徳島大学研究クラスター群研究クラスター群 (ミッション実現)2202007 大規模自然災害からのインクルーシブ避難の実現
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地震工学 (Earthquake Engineering)


地震工学,構造力学,防災・減災 (構造解析及びシミュレーション, 地震観測網, 災害情報, 情報技術の工学分野への応用, 制御 (control))



1. Chen Pei-Ching, Dong Meng-Wei, Chen Po-Chang and Narutoshi Nakata :
Stability Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Using a Shake Table for Building Mass Damper Systems,
Frontiers in Built Environment, Vol.6, No.109, 2020.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009182,   DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.00109)
2. Forouzan Bahareh, Shaloudegi Koushyar and Narutoshi Nakata :
Concept, Experimental Demonstration and Numerical Study of Force-Based Hybrid Simulation,
International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering, Vol.4, No.1-3, 4-24, 2020.
(DOI: 10.1504/IJLCPE.2020.108943)
3. Forounzan Bahareh, Baragamage Dilshan, Shaloudegi Koushyar, Narutoshi Nakata and Wu Weiming :
Hybrid simulation of a structure to tsunami loading,
Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol.23, No.1, 3-21, 2019.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2007654,   DOI: 10.1177/1369433219857847,   Elsevier: Scopus)
4. Narutoshi Nakata, Richard Erb and Matthew Stehman :
Mixed Force and Displacement Control for Testing Base-Isolated Bearings in Real-Time Hybrid Simulation,
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.23, No.6, 1055-1071, 2019.
(DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2017.1342296,   Elsevier: Scopus)
5. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
IIR Compensation in Real-Time Hybrid Simulation using Shake Tables with Complex Control-Structure-Interaction,
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.20, No.4, 633-653, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2015.1104745)
6. K. Peterman, M. Stehman, R. Madsen, S. Buonopane and Narutoshi Nakata :
Experimental Seismic Response of a Full-Scale Cold-Formed Steel-Framed Building. I: System-Level Response,
Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.142, No.12, 04016127, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001577,   Elsevier: Scopus)
7. K. Peterman, M. Stehman, R. Madsen, S. Buonopane and Narutoshi Nakata :
Experimental Seismic Response of a Full-Scale Cold-Formed Steel-Framed Building. II: Subsystem-Level Response,
Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.142, No.12, 04016128, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001578,   Elsevier: Scopus)
8. Narutoshi Nakata and E. Krug :
Validation of loop shaping force feedback controller for nonlinear effective force testing,
Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol.21, No.14, 2773-2786, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1177/1077546313517585)
9. K. Peterman, Narutoshi Nakata and B. Schafer :
Hysteretic characterization of cold-formed steel stud-to-sheathing connections,
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.101, 254-264, 2014.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2014.05.019,   Elsevier: Scopus)
10. Narutoshi Nakata and M. Stehman :
Compensation techniques for experimental errors in real-time hybrid simulation using shake tables,
Smart Structures and Systems, Vol.14, No.6, 1055-1079, 2014.
(DOI: 10.12989/sss.2014.14.6.1055,   Elsevier: Scopus)
11. Narutoshi Nakata and E. Krug :
Computational framework for effective force testing and a compensation technique for nonlinear actuator dynamics,
Structural Control & Health Monitoring, Vol.21, No.5, 756-773, 2014.
(DOI: 10.1002/stc.1599,   Elsevier: Scopus)
12. Narutoshi Nakata, E. Krug and A. King :
Experimental implementation and verification of multidegreesoffreedom effective force testing,
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.43, No.3, 413-428, 2014.
(DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2351)
13. Narutoshi Nakata and Erin Krug :
Multidegreesoffreedom effective force testing: a feasibility study and robust stability assessment,
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.42, No.13, 1985-2002, 2013.
(DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2308,   Elsevier: Scopus)
14. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
Direct Acceleration Feedback Control of Shake Tables with Force Stabilization,
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.17, No.5, 736-749, 2013.
(DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2013.776508)
15. Narutoshi Nakata :
Effective force testing using a robust loop shaping controller,
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.42, No.2, 261-275, 2013.
(DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2207)
16. Narutoshi Nakata and Matthew Stehman :
Substructure shake table test method using a controlled mass: formulation and numerical simulation,
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.41, No.14, 1977-1988, 2012.
(DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2169,   Elsevier: Scopus)
17. Narutoshi Nakata :
A multi-purpose earthquake simulator and a flexible development platform for actuator controller design,
Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol.18, No.10, 1552-1560, 2012.
(DOI: 10.1177/1077546311421946)
18. Narutoshi Nakata :
Error Analysis of Digitally Controlled Servo Hydraulic Actuators for Structural Testing,
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.15, No.6, 901-923, 2011.
(DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2010.544375)
19. Narutoshi Nakata :
Acceleration Trajectory Tracking Control for Earthquake Simulators,
Engineering Structures, Vol.32, No.8, 2229-2236, 2010.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2010.03.025)
20. Narutoshi Nakata, B. Spencer and A. Elnashai :
Sensitivity-Based External Calibration Method for Multi-Axial Loading Systems,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.136, No.2, 189-198, 2010.
21. Rei Okada, Narutoshi Nakata, Bill Spencer, Kazuhiko Kasai and S. Kim :
Rational Polynomial Approximation Modeling for Analysis of Structures with VE Dampers,
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.10, No.1, 97-125, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1080/13632460609350589)
22. Oh-Sung Kwon, Narutoshi Nakata, Amr Elnashai and Bill Spencer :
A Framework for Multi-Site Distributed Simulation and Application to Complex Structural Systems,
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.9, No.5, 741-753, 2005.
(DOI: 10.1080/13632460509350564)
23. 家村 浩和, 五十嵐 晃, 中田 成智 :
構造工学論文集, Vol.46A, No.2, 575-582, 2000年.


1. Narutoshi Nakata :
Hybrid simulation of coastal loading on structures,
Coastal Structures,
2. 亟原 和弥, 井上 貴文, 中田 成智 :
土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), Vol.78, No.4, I_730-I_736, 2022年.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2011333,   DOI: 10.2208/jscejseee.78.4_i_730,   CiNii: 1390856605463673600)


1. Narutoshi Nakata :
Development and Verification of Simplified Geometry-based Structural Models for Urban Earthquake Simulation,
International Symposium on Emerging Developments and Innovative Applications of Reliability Engineering and Risk Managements, Taipei, Oct. 2022.
2. Dilshan P. S. Amarasinghe, Bahareh Forouzan, Koushyar Shaloudegi, Narutoshi Nakata and Weiming Wu :
proceedings of the 36th conference on coastal engineering, Vol.36, No.15, Aug. 2018.
(DOI: 10.9753/icce.v36.structures.15,   Elsevier: Scopus)
3. Narutoshi Nakata :
Development of Structural Response Simulation Towards Rapid Estimates of Regional Earthquake and Tsunami Damage,
2018 International Symposium on Disaster Mitigation Researches in Earthquake-Prone Countries, Jan. 2018.
4. B. Forouzan, K. Shaloudegi and Narutoshi Nakata :
Force-Based Hybrid Simulation: Concept, Numerical Algorithm and Experimental Verification,
Proc. of the 13th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Jul. 2017.
5. B. Forouzan and Narutoshi Nakata :
An Explicit Quadratic Alpha Numerical Integration Algorithm for Force-Based Hybrid Simulation,
Proc. of 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Jan. 2017.
6. Narutoshi Nakata :
Framework Development for Hybrid Wind Simulation,
Proc. of the 2nd Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers, Aug. 2016.
7. B. Forouzan and Narutoshi Nakata :
A New Force-Based Formulation of Equations of Motion for Hybrid Simulation,
Proc. of 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Aug. 2015.
8. M. Stehman, R. Erb and Narutoshi Nakata :
Mixed Force and Displacement Control for Testing of Base-Isolation Bearings in Real-Time Hybrid Simulation,
Proc. of 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Aug. 2015.
9. Narutoshi Nakata :
Advanced Hybrid Simulaiton for Assessment of Structures Under Coastal Hazards,
Proc. of the 1st Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers, Aug. 2014.
10. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
Substructure Shake Table Testing with Force Controlled Actuators,
Proc. of the 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Jul. 2014.
11. K. Peterman, M. Stehman, R. Madsen, S. Buonopane and Narutoshi Nakata :
Seismic Performance of Full-Scale Cold-Formed Steel Buildings,
Proc. of the 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Jul. 2014.
12. B. Schafer, D. Ayhan, J. Leng, P. Liu and Narutoshi Nakata :
The CFS-NEES Efforts: Advancing Cold-Formed Steel Earthquake Engineering,
Proc. of the 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Jul. 2014.
13. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
Compensation of Control-Structure-Interaction in Real-Time Hybrid Simulation using Shake Tables,
Proc. of the 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Jul. 2014.
14. Narutoshi Nakata, M. Dove and M. Lijoi :
Validation of the Effective Force Test Method with A Three- Dimensional Steel Frame Structure,
Proc. of the 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Jul. 2014.
15. K. Peterman, M. Stehman, S. Buonopane, Narutoshi Nakata and R. Madsen :
Stability behavior of full-scale cold-formed steel buildings under seismic excitations,
Proc. of the Annual Stability Conference, Mar. 2014.
16. Narutoshi Nakata and M. Stehman :
Substructure Shake Table Testing with Force Controlled Actuators,
Proc. of the ASCE 2013 Structures Congress, Mar. 2014.
17. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
A New Approach For Acceleration Tracking of Shake Tables Using Combined Acceleration and Force Feedback Control,
Proc. of the ASCE 2013 Structures Congress, Apr. 2013.
18. Narutoshi Nakata and E. Krug :
Restoring Force Correction for Nonlinear Structures in Real-Time Hybrid Simulation,
Proc. of the ASCE 2013 Structures Congress, Apr. 2013.
19. K. Peterman, Narutoshi Nakata and B. Schafer :
Cyclic Behavior of Cold-Formed Steel Stud-to-Sheathing Connections,
Proc. of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sep. 2012.
20. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
Experimental Investigation of Inertial Force Control for Substructure Shake Table Tests,
Proc. of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sep. 2012.
21. Narutoshi Nakata :
Restoring Force Correction for Experimental Inrtial Effects in Real-Time Hybrid Simulation,
Proc. of the 2012 Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology, Jul. 2012.
22. S. Combs and Narutoshi Nakata :
Substructure Effective Force Testing Incorporating Acceleration Feedback for Simulated Mass,
Proc. of the 2012 Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology, Jul. 2012.
23. R. Erb, J. Hinchcliffe and Narutoshi Nakata :
Air-Isolated Support System for Seismic Protection of Building Contents,
Proc. of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering Research Challenges in the 21st Century, May 2012.
24. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
Experimental Investigation of Inertial Force Control for Substructure Shake Table Tests,
Proc. of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering Research Challenges in the 21st Century, May 2012.
25. Narutoshi Nakata, B. Schafer and R. Madsen :
Seismic Assessment of State-of-the-Practice Multi-Story Cold-Formed Steel Structures: Structural Design and Implementation Plan,
Proc. of the ASCE 2012 Structures Congress, Apr. 2012.
26. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
Real-Time Substructure Shake Table Test Incorporating Interaction Forces by an Inertial Mass,
Proc. of the 2012 ASCE Structures Congress, Mar. 2012.
27. Narutoshi Nakata and K. Coleman :
Experimental Investigation of the Excitation Level in System Identification of Frame Structures Using Linear Shakers,
Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Sep. 2011.
28. X. Zhao and Narutoshi Nakata :
Numerical Simulation of Model-Based Control Strategy for Hydraulic Actuators in Dynamic Tests for Structures,
Proc. of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology, Jul. 2011.
29. M. Stehman and Narutoshi Nakata :
Numerical Simulation of a Substructure Shake Table Test Using Controlled Masses,
Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Jun. 2011.
30. B. Schafer, Narutoshi Nakata, S. Buonopane and R. Madsen :
CFS-NEES: Advancing Cold-Formed Steel Earthquake Engineering,
2011 NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference, Jan. 2011.
31. E. Goldstein and Narutoshi Nakata :
Damage Characterization Using Flexibility Sensitivities Technique,
Proc. of the 2009 Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Earthquake Engineering Research (ANCER) Workshop, Jun. 2009.
32. Narutoshi Nakata :
Acceleration-Based Real-Time Displacement Monitoring Method for Civil Infrastructure,
Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Structural Stability and Reliability, Mar. 2009.
33. Narutoshi Nakata, B. Spencer and A. Elnashai :
Multi-Dimensional Hybrid Simulation Using A Six-Actuator Self-Reaction Loading System,
Proc. of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Oct. 2008.
34. Narutoshi Nakata, B. Spencer and A. Elnashai :
Multi-Dimensional Mixed-Mode Hybrid Simulation, Application to Skew RC Bridge,
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Mar. 2008.
35. Narutoshi Nakata, B. Spencer and A. Elnashai :
Mixed Load / Displacement Control Strategy for Hybrid Simulation,
Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Oct. 2006.
36. Narutoshi Nakata, A. Elnashai and B. Spencer :
Assessment of Skew Bridges with Emphasis on Torsional Effects,
Proc. of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Earthquake Engineering, Jul. 2005.
37. H. Iemura, A. Igarashi and Narutoshi Nakata :
Full-Scale Verification Tests of Semi-Active Control of Structures Using Variable Joint Damper System,
Proc. of the 3rd World Conference on Structural Control, Apr. 2002.


1. 木之下 弦, 中田 成智 :
2. 前野 寛人, 中田 成智 :
3. 河野 杏南, 中田 成智 :
4. 麻生 将希, 中田 成智 :
5. 石田 真夢実, 中田 成智 :
2023年度土木学会四国支部第29回技術研究発表会, 02, 2023年5月.
6. 蔵本 和泉, 中田 成智 :
2022年度土木学会四国支部第28回技術研究発表会, 02, 2022年5月.
7. 戸田 貴大, 中田 成智 :
2022年度土木学会四国支部第28回技術研究発表会, 02, 2022年5月.
8. 南山 浩輝, 中田 成智 :
2022年度土木学会四国支部第28回技術研究発表会, 02, 2022年5月.
9. 尾崎 光洋, 中田 成智 :
データの高度利用に向けた同一基盤上でのリアルタイム多種データの収集; 降雨量データと河川水位データの場合,
2021 年度 土木学会四国支部 第 27 回技術研究発表会, 2021年5月.
10. 武中 雅樹, 中田 成智 :
GIS の建物形状情報を考慮した簡易的構造モデルの固有値解析による動的特性の検証,
2021 年度 土木学会四国支部 第 27 回技術研究発表会, 2021年5月.
11. 青木 馨右, 中田 成智 :
2021 年度 土木学会四国支部 第 27 回技術研究発表会, 2021年5月.
12. 中通 比呂, 井上 貴文, 中田 成智 :
2021 年度 土木学会四国支部 第 27 回技術研究発表会, 2021年5月.
13. 齊藤 翔太, 中田 成智 :
2021 年度 土木学会四国支部 第 27 回技術研究発表会, 2021年5月.
14. 中田 成智, 三上 卓 :
災害観測,情報収集・共有を可能にする地域特化型災害 情報システム,
日本災害情報学会第 21 回学会大会, 2019年10月.
15. 中田 成智, 三上 卓 :
第38回地震工学研究発表会, 2018年10月.

科学研究費補助金 (KAKEN Grants Database @ NII.ac.jp)

  • 現場観測と遠心模型実験に基づくダブルデータ駆動型リアルタイム豪雨地盤災害予測 (研究課題/領域番号: 21H04575 )
  • 実時間ハイブリッドシミュレーションによる流体-構造連成応答評価プラットフォーム (研究課題/領域番号: 19K21991 )
  • 研究者番号(00815318)による検索