health Management (Bachelor Course), Clinical practice in public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Methodology of public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Clinical practice in home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Methodology of home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to community health nursingⅠ(Understanding of People Living in the Community) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Tada, Miyuki / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士
Field of Study:
Lecture: Introduction to Care Management (Bachelor Course), Introduction to community health and welfare administration (Bachelor Course), Health Education Methodogy (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Health Management (Bachelor Course), Clinical practice in public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Methodology of public health nursing (Bachelor Course), Clinical practice in home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Methodology of home care nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to community health nursingⅠ(Understanding of People Living in the Community) (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Comprehensive Clinical Practices (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Tsutsumi, Rie / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(保健学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing 2 (Nursing process application to clinical practice) (Bachelor Course), introduction to family nursing (Bachelor Course), Nursing research 2 (Bachelor Course), Mental Health (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice in Psychiatric Mental-Health Nursing (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Psychiatric - Mental Health Nursing (Bachelor Course), Psychiatric - Mental Health Nursing (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: