
New Professors (Last 1.5 Years)

Jul. 1, 2024

Matsuoka, Ken-ichi / Professor   [Detail]
Portrait Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences医学域Medical ScienceInternal MedicineDepartment of hematology, endocrinology and metabolism
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of MedicineSchool of MedicineCourse of Molecular MedicineHemotology, endocrinology and metabolism
Tokushima UniversityUniversity HospitalClinical DivisionDepartment of Internal MedicineHematology
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study:
Lecture: Endocrine and Metabolic Course (Bachelor Course), Hematology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism (Bachelor Course), Hematology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism (Bachelor Course), Hematologic Course (Bachelor Course), 血液コース,内分泌・代謝コース (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:

Jun. 1, 2024

Morigaki, Ryoma / Designated Professor   [Detail]
Portrait Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences医学域共同研究講座Department of Advanced Brain Research
Tokushima UniversityUniversity HospitalClinical DivisionDepartment of Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and AnesthesiologyNeurosurgery
Tokushima UniversityResearch ClustersResearch Clusters (Registered)2104004 ジストニア・運動異常症における新規脳画像マーカーの開発
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Neurosurgery
Lecture: Utilization of Health Care and the Latest Technology in Society (Common Curriculum), 神経・精神・行動コース (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 機能的脳神経外科

Apr. 1, 2024

Nakamura, Shingen / Designated Professor   [Detail]
Portrait Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences医学域Endwed Collaborative ResearchContributionDepartment of Community Medicine and Medical Science
Tokushima UniversityResearch ClustersResearch Clusters (Selected)2103001 リード薬の構造活性相関による新規構造化合物の創出とその物性・治療活性の最適化
Academic Degree: Doctor
Field of Study:
Lecture: Internal Medicine 1 (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 1 (Bachelor Course), Pathophysiology (Graduate School), Laboratory Medicine (Bachelor Course), Haematology II(Cellular components・Basics of hemostasis) (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 1 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Nishi, Masaaki / Designated Professor   [Detail]
Portrait Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences医学域Endwed Collaborative ResearchContributionDepartment of Community Medicine and Medical Science
Tokushima UniversityUniversity HospitalClinical DivisionDepartment of SurgeryDigestive Surgery and Transplantation
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study:
Subject of Study:

Jan. 1, 2024

Yamada, Hirotsugu / Designated Professor   [Detail]
Portrait Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences医学域Endwed Collaborative ResearchContribution地域循環器内科学
Tokushima UniversityResearch ClustersResearch Clusters (Registered)2203004 AIによる自動診断技術の開発と遠隔医療の実現
Academic Degree: 博士(医学)
Field of Study: Medicine
Lecture: 循環器コース(3年) (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 2 (Bachelor Course), Clinical medicine (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:

Dec. 1, 2023

Terai, Kenta / Professor   [Detail]
Portrait Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences医学域Medical SciencePhysiological SciencesDepartment of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of MedicineSchool of MedicineCourse of Integrated Brain SciencesAnatomy and Cell Biology
Tokushima UniversityInstitute of Post-LED Photonics
Academic Degree: Doctor of Medicine
Field of Study: ライフサイエンス
Lecture: 解剖学Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Anatomy I (Bachelor Course), 解剖学Ⅰ実習 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 実験病理学, 医化学

Nov. 1, 2023

Furukawa, Junya / Professor   [Detail]
Portrait Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences医学域Medical ScienceSurgeryDepartment of Urology
Tokushima UniversityUniversity HospitalClinical DivisionDepartment of SurgeryUrology
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of MedicineSchool of MedicineCourse of Diseased Organ and Repair MedicineUrology
Academic Degree: 医学
Field of Study:
Lecture: Urology (Bachelor Course), Renal, Urinary, and Male Reproductive Organ Course (Bachelor Course), Clinical medicine (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: