Tokushima UniversityCenter for Research Administration & Collaboration
Tokushima UniversityBio-Innovation Research Center
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Related Researchers in Our University

Hirata, Maki (5.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Zoological sciences]
Lecture: Analytical Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Undergraduate Work (Bachelor Course), Basic Chemistry (Common Curriculum), Animal Reproduction (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience A (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience B (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience C (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience I (Bachelor Course), Practice for Agriscience II (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Agroscience (Bachelor Course), Field Practice for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bio-production Science (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Agrobioscience (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Agrobioscience (Graduate School), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry C (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), English for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Field Science for Production (Bachelor Course), Working experience in Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Livestock processing (Bachelor Course), Advanced Studies on Livestock Product Processing (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Basic Agroscience I (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Buma, Ryoko (1.2%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Career Paths (Bachelor Course), Product development and planning (Bachelor Course), Exercise in product development (Bachelor Course), Exercise in business planning (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Haraguchi, Masanobu (0.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Micro Optics, Nanophotonics, Plasmonics, Quantum Optics
Lecture: Introduction to STEM (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture in Nanophotonics (Graduate School), Photonic Device (Graduate School), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Laser Physics and Applications (Bachelor Course), Optical and Electronic Properties of Materials (Bachelor Course), Drill and Practice in Engineering Mathematics (Bachelor Course), Lecture in Optical Materials and Devices, Part 1 (Graduate School), Optical Propertics of Materials (Graduate School), Applied Photochemistry (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Lecture and Exercise in Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Nanophotonics with plasmons, optical properties of the nonlinear micro sphere, plasmonic waveguide device (plasmonics, nanophotonics, surface plasmon polariton, localized plasmon, nonlinear optics, dielectric microsphere, optical mode, photonic band), photonic crystal, micro-sphere (photonic crystal, light localization, optical property)
Kakita, Mitsuru (0.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(バイオサイエンス)
Field of Study: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Agricultural Chemistry
Lecture: Introduction to Intellectual Property in the Medical Field (Graduate School), The ideal university in the future (Common Curriculum)
Subject of Study:
Deguchi, Yoshihiro (0.4%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Laser Spectroscopy, Instrumentation Engineering, Energy Conversion Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Combustion Engineering
Lecture: Introduction to STEM (Bachelor Course), Creation of Idea and Design (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション3年 (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Advanced Course of Laser Spectroscopy (Graduate School), Theory of Molecular Energy Transfer (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Thermodynamics 1 (Bachelor Course), Thermal Engineering 1 (Bachelor Course), Research Approaches in Science and Technology A (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: レーザ応用計測技術を用いた燃焼反応・エネルギー変換過程の解明
Inai, Kensuke (0.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: プラズマ·核融合, 半導体プロセス, Intellectual Property Law, 産学連携学, 学術安全保障
Lecture: Introduction to Intellectual Property in the Medical Field (Graduate School), Pratical use of university's intellectual property (Common Curriculum), The ideal university in the future (Common Curriculum)
Subject of Study: 核融合装置におけるプラズマ対向壁の損耗・再堆積に関する研究 (simulation, プラズマ・壁相互作用), 基板洗浄技術 / ナノ計測技術, 知的財産法, 産学連携学, 学術安全保障
Kitaoka, Kazuyoshi (0.4%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Environmental Physiology, 体力医学, イノベーション教育,アントレプレナーシップ教育
Lecture: Introduction for the Needs-driven medical device development (Common Curriculum), From Idea to Enterprise (Bachelor Course), Entrepreneur Exercise (Bachelor Course), Introduction for Innovative thinking (Common Curriculum), Career Paths (Bachelor Course), Technology and Business (Bachelor Course), Design Thinking (Graduate School), Learning from the World's Leading Entrepreneurship Education (Bachelor Course), Product development and planning (Bachelor Course), Exercise in product development (Bachelor Course), Management of Technology (Graduate School), Introduction of business creating for next generation (Bachelor Course), Creating your own future (Common Curriculum), Introduction for an entrepreneur (Common Curriculum), Exercise in business planning (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Retinoic acid signaling and brain function, Feed-forward regulation of carotid blood flow, Biological effects by extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (retinoic acid, vitamin A, sleep, aging, emotion, Carotid blood flow, Feed-forward regulation, Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields), イノベーションワークショップ実施による心理的資本への影響
Ikemoto, Tetsuya (0.4%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学(博士)
Field of Study: Medicine, 医学
Lecture: Practice in Nutritional Education (Bachelor Course), Introduction to clinical practice (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 消化器外科学,肝胆膵外科,細胞移植,再生医療,安全管理学
Shimada, Mitsuo (0.4%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study:
Lecture: Diseased Organ and Repair Medicine- Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Digestive Course (Bachelor Course), Digestive and Pediatric Surgery (Bachelor Course), Digestive and Pediatric Surgery (Bachelor Course), Digestive and Transplant Surgery (Graduate School), Practice of Digestive and Transplant Surgery (Graduate School), Clinical medicine (Bachelor Course), Introduction to clinical practice (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: (肝臓移植, 消化器外科·内視鏡外科, コンピューター外科, 臨床腫瘍学, 外科代謝栄養学)