Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences歯学域Oral ScienceClinical DentistryDepartment of Conservative Dentistry
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of DentistryCourse in DentistryClinical Dentistry for Oral Health and FunctionConservative Dentistry
Tokushima UniversityResearch ClustersResearch Clusters2202006 接着歯学&光工学との最先端融合によるSuper Tooth創生 ∼次世代の低侵襲接着再生歯科治療への展開∼
Tokushima UniversityInstitute of Post-LED Photonics
Tokushima UniversityUniversity HospitalClinical DivisionDepartment of General DentistryConservative Dentistry
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(Yonekura, Kazuhide) (6.5%) / (Retired)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
Hosokawa, Ikuko (5.7%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Conservative dentistry and endodontics]
Lecture: Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative and Regenerative Dentistry Seminar (Graduate School), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Endodontics (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅱ (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Ida, Yumika (3.9%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 歯学博士
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
Hosokawa, Yoshitaka (3.9%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: periodontal disease
Lecture: Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative and Regenerative Dentistry (Graduate School), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Endodontics (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 歯周炎病変局所へのリンパ球浸潤機構に関する研究 (periodontal disease)
Takegawa, Daisuke (2.8%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 歯学博士
Field of Study: Life sciences [Conservative dentistry and endodontics]
Lecture: Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative and Regenerative Dentistry Seminar (Graduate School), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Endodontics (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Watanabe, Keiichiro (2.8%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Biomaterials and Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Biomedical Engineering (Graduate School), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Ozaki, Kazumi (2.6%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Operative Dentistry, Periodontology
Lecture: Team Approach for Dental Treatment in health and welfare (Bachelor Course), チーム歯科医療学(3年生Manaba用) (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), 保存系歯科学(3年生Manaba用) (Bachelor Course), Graduation Thesis (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究(4年生) (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecture for Oral Health Science (Graduate School), The Clinical Associated Practice of Oral Health Sciences (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Special Practice for Oral Health Care Promotion (Graduate School), Special Research for Oral Health Care Promotion (Graduate School), Oral health promotion, nutrition guidance and social service for the elderly (Graduate School), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Oral Physiology (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Dental Assisting Program (Bachelor Course), 歯科診療補助論(3年生Manaba用) (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Lecture for Oral Functional Management for the Disabled or the Elderly (Graduate School), Practice for Oral Functional Management for the Disabled or the Elderly (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 象牙質齲蝕の発症機構に関する研究 (Streptococcus mutans, 齲蝕原性, 菌体内多糖)
Kuramoto, Hitomi (2.1%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: 歯科保存学
Subject of Study: 歯髄炎の病態解析と新規歯髄保護療法の開発
Nakanishi, Tadashi (2.1%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Dentistry
Lecture: Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative and Regenerative Dentistry (Graduate School), Oral Cavity and Health (Common Curriculum), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Endodontics (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Tanaka, Eiji (1.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Orthodontics
Lecture: (臨床系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), Oral Cavity and Health (Common Curriculum), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (Graduate School), Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Seminar (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions (Graduate School), Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Outline of Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 3 (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Graduate School), clinical psychology (Graduate School), Experimental Training in Dentofacial Developmental Science and Social Dentistry (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Etiology, Diagnosis and treatment of the temporomandibular joint disorders, Application of ultrasound to dentoalveolar tissues, Biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint (temporomandibular joint, ultrasound, clinical orthodontics, biomechanics, viscoelasticity)
Hamada, Kenichi (1.0%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Metallic Materials, Metallic Materials, Biomaterials, Biomaterials
Lecture: (基礎系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), Biomaterials and Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Leading seminar on practical oral science (Graduate School), Dental Material Science (Bachelor Course), Dental Engineering (Bachelor Course), Dental Engineering (Bachelor Course), Biomedical Engineering (Graduate School), Biomaterials Science and Engineering (Graduate School), Biomaterials Science and Engineering Seminar (Graduate School), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Bioengineering for Hard Tissue (Graduate School), Overview Dentistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: スマート床義歯に関する研究 (スマート複合材料), 生体用新形状記憶合金の開発 (ニッケルフリー), 生体用チタン合金の生体親和性向上に関する研究 (表面改質), MRI対応の非磁性生体用合金の開発 (MRIアーチファクト)
Yano, Taka-aki (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Optical Science and Technology Laboratory 2 (Bachelor Course), Optical Science and Technology Computation Exercise (Bachelor Course), Basics on Semiconductor Nanotechnology (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Quantum Optics (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Tokizane, Yu (0.5%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor
Field of Study: Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) [Measurement engineering]
Lecture: Active Learning Workshop (Bachelor Course), Data Science (Graduate School), Lecture and Exercise in Programming (Bachelor Course), Introduction for Medical Device Development (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Research Approaches in Science and Technology C (Graduate School), System Analysis (Bachelor Course), Nonlinear Optics (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Hosokawa, Yuki (0.5%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative and Regenerative Dentistry Seminar (Graduate School), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Endodontics (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Suzuki, Yoshitaka (0.5%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Sports science], Life sciences [Physiology], Life sciences [Prosthodontics]
Lecture: Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Crown prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Oral Physiology (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Fixed Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Fixed Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Biomedical Engineering (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 3 (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(歯学科・掲示板) (Bachelor Course), Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Stomatognathic function reconstruction (Bachelor Course), Stomatognathic Function and Occlusal (Graduate School), Stomatognathic Function and Occlusal Seminar (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Matsuka, Yoshizo (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Prosthodontics, Prosthodontics, Neuroscience, 組織再生
Lecture: Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Crown prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Oral Cavity and Health (Common Curriculum), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Oral Physiology (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), Fixed Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Fixed Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Fixed Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Stomatognathic function reconstruction (Bachelor Course), Stomatognathic Function and Occlusal (Graduate School), Stomatognathic Function and Occlusal Seminar (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Oral Rehabilitation (Oral reconstruction), 神経伝達 (Pain, Mandibular movement, temporomandibular joint disorder), Regeneration
Kudo, Yasusei (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD.
Field of Study: Oral Pathology, Biochemistry, Molecular Pharmacology
Lecture: 基礎生物学DⅠ, 基礎生物学DⅡ, SIH道場~アクティブ・ラーニング入門~(歯学部), 一般生化学, 分子生化学, 歯科薬理学, 生理学・生化学・病理学・薬理学, 薬理学各論1, 薬理学各論2, 薬理学総論, 生化学・薬理学実習1, ゲノム創薬特論, プロテオミクス概論
Subject of Study: (Oral Cancer, Head and neck cancer, cell cycle, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, invasion and metastasis), 口腔癌の増殖・浸潤メカニズムの解明 (口腔癌), 口腔癌の増殖・浸潤メカニズムの解明 (口腔癌)
Yasui, Takeshi (0.5%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Dr. Eng., Dr. Med. Sci.
Field of Study: THz instrumentation and metrology, Biomedical Optics, Applied Optics, Applied Optics
Lecture: Introduction to STEM (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション1年 (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション2年 (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション3年 (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Micro-Nano Engineering (Graduate School), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Mechanical Measurement 1 (Bachelor Course), Mechanical Measurement 2 (Bachelor Course), Design of Machine Elements and Drawing (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Nondestructive Metrology (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: High-precision THz spectroscopy, Real-time THz imaging, THz frequency metrology, THz frequency comb, THz applications, Collagen-sensitive SHG microscopy for biomedical applications, 光コム, ファイバーセンシング
Iwasaki, Tomonori (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Pediatric Dentistry
Lecture: (臨床系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), 2022年度 臨床能力試験説明用コンテンツ (Bachelor Course), Oral Cavity and Health (Common Curriculum), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), Pediatric Dentistry (Graduate School), Pediatric Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry Seminar (Graduate School), General Pediatric Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 3 (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), General Medicine (Graduate School), Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Graduate School), Introduction to How to Write Up Scientific Manuscript in English (Graduate School), Special care dentistry (Bachelor Course), Experimental Training in Dentofacial Developmental Science and Social Dentistry (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Okawa, Toshinori (0.3%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Prosthodontics
Lecture: Medical Communication (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 天然有歯顎者の咬合面形態と顎運動, 歯科用CAD/CAM, デジタル歯科
Oishi, Masatsugu (0.3%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Dr. Eng.
Field of Study: Solid State Ionics, Electrochemistry
Lecture: 科学技術論E
Subject of Study: Fuel cell, Secondary battery,phosphor
Hiasa, Masahiro (0.3%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Dentistry
Lecture: Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (Graduate School), Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Seminar (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Outline of Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics (Bachelor Course), Experimental Training in Dentofacial Developmental Science and Social Dentistry (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
Yumoto, Hiromichi (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Conservative Dentistry
Lecture: 2022年度 臨床能力試験説明用コンテンツ (Bachelor Course), SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Oral Cavity and Health (Common Curriculum), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Oral Infectious Diseases (Graduate School), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Graduate School), Periodontology and Endodontology Seminar (Graduate School), Periodontology: Specifics (Bachelor Course), Periodontal therapy practical training (Bachelor Course), Periodontology: General Theory (Bachelor Course), Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions (Graduate School), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Periodontology and Endodontology (Bachelor Course), Dental Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Social Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(6年) (Bachelor Course), Geriatric Dentistry Exercise and Experiment (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Study on adherence of oral bacteria, Study on interaction between periodontopathogenic bacteria and epithelial cells, Study on the ability of biofilm formation of period to pathogenic bacteria, Role of periodontal disease for cardiovascular disease, Study on pathogenesis of dental pulpitis, Application of electro-magnetic wave treatment to refractory periapical periodontitis
Okura, Kazuo (0.3%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Prosthodontics
Lecture: (臨床系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Crown prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), Oral Physiology (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Fixed Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Fixed Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), Prosthodontics (Bachelor Course), Stomatognathic function reconstruction (Bachelor Course), Stomatognathic Function and Occlusal (Graduate School), Stomatognathic Function and Occlusal Seminar (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: 睡眠時ブラキシズムの測定と解析に関する研究 (bruxism, stomatognathic function, sleep, electromyogram activity)
Suge, Toshiyuki (0.3%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PrD
Field of Study: Conservative Dentistry
Lecture: (臨床系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Operative and Regenerative Dentistry (Graduate School), Oral Infectious Diseases (Graduate School), Anatomy of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region Practice (Graduate School), 歯内治療学 (Bachelor Course), Endodontics (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Conservative Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 3 (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 象牙質知覚過敏症に関する研究, アパタイト析出法を利用した象牙質知覚過敏症の治療法の開発に関する研究 (アパタイト, リン酸カルシウム, 象牙質知覚過敏症)