徳島大学大学院社会産業理工学研究部理工学域数理科学系数理情報分野 (researchmapへのインポート用ファイル) [PDF解説] [researchmapへの自動反映について]









1. Taketo Shirane :
Double covers and vector bundles of rank two,
Manuscripta Mathematica, Vol.171, 499-527, 2023.
(DOI: 10.1007/s00229-022-01405-y)
2. Enrique Bartolo Artal, Shinzo Bannai, Taketo Shirane and Hiro-o Tokunaga :
Torsion divisors of plane curves with maximal flexes and Zariski pairs,
Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol.296, No.6, 2214-2235, 2023.
(DOI: 10.1002/mana.202000319,   Elsevier: Scopus)
3. Taketo Shirane and Akihito Sumitomo :
On effective divisors on certain double covers and their linealy equivalent classes,
Journal of Mathematics, The University of Tokushima, Vol.57, 63-84, 2023.
4. E. Artal Bartolo, S. Bannai, Taketo Shirane and H. Tokunaga :
Torsion divisors of plane curves and Zariski pairs,
Algebra i Analiz, Vol.34, No.5, 721-736, 2022.
(DOI: 10.1090/spmj/1776,   Elsevier: Scopus)
5. Taketo Shirane and Shinzo Bannai :
Nodal curves with a contact-conic and Zariski pairs,
Advances in Geometry, Vol.19, No.4, 555-572, 2019.
(DOI: 10.1515/advgeom-2018-0032,   Elsevier: Scopus)
6. Taketo Shirane :
Galois covers of graphs and embedded topology of plane curves,
Topology and its Applications, Vol.257, 122-143, 2019.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009665,   DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2019.03.002)
7. Taketo Shirane :
Connected numbers and the embedded topology of plane curves,
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol.61, No.3, 650-658, 2018.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2006923,   DOI: 10.4153/CMB-2017-066-5)
8. Taketo Shirane and Guerville-Balle Benoit :
Non-homotopicty of the linking set of algebraic plane curves,
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Vol.26, No.13, 1750089, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1142/s0218216517500894,   CiNii: 1360285711143781632)
9. Bannai S., Guerville-Balle B., Taketo Shirane and Tokunaga H. :
On the topology of arrangements of a cubic and its inflectional tangents,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A, Mathematical Sciences, Vol.93, No.6, 50-53, 2017.
(DOI: 10.3792/pjaa.93.50,   CiNii: 1521699229763384064,   Elsevier: Scopus)
10. Taketo Shirane :
A note on splitting numbers for Galois covers and ϖ_1-equivalent Zariski k-plets,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.145, No.3, 1009-1017, 2017.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009664,   CiNii: 1360855571129105920)
11. Taketo Shirane :
A note on normal triple covers over P^2 with branch divisors of degree 6,
Kodai Mathematical Journal, Vol.37, No.2, 330-340, 2015.
(DOI: 10.2996/kmj/1404393890,   Elsevier: Scopus)
12. Taketo Shirane :
Galois closure covers for 5-fold covers between smooth surfaces and its application,
Kyushu Journal of Mathematics, Vol.69, No.2, 229-257, 2015.
13. Taketo Shirane :
Corrigendum to "Families of Galois closure curves for palne quintic curves" [J. Algebra 342 (1) (2011) 175-196],
Journal of Algebra, Vol.377, 317-319, 2013.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2012.11.048)
14. Taketo Shirane :
Families of Galois closure curves for plane quintic curves,
Journal of Algebra, Vol.342, No.1, 175-196, 2011.
15. Taketo Shirane :
On 4-fold covers of algebraic surfaces,
Kyushu Journal of Mathematics, Vol.64, No.2, 297-322, 2010.


1. Taketo Shirane :
Splitting invariants and examples of Zariski pairs,
Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Topology 2023, Aug. 2023.
2. Taketo Shirane :
A construction of line bundles on double covers and splitting curves,
Degenerations, algebraic surfaces and related topics, Kobe, Dec. 2019.
3. Taketo Shirane :
A construction of line bundles of double covers and splitting curves,
Geometry in Pyrenees, Pau, France, Sep. 2019.
4. 白根 竹人 :
Galois covers of graphs and embedded topology of plane curves,
第16回代数曲線論シンポジウム, 神奈川工科大学, 2018年12月.
5. Taketo Shirane :
Galois covers of graphs and embedded topology of plane curves,
Fifteenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Mathematics and its Applications, Jaca in Spain, Sep. 2018.


1. 白根 竹人 :
A note on combinatorial type and splitting invariants of plane curves,
Minami-Chita workshop on algebraic, arithmetic, and comple geometry, 2024年5月.
2. 白根 竹人 :
Splitting invariants and examples of Zariski pairs,
リーマン面に関連する位相幾何学, 2023年8月.
3. 白根 竹人 :
Divisor class groups of double covers over projective spaces,
阪大代数幾何学セミナー, 2023年4月.
4. 白根 竹人, Meirav Amram, 坂内 真三, Uriel Sinichkin, 徳永 浩雄 :
Splitting invariants and a ϖ_1 equivalent Zariski pair of conic-line arrangements,
日本数学会年会, 2023年3月.
5. 白根 竹人 :
Modified plumbing graphs and Galois covers of plane curves,
神戸代数幾何学ワークショップ, 2022年12月.
6. 白根 竹人 :
Splitting invariants of plane curves,
第25回代数曲面ワークショップ at 南大沢, 2022年8月.
7. 白根 竹人 :
Double covers and vector bundles of rank two,
城崎代数幾何学シンポジウム2020, 2020年10月.
8. 白根 竹人 :
Double covers and vector bundles of rank two,
第22回代数曲面ワークショップZoom, 2020年9月.
9. 白根 竹人 :
平成30年度第1回徳島数学談話会(冬の会), 2018年12月.
10. 白根 竹人 :
Galois covers of graphs and embedded topology or plane curves,
射影多様体の幾何とその周辺2018, 2018年10月.
11. 白根 竹人 :
Graphs and the embedded topology of plane curves,
第18回代数曲面ワークショップ at 秋葉原, 2018年7月.
12. 白根 竹人 :
Galois covers of graphs and embedded topology of plane curves,
幾何学コロキウム, 2018年6月.

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