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Nomaguchi, Masako (41.8%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Virology
Lecture: ウイルス学 (Bachelor Course), Virology (Bachelor Course), ウイルス学実習 (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション(1年) (Bachelor Course), Human Science (Pathology) (Graduate School), プレ配属演習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), General introduction to medicine (Common Curriculum), Research Training Program (Bachelor Course), Research Training Program (Bachelor Course), Basic Medical Science (Bachelor Course), Microbiology & Immunology Experiment (Graduate School), Microbiology - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Microbiology (Graduate School), Practice for Microbiology (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: HIV-1/SIVの複製と進化・適応に関する研究 (HIV-1, SIV, アクセサリー蛋白質, キャプシド, 宿主因子)
Koma, Takaaki (13.9%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Virology
Lecture: ウイルス学 (Bachelor Course), ウイルス学実習 (Bachelor Course), Human Science (Pathology) (Graduate School), プレ配属演習 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Proteomics (Graduate School), Microbiology & Immunology Experiment (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: RNAウイルスの複製・病原性発現機構に関する研究 (HIV-1, ハンタウイルス, アレナウイルス, HDV, コロナウイルス)
Doi, Naoya (13.4%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Life sciences [Virology]
Lecture: ウイルス学 (Bachelor Course), ウイルス学実習 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Kondo, Tomoyuki (4.2%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: ウイルス学 (Bachelor Course), ウイルス学実習 (Bachelor Course), プレ配属演習 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Miyoshi, Hirokazu (3.9%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Field of Study: Radiation Chemistry, Nanomaterials, Radiation Safety Management
Lecture: Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Experimental animal science・Outline of Basic Radiological Science (Common Curriculum), Advanced Quantum Chemistry (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: シリカナノ粒子のネットワーク構造化とその放射線効果に関する研究 (シリカナノ粒子), 機能性分子を固定したシリカナノ粒子に関する研究, 教育訓練並びにRI施設における安全管理に関する研究
Kuwahara, Yoshinori (3.3%) / 技術専門職員   [Detail]
Academic Degree:
Field of Study: Radiation Safety Management
Subject of Study: RI廃棄物の効率的な管理システムの構築, RIの入出庫の効率的な管理システムの構築
Irikura, Namiko (3.3%) / 技術専門職員   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 理学学士
Field of Study:
Subject of Study: RI廃棄物の効率的な管理システムの構築, RI施設利用の効率的な教育システムの構築
(Maezawa, Hiroshi) (1.8%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D
Field of Study: Radiation Biology, Radiation Oncology
Subject of Study: Studies of mechanism of radiobiological action on organisms using th techniques of soft x-ray microbeam and photon induced Auger effect., Study of biological effects of heavy ions on mammalian cells., Study of effects of cell growth factors and cytokines on mammalian cells exposed to radiation, heat and hyoxic condition., Study of protection of radiation injury on normal tissues. (microbeam, Auger effect, soft X-rays, heavy ions, radiation injury)
(Kagawa, Susumu) (0.9%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: M.D., Ph.D.
Field of Study: Urology
Subject of Study: マウス腎癌モデルでのIL-12やアンギオスタチン遺伝子導入による遺伝子療法,尿路上皮癌における血管再生や湿潤·転移に関与する遺伝子の解明,腎癌の新たな予後因子の検討,糖尿病自然発症ラットにおける勃起障害の解明,尿路結石形成抑制物質の作用機構
Murao, Fumiko (0.6%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: 皮膚・感覚器コース (Bachelor Course), 皮膚・感覚器コース(3年) (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Kaji, Ryuji (0.6%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: Introduction to Biological Ethics (Graduate School), Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Graduate School)
Subject of Study:
(Sone, Saburo) (0.6%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Respiratory Disease, Respiratory Disease
Subject of Study: 肺がんの転移·血管新生分子を標的とした生物学的制御法開発に関する研究 (多臓器転移, 臓器微小環境, 分子標的治療, cDNAマイクロアレイ, bone metastasis), 分子標的薬剤の反応性診断と耐性克服薬剤の治療応用に関する研究 (分子標的薬, ゲフィチニブ, cDNAマイクロアレイ)
Yasutomo, Koji (0.6%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Immunology, Pediatrics, Rheumatology
Lecture: Human Science (Pathology) (Graduate School), Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), Immunology/Parasitology (Bachelor Course), Immunology/Parasitology Practice (Bachelor Course), General introduction to medicine (Common Curriculum), Basic Medical Science (Bachelor Course), Immunology (Bachelor Course), Microbiology & Immunology Experiment (Graduate School), Microbiology - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Immunology (Graduate School), Practice for Immunology (Graduate School), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course), Bacteriology (Bachelor Course), Bacteriology (Bachelor Course), Bacteriology Practice (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: T cell biology, Genetic analysis of human autoimmune diseases
Nagamatsu, Kentaro (0.3%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Lecture: Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Graduate Research on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Graduate School), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Design Laboratory (Bachelor Course), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Elementary Laboratory (Bachelor Course), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory 3 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 電子・電気材料工学 (nitride semiconductor, light emitting diode, laser diode, transistor, process)
Minamikawa, Takeo (0.3%) / Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Designated Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D., Ph.D.
Field of Study: Raman spectroscopy, Biomedical Engineering, Applied Optics, Spectoscopic Measurement
Subject of Study: Raman spectroscopy and microscopy, Medical application of Raman spectroscopy, Applied instrumentation of optical frequency comb, Restorational study of cultural property by optical instrumentation
Ishifune, Chieko (0.3%) / Assistant Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 医学博士
Field of Study: Immunology
Subject of Study: Notchシグナルによる免疫担当細胞の分化・機能制御 (Notchシグナル, T lymphocytes, ミエロイド細胞, dendritic cell, macrophage, 腸管上皮間リンパ球(IEL), T cell activation, cell differentiation)
Yasui, Takeshi (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Dr. Eng., Dr. Med. Sci.
Field of Study: THz instrumentation and metrology, Biomedical Optics, Applied Optics, Applied Optics
Lecture: Introduction to STEM (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション1年 (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション2年 (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション3年 (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Micro-Nano Engineering (Graduate School), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Mechanical Measurement 1 (Bachelor Course), Mechanical Measurement 2 (Bachelor Course), Design of Machine Elements and Drawing (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Nondestructive Metrology (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: High-precision THz spectroscopy, Real-time THz imaging, THz frequency metrology, THz frequency comb, THz applications, Collagen-sensitive SHG microscopy for biomedical applications, 光コム, ファイバーセンシング
(Honda, Eiichi) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 歯学博士
Field of Study: Dentistry
Subject of Study:
Ishida, Tatsuhiro (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Biopharmaceutics
Lecture: Core DDS lecture (Bachelor Course), Advanced Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Intellectual Property in the Medical Field (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Drug Safety Studies (Graduate School), Graduation Study (Bachelor Course), Graduation Study 1 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Study 2 (Bachelor Course), Basic Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Graduate School, Course Open Seminar (Graduate School), Applied Clinical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 1 (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 2 (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 3 (Bachelor Course), Seminar of Drug Development (Graduate School), Special Lecture for Clinical Pharmacokinetics (Graduate School), Pharmaceutics (Bachelor Course), Pharmacokinetics (Bachelor Course), Practice of Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Research Training in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Pharmaceutical Science Ⅰ (Graduate School), English for Pharmaceutical Sciences 2 (Bachelor Course), Doctoral Thesis Research in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Research Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (Graduate School), Master's Thesis Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduate School), Physical Pharmacy (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Development of drug delivery system with liposomes (liposomes, drug delivery system, cancer therapy, ischemia, pharmacokinetics)
(Nishitani, Hiromu) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D.
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
(Shiota, Hiroshi) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree:
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:
(Takahama, Yousuke) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph. D. in Medical Science
Field of Study: Immunology, Molecular Biology
Subject of Study: Development and selection of T lymphocytes in the thymus, Organogenesis of the thymus, Biology of immune system development (immunity, T cells, T lymphocytes, thymus, cell differentiation)
(Tsuji, Akihiko) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Biochemistry, Enzyme Chemistry
Subject of Study: Molecular basis of regulatory mechanism for cell growth and differentiation by proprotein convertases, Structure and function of plant proteases, Development of animal cellulases by protein engineering (protease, プロセシング, 翻訳後修飾, 血清タンパク, 酵素補充療法)
Moriga, Toshihiro (0.3%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Dr., Sci.
Field of Study: Inorganic Materials Chemistry
Lecture: Introduction to STEM (Bachelor Course), STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Advanced Environmental Technology on Chemistry (Graduate School), Basic Inorganic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Industrial Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Physical Properties of Materials (Bachelor Course), Advanced Materials Science (Graduate School), Inorganic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Research Approaches in Science and Technology B (Graduate School), Surface Science and Technology (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Research and development of novel transparent conducting oxides, Synthesis and structural analysis of metal oxynitrides, Research and Development of materials containing rare-earth metal oxides, Structural chemistry on combustion catalysts, Basic research on electrode materials for lithium ion secondary battery (transparent conducting oxides, metal oxynitrides, Phosphors, superionic conductors, X-ray diffractometry, X-ray spectroscopy)
(Hanabusa, Takao) (0.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 工学博士(大阪大学)
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Subject of Study: X線材料強度学 (X-ray stress measurement, residual stress, Dimensional instability, Surface modification, Stress in thin films)