2004014 高齢者機能評価を用いたがん患者のリスクアセスメントを基盤とした治療方針の決定の検討 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2103001 リード薬の構造活性相関による新規構造化合物の創出とその物性・治療活性の最適化 |
Research Clusters (Selected), Research Clusters. |
2104001 低温空気プラズマ活性水・LED照射を組み合わせた 生鮮食品の抗酸化成分増量技術の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104002 webを活用したマルチモーダルな感性情報処理と人工知能によるうつ状態・不安状態の検出 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104003 セラノスティクスの実現に向けた薬剤開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104004 ジストニア・運動異常症における新規脳画像マーカーの開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104005 ミトコンドリア移植による加齢性病態,組織損傷,および治療抵抗性腫瘍に対する新規治療法の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104006 悪性骨・軟部腫瘍に対する青色LED光を用いた新規治療開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104008 慢性炎症を介した老化制御および生活習慣病病態の解明と予防法の探索 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104009 軟部肉腫患者におけるelectronic patient-reported outcomeモニタリングシステムの開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104010 ポリウレタンフォームを利用した実用サイズの炭酸アパタイト多孔体の開発と骨再生医療への応用 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104011 バーチャルリアリティ技術の社会実装推進プロジェクト ―Tokushima Virtual Reality Applications Project― |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104012 次世代紫外光源による病原ウイルス不活化最適化技術の開発と応用 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104013 リモートプラズモニクスによる表面増強ラマン散乱を応用した,新しい慢性炎症性皮膚疾患の評価法の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104015 医療ビッグデータ解析を活用した治療の最適化およびドラッグリポジショニング研究 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104016 成長・老化を制御するミネラル栄養学の確立 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104017 複数時間スケールをもつ神経回路モデルにおける分岐問題の解析 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2104018 徳島の特産品(藍,スダチ)の,薬用および産業資源としての活用を志向した基礎研究 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2201001 シームレスな光イノベーションを創出する次世代光技術 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2201002 慢性炎症の理解と操作 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2201003 プレシジョン栄養学の研究基盤確立を目指す食と栄養研究クラスター |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2201004 医薬・農薬・診断薬に展開可能な鍵物質創製 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2201005 がんの生存戦略の理解と刷新 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2202001 合成生物学に基づく産官学連携バイオエコノミー創薬プラットフォームの構築 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2202002 独自の解析技術と疾患科学の融合によるリボソーム創薬の創生 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2202003 1q増幅がもたらす腫瘍の進展・難治性病態の解明とその克服のための新規治療薬の創出 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2202004 次世代DDS拠点形成:従来DDSの常識を超えた薬物送達技術の開発と難治性疾患治療への展開 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2202005 無機固体蛍光体材料を用いた紫外光波長同定ミニ分光器及び紫外線可視カメラの開発 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2202006 接着歯学&光工学との最先端融合によるSuper Tooth創生 ∼次世代の低侵襲接着再生歯科治療への展開∼ |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2202007 大規模自然災害からのインクルーシブ避難の実現 |
Research Clusters, Research Clusters. |
2203001 小胞体ストレス創薬研究 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203002 テラヘルツ波と近赤外光を併用したインフラ構造物の点検・診断システムの開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203003 微生物の有効活用と栄養不良予防法の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203004 AIによる自動診断技術の開発と遠隔医療の実現 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203005 Medical Computer Vision Systemの開発と臨床応用 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203006 宿主の炎症型マクロファージを標的とした抗炎症療法の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203007 高大連携によるLED植物工場を用いた徳島県内の希少植物・遺伝資源の保存法の開発とその応用に関する研究の推進 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203009 核酸増幅イムノクロマト法を基盤としたオンサイト病原体検査システムの開発と実用化 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203010 糖尿病神経障害の早期発見を目的とした動的バランス機能計測とその測定器開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203011 学・官・産・共の連携による世界農業遺産の保全・活用モデルの構築 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203012 ミオパチー診断クラスター |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203013 Socity5.0時代を生きる子どものための次世代型ヘルスリテラシー教育プログラムの開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203014 AIを活用した食事摂取量自動判定による栄養管理システムの構築 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203015 外耳道音によるイヤホンマイク型顎口腔咽頭活動モニタリングシステム(JOpAMoS)に関する研究開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203016 炭酸基量の制御による骨リモデリングと調和する新規の炭酸アパタイト人工骨の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203017 消化器がんと脂肪細胞のクロストーク機構解明による早期診断と標的治療法の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203018 次世代光による深部散乱現象を利用した非破壊検査技術の実現 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203019 AIを用いた糖尿病患者に対する食事管理システムの開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203020 白色LED光照射した2次元窒化炭素ナノシート光触媒活性による 植物養液ダメージレス殺菌技術の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203021 極薄膜多層構造を用いた深紫外光ディテクターの開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203022 単結晶大面積グラフェンを利用したイオン・バイオセンサプラットフォームの開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203023 歯周病の重症化が心血管系疾患を惹起する遺伝科学的メカニズムの解明と予防法開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203024 アトピー性疾患の新規治療薬の開発 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203025 UV光によるウイルス不活化表面皮膜の実現 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
2203026 マイクロミニブタからナノミニブタへ:新規ナノミニブタの系統樹立と機能解析 |
Research Clusters (Registered), Research Clusters. |
A |
Academic Information Department |
Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
(Academic Support Office for Students with Special Needs) |
Administration of Information Technology, Center for |
Administrative Head Office (Headquarters) |
Admission Office |
Student Affairs Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
Adult and Gerontological Nursing |
Major in Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Advance Radiation Research, Education, and Management Center |
Advanced Brain Research, Department of |
共同研究講座, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Advanced Medical Sciences, Institute of |
Advanced Research Promotion Center |
Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences |
Regional Science, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences. |
Advanced Technology and Science, Graduate School of |
Agrobioscience |
Bioresource Science, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Agroscience |
Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Analytical Sciences |
製薬学講座, School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Analytical Sciences, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Course of Integrated Brain Sciences, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department of |
Physiological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Anatomy and Developmental Neurobiology, Department of |
Physiological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Anesthesiology |
Course of Biological Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Anesthesiology |
Department of Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Anesthesiology, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Anesthesiology, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Animal Research Resources and Genetic Engineering, Division for |
Advanced Research Promotion Center. |
Applied Bioscience |
Bioengineering, Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Applied Chemistry |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Applied Chemistry |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Applied Chemistry |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Applied Chemistry and Biological Engineering Program |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Applied Information Media Engineering |
Information Science and Intelligent Systems, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Applied Internal Medicine |
協力講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Applied Life Science |
Bioresource Science, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Applied Life Science |
Department of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry. |
Applied Mathematical Sciences |
Mathematical Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Applied Mathematical Sciences |
数理科学コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Applied Mathematical Sciences |
Mathematical Sciences, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Applied Nutrition, Department of |
Medical Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Applied Nutrition, Department of |
Course of Basic Human Nutrition, School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Archaeological Heritage Management Office |
AWA Support Center |
B |
Basic Dentistry |
Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Basic Human Nutrition, Course of |
School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Basic Oral Sciences |
Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Bio-imaging, Division of |
Advanced Research Promotion Center. |
Bio-Innovation Research Center |
Biochemistry |
Course of Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Biochemistry, Department of |
Physiological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Bioengineering |
Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Biological Functions |
Biological Science and Technology, Life and Materials Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Biological Medicine, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Biological Medicine, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Biological Production Systems |
Department of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry. |
Biological Reactions |
Biological Science and Technology, Life and Materials Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Biological Science and Technology |
Life and Materials Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Biological Sciences |
Natural Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Biological Sciences |
自然科学コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Biological Sciences |
Natural Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Biomaterials and Bioengineering |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Biomaterials and Bioengineering |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Department of |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Biomedical Information Sciences |
Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences. |
Biomedical Information Sciences |
Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences. |
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences |
Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Biomedical Science and Technology, Department of |
Radiological Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Biomedical Sciences, Graduate School of |
Bioorganic Chemistry, Department of |
Integrative Medicinal Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Bioorganic Synthetic Chemistry |
創薬学講座, School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Bioorganic Synthetic Chemistry, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Biopharmaceutics |
生命医療薬学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Bioregulation and Medical Oncology, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Bioregulation and Medical Oncology, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Bioresource Science |
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Bioresource Science and Economics |
Agroscience, Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Bioresources Program |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
(Bioscience and Bioindustry) |
Bioscience and Bioindustry, Department of |
Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry. |
Bioscience and Bioindustry, Division of |
Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Bioscience and Bioindustry, Faculty of |
C |
Cancer Management Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Cardiovascular Medicine |
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Cardiovascular Medicine |
Course of Diseased Organ and Repair Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Cardiovascular Surgery |
Department of Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Cardiovascular Surgery |
Course of Diseased Organ and Repair Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Career and Professional Development, Center for |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Cell Biology |
Course of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Cell Biology, Department of |
Physiological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Cells and Immunity Analytics, Department of |
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Center of the Endoscopy |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
(Center of University Education) |
Central Clinical Facilities |
University Hospital. |
Chemical and Physical Analyses, Division of |
Center for Technical Support, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Chemical Process Engineering |
Applied Chemistry, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Chemical Process Engineering |
Applied Chemistry, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Chemical Process Engineering |
Chemical Science and Technology, Life and Materials Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Chemical Process Engineering |
Applied Chemistry, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Chemical Science and Technology |
Life and Materials Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Chemistry |
Natural Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Chemistry |
自然科学コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Chemistry |
Natural Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Child Health & Nursing, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Chronomedicine, Department of |
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Clinical Anatomy Education and Research Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Clinical and Applied Nutrition, Course of |
School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Clinical Dentistry |
Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Function |
Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Surgery |
Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Clinical Dentistry for Promotion and Development |
Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Clinical Division |
University Hospital. |
Clinical Neuroscience, Center for |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Clinical Nutrition and Food Management, Department of |
Medical Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Clinical Nutrition and Food Management, Department of |
Course of Clinical and Applied Nutrition, School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Clinical Pharmacology |
生命医療薬学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Clinical Pharmacology, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Clinical Pharmacy |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Clinical Pharmacy |
Course of Biological Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Clinical Pharmacy |
協力講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Clinical pharmacy practice pedagogy, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Educational Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Clinical Psychology |
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Clinical Research Center for Diabetes |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
COCORO Clinic for Children and Family |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
(Collaboration among Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, Center for ) |
Communication, Control and Measurement Systems |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Communication, Control and Measurement Systems |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Communication, Control and Measurement Systems |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Community and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Community and Psychiatric Nursing |
Major in Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Community Development Studies |
Regional Science, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences. |
Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning, Center for |
Community Health Nursing, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Community Medical and Welfare, Department of |
Oral Health and Welfare, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Community Medicine and Human Resource Development, Department of |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Community Medicine and Medical Science, Department of |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Community Medicine for Pulmonary and General Surgery, Department of |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
(Community Revitalization, Center for ) |
Comparative Studies in Society and Culture |
Department of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences. |
Comprehensive Dentistry |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Comprehensive Dentistry |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Function, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Comprehensive Dentistry, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Computer and Optical Sciences |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Computer Science |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Computer Science |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Computer Science and Mathematical Science Program |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Conservative Dentistry |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Function, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Conservative Dentistry |
Department of General Dentistry, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Conservative Dentistry, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Contribution |
Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Contribution |
連携研究部門(保健学域), 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Crisis Management Research Division |
Research Center for Management of Disaster and Environment. |
D |
Dental Anesthesiology |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Dental Anesthesiology |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Surgery, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Dental Anesthesiology, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Dental Anesthosiology |
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Dental Hygiene Section |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Dentistry, Course in |
Faculty of Dentistry. |
Dentistry, Faculty of |
Deptment of Anatomy and Developmental Neurobiology |
Course of Human Development, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Dermatological Science |
Course of Pathologic Medicine for Senso-motoric System, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Dermatological Science, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Dermatology |
Department of Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, and Plastic Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Design-Oriented AI Education and Research, Center for |
Diagnostic Pathology |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Diagnostic Radiology |
Department of Radiology, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Diagnostic Radiology, Department of |
Radiological Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Digestive and Pediatric Surgery |
Course of Diseased Organ and Repair Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Digestive Surgery and Transplantation |
Department of Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Digestive Surgery and Transplantation, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Disaster Medicine Research Division |
Research Center for Management of Disaster and Environment. |
Disaster Prevention Research Division |
Research Center for Management of Disaster and Environment. |
Disaster Science and Mitigation |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Disaster Science and Mitigation |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Disaster Science and Mitigation |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Diseased Organ and Repair Medicine, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Diseased Organ and Repair Medicine, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Drug Metabolism and Therapeutics |
生命医療薬学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
E |
Electric Energy Engineering |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Electric Power |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Electrical and Electronic Systems |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Electrical Energy Engineering |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Electrical Energy Engineering |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Electrical Energy Engineering |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Physics Program |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Electronic Circuit and Computer Science |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Electronic Circuit and Computer Science |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Electronic Circuit and Computer Science |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Emergency and Critical Care Medicine |
Course of Biological Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Emergency and Critical Care Medicine |
救急科, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Department of |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Endocrinology and Metabolism |
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Endwed Collaborative Research |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Energy System |
Mechanical Science, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Energy System |
Mechanical Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Energy System |
Mechanical Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Engineering, Faculty of |
Environment Research Division |
Research Center for Management of Disaster and Environment. |
Environmental Conservation Engineering |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Environmental Symbiosis Studies |
Regional Science, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences. |
Epilepsy Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Esophageal, Breast and Thyroid Surgery |
Department of Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
F |
Facilities Planning and Management Department |
Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
Facilities Planning Section |
Facilities Planning and Management Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
Fixed Prosthodontics |
Department of General Dentistry, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Fixed Prosthodontics |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Function, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Food Bioscience |
Bioresource Science, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Food Science |
Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Food Science |
Department of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry. |
Food Science and Technology |
Food Science, Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Forensic Medicine |
Course of Pathologic Medicine for Senso-motoric System, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Forensic Medicine, Department of |
Social Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Functional Laboratory Science |
Major in Laboratory Science, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Fundamental Nursing |
Major in Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Fundamental Oral Health Science |
School of Oral Health and Welfare, Faculty of Dentistry. |
G |
Gastroenterology |
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Gastroenterology and Oncology, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Gastroenteroology and Oncology |
Course of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
General Dentistry, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
General Medicine |
Course of Social and Environmental Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
General Medicine and Community Health Science, Department of |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
General Medicine and Primary Care |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
General Medicine, Department of |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Geological Sciences |
Natural Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Geological Sciences |
自然科学コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Geological Sciences |
Natural Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
H |
Health Science |
保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Health Sciences |
Graduate School of Health Sciences. |
Health Sciences of Mind and Body |
Department of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences. |
Health Sciences, Graduate School of |
Health Sciences, School of |
Faculty of Medicine. |
(Health Service and Counseling Center) |
Health Service, Counseling and Accessibility Center |
Healthcare Education Research, Department of |
教育支援系, 特定研究部門, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Hematology |
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
hematology, endocrinology and metabolism, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Hemotology, endocrinology and metabolism |
Course of Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Higher Brain Dysfunction Support Centre |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Human Development, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Human Development, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Hygiene and Oral Health Science, Department of |
Oral Health and Welfare, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
I |
Immunology and Parasitology |
Course of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Immunology and Parasitology, Department of |
Pathological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Industry-University R&D Startup Leading Institute |
Infection Control and Prevention, Department of |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Information Science |
Information Science and Intelligent Systems, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Information Science |
Computer Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Information Science |
知能情報コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Information Science |
Computer Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Information Science and Intelligent Systems |
Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Information System, Division of |
Center for Technical Support, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
(Innovation Education, Center for ) |
Institutional Research Office |
Integrated Arts and Sciences, Faculty of |
(Integrated Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of ) |
Integrated Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of |
Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Department of |
Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences. |
Integrated Brain Sciences, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Integrated Brain Sciences, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Integrative Medicinal Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Integrative Physiology |
Course of Integrated Brain Sciences, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Integrative Physiology, Department of |
Physiological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Intelligent Machines |
Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Intelligent Mechanics |
Mechanical Science, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Intelligent Mechanics |
Mechanical Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Intelligent Mechanics |
Mechanical Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Intelligent Networks and Computer Science |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering |
Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Intelligent Systems |
Information Science and Intelligent Systems, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Intelligent Systems |
Computer Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Intelligent Systems |
知能情報コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Intelligent Systems |
Computer Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Internal Medicine |
Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Internal Medicine, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
(International Center) |
International Oral Health Science Education |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
International Oral Health Science Education |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
International Oral Health Science Education, Department of |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
International Research & Educational Cooperation, Center for |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
J |
Josanjima General Affairs Division |
K |
Kuramoto Branch |
University Library. |
L |
Laboratory Medicine |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Laboratory Science, Major in |
School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Liberal Arts and Sciences, Institute of |
Life and Materials Systems Engineering |
Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
M |
Management Support, Division of |
Center for Technical Support, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Marine Medicinal Resources |
医薬資源学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Material and Device Science |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Material Management and Supply Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Material Science |
Mechanical Science, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Material Science |
Mechanical Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Material Science |
Mechanical Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Material Science and Device |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Material Science and Device |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Material Science and Device |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Maternal and Pediatric Nursing |
Major in Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Maternity and Perinatal Care Unit |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Mathematical Methods in Sciences |
Mathematical Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Mathematical Methods in Sciences |
数理科学コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Mathematical Methods in Sciences |
Mathematical Sciences, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Mathematical Science |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Mathematical Sciences |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Mathematics and Computer Sciences |
Mathematical Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Mathematics and Computer Sciences |
数理科学コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Mathematics and Computer Sciences |
Mathematical Sciences, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Measurement and Control System, Division of |
Center for Technical Support, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Mechanical Engineering |
Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Mechanical Science |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Mechanical Science |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Mechanical Science |
Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Mechanical Science |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Mechanical Science Program |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Mechanical Systems |
Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Medical AI Data Scienc |
Course of Social and Environmental Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Medical AI Data Science, Department of |
Social Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Education |
Course of Social and Environmental Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Medical Education Support, Department of |
教育支援系, 特定研究部門, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Education, Department of |
Social Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Genomics, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Medical Imaging Equipment Engineering, Department of |
Radiological Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Imaging Physics, Department of |
Radiological Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Imaging/Nuclear Medicine, Department of |
Radiological Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Informatics |
Course of Integrated Brain Sciences, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Medical Informatics, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical IT Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Medical Laboratory Sciences |
Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences. |
Medical Laboratory Sciences |
Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences. |
Medical Nutrition |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Nutrition |
Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Nutrition |
Graduate School of Medical Nutrition. |
Medical Nutrition, Graduate School of |
Medical Nutrition, School of |
Faculty of Medicine. |
Medical Oncology, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Pharmacology |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Medical Pharmacology |
Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Medical Pharmacology, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Science |
Graduate School of Medicine. |
Medical Science |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medical Treatment Recovery Care Nursing, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Medicine |
Graduate School of Medicine. |
Medicine, Faculty of |
Medicine, Graduate School of |
Medicine, School of |
Faculty of Medicine. |
Mental Health, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Microbiology |
Course of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Microbiology and Immunology, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Microbiology and Immunology, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Microbiology, Department of |
Pathological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Midwifery, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Minimum Invasive and Telesurgery, Department of |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine |
Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Molecular Medicinal Chemistry |
創薬学講座, School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Molecular Medicinal Chemistry, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Molecular Medicine |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Molecular Medicine, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Molecular Microbiology, Department of |
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Molecular Oral Physiology |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Molecular Pathology |
Course of Diseased Organ and Repair Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Molecular Pathology, Department of |
Pathological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Molecular Pharmacology, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Monodzukuri, Division of |
Center for Technical Support, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Morphological Laboratory Science |
Major in Laboratory Science, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
N |
Natural Medicines |
医薬品探索学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Natural Science |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Natural Science |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Nephrology |
Course of Biological Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Nephrology |
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Nephrology, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Neurobiology and Therapeutics, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Neurology |
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Neurology |
Course of Sensory Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Neurology, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Neurosurgery |
Course of Integrated Brain Sciences, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Neurosurgery |
Department of Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Anesthesiology, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Neurosurgery, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Anesthesiology, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Nursing Art and Science, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Nursing Education, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Nursing Management, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Nursing Science |
Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Nursing Sciences |
Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences. |
Nursing, Division of |
University Hospital. |
Nursing, Major in |
School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Nutrition and Metabolism, Department of |
Medical Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Nutrition and Metabolism, Department of |
Course of Clinical and Applied Nutrition, School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Nutrition Physiology, Department of |
Course of Basic Human Nutrition, School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Nutrition, Division of |
University Hospital. |
Nutritional Physiology, Department of |
Medical Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
O |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Course of Human Development, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Obstetrics snd Gynecology |
Department of Pediatrics,Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Oncological and Regenerative Surgery |
Course of Bioregulation and Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Oncological Medical Services, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Ophthalmology |
Department of Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, and Plastic Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Ophthalmology |
Course of Sensory Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Ophthalmology, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, and Plastic Surgery, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Optical Information Systems |
Computer and Optical Sciences, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Optical Information Systems |
Optical Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Optical Materials and Devices |
Optical Systems Engineering, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Optical Materials and Devices |
Optical Systems Engineering, Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Optical Materials and Devices |
Computer and Optical Sciences, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Optical Materials and Devices |
Optical Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Optical Science |
Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Optical Science Program |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Optical Systems Engineering |
Systems Innovation Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Anatomy, Department of |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics |
Department of General Dentistry, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Function, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology |
Department of General Dentistry, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Surgery, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery |
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Oral Bioscience |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral Bioscience |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral Bioscience, Department of |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Care and Clinical Education, Department of |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Oral Health and Welfare |
Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Health and Welfare, School of |
Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral Health Care and Rehabilitation, Department of |
Oral Health and Welfare, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Health Care Promotion |
School of Oral Health and Welfare, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral Health Care Promotion, Department of |
Oral Health and Welfare, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Health Management Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Oral Health Science and Social Welfare |
School of Oral Health and Welfare, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral Health Science and Social Welfare, Department of |
Oral Health and Welfare, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Health Sciences, Course of |
Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral Implant Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Oral Medicine |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral Medicine |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Surgery, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral Medicine, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Microbiology |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral Microbiology |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral Microbiology, Department of |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Molecular Pathology |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral Molecular Pathology |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral Molecular Pathology, Department of |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Science |
歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Oral Sciences, Course of |
Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral Sciences, Graduate School of |
Oral Surgery |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Oral Surgery |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Surgery, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Oral Surgery, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Organic Synthesis |
医薬資源学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthodontics |
Clinical Dentistry for Promotion and Development, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Orthodontics, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Orthopedic Surgery |
Department of Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, and Plastic Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Orthopedic Surgery, Department of |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Orthopedics |
Course of Pathologic Medicine for Senso-motoric System, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Orthopedics, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Orthoptics |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Otolaryngology and Communicative Neuroscience, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
Department of Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, and Plastic Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Otorhinolaryngology and Communicative Neuroscience |
Course of Sensory Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
P |
Pathologic Medicine for Senso-motoric System, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Pathologic Medicine for Senso-motoric System, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Pathological Science and Technology, Department of |
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pathological Sciences |
Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |
Course of Bioregulation and Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Department of |
Pathological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Patient Safety, Department of |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Patients-Support and Community-Service Centre |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Pediatric Dentistry |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Pediatric Dentistry |
Clinical Dentistry for Promotion and Development, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Pediatric Dentistry, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pediatric Dentistry, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Endoscopic Surgery |
Department of Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Pediatrics |
Course of Human Development, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Pediatrics |
Department of Pediatrics,Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Pediatrics and Community Medicine, Department of |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Pediatrics, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pediatrics,Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Periodontology and Endodontology |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Periodontology and Endodontology |
Department of General Dentistry, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Periodontology and Endodontology |
Clinical Dentistry for Oral Health and Function, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Periodontology and Endodontology, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Phamaceutical Information Science |
Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Educational Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Health Chemistry |
創薬学講座, School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Health Chemistry, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Information Science, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry |
創薬学講座, School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Science |
薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Educational Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of |
総合薬学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of |
Pharmaceutical Technosciences, School of |
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Pharmacognosy, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmacology |
Course of Biological Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Pharmacology, Department of |
Physiological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Pharmacy |
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Pharmacy, Division of |
University Hospital. |
Physical Sciences |
Natural Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Physical Sciences |
自然科学コース, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Physical Sciences |
Natural Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Physico-chemical and Materials Sciences |
Applied Chemistry, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Physico-chemical and Materials Sciences |
Applied Chemistry, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Physico-chemical and Materials Sciences |
Applied Chemistry, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Physicochermistry and Material Science |
Chemical Science and Technology, Life and Materials Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Physiological Sciences |
Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Planning and Design Systems Engineering for Infrastructures |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery |
Course of Pathologic Medicine for Senso-motoric System, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Plastic · Aesthetic Surgery |
Department of Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, and Plastic Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Post-graduate Medical Education Hospital, Center for |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Post-LED Photonics, Institute of |
Preventive Dentistry |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Preventive Dentistry |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
Preventive Dentistry, Department of |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Preventive Environment and Nutrition, Department of |
Medical Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Preventive Environment and Nutrition, Department of |
Course of Basic Human Nutrition, School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Preventive Medicine, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Preventive Medicine, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Production Engineering |
Mechanical Science, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Production Engineering |
Mechanical Science, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Production Engineering |
Mechanical Science, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Production Systems Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
(Professors Emeriti) |
Psychiatry |
Course of Integrated Brain Sciences, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Psychiatry |
Department of Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Anesthesiology, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Psychiatry, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Psychosomatic Medicine |
Department of Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Anesthesiology, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Public Health |
Social Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Public Health |
Course of Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Public Health and Applied Nutrition, Department of |
Medical Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Public Health and Applied Nutrition, Department of |
Course of Clinical and Applied Nutrition, School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Q |
R |
Radiation Oncology |
Department of Radiology, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Radiation Science and Technology, Department of |
Radiological Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Radiologic Science and Engineering |
Major in Radiologic Science, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Radiologic Science, Major in |
School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Radiologic Technology |
Major in Radiologic Science, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. |
Radiological Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Radiological Sciences |
Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Radiology |
Course of Bioregulation and Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Radiology, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Regioal Neurosurgery |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Regioal Neurosurgery |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Regional and Environmental Planning |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Regional and Environmental Planning |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Regional and Environmental Planning |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Regional Development |
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Regional Science |
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences. |
Rehabilitation |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Reproductive and Menopausal Medicine, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Research Administration & Collaboration, Center for |
Research Center for Education of Health Bioscience |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Research Center for Higher Education |
Research Center for Management of Disaster and Environment |
Research Clusters |
Research Clusters |
Research Clusters. |
Research Clusters |
Research Clusters. |
Research Clusters (Prioritized) |
Research Clusters. |
Research Clusters (Registered) |
Research Clusters. |
Research Clusters (Selected) |
Research Clusters. |
Research Clusters (Specified) |
Research Clusters. |
Respiratory and Rheumatology Medicine |
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Respiratory Medicine and Rheumatology |
Course of Bioregulation and Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Respiratory Medicine and Rheumatology, Department of |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
S |
School Health Nursing, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Science and Technology |
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Science and Technology, Department of |
Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Science and Technology, Division of |
Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Science and Technology, Faculty of |
(Science and Technology, Graduate School of ) |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation |
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Graduate School of |
Sensory Neuroscience, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Sensory Neuroscience, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Shikoku Innovative and Collaborative Organization for Industry, Academia and Government |
Social and Environmental Medicine, Course of |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
Social and Environmental Medicine, Course of |
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Social and Infrastructure System Program |
Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Social Medicine |
Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
(Staff Counseling Room) |
Stomatognathic Function and Occlusal Reconstruction |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Stomatognathic Function and Occlusal Reconstruction, Department of |
Clinical Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Structural Engineering |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Structures and Materials |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Structures and Materials |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Structures and Materials |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Student Affairs Department |
Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
Support Center for Advanced Medical Sciences |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Support Center for Medical Education |
Faculty of Medicine. |
Support Office of Frontier Oral Science in Faculty of Dentistry |
Faculty of Dentistry. |
Surgery |
Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Surgery, Department of |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Surgical Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Synthetic and Polymer Chemistry |
Applied Chemistry, Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Synthetic and Polymer Chemistry |
Applied Chemistry, Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Synthetic and Polymer Chemistry |
Chemical Science and Technology, Life and Materials Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
Synthetic and Polymer Chemistry |
Applied Chemistry, Science and Technology, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation. |
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Department of |
Integrative Medicinal Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Systems Innovation Engineering |
Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science. |
T |
Teacher Education, Center for |
Technical Support Department |
Technical Support, Center for |
Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Graduate School of |
Theoretical Chemistry for Drug Discavery |
創薬学講座, School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
Theoretical Chemistry for Drug Discovery, Department of |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Therapeutic Nutrition |
Course of Clinical and Applied Nutrition, School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
Therapeutic Nutrition, Department of |
Medical Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Therapeutic Radiology, Department of |
Radiological Sciences, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Thoracic Surgery |
Department of Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Thoracic, Endocrine Surgery and Oncology, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Tissue Regeneration |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
Tissue Regeneration, Department of |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
Tokushima Community Medical Support Center |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
Tokushima University |
Transdisciplinary Program for Medicine, Photonics, and Engineering |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
U |
(University Extension, Center for ) |
University Hospital |
University Library |
URA部門 |
Technical Support Department. |
Urology |
Department of Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
Urology |
Course of Diseased Organ and Repair Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
Urology, Department of |
Surgery, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
V |
W |
Women's Health Nursing, Department of |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
X |
Y |
Z |
がん看護学 |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
ものづくりグループ |
常三島技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
アドミッション部門 |
Research Center for Higher Education. |
キャリア支援部門 |
Research Center for Higher Education. |
ゲノム医療センター |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
スポーツ健康分野 |
人間科学系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
ヨーロッパ分野 |
国際教養系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
人事課 |
法人運営部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
人間科学系 |
社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
保健学域 |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端保健学教育研究プロジェクト |
保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端医学教育研究プロジェクト |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端医療研究部門 |
Support Center for Advanced Medical Sciences, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端医療開発研究プロジェクト |
University Hospital. |
先端医科医療開発研究プロジェクト |
University Hospital. |
先端基礎医学教育研究プロジェクト |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端基礎栄養学教育研究プロジェクト |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端基礎歯学教育研究プロジェクト |
歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端歯学教育研究プロジェクト |
歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端歯科医療開発研究プロジェクト |
University Hospital. |
先端理工学教育研究プロジェクト |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
先端臨床医学教育研究プロジェクト |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端臨床歯学教育研究プロジェクト |
歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
先端薬学教育研究プロジェクト |
薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
共同研究講座 |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
再生歯科治療学 |
口腔健康科学講座, Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
分析グループ |
常三島技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
創薬学講座 |
School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
創薬有機化学 |
Integrative Medicinal Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, 薬学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
創薬有機化学 |
医薬資源学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
動物生産技術共同研究講座 |
Division of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
医学域 |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
医科診療部門 |
University Hospital. |
医薬品探索学講座 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
医薬資源学講座 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
協力講座 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
口腔保健医療管理学 |
Oral Health and Welfare, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
口腔健康科学講座 |
Course of Oral Sciences, Graduate School of Oral Sciences. |
口腔内科 |
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
口腔生理学 |
Basic Dentistry, Oral Science, 歯学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
口腔生理学 |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
図書情報課 |
Academic Information Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
国際教養系 |
社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
国際課 |
Student Affairs Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
地元創成看護学 |
Nursing Science, Health Science, 保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
地域デザインコース |
Department of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences. |
地域デザイン系 |
社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
地域リウマチ・総合内科学 |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
地域・家庭医療学 |
Internal Medicine, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
地域創生課 |
法人運営部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
地域協働グループ |
常三島技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
地域協働分野 |
Center for Technical Support, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
地域呼吸器・総合内科学 |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
地域呼吸器・血液・代謝内科学 |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
地域循環器内科学 |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
地域消化器・総合内科学 |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
地域産業創生事業推進課 |
研究・産学連携部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
地域科学分野 |
地域デザイン系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
地域脳神経医療学 |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
地域運動器・スポーツ医学 |
Contribution, Endwed Collaborative Research, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
基幹研究部門 |
Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences. |
大学経営企画課 |
経営企画部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
学修支援部門 |
Research Center for Higher Education. |
学生支援課 |
Student Affairs Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
学長裁量プロジェクト |
University Hospital. |
学長裁量プロジェクト |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
学長裁量経費 |
Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
常三島会計課 |
経理部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
常三島技術部門 |
Technical Support Department. |
常三島施設課 |
Facilities Planning and Management Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
常三島研究・産学支援課 |
研究・産学連携部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
心理学分野 |
人間科学系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
情報システムグループ |
常三島技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
情報・表現分野 |
地域デザイン系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
情報企画課 |
Academic Information Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
技術開発支援部門 |
Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences. |
救急科 |
Clinical Division, University Hospital. |
教育の質保証支援室 |
Research Center for Higher Education. |
教育支援系 |
特定研究部門, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
教育支援課 |
Student Affairs Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
教育改革推進部門 |
Research Center for Higher Education. |
数理科学コース |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
日本・アジア分野 |
国際教養系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
機能解析グループ |
蔵本技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
歯学域 |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
歯科診療部門 |
University Hospital. |
法人運営部 |
Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
法律・政治分野 |
地域デザイン系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
特定研究部門 |
医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
生命医療薬学講座 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
生命薬理学 |
医薬品探索学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
生涯健康支援学領域 |
Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences. |
生物薬品化学(ゲノム:蛋白質発現分野) |
協力講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
生物資源産業学部事務課 |
Josanjima General Affairs Division. |
看護リカレント教育センター |
保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
知能情報コース |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
研究・産学企画課 |
研究・産学連携部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
研究・産学連携部 |
Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
研究開発支援グループ |
蔵本技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
社会総合科学域 |
Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
秘書課 |
法人運営部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
管理運営グループ |
常三島技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
管理運営グループ |
蔵本技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
組織再生制御学 |
Basic Oral Sciences, Course in Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. |
経営マネジメント課 |
経営企画部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
経営企画部 |
Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
経済・経営分野 |
地域デザイン系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
経理課 |
経理部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
経理部 |
Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
総務課 |
法人運営部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
総合臨床研究センター |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |
総合薬学講座 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
臨床薬学実務教育学 |
総合薬学講座, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
自然科学コース |
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. |
英語圏分野 |
国際教養系, 社会総合科学域, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences. |
蔵本会計課 |
経理部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
蔵本技術部門 |
Technical Support Department. |
蔵本施設課 |
Facilities Planning and Management Department, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
蔵本研究・産学支援課 |
研究・産学連携部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
薬学域 |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
製薬学講座 |
School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
解剖・グローバル教育グループ |
蔵本技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
計測制御システムグループ |
常三島技術部門, Technical Support Department. |
資産管理課 |
経理部, Administrative Head Office (Headquarters). |
連携研究部門(保健学域) |
保健学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
遺伝情報医学 |
Physiological Sciences, Medical Science, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
遺伝情報医学分野 |
Course of Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. |
酵素・プロテオミクス医学講座 |
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine. |
重点研究部門 |
Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences. |
附属医薬創製教育研究センター |
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
食品栄養学 |
Medical Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, 医学域, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. |
食品栄養学 |
Course of Basic Human Nutrition, School of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine. |
高度先進整形外科診療部 |
Central Clinical Facilities, University Hospital. |